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    1. Mirage 2000D

      Mirage 2000D for the Thirdwire series.
      The only skin included is the french camo, some more skins of 2000B variants are in the work and will be released soon.
      Have fun!


         (17 reviews)



    2. F15A Cheats Weapon Load MOD 0.9beta for WoI

      F15A Cheats Weapon Load MOD 0.93beta for WoI
      ----Released date;
      0.93 beta version----17/08/2008 ; AfterbunerEffectSize and CenterlineStation-1 adjusted.
      -Please simply overwrite only "F-15A_BAZ_DATA.INI" to the installed two aircraft folders, if u using this.
      * CenterlineStation-1's attachment position has been adjusted for bombs.
      * AfterbunerEffectSize=1.5 to 1.2 decreased in this .INI.
      0.92 beta version----16/08/2008 ; "Install & Uninstall" in readme.txt adjusted.
      0.91 beta version----15/08/2008 ; First released.
      This is pre-beta code, meaning it might be in no way feature complete
      and some bugs, please use this mod "at your own risk".
      Enjoy :yes:
      * This MOD would change only for;
      weapon choice, weapon's mass, F15A's looks of afterburner effect,
      each weapon's station set, F15A and weapon's start year and nation name,
      availability and quantity, explosives size of a few dumb bombs,
      max amount of Fuel, Gun and Chaff & Flares.
      F15A's avionics has been changed for using AGM-65s and adding TVC.
      Other settings have not been changed for the original default settings.
      i.e., flight model, thrust power, other avionics, RWR, cockpit, skin,
      max armor, ECM, and so on.
      Now, u might get a lot of medals and high score "in all 3-campaigns" with F15A,
      if u could use this weapon's cheats in single mode.
      Although, please do NOT use this in multi-play mode.
      Maybe this mod not work in multi-mode, and I'd not like to and won't test this in multi, also.
      * WoI (CoI) already tested with 04/2008 patched version.
      This mod is not compatible in the WoE and other sims.
      * To use this cheated F-15A for all 3-campaigns,
      this Mod would alternate both aircrafts "Shahak","KfirC2" to "F-15A(cheated)".
      So, u couldn't use these two aircraft when u use this mod, sorry.
      * To use this mod, u have to download another real-style F-15E mod.
      "F-15E Strike Eagle Version 1.3"
      So, u could download this mod file as "F_15EV13.rar".
      * This mod won't work, if u are using other "Weapon-Pack" mod.
      Because, this mod are using own-modified "weapondata.DAT". So,
      please backup "weapondata.DAT","weapondata.INI" before u install this, if already exist.
      ----About This Mod;
      * F15A's weapon load has been modified.
      Now, you could choose; "24x 750-lb Bomb","6x 6x AGM-65B",
      "7x AIM-7F","7x Phyton3","1x Tank610_F15" from the beginning
      all 3 campaigns in the WoI.
      * F15A's fuel and gun amount, decoys has been increased.
      * F15A's afterburner effect has been edited.
      And F15A's avionics.INI has been edited to get using AGM-65A/B.
      This effect and avionics setting are referenced from F_15EV1.3 mod by
      Dave, Deuces, Moonjumper and others.
      "F-15E Strike Eagle Version 1.3".
      Some of avionics mod files (HUD.tga.bmp files) have been used to this my mod.
      (Because, there are a lot of files to their HUD files. So, I picked up
      necessary files from them for this mod Install to prevent the hard file works.)
      I'd like to thank very much for them. :yes:
      ...Other (How to Install, UnInstall, Known problems...), please read a readme file.
      Have fun!!


