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40 files

  1. SF2 Vietnam Scooters

    SF Vietnam Scooters - v0.95
    *** SF2, SF2V required. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    This pack includes 111 Skins for Thirdwires A-4 Skyhawk-models during Vietnam war from 1964 to 1972. It combines the former v0.01 and v0.02 releases into 1 pack.
    The data.inis for the planes itself are changed from the stockfiles (rearranged weaponsstations, added invisible skids for belly-landings, added new droptanks and missilerails, etc.).
    Sometimes a skin is provided for 2 different Skyhawk-models. This is done to represent different changes througout an ongoing deployment:
    - transition from one Skyhawk-variant to another (for example A-4E to A-4F)
    - retrofit of ECM-equipment (Project Shoehorn) (A-4C to A-4C_65, A-4E to A-4E_65, A-4E_65 to A-4E_67)
    - change in Camouflage (VA-155)
    Skins included (Timeframe 1964 to 1972):
    (compl.) means, that skins, for all deployments to Vietnam are finished for a squadron.
    Navy Squadrons:
    VA-12 Flying Ubangis (compl.)
    VA-15 Valions (1 of 2)
    VA-22 Fighting Redcocks (compl.)
    VA-23 Black Knights (compl.)
    VA-34 Blue Blasters (compl.)
    VA-36 Roadrunners (compl.)
    VA-46 Clansmen (compl.)
    VA-55 Warhorses (4 of 7)
    VA-56 Champions (compl.)
    VA-72 Blue Hawks (compl.)
    VA-76 Spirits (1 of 2)
    VA-93 Blue Blazers (1 of 4)
    VA-94 Mighty Shrikes (3 of 6)
    VA-95 Green Lizards (compl.)
    VA-106 Gladiators (compl.)
    VA-112 Broncos (compl.)
    VA-113 Stingers (1 of 3)
    VA-144 Roadrunners (5 of 6)
    VA-146 Blue Diamonds (1 of 3)
    VA-152 Fighting Aces (compl.)
    VA-153 Blue Tail Flies (compl.)
    VA-155 Silver Foxes (compl.)
    VA-163 Saints (compl.)
    VA-164 Ghost Riders (compl.)
    VA-172 Blue Bolts (compl.)
    VA-192 Golden Dragons (compl.)
    VA-195 Dambusters (4 of 5)
    VA-212 Rampant Raiders (compl.)
    VA-216 Black Diamonds (1 of 3)
    Marines Squadrons:
    VMA-121 Green Knights (compl.)
    VMA-211 Wake Island Avengers (1 of 4)
    VMA-214 Black Sheep (compl.)
    VMA-223 Bulldogs (compl.)
    VMA-225 Vagabonds (compl.)
    VMA-311 Tomcats (1 of 6)
    H&MS-15 Angels (compl.)

    Unfortunately I failed at finishing this MOD! For different reasons, I decided to not invest any more time into this.
    I hope you can still enjoy this pack. Have fun!
    Unpacking and installation:
    !!! IMPORTANT !!!
    !!! I recommend using this pack for a standalone-Vietnam-War MOD-folder, as planes.inis are changed accordingly
    !!! That means, that no exportusers are in userlist.ini
    Backup your A-4B. A-4B_65, A-4C, A-4C_65, A-4E, A-4E_65, A-4E_67 and A-4F planefolders, as .inis will be overwritten
    1. Create a temporary folder, copy all 3 zip-files into that folder and unpack them into this folder (overwrite is ok)
    Info: If you do NOT want to include the changed data.inis to your installation, just go to all planes-folders in the temporary folder (Objects/Aircraft/A-4B, etc.) and delete all ini.files in each planes-folder.
    2. open "Put_Contents_In_Your_MOD_Folder" from the temporary folder and copy the contents you want to your Vietnam-MOD-folder
    3. if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'
    4. Thats it!
    - Thirdwire and TK the game and models
    - FastCargo for the fakepilot
    - Alejandro for Escapac-Seat
    - OldDiego for pilotmodels
    - ravenclaw_007 for AGM-12C+E Bullpup
    - ???? for Walleye_I model
    - ???? for sounds
    - me - template, skins, decals, ini- and 3D-work of tanks, rails and addons, walleye-repaint
    This MOD or parts of it may not be included in any PAYWARE-packs, PAYWARE-mods or "PAY"-related. It is free!
    If you use the MOD or parts of it, you should give proper credits.


