Late WW2 Cockpit 3 (A-36 stand-in)
By Stary
As per request, this cockpit is a mix of two cockpits from my "generic cockpits pack".
Stand in for A-36 Apache, Saab 21/21R etc. where applicable.
Works both in series1 and series2 (preferably)
WW2 "generic, stand-in" cockpits -Series 1 edition
By Stary
Generic cockpits pack for WW2 installs (series 1 edition)
by Stary
June 5th 2011
This pack contains 8 "generic" World War 2 era cockpits for use in WW2 installs.
Read the included readme for details on cockpits types and usage guides.
This is "Series 1" .LOD format re-export of the cockpits pack I did for SF2 WW2 installs, tested in Wings Over Africa mod by A-Team (Wings Over Europe, October 2008 patch level, Windows7 32&64)
Mig-19s Cockpit
Mig-19s Cockpit
Este paquete solo incluye el repintado de la cabina del F-100D Super Sabre,
modificado por Stary (Super_Mystere_B2_cockpit_V1). No es 100% realista pero
tiene un parecido razonable. En realidad puede servir para cualquier avion
sovietico temprano que carezca de una cabina apropiada.
MiG-19s Cockpit
This package only includes the repainting of the cockpit of the F-100D Super Sabre
Amended by Stary (Super_Mystere_B2_cockpit_V1). Not 100% realistic but is a reasonable
likeness. It can actually be used for any Early Soviet plane lacking a proper cockpit.
Mig-23MF cockpit-combat export veteran with BVR capabilities and working Mig-23MF HUD (Saw much combat and claimed kills)V 1.3
By ordway
This is the SFP1 series cockpit (version 1.4) for the Mig-23MF of the Mirage factory which could fire beyond visual range missiles even for foreign countries. Download the Mirage Factory Mig-23 package here:
Mig-23MF cockpit additions made by Richard "Pitts2A" Ordway, Starfighter2, lindr2. Thanks to Armour Dave and Sal for the cockpit
The Mig-23MF version saw combat in the Middle East with Syria and reportedly had some F-4 and F-16 kills. It was a much improved export version after the previous MS version.
The Warsaw pact, India, Syria, Egypt, Cuba and others used the MF version.
Added are features to make it more "developing worldish" including labeling tape, lots of dust and simplified features. It fired radar-guided missiles and so was a BVR threat with its AA-7 Apex missiles.
The Mig-23 was the most important Soviet fighter type from the mid-to-late 1970s
pilot report http://www.warbirdsofdelaware.com/Airplane...87/Default.aspx
1) Back up your Mig-23MF folder (if present).
2) Download the Mirage Factory basic Mig-23s at the combatace address listed above starting with http://www.combatace.com/indexpht etc, etc above.
3) Just download the whole filefolder Mig-23MF intact into your aircraft folder as one folder.
4) When asked to overwrite say yes.
5) OPTIONAL: Add Nele's accurate Mig-23MF flight model (data.ini) which is in the NeilFlightModel folder called MiG-23MF_data.ini.
Just pop it in and overwrite when asked...back it
up as always.
V1.3- I added knobs under the warning panels, added Neles avionics.ini and gave the option for Nele's accurate Mig-23MF flight model.
MARCH 2011- Version 1.4. I revised and added some files to hopefully fix some problems some gamers were reporting.
MIG-21 MF cockpit 1980 CSSR
By lukasmig
AHOJ nová verze textur pro cockpit MIG-21 MF Pokud n?kdo umí modelovat a mn?l by zájem se podílet na n?jakých doplncích at pisne díkess a príjemnou zábavu prište uploadnu Mig-21R cockpit
D.H 100 Cockpit For Pasko's "De Havilland Vampire FB.5" SFP1 WOV/WOE Patched 10/08
This is a mod of Wolf257's F4U-1 CockPit for use as a Vampire D.H 100 cockpit, I retextured Some of the gages and reworked the cockpit.ini for use in a jet,Recalibrated the engine and fuel gages. Although not 100% correct (till someone models one) It has a nice fit and a post WWII early Jet look.
Orginal F4U-1Pit: Wolf257
Vampire FB.5: Pasko, Gramps and column5
Tested with WOV/WOE Patched 10/8
Special Thanks to Wolf257 for allowing Me to upload his F4U-1Pit.lod with this mod.
Orignal Vampire Readme included.
This Mod is Freeware and not be sold!
For Installation Instructions see included Readme.
Have fun!
F-4ES Cockpit & HUD Upgrade Version 1.0
By Piecemeal
F-4ES Cockpit & HUD Upgrade Version 1.0 by Ultramax
This is my first serious attempt at 'cockpit conversion', so please be gentle guys! It was originally inspired
by Doghouse's brilliant F-4ES 'Super Phantom II' upgrade and I thought to myself that the picture would be
completed with a snazzy new cockpit to make the most of the Phantom's newfound versatility.
Although I haven't tested it on them, I'm sure it would also make a brilliant addition to the F-4F ICE and
Kurness 2000 upgrades.
Cockpit: Hi-Res cockpit by sundowner
RWR Display: Radar & TV display files by Wingwiner
Avionics and HUD display files originated from the Mirage Factory F-15A
PS: If I've forgotten to mention anybody please let me know.