         (0 reviews)



    3. F/A-18F Update

      First and most importantly, all credits go to 101tfs and Erwi_hans for original work.
      They gave us the Super Hornet and should be applauded for doing so. Nice work guys.
      So, this is what this update includes....
      Changes in the DATA.ini file are the attachment position for the z-axis for stations 17,18,19,and 20.
      Previously, ordinances were resting a little bit too high into the pylon.
      I've also corrected the animation for the ailerons and the rudders so that they're not reversed anymore.
      LOADOUT.INI file explains how the loadouts work incase it was confusing for any of you.
      I also changed the loadout packages with different weapons. But you can change that to
      your own likeing. I've also added a launcher (see ReadMe) for AGMs. I think you'll like it.
      - serverandenforcer.


         (3 reviews)



    4. F/A-18F

      F/A-18E/F Super Hornet from Wiki....
      F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
      The Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet is a supersonic carrier-capable fighter/attack aircraft. The F/A-18E/F Super Hornet is a
      larger and more advanced derivative of the F/A-18C/D Hornet. The Super Hornet entered service with the United States Navy in
      1999, replacing the F-14 Tomcat since 2006 and will serve alongside the original Hornet. The Super Hornet was ordered in 2007
      by the Royal Australian Air Force to replace its aging F-111 fleet.
      Airframe changes.The forward fuselage is unchanged while the wing, center and aft fuselage, tail surfaces and power plants
      are new. The wing area of the Super Hornet is 25% larger.The fuselage was stretched to carry more fuel and room for future
      avionics upgrades. An engine with 35% more power, the General Electric F414, was developed from the Hornet's F404 to power
      this larger, heavier aircraft.The Super Hornet can return to an aircraft carrier with a larger load of unspent fuel and
      munitions than the original Hornet. The term for this ability is known as "bringback". Bringback for the Super Hornet is in
      excess of 9,000 pounds (4,000 kg).
      Other differences include rectangular intakes for the engines, a reduced radar cross section (RCS), two extra wing hard
      points for payload, and other aerodynamic changes.One of the most significant of which is the inclusion of significantly
      enlarged leading edge extensions (LEX) which provide improved vortex lifting characteristics in high angle of attack
      maneuver, and reduce the static stability margin to enhance pitching characteristics. This results in pitch rates in excess
      of 40 degrees per second.[ In the end, the Super Hornet shared little with earlier F/A-18s aft of the forward fuselage. The
      Super Hornet has 42% fewer structural parts than the original Hornet design.Flight characteristics include being highly
      departure resistant through its flight envelope, and having high angle-of-attack with care free flying qualities for combat
      and ease of training.
      Radar signature reduction measures
      Survivability is an important feature of the Super Hornet design. The US Navy says that a "balanced approach" to
      survivability was built in to the design.This means that it does not rely on low-observable technology such as stealth
      systems-to the exclusion of other survivability factors. Instead, its design incorporates a combination of stealth, advanced
      electronic-warfare capabilities, reduced ballistic vulnerability, the use of standoff weapons, and innovative tactics that
      cumulatively and collectively enhance the safety of the fighter and crew.
      The F/A-18E/F's radar cross section was reduced greatly from some aspects, mainly front and rear.The design of the engine