       (2 reviews)



  2. A4-AR Fightinghawk Skin Grupo 5 de Caza

    Esta es una skin para el A4-AR Fightinghawk basado en la pintura real del mismo. El A-4AR Fightinghawk es actualmente usado por el Grupo 5 de Caza (G5C) con base en Villa Reynolds, provincia de San Luis.
    Esta skin esta hecha desde cero hasta inclusive las calcas, que debido a que no encontré en alta definición las hice a mano. Si hay algún dato que le de mas precisión a la skin siéntanse libres de hacérmelo saber para tener en cuenta en una futura actualización.
    Créditos para Nyghtfall por las plantillas que utilicé a la hora de crear la skin, y para The Banidos Team por la aeronave (mod necesario para el funcionamiento de la skin).
    Siéntanse libres de modificar la skin con la única condición de que me den el crédito necesario, ya que este trabajo me costo horas de trabajo.
    Sin nada mas que agregar, suerte y éxitos.
    This is a skin for the A4-AR Fightinghawk based on the actual painting of it. The A-4AR Fightinghawk is currently used by Grupo 5 de Caza (G5C) based in Villa Reynolds, San Luis province.
    This skin is made from scratch, including the decals, which because I couldn't find them in high definition, I made them by hand. If there is any information that gives the skin more precision, feel free to let me know so I can take it into account in a future update.
    Credits to Nyghtfall for the templates I used to create the skin, and to The Banidos Team for the aircraft (mod needed for the skin to work).
    Feel free to modify the skin with the only condition that you give me the necessary credit, since this work cost me hours of work.
    With nothing more to add, good luck and success.


       (0 reviews)



  3. SF2NA A-4C_65 Pack

    SF2NA A-4C_65 Pack
    = Tested in SF2NA, Full-5 Merged
    This project started as a personal customization to improve historically the skins for the CVW-1 A-4C_65's Squadrons  aboard JFK in her maiden cruise.
    So,I realize them basically to be used in the Northern Sabre 69 present in the SF2NA Expansion Pack.
    The skins are based on the superb Nyghtfall's templates,so much of the credit will be deserved by him.
    All the decals was done by me.
    All the Bu.Nos are historically correct for all three Squadrons.
    To Install:
    As always raccomended,all in the relative folders in your game(s)
    3W for the A-4C_65 model.
    Nyghtfall for his  beautiful template
    Me for the decals and the small improvements

    Know issue:

    The only issue is common to all three skins: I collected all the Bu.Nos. assigned to all three Squadron, but was unable to associate the specific Modexes to some of them, so I'll be a bit licensing about this aspect
    Legal note:
    This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware addition.
    Gianni "RustyKurnass" Coniglio


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  4. A4-AR Fightinghawk Skin Grupo 5 de Caza 82' (Ficcional)

    Esta es una skin para el A4-AR Fightinghawk inspirado en el idolatrado A-4P (B) Skyhawk de la gesta de Malvinas, famosa por ser el grupo de el capitán Pablo Carballo y el teniente Carlos Rinke. Además de su participación elevada en ataque a buques británicos.
    Esta skin solamente está inspirada en la pintura de los A-4P Skyhawk usados en el 82, por ende se pueden observar ciertas libertades como un logo en mayor definicion o la marca de los buques hundidos que se hicieron en posguerra.
    Créditos para Nyghtfall por las plantillas que utilicé a la hora de crear la skin, y para The Banidos Team por la aeronave (mod necesario para el funcionamiento de la skin).
    Siéntanse libres de modificar la skin con la única condición de que me den el crédito necesario, ya que este trabajo me costo horas de trabajo.
    Sin nada mas que agregar, suerte y éxitos.
    This is a skin for the A4-AR Fightinghawk inspired by the idolized A-4P (B) Skyhawk from the Malvinas deed, famous for being the group of Captain Pablo Carballo and Lieutenant Carlos Rinke. In addition to its high participation in attacks on British ships.
    This skin is only inspired by the painting of the A-4P Skyhawk used in 1982, therefore certain freedoms can be observed such as a higher definition logo or the mark of the sunken ships that were made in the postwar period.
    Credits to Nyghtfall for the templates I used to create the skin, and to The Banidos Team for the aircraft (mod needed for the skin to work).
    Feel free to modify the skin with the only condition that you give me the necessary credit, since this work cost me hours of work.
    With nothing more to add, good luck and success.


       (1 review)