If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact me on the forum and I'll be sure to
respond ASAP.
Just place all the files into your aircraft ini file and place these entries in the appropriate sections:
You'll also need to have the F-4E_COCKPIT.LOD from SFP1 or SFG.
BTW, don't forget to change 'avionics60' to 'avionics70' - otherwise it won't work!
this mod is from Ultramax and was only uploaded by ravenclaw_007 all credit for this work goes to Ultramax
FGA9_Alt_Pit_Paint 7/10/10
Third Wire WOE HunterFGA9 Cockpit Alternate Paint scheme.
WOE 1 Patched 10/8
To install:
Unzip the FGA9_Alt_Pit_Paint.zip file and drop the Cockpit folder into the HunterFGA9 folder, let it overwright.
(My copy of the game had no cockpit folder in the HunterFGA9 folder)
Go Fly.
Notes: This adds paint to the white switches in the cockpit, The Flap Handle is the right color, (I checked) I added a switch base to the switch floating on the main panel, Put some paint on the Cabin heater duct elbows,(Checked that to.)Painter A control handle on the left pannel red(photo refrenced) Also I added a optional HSI.tga to remove the Hole next to the HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator)(One photo I have shows a knob there and another shows nothing) If you like the hole just delete the HSI.tga.
These textures are Freeware and not to be sold!
This Mod is a cockpit repaint and small instrument upgrade (Mig-19S only) for Wrench’s “Early MiG Series Cockpit Upgrade/Repair Package for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI & SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E 6/5/09”
You must have that Upgrade/Repair Package to use this one.
This mod is only been tested with the TW Mig-19S Upgraded with the package listed above. WOE Patched 10/8
To Install:
Unzip The Mig19S_Cockpit_Green.zip File and drop the Cockpit folder and the MiG19_COCKPIT.ini into your MiG-19S folder, Let it overwrite, and go fly.
Ordway: Mig-15Bis/Mig-17 cockpit repaint and instrument reposition of the Scooter(North Korean-modified). 03/15/08
Original readme included.
Wrench: Early MiG Series Cockpit Upgrade/Repair Package for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI & SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E 6/5/09
Original readme included.
Third Wire: Mig-19S
Notes: I replaced (source TW) or repainted (made from scratch) the painted on instruments. Fixed the fuel gage and added a working external fuel gage. Replaced the Red lockout handles on the cockpit side panels (ref; Mig -17 cockpit photo) repositioned the Ammo counters (they now lineup with the Arm switches).
Note 2: This mod is "Aircraft and Modded cockpit Specific".
These files are Freeware and not to be sold.
MiG-27K Cockpit with complex working HUD- Ultimate ground attack fighter version of the MiG-27 series
By ordway
Mig-27K (Flogger-J2) ground attack fighter cockpit (SFP1 series) made by Ordway, Starfighter2, lindr2 based on color cockpit photos and cockpit diagrams.
Original cockpit made by Armourdave and Sal.
Avionics and optional advanced flight model by Nele.
You need avionics 70 and the latest patch updates from Thirdwire. Tested on Windows XP and not Vista. However it might work on Vista too.
This is the cockpit for the ultimate Soviet MIG-27K ground attack fighter in 1980. It was the ultimate MiG-27 version.
It has a different cockpit from all the rest of the MiG-27s with more complexity and by far the most complex HUD. The MiG-27K added a laser designator and compatibility with TV-guided electro-optical weapons. Around 200 were built.
It would probably have been one of the first attackers against NATO in a NATO versus Soviet block confrontation in the 1980s (under the tense relations of the American administration of "Ronney-the-Ray Gun". It is referenced from color photographs and original cockpit diagrams.
The real TV screen will appear as usual, in the upper right hand corner when using many guided bombs/missiles. No one I knew could figure out how to make it work on the instrument panel in the correct area....
MiG-27K History:
Initial flight of the ultimate MiG-27K prototype was in December 1974. It was finally accepted into service in 1980. Its avionics were so state-of-the-art (for the Soviets), that it took quite a while to work out all the bugs and make it operational.
The MiG 27, had superb low altitude, high speed capabilities and could out run many other fighters.
The MiG-27K could carry all the "smart" munitions including the KAB-500L LGB.
1) Download Lindr2's Mig-27 series at
2) Back it up just in case.
3) Just download the contents of whole filefolder Mig-27K intact into your aircraft folder as one folder.
4) When asked to overwrite say yes.
Thanks to Lindr2 for all his sustained hard and dedicated work.
Thanks to Armourdave and Sal for the original cockpit. Thanks to Lindr2 and Epizikl for help with the cockpit research and photos. Thanks to Lindr2 for the various TV (optical) cockpit images.
Thanks to Armour Dave and Sal for the cockpit.
Thanks to Starfighter2, lindr2 for the Mig-23P HUD which has stymied modelers until now that I know of.
Thanks to the Mirage factory for the Mig-23ML downloadable as a pack from combatace in the pack called Mirage Factory MiG-23 "Flogger" Series.