      inlets reduce the aircraft's forward sector radar cross section. The alignment of the leading edges of the engine inlets is
      designed to scatter radiation to the sides. Fixed fanlike reflecting structures in the inlet tunnel divert radar energy away
      from the rotating fan blades.
      The Super Hornet also makes considerable use of panel join serration and edge alignment. Considerable attention has been paid
      to the removal or filling of unnecessary surface join gaps and resonant cavities. Where the F/A-18A-D used grilles to cover
      various accessory exhaust and inlet ducts, the F/A-18E/F uses perforated panels that appear opaque to radar waves at the
      frequencies used. Careful attention has been paid to the alignment of many panel boundaries and edges, to scatter traveling
      waves away from the aircraft.
      It is claimed that the Super Hornet employs the most extensive radar cross section reduction measures of any contemporary
      fighter, other than the F-22 and planned F-35. While the F/A-18E/F is not a true stealth fighter like the F-22, it will have
      a frontal RCS an order of magnitude smaller than prior generation fighters.
      While there are some similar cockpit items of the original Hornet, the Super Hornet features a touch-sensitive, up-front
      control display; a larger, liquid crystal multipurpose color display; and a new engine fuel display.The Super Hornet has a
      quadruplex digital fly-by-wire system, as well as a digital flight-control system that detects and corrects for battle
      damage.Super Hornet production started with the APG-73 radar. The APG-79 AESA radar was introduced later (see the upgrade
      section below).
      The AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR (Advanced Targeting Forward Looking InfraRed), is the main electro-optical sensor and laser designator
      pod for the Super Hornet. Defensive systems are coordinated through the Integrated Defensive Countermeasures system (IDECM).
      The IDECM system includes the ALE-47 countermeasures dispenser, the ALE-50 towed decoy, the AN/ALR-67(V)3 radar warning
      receiver, and the ALQ-165 Airborne Self-Protect Jammer (ASPJ). Aircrew have the ability to use night vision goggles (NVG) for
      Super Hornet operations which means the aircraft interior and exterior lighting are NVG compatible.
      F/A-18F Super Hornet
      Skins by 101tfs and Erwin_hans
      3D Model by 101tfs
      Flight Model by Erwin_hans
      INI work by 101tfs and Erwin_hans
      Effects by 101tfs and Erwin_hans
      Original F/A-18A/B Cockpit by TMF modified to an F-18E/F by Erwin_hans.
      For Cockpit:
      Based at TMF's F/A-18A,and littlesmoke's FA-18a panel repaint v1.1
      For avionics:
      I used some TGAs from Moonjumper aka Crusader's F-15C MISP, and HUD I used C-15 Spanish EF-18 HORNET by sordo
      RWR Symbology from Fubar512
      I didn't change much the F/A-18A's FM because of F and A are not too different.
      Some infors come from CAers:
      AmokFloo,littlesmoke,76.IAPBlackbird,Vampyre,Silverbolt,ArturR,rovert97,Dave,Hrntfixr,ace888..........and others
      Really hanks you a lot ! :-)
      1, unzip the FA-18F.rar
      2,Copy ALL FA-18F folder and to ALL files from pilot folder to :
      Strike Fighters\Objects\aircraft directory
      3,Copy ALL effect folder and to ALL files from pilot folder to :
      Strike Fighters\effect directory
      4,Copy ALL weapon folder and to ALL files from pilot folder to :
      Strike Fighters\Objects\weapon directory
      Open included 'AddToWeaponData INI.txt' files. copy text and paste into WEAPONDATA.INI file. and change numbers to your
      current list. Run WeaponEditor and resave it.
      5,then............enjoy it
      ******** EVERYONE CAN USE THESE MODELS for all Third Wire projects, as you want.************************
      Erwin_Hans and 101tfs