  5. A4-AR Fightinghawk Skin 2ª Escuadrilla Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque (Ficcional)

    Esta es una skin para el A4-AR Fightinghawk inspirado en el Super Étendard de la Segunda Escuadrilla Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque, famosa por dirigir los ataques con los misiles AM-39 Exocet logrando hundir con los mismos a dos buques britanicos.
    Esta skin solamente está inspirada en la pintura del Super Étendard, pero al tratarse de un avión totalmente distinto la skin busca parecerse a la pintura del Super Étendard  pero tratando de mantener la esencia del A-4AR.
    Créditos para Nyghtfall por las plantillas que utilicé a la hora de crear la skin, y para The Banidos Team por la aeronave (mod necesario para el funcionamiento de la skin).
    Siéntanse libres de modificar la skin con la única condición de que me den el crédito necesario, ya que este trabajo me costo horas de trabajo.
    Sin nada mas que agregar, suerte y éxitos.
    This is a skin for the A4-AR Fightinghawk inspired by the Super Étendard of the Second Fighter and Attack Naval Air Squadron, famous for directing attacks with AM-39 Exocet missiles, sinking two British ships with them.
    This skin is only inspired by the painting of the Super Étendard, but since it is a totally different plane, the skin seeks to resemble the painting of the Super Étendard but trying to maintain the essence of the A-4AR.
    Credits to Nyghtfall for the templates I used to create the skin, and to The Banidos Team for the aircraft (mod needed for the skin to work).
    Feel free to modify the skin with the only condition that you give me the necessary credit, since this work cost me hours of work.
    With nothing more to add, good luck and success.


       (2 reviews)



  6. A4-AR Fightinghawk Skin 3ª Escuadrilla Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque (Ficcional)

    Esta es una skin para el A4-AR Fightinghawk inspirado en el famoso A-4Q de la Tercera Escuadrilla Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque, que operaba en el principio del conflicto de Malvinas desde el portaaviones ARA 25 de Mayo.
    Esta skin solamente está inspirada en la pintura del A-4Q, por ende tal vez haya pequeños detalles históricos que hayan sido pasados por alto. Además de ciertas diferencias en el diseño de el A-4AR que hacen que la pintura sea todavía mas modificada para que coincida con el mismo.
    Créditos para Nyghtfall por las plantillas que utilicé a la hora de crear la skin, y para The Banidos Team por la aeronave (mod necesario para el funcionamiento de la skin).
    Siéntanse libres de modificar la skin con la única condición de que me den el crédito necesario, ya que este trabajo me costo horas de trabajo.
    Sin nada mas que agregar, suerte y éxitos.
    This is a skin for the A4-AR Fightinghawk inspired by the famous A-4Q of the Third Naval Air Squadron for Fighter and Attack, which operated at the beginning of the Malvinas conflict from the aircraft carrier ARA 25 de Mayo.
    This skin is only inspired by the painting of the A-4Q, therefore there may be small historical details that have been overlooked. In addition to certain differences in the design of the A-4AR that make the painting even more modified to match it.
    Credits to Nyghtfall for the templates I used to create the skin, and to The Banidos Team for the aircraft (mod needed for the skin to work).
    Feel free to modify the skin with the only condition that you give me the necessary credit, since this work cost me hours of work.
    With nothing more to add, good luck and success.


       (1 review)



  7. A4-AR Fightinghawk Skin V Brigada Aérea "El Tordillo" (Ficcional)

    Esta es una skin para el A4-AR Fightinghawk inspirado en el A-4P Skyhawk sin pintar del Grupo V de Caza, mas conocido por su apodo "El Tordillo" debido a su similitud con el caballo. El Tordillo se hizo famoso por deshabilitar el HMS Argonaut y el hundimiento del Sir Tristam en el famoso ataque aéreo de bahía Agradable. El matricula C-222 era bastante divisible debido a su falta de camuflaje y este era a su vez uno de los rasgos mas destacables del mismo
    Esta skin solamente está inspirada en la pintura del A-4P matricula C-222, sin embargo puede no ser exacto históricamente en algunos aspectos debido al modelo distinto de la aeronave.
    Créditos para Nyghtfall por las plantillas que utilicé a la hora de crear la skin, y para The Banidos Team por la aeronave (mod necesario para el funcionamiento de la skin).
    Siéntanse libres de modificar la skin con la única condición de que me den el crédito necesario. Seria un descaro decir que me costo muchas horas de trabajo debida a la sencillez del camuflaje en si, pero si tuvo laburo por mi parte.
    Sin nada mas que agregar, suerte y éxitos.
    This is a skin for the A4-AR Fightinghawk inspired by the unpainted A-4P Skyhawk of Fighter Group V, better known by its nickname "El Tordillo" due to its similarity with the horse. El Tordillo became famous for disabling the HMS Argonaut and sinking the Sir Tristam in the famous Pleasant Bay air raid. The C-222 license plate was quite divisible due to its lack of camouflage and this was in turn one of its most notable features.
    This skin is only inspired by the painting of the A-4P license plate C-222, however it may not be historically accurate in some aspects due to the different model of the aircraft.
    Credits to Nyghtfall for the templates I used to create the skin, and to The Banidos Team for the aircraft (mod needed for the skin to work).
    Feel free to modify the skin with the only condition that you give me the necessary credit. It would be cheeky to say that it cost me many hours of work due to the simplicity of the camouflage itself, but it did take work on my part.
    With nothing more to add, good luck and success.