New gunsight IA-58 Pucara
New gunsight for the IA-58A Pucara of Foxmonter
(Remenber make a security copy of the file before install this)
The contain of this file, extracted, should be placed into "cockpit", generally like:
C:\Archivos de programa\Falkland 1982\Objects\Aircraft\IA-58a-Pucara\Cabina
If ask for "replace" choose YES
Then, make this modification at the file "IA-58A-Pucara_Cabina.INI", into the airplane file, something like:
C:\Archivos de programa\Falkland 1982\Objects\Aircraft\IA-58a-Pucara
Open with Wordpad and modify this line
GunsightMilSize=65 <------ Here must said 65, to make the size
Then Save and exit, go to fly and check the new gunsight.
Thanks "Pato Poli" for the translation.
P.S.: Higly recomended the new painted cockpit by Sidewinder
Pucara Repaint Cockpit
Saluda atte^^Dragon^^
Nueva Mira y reticula para el IA-58 Pucara de FoxMonter
1: ) Los archivos resultantes de la descarga y posterior descompresion, van dentro de la ruta por defecto / y/o/i/e/u/ ekivalente
C:\Archivos de programa\Falkland 1982\Objects\Aircraft\IA-58a-Pucara\Cabina
Si pide remplazar..darle ok sin miedo , si explota la PC no me hago responsable jajaja
por las dudas realizen copia de seguridad de los archivos a remplazar.
2: ) Luego deven realizar una pequeña modificacion en el archivo IA-58A-Pucara_Cabina.INI el cual se encuentra en esta ruta por defecto / y/o/i/e/u/ ekivalente
C:\Archivos de programa\Falkland 1982\Objects\Aircraft\IA-58a-Pucara
lo abren con word pad o cualquier editor y modifican la siguiente linea.
GunsightMilSize=65 <------ deve quedar con el numero 65 , lo cual es para achicar la mira un poco para no desvirtuar la reticula.
3: ) guardan los cambios y a volar y disfrutar de la nueva Mira IA-58 Pucara System pro Future Dechated Complex Electric Magnetic Obsipital Reduce II
Que la disfruten! :)
Gracias "Pato Poli" por la traduccion
P.D: recomiendo el repintado que se mando el usuario Sidewinder (Nacho) que esta muy bueno :)
Repintado de la Cabina del IA-58 Pucara
Saluda atte^^Dragon^^
MiG-27M cockpit- Soviet leading ground attack fighter to attack in a NATO/Warsaw pact 1970s confrontation-Simplified from the "K" model, with BMP TV screen.
By ordway
Mig-27M cockpit (SFP1 series) made by Ordway, Starfighter2, lindr2 based on color cockpit photos and cockpit diagrams.
Original cockpit made by Armourdave and Sal.
Avionics and optional advanced flight model by Nele.
You need avionics 70 and the latest patch updates from Thirdwire. Tested on Windows XP and not Vista. However it might work on Vista too.
This is the cockpit for the Soviet MIG-27M ground attack fighter which would probably have been one of the first attackers against NATO in a NATO versus Soviet block confrontation in the 1970s and 1980s. It is referenced from color photographs and original cockpit diagrams.
The BMP TV screen is just there for looks. The real TV screen will appear as usual, in the upper right hand corner when using many guided bombs/missiles. No one I knew could figure out how to make it work on the instrument panel in the correct area.
MiG-27M History:
The MiG 27, had superb low altitude, high speed capabilities and could out run many other fighters.
Concerns over the complexity (and unreliability) of the very advanced MiG-27K ground attack fighter led to the development of a simpler variant, the "MiG-27M". It retained much of the MiG-27K's electronics including a jammer, but featured a cheaper and less sophisticated nav-attack suite. The MiG-27M could carry all the "smart" munitions carried by the MiG-27K except for the KAB-500L LGB. The MiG-27M was externally very hard to tell from a MiG-27K.
Initial flight of the first MiG-27M, a converted MiG-27, was in April 1976, and the type went into production in 1978 in Siberia . 162 Soviet-built MiG-27Ms were delivered into 1982.
However, from 1982, the decision was made to upgrade most of the older MiG-27 fleet to MiG-27M standards and this of course evemntually added hugely to the over all total number of MiG-27Ms.
The MiG-27M was license-built by one user, the Indian Air Force (IAF) starting in the mid-1980s, with the first HAL machine, assembled from a kit performing its initial flight on 11 January 1986. A total of 165 HAL MiG-27Ms -- sometimes referred to with the designation of "MiG-27ML
1) Download Lindr2's Mig-27 series at
2) Back it up just in case.
3) Just download the contents of whole filefolder Mig-27M intact into your aircraft folder as one folder.
4) When asked to overwrite say yes.
Thanks to Lindr2 for all his sustained hard and dedicated work.
Thanks to Armourdave and Sal for the original cockpit. Thanks to Lindr2 and Epizikl for help with the cockpit research and photos. Thanks to Lindr2 for the various TV (optical) cockpit images.
Thanks to Armour Dave and Sal for the cockpit.
Thanks to Starfighter2, lindr2 for the Mig-23P HUD which has stymied modelers until now that I know of.