         (21 reviews)



    5. Stratos 4 MIG-31MS and Trident Anti-Comet missile pack [Fixed skin]

      Stratos 4 MIG-31MS and Trident pack
      Pack contains:
      1; A .ini fix to change the MIG-31BM into the MIG-31MS Meteor Sweeper from the anime Stratos 4, and a LOD model for the add-on booster.
      2. The LOD model for the Trident anti-comet missile, with two weapondata entries representing a guided and unguided version
      3. A nations.ini entry for the Meteor Sweepers and a name list with the names of the characters from the anime
      you will need
      -101tfs's MIG-31 BM Foxhound http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6951
      -Wrench's field fix for same http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6965
      -Fast Cargo's asat mission is currently the closest thing to a comet interception http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6311
      -You really, really must have Lexx Luthor's 3D rocket exhaust http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5998
      Installation instructions are in the readme, standard disclaimers apply.
      Good Hunting
      Seems that I accidently uploaded the wrong skin for the booster, correct skin is now included. or just rename "thirdenginefoxhound.bmp" to "foxrocket.bmp"


         (0 reviews)



    6. J-10 BETA

      On behalf of Erwin_Hans and Insky's group;
      This is the BETA release of the Chinese fighter called J-10 or, as they call it "Viguorous Dragon"
      It requires F-18 avionics 70' s cockpit and latest chinese weapons.
      The model has been slightly touched up by me, not in a significant way.
      Uses F-18's cockpit and avionics file, althoguh the cockpit itself is not included.
      Please read the README file


         (6 reviews)



    7. A-4AR FightingHawk

      A-4AR FightingHawk, Fuerza Aérea Argentina
      A Stand-Alone aircraft for SF/WoV/WoE =and= WoI
      Introduction, from the ReadMe:
      This package will create a complete, 'nation specific' aircraft; the A-4AR FightingHawk, as used by the Argentine Air Force. You will also be adding several 'new' Argentinian nation-specific weapons, so get your Weapons Editor of choice warmed up. As stated, this is a COMPLETE aircraft, with ALL parts necessary to -almost- unzip and fly away. I've included ALL the aircraft LODs and Damge tgas, as the A-4F itself is readily availble as a free add-on aircraft from 3rd Wire, and it's internal parts exist in all versions of the game, excepting WoI. This is the main reason it's an 'all inclusive' mod -- WoI does NOT contain the necessary aircraft LODs, and as it's freely available, I reckon it won't voilate the EULA in any way, shape or form.
      This is an almost complete rebuild of an aircraft created by "Ravens**t" , from 2005. The skin supplied, and possibly the decals, were originaly created by Soulfreak. All the serial numbers are new, created by me.
      The aircraft is based off the stock 3rd Wire A-4F Skyhawk, and while not a perfect physical match (there are a some exterior changes on the Real Aircraft ™ - such as the ECM/ESM fairing atop the verticle fin, after all, the Real Aircraft ™ were rebuilds of the A-4M), it's close enough until someone builds a correct A-4M body.
      Loadouts are a 'best guess' based on the eariler FAA Skyhawks, and research on the Web.
      Ravens**t's original readme is also included, for historical purposes.
      The cockpit is based off Julheim's "What If..." Kestral, and included a working HUD, CCIP and for WoI users, working Ground Mapping radar. Also included are almost all the avionics, including various and sundry bmps and tgas, from The Mirage Factory's F-16A-10, as they have the best look and feel.
      Remember: although this is designed for use in ANY of the game, you won't have the GM radar working in SF/WoV/WoE. I have supplied a WoI-only style avionics ini (for use in that game), as at present, it has the only avionics70.dll that supports HUD/CCIP and Ground Mapping radars. So, again: there are 2 avionices inis - you'll be choosing which to use based on what game you install it to. Obviously, after the next patch comes out for SF/WoV/WoE, you'll be using the WoI style one. But that's still a long time off...
      See the "Selecting the Avionics ini" in the install instructions below
      There are 2 hangar screen enclosed, one is RS's original for SF/WoV/WoE, and a new one by me for WoI.
      It is set up to use either of the weapons paks; the Bunyap Pak or Mirage Factory, ---BUT-- you WILL be adding the Agrentine nation specific-weapons. See "Adding Weapons" section below.
      As you've probably guessed by now, there's an EXTENSIVE readme with hightly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. It's strongly reccomended that you read it through first, before making choices. There's even a screenshot to illustrate a point (aimpoint, actually)! Also, an extensive Rants & Notes section.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      NOTE: package re-uploaded with corrected credits in readme, and this message also corrected .


         (5 reviews)