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  8. SF2 A-4C(65) VA-113 'Stingers' Camo Skin Pack

    SF2 A-4C(65) VA-113 'Stingers' Camo Skin Pack             9/4/2019
    -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended)
    This is a new skin for the A-4C_65 Skyhawk, representing VA-113 "Stingers" during their Oct 1965-June 1966 deployment in South East Asia aboard USS Kitty Hawk. They were painted in an experimental 2-tone green camoflague, as were many other aircraft of CVW-11 at this time.
    The skin is in jpg format, in 2048x, from Nyghtfall's templates. 12 95% historically accurate Bunum decals are included. Decal randomization is TRUE. On the number list, those marked with a star (*) represent a combat or operational loss. The single number marked with the cross (+) is  "best guess", as the squadron listing did =NOT= have a BuNum for A/C 305. The SF2 Date switch is NOT used; you will have to select this skin for each member of you flight. 
    When in-game, on the aircraft selection drop down, Skin selection window you'll see:
    VA-113 (Camo 1965-66)
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. 

    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  9. Aggressor Camo Skin for A-4F '74 (fictional)

    Aggressor Camo Skin for A-4F '74 (fictional)
    version 1.0
    by Gerwin 17-7-2018
    Made for The Strike Fighters 2 A-4F '74 model. For use by the player or
    by a new nation which can be called "Aggressor" in the Nations.ini.
    This skin is part of a Skin set, all in the same style, by the same author.
    It can also be applied to the A-4G DLC, which can serve as a sleeker
    fighter version with 4 Sidewinder missile rails.

    Copy the included folder with contents to the folder that contains
    the A-4F '74  files, for example:
    My Documents\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Objects\Aircraft\A-4F_74

    Sample entries for a new nation called "Aggressor":
    Add to Flight\Nations.ini, at an appropriate number XXX:
    DisplayName=Aggressor Red Air Force
    Add to A-4F_74__UserList.ini:

    Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games.
    Camo pattern initially based on A-4F 'Super Fox/ Mongoose' by dtmdragon, for A-4G DLC


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  10. VA-34 A-4B Skyhawk Bay of Pigs

    During the 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion VA-34 A-4B Skyhaks from the USS Essex flew a CAP/ escort mission with the intention of protecting the Rebal A-26 Invaders but due to a timing cock up were an hour late and missed engaging the Cuban T-33A fighters.  They also flew multiple reconnaissance flights over the invasion beach throughout the incident. Due to President Kennedy insisting that there be no proof of US involvement the Skyhawks had their USN markings painted over. There are no photos of these aircraft and very few of VA-34 during that time period so I have based these skins off the only photo I can find specifically of VA-34 during the Bay of Pigs Invasion as well as one from later that year. These photos are of aircraft that did not have their markings painted over however. There is an alternative skin based on a drawing Statos posted which I think makes a way cooler looking Aircraft but is unlikely to be historically accurate.
    Credit goes to TW, Stratos and Nyghtfall.
    If you do create a Bay of Pigs USN A-4B v FAR T-33A remember the A-4B could not carry the AIM-9 at this point and Skyhawks operating over Cuba just had two wing drop tanks plus thier 20mm cannons. Change the Aircraft role from 'attack' to 'fighter' in the A-4B_data.ini file if you want better AI performance from your wingmen.


       (0 reviews)



  11. SF2 A-4 Skyhawk "Southland Scooters" Skin/Decals Pack

    SF2 A-4 Skyhawk "Southland Scooters" Skin/Decals Pack              3/2/2018
    = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) =
    *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4C_65 & A-4F*
    2 new skins for a couple of the stock 3W Skyhawks. These represent "local" A-4 units from
    Southern California; my home turf! :) They are either Reserve Squadron (VA-305) or a Service,
    Support, Training Unit (VC-7).
    Also included for the A-4F, are a modified Data and loadout inis, correcting/adding to the
    Mission tasking loadouts.  Several new parts are included that correct and add the missing outer
    Sidewinder rails. Both aircraft get the Player operated manual canopy, and landing light. 
    The skins included are for:
    VA-305 "Lobos" based at NAS (now JFB) Los Alamitos *-see notes-*
    VC-7 "Tallyhoers" (or Redtails) based at NAS Miramar