Thanks to the Mirage factory for the Mig-23ML downloadable as a pack from combatace in the pack called Mirage Factory MiG-23 "Flogger" Series.
Not for payware.
Pucara Repainted Cockpit
By Sidevvinder
Cockpit repintado para el IA-58 Pucara de FoxMonter.
Pucara Repainted Cockpit of FoxMonter. Sorry my english is bad.. : (
Mig-23UB Cockpit With Advanced Avionics
By Teras
official cockpit by ordway
link : http://forum.combata...s&showfile=9549
i upgraded the avionics and gunsight and other effects
uploaded this file as request from asarram
thanks for ordway for making this great cockpit
hope you enjoy it.
extract archive files into your mig-23ub folder
Profi "LEON"
MiG-27( MiG-23BM) and separate MiG-27D dedicated ground attack variant cockpits (First production versions) and leading attacker in a Warsaw Pact Nato central front confrontation
By ordway
This is both the MiG-27(MiG-23BM) and MiG-27D dedicated ground attack fighter/bomber variant cockpits for SFP1 series Lindr2's MiG-27 FloggerD and MiG-27D available below:
It is based on the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 fighter aircraft, but optimized for the air-to-ground role. Additional cockpit armor was installed, along with a totally new nav-attack system. The MiG-27 was first operational in 1973. However unlike the MiG-23, the MiG-27 did not see widespread use outside the Soviet Union, as most other countries opted for the MiG-23BN ground attack fighter. It would have been one of the leading WARSAW Pact elements of a NATO central front attack.
It has an extremely different gunsight (and no radar) and different panel compared to the Mig-23 fighter series.
This was the first MiG-27 version.
I had quite a hard time getting the plain MiG-27 working, so now both should work.
They both have different loadout capabilties and operational time frames from one another. They also have different equipment from one another as they were basically the same except that the MiG-27D was more optimized for nuclear strike and had more panels for that. The Mig-27D was also apparently kept on nuclear alert much like the US used the F-111.
1) Download Lindr2's MiG-27 series at
2) Back it up just in case.
3) Just download the contents of both filefolders MiG-27 and MiG-27D intact into your aircraft folder.
4) When asked to overwrite say yes.
4) OPTIONAL: Add Nele's alternate advanced MiG-27 flight model/ECM (data.ini) which is in the NeilFlightModel folder called MiG-27_data.ini. Just pop it in and overwrite when asked...back it up as always.
The original flight model is also included in the Nele folder titled "original" in case you want to go back to the original flight model and data file.
I personally strongly recommend it for getting an accurate feel of the Mig-27 according to the published reports I have researched...but it is not for beginners.
Thanks to Lindr2 for all his sustained hard, dedicated and excellent work!
Thanks to Armourdave and Sal for the original cockpit. Thanks to Lindr2 and Epizikl for help with the cockpit research and photos.
Mirage F1-200 cockpit (SAAF modified)
By ordway
Mirage F1-200 Cockpit (SAAF Modified).
Reworked Pit from Foxmonter's nice Super Etendard.
The SAAF Mirage F1s had up to thirteen reported air victories during the bushwars (ACIG).
It includes new cockpit placards, seat bitmaps, buttons, switches, gauge colors, a new ADI and the F.1 avionics.
Backup your files!
1. Copy all the contents from the appropriate folder into the Mirage F1-200 aircraft folder usually at C:Program FilesThirdWireStrikeFightersObjectsAircraftmirage F1-200 (or wherever your F1-200 is located). When asked, overwrite files and folders.
Being South African, the locations of many cockpit items are different from a standard Mirage F1. They did not have spare parts, after all, due to the embargo.
With the gracious permission of;
Thanks to Mirage Factory for gunsight placard and portions of the F-1 seat.
Do not distribute, repackage or post without previous consent.
Only Combatace, Column5 and Checksix have permission to post this file.
All Copyrights Reserved FoxMonter 3d Design © 2003-2006.
No Modifications without previous consent is allowed.
This is NOT for payware use.
V1.1 Slightly modified landing gear indicator panel.
Richard Pitts2A Ordway
Martin Baker Mk Gw5 Ejection Seat
there are two seat modell included one in a brown color and one in a green color
this seat was installed in the Canadair Sabre Mk6/Lihtning/F-8 and in a lot off other aircraft
please read the readme for installation
the position_value of the pilot is also the positon_value for the seat just copy and place it
<b>version 1.1 28.08.2008</b>
- new 3d model and skins -
Mig-23UB cockpit tandem seat trainer/fighter with working UB HUD
By ordway
This is the Mig-23UB two seat trainer/fighter cockpit for Lindr2's masterful Mig-23UB.
The Mig-23UB was the Mig-23M's two-seat trainer. Production began in 1970 with about 1000 airframes. It has the Mig-23M HUD from Starfighter 2 and Lindr2, but has no radar as it apparently seemed too problematic to maintain in real life.
It was used for training and was heavily exported as some countries lost almost one fourth of their entire Mig-23 fleet to accidents. It had a backup fighter role...but without radar, it was limited.
It apparently kept the ASP-23D sight, the Kh-23 Delta-NM missile guiding equipment, the camera, and the R-3S and R-13M missiles for a limited anti-air capability.