    8. J-8 Date INI FIX

      **********J-8 Date INI FIX********************
      J-8 (Jian-8 Fighter aircraft 8) / F-8
      1,The Rightwingstation is useabel now.
      2,I used Jug's excellent J-8 Finback Lighting.
      3,And thanks Wrench's Flashtime. :-)
      The J-8 was the first PLAAF aircraft of domestic design, with design work beginning in 1964.
      The overall configuration is a rather straightforward enlargement of the MiG-21/J-7 layout
      to accomodate two engines. Although it resembled Mikoyan's experimental Ye-152A, contrary
      to some early reports, it was not based on that aircraft. Production began in December 1979,
      with about 100-150 units of the first configuration entering service. Design work on the
      improved J-8-2 began in 1980, with production beginning in the late 1980. As with the cancelled
      "Super 7" upgrade to the single-engine J-7, the J-8II completely reworks the front end of the
      aircraft, adding a much larger radar and ventral air inlets, along with various other less
      pronounced improvements. The best that can be said of the J-8 is that once upgraded it will be
      no more than an advanced obsolete aircraft, comparable in configuration and aerodynamic
      performance to the Su-15 FLAGON.
      1. Install the latest Weapons Pak:
      2. Extract the zip file and copy the "J-8_DATA.ini" into J-8 folder,and replace it.


         (2 reviews)



    9. F-16/79 Fighting Falcon

      F-16B/79 Fighting Falcon, Version 1.0 By JA 37 Viggen
      The F-16/79 was a downgraded F-16A/B designed for export after former president Jimmy
      Carter announced a new arms export policy. American aviation companys could no longer sell
      military aircraft to foreign nations that was on par with that of the US Armed Forces.
      The F-16/79 was a version of the F-16 meant to comply with this policy. It used a General
      Electric J79 engine, and had a limited payload and weapons compatability. Venezuela was
      likely to be the first customer of this failed fighter.
      This is a mod of the F-16B Block 10 released by Team Viper. Tested in WOV and SFG. I have
      made edits to the INIs so that it now uses a J79 (engine data was from the F-4E) gave it
      chaff and flares, and made edits to the loadouts. I have also made Venezuela weapons. It
      also uses the J79 engine noises from The Mirage Factory Weapons Pack (NOT included).
      You'll be using the Weapons Editor (The one NOT ment for WOI) to add the Venezuela Weapons.
      You may also need to include Venezuela as a nation.
      KNOWN PROBLEMS: No decals, FM has to be tweaked, still need to toy with the engine, add
      more weapons for Venezuela (rocket pods)
      PS: ANY attempt to use this in Payware will result in something very bad. This mod now
      falls under the jurestiction of the Freeware Accords Treaty (fair-use modding)


         (1 review)



    10. MiG-31BM "Foxhound" Field Fix Repair Package

      MiG-31BM "Foxhound" Repair Package
      This package is designed an 'in the field' repair kit to fix several of the unfinished bits in the recently released Mig-31BM Foxhound.
      Included are tweeks to the data, loadout, cockpit, avionics inis, as well as several repainted bmps and tgas for the cockpit itself. Also, are 2 new APU-62 dual IR missile rails, with corrected weapons placement. These are based off the original units, but have been edited for use on the Foxhound -ONLY-.
      Other fixes include:
      Adjusting the operational years to more "Real Life" for this model, and making it "SOVIET" only
      Adjusting the cockpit position to match the pilot position on the external model
      Upgrading cockpit ini to the latest standard (SF/WoV/WoE); this includes adding the latest fixes for several intruments, post Patch 4
      Adding running lights and adjusting the Landing/taxi lights
      Adjusting the Loadout to fit semi-current knowledge and weapons; adding drop tanks,
      Repainting several cockpt bmps and tgas to have correct Cyrllic/Russian labels,
      Adjusting avionics, adding/replacing several display bmps/tgas
      Mod to decals ini, to use stock in-game bort numbers
      Several other tweeks I'm sure will become apparent as you fly (meaning: I can't remember them!)
      Addition of 2 "new" RWR sounds (can't remember where they come from)
      Switching over the engine sound to TMF's "MiGEngine"
      Unfortunately, there isn't anything I can do about the flight model, which still needs some attention by an expert. I don't have the understanding of how those things work, so .... it'll still 'bob and weave' as originally released.
      To complete the package, I've included The Insky Boys AA-9 Amos, and the weapons data to be added to your WeaponsData.ini, just in case you didn't have it before. Instructions to add the weapons in the 'Weapons' folder in the kit.
      Note: weapons loads are designed for use with the Bunyap Pak. If you're using another WepPak, you MAY need to add several weapons to it. This is of particular insterst for the A-G guided missiles (which are a 'best guess' at best!)
      READ the enclose readme for fully detailed, step-by-step instructions, plus a full listing of contributors. Without their help, I couldn't have fixed this bird
      Clear Skies!
      kevin stein