    Skins are brand new, from Nyghtfall's templates, and are in jpg format. Most markings are
    decals, excepting certain squadron tags on the tail fin & rudder (VC-7 and/or fuselage bands
    (VA-305).  These had to be painted on due to number-of-decals-per-mesh restrictions. All BuNums
    are historiclly correct for aircraft used by both squardrons; unfortunately, they could not all
    be matched to their corresponding Modex. On the Loadout screen's individual aircraft dropdown
    listing, those marked with a star (*) are matched.
    Also added, via Magical Ini Dancing (tm) are missile rails for the OUTBOARD pylons on the A-4F,
    as is correct for all 5-hardpointed Skyhawks. These are added via the loadout ini through
    various jiggery-pokery and at great expense. They are only used in the "Air-to-Air" tasking (and
    Recon), and will/do not effect any Strike, CAS, Auntie-Ship or other attack missions.
    These modification can also be added, using the same data ini edits, to all the A-4E and later
    models. With some luck, they will =NOT= interfere with any of the Skyhawks released by
    Nyghtfall. If in doubt, back up your original data and loadout inis before installing.
    The canopy uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0.
    When on the Loadout screen, for skin/squadron selection, on the Dropdown menu you'll see
    VA-305 Lobos (NAS Los Alamitos 70/71)
    VC-7 Redtails (NAS Miramar 1973-80)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read
    them .... Also, DO give the Notes section a read as well, for enlightenments, illuminations, and
    general ramblings. With MANY thanks to Nyghtfall for his invaluable assistance!!! :)
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  12. SF2 A-4B Skyhawk VA-95 Det Q Skin/Decals Pack

    SF2 A-4B Skyhawk VA-95 Det Q Skin/Decals Pack              2/15/2018
    = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) =
    *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4B*
    A new skin for the A-4B Skyhawk. Also included, are a modified Data and loadout inis, correcting/adding to the Mission tasking loadouts, Player operated manual canopy, and the landing light.
    The skin included is for:
    VA-95, Det.Q
    embarked aboard USS BENNINGTON (CVS-20) circa 1964/64, in the Western Pacific
    When in-game, on the skin selection dropdown panel, you'll see:
    VA-95 Det Q (CVS-20,1964)
    Skins remain in their "as issued via 3W" stock bmp format. Most markings are decals, excepting certain color tags or other markings on the rudder   These had to be painted on due to number-of-decals-per-mesh restrictions. There are 10 Modex and serial numbers (BuNums). All BuAerNums ARE historiclly correct; but not all could be matched to their corresponding Modex. 
    Historically speaking, these A-4 squadrons (and/or detachments) were assigned to the Essex class carriers that had been convered to "CVS" or anti-submarine warfare carriers. The Skyhawks embarked were not only tasked with light strike, but Combat Air Patrols to protect the ship and the ASW assets.
    The canopy uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0.
    When in-game, on the skin selection dropdown panel, you'll see:
    VA-93 Det Q (CVS-20,1964)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... 
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  13. SF2 A-4B Skyhawk VA-12 Skin/Decals Pack  

    SF2 A-4B Skyhawk VA-12 Skin/Decals Pack              2/25/2018
    = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) =
    *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4B*
    A new skin for the A-4B Skyhawk. The skin included is for:
    VA-12 Flying Ubangis , 
    as embarked aboard USS Shangri-la (CVA-38), in the North Atlantic & Mediterranean circa 1960/61 
    Skins remain in their "as issued via 3W" stock bmp format. Most markings are decals, excepting certain squadron color tags on the rudder and fuselage.  These had to be painted on, simply because it was much easier. There are 24 Modex numbers and serial numbers (BuNums). BuNums are historiclly correct; unfortunately, they could not be matched to their corresponding Modex.
    When on the Loadout screen, for skin/squadron selection, on the Dropdown menu you'll see
    VA-12 Flying Ubangis (1960/61)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Also, DO give the Notes section a read as well, for enlightenments, illuminations, and general ramblings. 
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  14. SF2 A-4E (67) Skyhawk VA-45 Skin/Decals Pack 

    SF2 A-4E (67) Skyhawk VA-45 Skin/Decals Pack              1/25/2018
    = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) =
    *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4E_67*
    A new skin for the A-4E (67) Skyhawk. Also included, are a modified Data and loadout inis, correcting/adding to the Mission tasking, loadouts, Player operated manual canopy, and the landing light. Several new parts are included that correct and add the missing outer Sidewinder rails.
    The skin included is for:
    VA-45, Det.1
    embarked aboard USS INTREPID circa 1972-73, in the North Atlantic & Mediterranean as part of CVSG-56.
    Skins remain in their "as issued via 3W" stock bmp format. Most markings are decals, excepting certain squadron tags on the rudder.  These had to be painted on due to number-of-decals-per-mesh restrictions. There are 18 Modex numbers and serial numbers (BuNums). VA-45's BuNums are historiclly correct; unfortunately, they could not be matched to their corresponding Modex.
    Also added, via Magical Ini Dancing (tm) are missile rails for the OUTBOARD pylons, as is correct for all 5-hard-pointed Skyhawks. These are added via the loadout ini through various magical transformations and incantations. They are only used in the "Air-to-Air" tasking (and Recon), and will/do not effect any Strike, CAS, Auntie-Ship or other attack missions.
    These modification can also be added, using the same data ini edits, to all the A-4E and later models. A lightened and brightened gunsight tga is also included for those of us with weaker eyes.
    Historically speaking, these A-4 squadrons (and/or detachments) were assigned to the Essex class carriers that had been convered to "CVS" or anti-submarine warfare carriers. The Skyhawks embarked were not only tasked with light strike, but Combat Air Patrols to protect the ship and the ASW assets.
    The canopy uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0.
    When on the Loadout screen, for skin/squadron selection, on the Dropdown menu you'll see
    VA-45 Blackbirds Det 1 (CVS-11 1972-3)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Also, DO give the Notes section a read as well, for enlightenments, illuminations, and general ramblings. With MANY thanks to Nyghtfall for his invaluable assistance!!! :)
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  15. NATC A4D (A-4A) Skyhawk