It added, an AOA limiter and angle of attack indicator, the Poliot-1I-23 flight/navigation system with the SAU-23UB autopilot , a better failure warning system and a rear cockpit periscope were installed
Thanks to Nele for the optional alternate detailed UB flight model.
So the Mig-23UB usually had *no radar* on most airframes (some units might have retained radar).
It has a map, pencil and stopwatch for those precision approaches.
Oh...and why is 310 K/Hr plastered all over the cockpit- Read on!
From flying a two seat Mig-23: "Then we retracted flaps to take off position as he let me do the take off and fly around the pattern again. From the back on final all the instructor kept saying was 310 kilometers airspeed over and over."
1) Back up your Lindr2 Mig-23UB folder or download it first from:
2) Just download the whole filefolder Mig-23UB intact into your aircraft folder as one folder.
3) When asked to overwrite say yes.
4) OPTIONAL: Add Nele's alternate advanced Mig-23M flight model which is in the NeilFlightModel folder called MiG-23UB_data.ini. Just pop it in and overwrite when asked...back it up as always.
I personally strongly recommend it for getting an accurate feel of the Mig-23UB according to the published reports I have researched...but it is not for beginners.
Thanks to Lindr2 for all his sustained hard and dedicated work.
Thanks to Armourdave and Sal for the cockpit.
Thanks to Starfighter2 and Lindr2 for the HUD.
Not for payware.
MIG-23MS Cockpit- export combat veteran version- Tangled with USN F-14s Version V.1.3 (Also version used by USAF Constant Peg aggressor program in USA).
By ordway
This is the SFP1 series cockpit (version 1.0) for the first export version Mig-23, the Mig-23MS of the Mirage factory. Download the Mirage Factory Mig-23 package here:
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...le=5211Mig-23MS cockpit almost ready.
This is the Mig-23MS cockpit in a light blue Russian color (from photos) and modded to the Mig-23MS standard from Armourdave and Sal's Mig-23 grey-colored cockpit. I believe that Mago & Badger 343rd did the orginal cockpit.
I repainted it in a light Russian blue (from color photos) and added (and took away) some details, placards, added new switches and instruments and panels from color photos and Mig-23 cockpit diagrams of the Mig-23Ss. I deleted the radar warning reciever and eliminated the pitot tube.
The Mig-23 series was the USSR's "most capable tactical fighter during the height of the cold war" according to a Jane's recognition guide.*
The Mig-23MS export version saw heavy Arab-Israeli combat in the middle east and had combat with USN F-14s near Libya. It was a downgraded Mig-23 S/M export version with a Mig-21 RP-22SM 'Jay Bird' radar in a smaller radome, and the IRST was removed. It reportedly had a radar scope on the dash like the Mig-21 series. This variant had no BVR capability.
It was extremely fast at low level, had outstanding acceleration and a superb climb rate. However, it maneuvered like a truck (including roll). It reportedly shot down some Israeli F-4s and perhaps an Israeli F-16 according to some Russian and some other sources.
I find in the SFP1 series that if I attack enemy aircraft at max speed at extremely low level, that I can pop up and even kill an occasional F-16 and escape.
1) Back up your Mig-23M folder .
2) Now secondly download this other additional Mig-23 package from the Mirage Factory and install it (the Mig-23MS will not work without it):
2) Just put this whole filefolder Mig-23MS contents into the Mig-23MS aircraft folder .
3) When asked to overwrite say yes.
4) OPTIONAL: Add Nele's advanced Mig-23MS flight model...not for beginners. Just take the Mig-23MS_data.ini from the included Nele folder and drop it into the Mig-23MS folder. Say yes when asked to overwrite.
To go back to the easy original flight model just use the Mig-23MS_data.ini from the included original folder and drop it into the Mig-23MS folder. Say yes when asked to overwrite.
Thanks to Mago & Badger 343rd for the original Mig-21 cockpit.
Thanks to Armourdave and Sal for the idea and modifying the Mago/Badger Mig-21 cockpit for original Mig-23 use so I could modify it further into Mig-23MS standards. Thanks to Nele for the optional advanced flight model.
V.1.2- I added buttons under the warning light panels as per photos and from experience on
the Mig-27 cockpits.
V.1.3- I made a panel wider and more visible. I added on a Hobbs-type meter.
* Jane's Vintage Aircraft Recognition Guide by Tony Holmes, 2005.
Mig23-P cockpit-Air Defense version- PVO Strany (enemy info displayed on HUD) V1.3
By ordway
Mig-23P cockpit made by Ordway, Starfighter2, lindr2.
Original cockpit made by Armourdave and Sal.
Avionics and optional advanced flight model by Nele.
The Mig-23P was the "within-borders" air-defense version with the enemies' data listed on the HUD. It had incredible data linking capabilities.
For SFP1 series. Just dump the whole Mig-23P folder into your aircraft folder. Almost no independent "P" version exists so this is a whole independent self-sufficient folder based on Starfighter2s avionics and Armourdave and Sal's Mig-23 variations. You need avionics 70 and the latest patch updates from Thirdwire. Tested on Windows XP and not Vista. However it might work on Vista too.