         (8 reviews)



    11. MV-22B Osprey v2.2

      MV-22B Osprey
      Release v2.2
      “The V-22 Osprey is a joint service, multi-mission, military tilt rotor aircraft with both a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) and short takeoff and landing (STOL) capability. It is designed to perform missions like a conventional helicopter with the long-range, high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft. The V-22 was developed by Bell Helicopter Textron, which manufactures it in partnership with Boeing Helicopters. The initial operators are the U.S. Marine Corps and United States Air Force. The FAA classifies the Osprey as a model of powered lift aircraft.”… Wikipedia.
      1.) Unzip the archive.
      2.) Cut/Paste the MV-22 folder within the aircraft directory of your Strike Fighters, Wings over Vietnam or Wings over Europe, Wings over Israel Installation.
      3.) Cut/Paste the sound file within the sound folder into the Sounds directory your Strike Fighters, Wings over Vietnam, Wings over Israel or Wings over Europe Installation.
      4.) Fly and have fun!
      Flight Instructions
      STOL – (Short Take Off and Landing) - Rotate the outboard engine nacelles (done by activating the keys you have mapped to controls thrust vectoring) above 45-degrees (I find around 60 works best). Release brakes, slowly feed in throttle. As you exceed 80 knots, apply full up elevator and apply full throttle. As you climb, raise gear and slowly rotate the engine nacelles to zero to achieve horizontal flight configuration. Approach landing in this configuration as you would a conventional aircraft.
      VTOL – (Vertical Take Off and Landing) - Rotate the outboard engine nacelles to their full 90-Degree position. Slowly apply throttle to exceed 75 percent (this will change with any cargo load or fuel use… adjust as necessary). While in hover mode, direction and attitude is controlled by pitch and roll. Rudder input controls rotation about the axis and throttle obviously effects climb or decent. Landing is a bit more difficult… You’ll need to rotate the engine nacelles to 90-degrees, reduce throttle and bank a bit to scrub off speed. Once below 240 knots, drop gear to increase drag, further reducing airspeed. As you slow to below 100 knots you will develop some buffeting… this is normal as the wings are obviously losing their lift. I find a good controlled decent can be achieved around 60 percent throttle. Goose the throttle a bit before touch-down to soften the landing.
      Operational Notes
      1.) It is recommended to fly the Osprey in hard-mode only to experience the flight model in it’s highest fidelity. The Ospreys FM is a bit too complex in the vertical flight profile to fly properly in anything other than hard.
      2.) Though the Osprey works in all iterations of Thirdwire flight-sims, it performed the best in Wings over Israel. Once the other iterations are patched to WoI standards, this will obviously change.
      3.) The real-world Osprey is fly-by-wire… the onboard computer does a lot of the workload that you will need to do to fly the Osprey smoothly and efficiently. Rule of thumb: Use small control inputs while in hover and don’t over correct when it gets squirrelly. If you ham-fist the Osprey it will throw you all over the place.
      4.) The cargo doors are opened by whatever key you have mapped to open bomb-bay
      5.) The AR Probe (air-refueling) is extended with whatever key you have mapped to extend the arrestor hook.
      6.) The engine nacelles are rotated with whatever key you have mapped to control thrust-vectoring.
      That’s it… fly have fun and don’t be afraid to critique.
      Legal gobble de gook
      Everything contained within this package was created me. Nothing within this package can be modified and uploaded as your own work or part of your personal package without express written consent from me. Nothing within this package can be included with any other free or commercial package without my written consent.
      David Zurawski - Zurawski@zur-tech.com


         (15 reviews)



    12. MiG-31BM Foxhound

      This is the MiG-31BM Foxhound(Great Modernization) that't the late version of the Foxhound made by 101tfs and insky.cn community
      since 101tfs couldn't upload the Foxhound, i'm uploading this here.
      it needs a new FM and cockpit, so if you can help it will be great ;)
      the radar screen and rwr was made by Acidgraph and the cockpit repaint by MK2 with the F-4EJ Hud's
      have fun.