    Here is a skin for the A4D (A-4A) Skyhawk from the Naval Air Test Center at Pax River, Md.
    Pax River was heavily involved in the early, and future, development of the Skyhawk as it replaced the Skyraider in the light attack and nuclear strike role on board carriers.


       (3 reviews)



  16. VX-5 A4D-2 (A-4B) Skyhawk

    Here is a skin for the A4D-2 (A-4B) Skyhawk from VX-5 'Vampires", based at China Lake, Ca.


       (2 reviews)



  17. NOTU A-4E Skyhawk

    My latest Flight Test scheme is an A-4E Skyhawk from the Naval Air Test Center, Ordnance Test Unit, China Lake, circa 1968.
    To install, simply drop everything into your MOD folder.
    I've included the VHF antenna Russouk2004 made for me, as the TW stock A-4E was missing it. It's already added to the jet via my enclosed DATA.ini file.
    Please add the following text to the SquadronList.ini
    DisplayName=VX-31 Red Devils
    I know Test schemes aren't for everyone, so for those that appreciate the old days of Flight Test, this is for you.
    Thanks again to Russouk2004 for the antenna, And Wrench for the assist with the aux fuel tank decal tip. And of course TK for the base files.
    -Jeff "Storm" Stoermer


       (1 review)



  18. NAWS China Lake A-4C

    Here is a skin for the A-4C_65 Skyhawk from VX-31 "Red Devils" based at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, Ca. circa 1965.


       (3 reviews)



  19. A-4M USMC Low-vis Grey Skin

    USMC Low Vis Grey skin for my SF2 A-4M
    Simply drop files in correct locations.
    Credit to Third Wire and Mirage factory for thier grey A-4 Echo skin I used as a base


       (2 reviews)



  20. A-4G Skins SF2 & SFV2

    Two Skins for SF2 & SFV2 A-4E_65. Screenshots in zip


       (1 review)



  21. SF2 Scooters! Vol.3 Skinpack for TW A-4

    Scooters! Vol.3 Skinpack for Thirdwire A-4 Skyhawks by Nyghtfall v1.0
    *** SF2, SF2V required. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    *** DLC 019 A-4L for 1 Skin ***
    For this pack I used a somewhat different approach. While playing campaigns, your plane gets upgraded from time to time or the plane changes to a new variant. So I did skins for the upgradepath of some squadrons, that flew in Rolling Thunder Campaign in addition to the ones I already did for the following: VA-153 Blue Tail Flies (2 more in Redux), VA-155 Silver Foxes (completly new) and VA-192 Golden Dragons (2 more in Redux). VA-56 Champions is completely new and included upon special request. And last but not least I did 2 special skins for VMA-142 just for fun and these are included too.
    This pack contains new skins
    - VA-56 Champions, USS Ticonderoga, 9/1965 to 5/1966 for A-4E_65
    - VA-56 Champions, USS Enterprise, 11/1966 to 7/1967 for A-4C_65
    - VA-56 Champions, USS Enterprise, 1/1968 to 6/1968 for A-4E_65
    - VA-153 Blue Tail Flies, USS Coral Sea, 7/1967 to 4/1968 for A-4E_65
    - VA-155 Silver Foxes, USS Coral Sea, 12/1964 to 11/1965 for A-4E and A-4E_65
    - VA-155 Silver Foxes, USS Constellation, 10/1966 to 12/1966 for A-4E_65
    - VA-155 Silver Foxes, USS Constellation, 5/1966 for 9/1966 for A-4E_65 (experimental camouflage)
    - VA-155 Silver Foxes, USS Coral Sea, 7/1967 to 4/1968 for A-4E_65
    - VA-192 Golden Dragons, USS Bon Homme Richard, 4/1965 to 1/1966 for A-4C and A-4C_65
    - VA-192 Golden Dragons, US Ticonderoga, 12/1967 to 8/1968 for A-4F
    and just for fun:
    - VMA-142 Flying Gators, NAS Jacksonville, Florida in their '76 Bicentennial Aniversary scheme for A-4F_74 and A-4L
    Hangarscreens are included in 1920x1080 resolution as default and 1024x768 as optional.