This is the Mig-23P cockpit in a Russian blue color and modded to the Mig-23P standard from Armourdave and Sal's Mig-23 grey-colored cockpit.
I repainted it and added some details, placards, new switches and instruments from color photos.
Starfighter, with massive help from Lindr2, made the brilliant,indespensible Mig-23 P-specific HUD while I had hit a brick wall trying to make a Mig-23 HUD work. They also made the new avionics.ini.
History: So, the Mig-23P (Flogger-G) was an advanced Mig-23. It had a heck of an advanced HUD compared to previous Mig-23s. This was a specialized air-defense interceptor variant developed for the PVO Strany. It had the same airframe and powerplant as the MiG-23ML, but there is a cut-back fin root fillet instead of the original extended one on other models.
Its avionics suite was improved to meet PVO requirements and mission profiles. Its radar was the improved Sapfir-23P, which could be used in conjunction with the gunsight for better look-down/shoot-down capabilities to counter increasing low-level threats like cruise missiles. The IRST, however, was absent. The autopilot included a new digital computer, and it was linked with the Lasur-M datalink. This enabled ground-controlled interception (GCI) ground stations to steer the aircraft towards the target; in such an intercept, all the pilot had to do was control the engine and use the weapons. The MiG-23P was the most numerous PVO interceptor in the 1980s.
Around 500 aircraft were manufactured between 1978-81. The MiG-23P was never exported and served only within the PVO in Soviet service.
Thanks to Armour Dave and Sal for the cockpit.
Thanks to Starfighter2, lindr2 for the Mig-23P HUD which has stymied modelers until now that I know of.
Thanks to the Mirage factory for the Mig-23ML downloadable as a pack from combatace in the pack called Mirage Factory MiG-23 "Flogger" Series.
If I forgot anyone, I appologize and please tell me.
The Mig-23 had incredible strengths and incredible weaknesses.
WEAKNESSES: For weaknesses, most Mig-23s never could turn or roll very well compared to its enemies and had very heavy controls. Its roll was hurt by its control system (spoilers and a diferential tail and the disconnection of spoilers at any but 16 degrees).
In close in combat it was a deathtrap because unless the pilot stayed within certain tight maneuvering limits, it would often lose control and simply crash. Its cockpit visiblility was one of the worst of any fighter. Visibility is life in a dogfight.
It had slushy controls in many areas of its flight regime and its nose would often hunt back and forth. Its unpredictable accelerated stall was often taking ones life into ones hands if attempted. It also had the typical Soviet disadvantage of a very short range. There are reports of its radar not working much of the time and it often not being mission ready.
It is hard to use an aircraft if it is not working.
Red Eagles, Steve Davies "Flying the Mig-23"
It is true that later versions had much improved handling/systems. However, I understand that maneuvering limits still existed.
STRENGTHS: For advantages, it had one of the best accelerations of any frontline fighter with its swing-wing swept back (even by today's standards).
It was incredibly fast at tree top level and could sustain that high speed at low level whereas most other fighters had such a rough low-level ride as to be unsustainable.
Another advantage was its incredible climb rate (for its time) of around 45,000 feet/min ("Fighters", Mike Spick). In other words, it was well suited as an interceptor.
1) Back up your Mig-23P folder. If you have a Mig-23P folder, this will overwrite almost everything in it.
2) Just download the whole filefolder Mig-23P intact into your aircraft folder as one folder.
3) When asked to overwrite say yes.
4) OPTIONAL: Add Nele's accurate Mig-23P flight model/ (data.ini) which is in the NeilFlightModel folder called MiG-23P_data.ini. Just pop it in and overwrite when asked...back it up as always.
I personally strongly recommend it for getting an accurate feel of the Mig-23P according to the published reports I have researched...but its not for beginners.
V1.3- I added knobs under the warning panels, Neles avionics and gave the option for Nele's accurate Mig-23P flight model.
Not for payware.
Not for payware.
Mig-23 MLA cockpit with working specific HUD- Mig-23MLA upgraded the ML version V1.3
By ordway
This is the SFP1 series cockpit (version 1.0) for the Mig-23 version, the Mig-23MLA of the Mirage factory. First, download the Mirage factory Mig-23 package here:
Mig-23MLA cockpit additions made by Richard "Pitts2A" Ordway, Starfighter2, lindr2. Thanks to Armour Dave and Sal for the cockpit.
The Mig-23MLA was an improved version over the ML (better avionics)and was used by the Soviet Union and was exported.
The Mig-23 series was the most important Soviet fighter type from the mid-to-late 1970s.
pilot report http://www.warbirdsofdelaware.com/Airplane...87/Default.aspx
1) Back up your Mig-23MLA folder. If you have a Mig-23 MLA folder, this will overwrite almost everything in it.
2) Just download the whole filefolder Mig-23MLA intact into your aircraft folder as one folder. It should work whether you have an existing Mig-23MLA or not.
3) When asked to overwrite say yes.
4) OPTIONAL: Add Nele's included accurate Mig-23MLA flight model/ (data.ini) which is in the NeilFlightModel folder called MiG-23MLA_data.ini. Just pop it in and overwrite when asked...back it up as always.