         (18 reviews)

      1 comment


    13. MIG-27 Polish Air Force

      Mój pierwszy upload...
      Taka tam amatorka ale wkońcu to mój pierwszy plik
      Następnym razem postaram się coś porządnie wpełni samemu zrobić...


         (3 reviews)



    14. J-5A(NEW 3D MODEL)

      J-5A of the PLAAF
      Important note!
      Don`t use this addon for any commercial use,or any use against China or the PLA and so on.
      You can make skins for this aircraft freely,but if you post this addon to other places,please announce that it is made by
      fallout3 from CombatACE and the insky forum.
      If you want to modify and upload it,please ask for my permission by the CombatACE forum message.
      Important installation notes.
      I used the ww2pilot as default.
      F-16 AB effects needed
      Drop the original skins of the default MiG-17F to the skin folder!!
      MiG-21 seat needed.
      Cockpit files are not included,and I suggest you use the MiG-19P cockpit on CombatACE.
      The JJ-5 will be released soon!
      Happy hunting then,Thanks.


         (5 reviews)



    15. C-15 Spanish EF-18 HORNET

      Here we have the classical EF-18 HORNET from the Spanish Air Force including the HUD with CCIP.
      Vista, Suerte y al Toro!
      *Admin Edit based on work of the Mirage Factory.


         (4 reviews)



    16. J-5/MiG-17F

      J-5 of the PLAAF,maybe I will make a seprated MiG-17F with some changes in the 3D model soon.
      Important note!
      Don`t use this addon for any commercial use,or any use against China or the PLA and so on.
      You can make skins for this aircraft freely,but if you post this addon to other places,please announce that it is made by fallout3 from CombatACE and the insky forum.
      If you want to modify and upload it,please ask for my permission by the CombatACE forum message.
      Important installation notes.
      I used the ww2pilot as default.
      F-16 AB effects needed
      Drop the original skins of the default MiG-17F to the skin folder.
      MiG-17 seat needed.
      Cockpit files are not included,and I suggest you use the MiG-17F cockpit on CombatACE.
      And by the way,use the tailhook key to open the canopy.
      The J-5A/MiG-17PF and JJ-5 will be released soon!
      Happy hunting then,Thanks.


         (5 reviews)



    17. Eagle killer combo pack - Mig-29OVT and Mig-35 mods

      Eagle Killer combo pack:
      This pack includes:
      -Mig-29 OVT V2.0, a mod of wpnssgt's original Mig-29A
      -new OVT Demonstration skin
      -Mig-35 V1.0, a mod of wpnssgt's original Mig-29A
      -Prototype skin
      This is a mod of wpnssgt's original Mig-29. Thanks to him for all his work.
      Read the readme for full instructions.
      Questions or comments are appreciated.


         (6 reviews)



    18. Q-5II



         (8 reviews)



    19. Q-5D V1.1

      new skin and lod


         (7 reviews)



    20. MiG-23-98

      MiG-23-98 Experimental Aircraft, based on MiG-23MLD, created in 1999.
      Featutes : New "Moskit-23" Radar, AA ang AG (WOI only);
      New HUD & modern avionics radar;
      "OLS-M" Laser Designator;
      Good ECM;
      Bonus : Altenative Mig-23ML & MLD Cockpits & DATA.INI, some data changed according russian military info sources.
      NOTE ABOUT ON-WINGS FT: "...This Fuel Tanks can't be used in normal fly, only during flight on long distance with minimal weapons loadout, and only for planes with 3-rd version of wings (I.E. MiG-23M and lates) "- extract from MiG-23 Pilot manual (in russian). Pylons not needed of this FT, be cause in real life FT drop-out wits pylons before turning wing on max angle.
      Plane based on column5 Mg-23MLD plane, no LOD changes, only INI.