    As always, feel free to read the readme and have fun with the skins!
    - Scooter! The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story, Crécy 2011
    - US Navy and Marine Corpse A-4 Units Of Vietnam War - Osprey Combat Aircraft Vol. 69
    - A-4 Skyhawk Association, http://a4skyhawk.org/
    - GoNavy.jp
    - Airliners.net
    - Google in general

    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
    3. enjoy!
    If VMA-142 Squadron is missing in the loadout screen, you should add the following lines in the squadronlist.ini ("<mod>\pilotdata"-folder) with XXX changed to the next free number:
    DisplayName=VMA-142 'Flying Gators'

    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, models and the cockpit-parts I used.
    - Old Diego - usnpilot02 from his Diego's Pilot Pack
    - Alejandro - escapac seat
    - ???? - J52-Engine-Sound
    - me - all skins, decals, loadingscreens, ini-work, higher resolution skin for rockeye-cbu
    Please PM me, if I forgot someone!

    - mue for his great LODViewer, which was a big help while creating the camos and placing stuff!
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!

    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.



       (5 reviews)



  22. SF2 Scooters! - Redux - a rework of all my earlier Single Skin Releases for TW A-4

    Scooters! - Redux - a rework of all my Single-Skin-Releases for Thirdwire A-4 Skyhawks
    *** SF2V required. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    For this pack I redid all my previous single-skin releases, brought them on the same level with the Scooters Vol.1 pack and rearranged them. I also corrected several errors from the older versions.
    Former VA-153-Skin with optional Coral Sea Marking is split into 2 separate skins for Coral Sea and Constellation now. Some skins are done for different plane-variants to reflect upgrades.
    So this Pack includes:
    - VA-93 Blue Blazers, USS Hancock, 1/1967 to 7/1967 for A-4E_65
    - VA-153 Blue Tail Flies, USS Constellation, 5/1966 to 12/1966 for A-4C_65
    - VA-153 Blue Tail Flies, USS Coral Sea, 12/1964 to 11/1965 for A-4C and A-4C_65
    - VA-163 Saints, USS Oriskany, 6/1967 to 1/1968 for A-4E_65
    - VA-164 Ghost Riders, USS Oriskany, 6/1967 to 1/1968 for A-4E-65
    - VA-164 Ghost Riders, USS Hancock, 1/1972 to 10/1972 for A-4F and A-4F_LST
    - VA-172 Blue Bolts, USS F.D. Roosevelt, 6/1966 to 2/1967 for A-4C-65
    - VA-192 Golden Dragons, USS Ticonderoga, 10/1966 to 5/1967 for A-4E_65 and A-4E_67
    Updates include:
    - Added Weathering, that most early skins missed.
    - Insignia and several squadronspecific markings are painted on.
    - Many decals are redone and optimised (more blur for less flickering)
    - Corrected several errors in the baseskin, aswell as for the markings.
    - Added modexnumbers to the flap insides (possible with mue's great LOD-Viewer - Thanks mate!)
    - Updated cockpit with working Landing Gear- and Arresting Hook Lever
    - Included Hangarscreens for each skin in 1920x1080 as default and 1024x768 optional.

    Notes and Issues:
    As there's no possibility of squadrons with mixed plane-variants, some skins are available for 2 plane-variants. At some point A-4C and A-4E got ECM-equipment and I'm pretty sure, those were used besides planes without ECM in squadrons. The other case are A-4E, that got the avionics hump at some point and were used besides ones without hump.

    I hope you have fun with it!

    - Scooter! The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story, Crécy 2011
    - US Navy and Marine Corpse A-4 Units Of Vietnam War - Osprey Combat Aircraft Vol. 69
    - A-4 Skyhawk Association, http://a4skyhawk.org/
    - GoNavy.jp
    - Airliners.net
    - Google in general

    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
    3. enjoy!

    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, models and the cockpit-parts I used.
    - Old Diego - usnpilot02 from his Diego's Pilot Pack
    - Alejandro - escapac seat
    - ???? - J52-Engine-Sound
    - me - all skins, decals, loadingscreens, ini-work.
    Please PM me, if I forgot someone!

    - mue for his great LODViewer, which was a big help while placing stuff!
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!

    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.