I personally strongly recommend it for getting an accurate feel of the Mig-23MLA according to the published reports I have researched...but its not for beginners.
V1.3- I added knobs under the warning panels, Neles avionics and gave the option for Nele's accurate Mig-23MLA flight model.
Mig-23ML Fighter cockpit with working Mig-23ML HUD- Mirage killer (Version 1.3)
By ordway
Mig-23ML cockpit (Version 1.1) made by Richard "Pitts2A" Ordway, Starfighter2, lindr2.
For SFP1 series. For Mirage Factory Mig-23ML. You need avionics 70 and the latest patch updates from Thirdwire. Tested on Windows XP and not Vista. However it might work on Vista too.
This is the Mig-23ML cockpit in a Russian dark green color (from color photos of a Mig-23ML-look at the color photo in the folder) and modded to the Mig-23ML standard from Armourdave and Sal's Mig-23 grey-colored cockpit.
I repainted it and added some details, placards, new switches and instruments from color photos. According to Nele, some airframes of the ML did have the SPS-141 onboard ecm jammer.
Starfighter, with massive help from Lindr2, made the brilliant, indispensible Mig-23 ML-specific HUD while I (and most of the community) had hit a brick wall trying to make an accurate Mig-23 HUD work. They also made the new avionics.ini and cockpit.ini.
The Mig-23ML had a big event on 27 September 1987. It is not much contested that in a wide-ranging dogfight one of two Mig-23MLs hit one of two maneuvering SAAF Mirage F.1s with a R-23R AA missile in air-to air combat and that the Mirage never landed safely. The two Mig-23MLs did land safely. Both sides apparently were ground controlled.
So the SAAF (South African Air Force) Mirage F.1 never made it safely back because of air-air combat damage. It crashed on attempting to land and was totaled to never fly again. To me that is a kill, but to each their own.
One can conclude that in actual air-air combat against a well trained enemy, the Mig-23ML proved it was historically capable of killing another maneuvering fighter without losses.
The Mig-23 had some advantages over other fighters. It's acceleration was reputed to be outstanding even by today's standards. It could unusually hug the ground and fly at high speeds for long times unlike most other fighters which would almost break apart due to turbulence. For its time it also had an incredible climb rate. Finally, it was an extremely short takeoff and landing aircraft in case of nuclear war with its swing-wings.
It was also the Soviet's first swing-wing fighter and designed for BVR (beyond visual range) combat.
Some links to Mig-23 pilot reports:
1) Back up your Mig-23ML folder .
2) Now secondly download this other additional Mig-23 package from the Mirage Factory and install it (the Mig-23ML will not work without it):
2) Just put this whole filefolder Mig-23ML contents into the Mig-23ML aircraft folder .
3) When asked to overwrite say yes.
4) OPTIONAL: Add Nele's accurate Mig-23ML flight model/ECM (data.ini) which is in the NeilFlightModel folder called MiG-23ML_data.ini. Just pop it in and overwrite when asked...back it up as always.
I personally strongly recommend it for getting an accurate feel of the Mig-23ML according to the published reports I have researched...but its not for beginners.
Thanks to Starfighter2, lindr2 for the Mig-23ML HUD which has stymied modelers until now that I know of. Incredible milestone!
Version 1.1- I made several realistic changes and brought it up to the M version's acccuracy standard. I made the directions more clear thanks to user feedback.
There are sharp differences between the early and late cockpits such as instrument location, RADAR and gunsight.
V1.3- I added knobs under the warning panels and gave the option for Nele's accurate Mig-23ML flight model.
Thanks to Armour Dave and Sal for the cockpit.
Thanks to the Mirage factory for the Mig-23ML downloadable as a pack from combatace in the pack called Mirage Factory MiG-23 "Flogger" Series.
If I forgot anyone, I appologize and please tell me.
Mig-23MLD Cockpit (Ultimate, final Mig-23 version-1982) with working Mig-23MLD HUDV1.3
By ordway
This is the Mig-23MLD cockpit. The Mig-23MLD was the "ultimate" and last version Mig-23 released starting in 1982. I added quite a few changes compared to the earlier ones including a new HUD from Starfighter 2 and Lindr2, a new cockpit color and changed the gunsight around to match photos better. It now has two new knobs on it according to photos.
So the late Mig-23MLD was quite a cooker too. It was lighter than earlier versions (to dogfight better) and finally added chaff and flares (most sources state, however, that it had no on-board ECM. However on-board ECM was added to the ground attack version- the Mig-27K). Apparently a prototype "Mig-23MLDG" had on-board ECM, so as usual things get cloudy with this airplane. According to Nele, some airframes of the MLD did have the SPS-141 onboard ecm jammer.
The MiG-23MLD was the most advanced version of the Flogger. It had a different identification-friend-or-foe system (IFF), a more advanced missile capability and a distinctive notch in the leading edge of the wing to improve flight characteristics at high angles of attack.
The flight-control system was modified to improve handling and safety in high-AoA maneuvers (dogfighting). Huge imrovements were made in avionics and survivability: the Sapfir-23MLA-II radar featured improved modes for look-down/shoot-down and close-in fighting. A new SPO-15L radar warning receiver was installed, along with chaff/flare dispensers. The new and effective R-73 (NATO: AA-11 'Archer') short-range air-to-air missile was added to inventory.