         (2 reviews)



    21. Q-5B

      Q-5B, Strange airplane with a very strange weapon.
      Chinese anti-ship plane with ground radar, main weapon 2x Yu-2 rocket Torpedoes (5Km Range!, be carefull).
      Q-5B is Q-5D mod, maked tweaking INI-files, no LOD changes. Skin is slightly repainted.
      Yu-2 is the Chinese analogue of soviet RAT-52 torpedo.
      Yu-2 is in new_weapon.txt.
      Stupid test mission included (needs some ships ANZAC, OHPerry, Bristol).
      Q-5B started in service in 1984, but stay on active duty not soo long.
      ...Hmm. Try Attacking navy ships with 5km range weapon - It's a "one way ticket", i think...


         (4 reviews)



    22. Q-5E/F

      Q-5E/F (Q-5D mod aircraft )
      Changes over Q-5D:
      Cockpit - slightly modified Boopidoos Su-7BM cockpit;
      HUD added;
      AG Radar added (only at WOI);
      Aircraft data corrected with Q-5E/F specification;
      ASM support added;
      new skin - china camo;
      New weapons (new_weapons_!!!.txt):
      LS-500J 500-kg Guided Bomb - chinese version of KAB-500L (LGB)
      KAB-500S GPS Homing Bomb - russian JDAM, first showed at MAKS-2003
      KAB-500-OD TV Guided Bomb - russian TV guided air explosive bomb, used in both chechens campaigns
      KAB-1500L-F 1500-kg Guided Bomb - russian laser guided anti-runway bomb
      KAB-1500L-PR 1500-kg Guided Bomb - russian laser guided penetrator bomb
      KAB-1500TK 1500-kg Guided Bomb - russian TV guided bomb
      Yu-2 Torpedo - chinese version RAT-52 guided torpedo, used on Q-5B
      Yingji-8 (Eagle Strike) - early version of Yingji-82, chinese Anty-Ship Missile, based on AM-39 model
      Yingji-81 (Eagle Strike) - early version of Yingji-82, chinese Anty-Ship Missile, based on AM-39 model
      IRAN Yingji-8, 81 - Iranian vesrions, uses on iranian F-4
      Yingji-7 Anti Ship Missile - small Anti Ship / Air-Ground missile, AGM-65B analog. i use AGM-83 model, like more accepted


         (6 reviews)



    23. Q-5D

      The mod of the PLAAF Q-5 is a chinese attacker of the 60's
      the mod is modelled by tomcat- & ini work by Erwin Hans of www.insky.cn forum
      Games/Illusion Software Modified by raynor of http://shop.cjdby.net/ forum
      Hope you enjoy it


         (9 reviews)



    24. Arab F-16's for WOI

      These are new Arab F-16s containing and EAF Blk.15 and the RJAF Blk.15 ADF.
      Please read the read me because you need the original Mirage Factory F-16A ADF and F-16A Blk.15 BAF.
      The Mirage Factory - F-16A Blk.15 BAF
      The Mirage Factory - F-16A Blk.15 ADF
      F.M. Update - Kreelin
      ravenclaw_007 - Skins
      The Wrench - Weapons Modifications for the EAF
      Here's a link to Kreelin's new TMF F-16 FM's


         (1 review)



    25. Mig-19Z Super Farmer

      This is An upgraded version of Mig-19S I love this plane.
      its model is by Thirdwire and its ini files is from me .
      I know that i haven't done big work but it is good start.
      if i had enough time i will make IRIAF upgraded F-5E yes i mean Saeghe(means Thunder)you can see its orginal photo on gallery of combatace.


         (3 reviews)



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