       (8 reviews)



  23. A4 C SKYHAWK

    a4c del mod malvinas ... con un skin blanco y verde oliva en el fuselaje ... hecho por lautaro belda ... ( YO ) .. ojalas les guste (Y)...
    _ armas mejoradas .
    _ skin modificado


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  24. SF2 Scooters! Vol.1 - Skinpack for TW A-4 Skyhawks

    Scooters! Vol.1 - Skinpack for TW A-4 Skyhawks by Nyghtfall v1.0
    *** SF2 required for A-4B-model ***
    *** SF2V required for A-4E_65, A-4E_67 and A-4F-model ***
    *** tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    This Pack contains skins for 5 different Skyhawk Squadrons (4x US Navy, 1x US Marine Corps):
    - A-4B from VA-81 Crusaders aboard USS Forrestal in 1961
    - A-4E_65 from VA-72 Blue Hawks aboard USS Independence in 1965
    - A-4E_67 from VA-106 Gladiators aboard USS Intrepid between 1968-1969
    - A-4F from VA-55 Warhorses aboard USS Hancock in 1972
    - A-4E_65 from VMA-311 Tomcats, based at Chu Lai Air Base between 1967-1968
    Included is also a slighty changed loadout.ini, to get a more navy-like loadout.
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
    3. enjoy!
    If VA-81 Squadron is missing in the loadout screen, you should add the following lines in the squadronlist.ini ("<mod>\pilotdata"-folder) with XXX changed to the next free number:
    DisplayName=VA-81 'Crusaders'
    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game and nice models I used.
    - Alejandro for the Escapac seat
    - ZScout370, wikimedia - USAF Insignia
    - Wrench, updated data.ini (Canopy, Landinglight)
    - VA-55 patch is taken from http://a4skyhawk.org/and modified by me
    - VA-72 patch is taken from http://www.vfp62.comand modified by me
    - VMA-311 patch is taken from http://www.aviatorgear.comand modified by me
    - myself Skins, Decals, ini-work
    - Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!
    - Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.


       (5 reviews)



  25. SF2 A-4F VA-164 'Ghost Riders' 1973

    A-4F Skyhawk, VA-164 'Ghost Riders' Vietnam 1973 Skinpack
    *** SF2V required for A-4F-model, tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    The skin represents A-4Fs from VA-164 'Ghost Riders' in 1973 aboard the carrier USS Hancock in Vietnam.
    All BuNo are correct for this squadron, but unfortunately I couldn't find the correct assignment for all modex to BuNo.
    This pack contains another version of "Lady Jessie", this time the wellknown version with big letters on the fuselage. In 1973 VA-164 was on another combat-cruise in Vietnam. Carrier Air Wing CVW-21, which VA-164 was part of, was tasked with the responsibility, to develop expertise in unique mission types. For example VA-55 was tasked with Iron Hand missions, while VA-164 was to develop tactics to use Laser Guided Weapons at its best. Some A-4F were equipped with Laser Spot Trackers instead of the ususal Radar in the nose, so that LGBs could be used on designated targets. As these were only trackers, a special Designator was needed. For that case, 2 TA-4F were borrowed from USMC squadrons. A 2nd crewmember with a handheld-device to designate the targets was placed on the 2nd seat. Those people were volunteers from other squadrons, that usually flew E-1B or RF-8/F-8. As the handheld-device had to be held steady for a proper designation while the plane was flying, it was a not well-like job to do. But in the end, it proved successful and led to the development of build-in laserdesignators.
    The pack consists of 2 parts:
    - a skin for the stock A-4F, which cannot use laser-guided bombs (LGB). So this is only for the looks. Select the skin in the loadout-screen of the stock A-4F.
    - a modification of the stock A-4F to use LGB. Ingame you will find a new plane - "A-4F (Laser Spot Tracker)" to choose. It also has a different gunsight and shows laser designated targets. For the laser-designator you have 2 options. First is to use the plane as is, meaning, you only can use LGBs on primary targets as they're always designated. The radarscreen is just black in that case, because the planes didnt have a radar anymore. Second, you use the Laser designator from the loadout screen and can use LGBs on every target. I included a modified AVQ-23 (modded from the stock one) for that purpose. It is not shown externally and is a compromise for playability-reasons. The radar-screen shows the target if you have selected one.
    Planes marked with * are the LST-equipped ones (401, 407, 411, 413, 414), which have the different nosecone. 401 and 407 are confirmed by pictures, the other 3 are in for a good mix. There were more than 2 of them, but I couldn't find more numbers or other pictures.
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. open "Put_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
    3. enjoy!
    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game and nice models I used.
    - Eole2, Hangar- and Loadingscreen, Vintage Screenshots, aswell as improvements of the packagearrangement (A big thanks for that!)
    - ZScout370, wikimedia - USAF Insignia
    - Wrench, updated data.ini (Canopy, Landinglight)
    - myself, Skin, Decals, ini-work (Gunsight/HUD, LaserDesignator)
    - Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!
    - Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm
    - Wrench, KJAkker for the Gunsight-Issue
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.
    This pack and any parts from it, may be used as freeware only.


       (2 reviews)



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