They were apparently produced between 1982-85 during the cold war years and would have been available for the "Ronney the Ray-gun" era. They were not produced new but were upgrades to existing 'ML/MLA' versions.
V 1.3 I added knobs to under some warning lights. I took out the provisions for an onboard SPS-141 ECM as some airframes had them and others not (mostly not). I added an optional accurate flight model (Nele's) and optional Gardeniya external ECM pod. I added Nele's more accurate avionics.ini.
Mig-23M Fighter Cockpit (First Mass Production Version) with working Mig-23M HUD V1.5
By ordway
This is the SFP1 series cockpit (version 1.3) for the first mass produced Mig-23 version, the Mig-23M of the Mirage factory. Download the Mig-23 package here:
Mig-23M cockpit additions made by Richard "Pitts2A" Ordway, Starfighter2, lindr2. Thanks to Armour Dave and Sal for the cockpit
For SFP1 series. For Mirage Factory Mig-23ML. You need the latest patch updates from Thirdwire. Tested on Windows XP and not Vista. However it might work on Vista too.
This is the Mig-23M cockpit in a very dark Russian green color (from photos)and modded to the Mig-23M standard from Armourdave and Sal's Mig-23 powder blue-colored cockpit.
I repainted it and added some details, placards, new switches and instruments from color photos.
Starfighter, with massive help from Lindr2, made the brilliant,indespensible Mig-23 M-specific HUD while I had hit a brick wall trying to make an accurate Mig-23 HUD work. They also made the new avionics.ini.
The Mig-23M first flew on June 1972 around the time of the Viet Nam War.
It was produced from 1972-1978 and reportedly had a total of more than 1,300 planes built.
Its avionics suite was improved over the preproduction Mig-23S (Flogger A) and was probably the first VVS fighter to have limited look-down/shoot-down capabilities and be effective in the BVR (beyond visual range)environment.
It's radar, when working, was reportedly generally equal to the F-4J's.
In actual air-air combat against a well trained enemy, the Mig-23 proved it was historically capable of killing other maneuvering and aware fighters.
However, it had such maneuvering restictions that dogfighting was almost suicide.
IN SFP1, I find, that if you stay fast at treetop level, you can pop up and dispatch even an occasional F-16 and be away before you get killed.
Thanks to Armour Dave and Sal for the cockpit.
Thanks to Starfighter2, lindr2 for the Mig-23ML HUD which has stymied modelers until now that I know of.
Thanks to the Mirage factory for the Mig-23ML downloadable as a pack from combatace in the pack called Mirage Factory MiG-23 "Flogger" Series.
If I forgot anyone, I appologize and please tell me.
The Mig-23 had incredible strengths and incredible weaknesses.
WEAKNESSES: For weaknesses, most Mig-23s never could turn or roll very well compared to its enemies and had very heavy controls. Its roll was hurt by its control system (spoilers and a diferential tail and the disconnection of spoilers at any but 16 degrees).
In close in combat it was a deathtrap because unless the pilot stayed within certain tight maneuvering limits, it would often lose control and simply crash. Its cockpit visiblility was one of the worst of any fighter. Visibility is life in a dogfight.
It had slushy controls in many areas of its flight regime and its nose would often hunt back and forth. Its unpredictable accelerated stall was often taking ones life into ones hands if attempted. It also had the typical Soviet disadvantage of a very short range. There are reports of its radar not working much of the time and it often not being mission ready.
It is hard to use an aircraft if it is not working.
Red Eagles, Steve Davies "Flying the Mig-23"
It is true that later versions had much improved handling/systems. However, I understand that maneuvering limits still existed.
STRENGTHS: For advantages, it had one of the best accelerations of any frontline fighter with its swing-wing swept back (even by today's standards).
It was incredibly fast at tree top level and could sustain that high speed at low level whereas most other fighters had such a rough low-level ride as to be unsustainable.
Another advantage was its incredible climb rate (for its time) of around 45,000 feet/min ("Fighters", Mike Spick). In other words, it was well suited as an interceptor.
1) Back up your Mig-23M folder .
2) Now secondly download this other additional Mig-23 package from the Mirage Factory and install it (the Mig-23M will not work without it):
2) Just put this whole filefolder Mig-23M contents into the Mig-23M aircraft folder .
3) When asked to overwrite say yes.
Version 1.1- I added some warning lights on the main dash and subtracted the threat panel. I subtracted the warning light panel on the side panel and put in a warning panel as per photos. Finally, I added a round threat panel on the far right. The change is quite remarkable for accuracy.
Version 1.2- I made the directions more clear thanks to user feedback. I added one more panel according to photos.
Version 1.3- I added an .ini so that it would be easier to install with the .70 avionics already included. I upgraded the radar to the later Sapfir-23D-III radar (the Mig-23 apparently had three versions of differing strength).
Version 1.4 -I added knobs under the warning light panels after refining techniques from the Mig-27 series cockpits.
Version 1.5- I redid the avionics.ini because some people were having problems with the HUD appearing.
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