About This File
This is optional high resolution repaint/treemod for SF2:V VietnamSEA map, I call it "Green Hell 3.5" ;)
SF2:Vietnam required for Vietnam map (doh!) SF2 all-merged install preferred
made and tested im May 2013 environment
-included both 1024x1024 pixels and smaller 512x512 pixels versions for those with older computers
-repainted hangars/base objects from my WW2 hangars pack, fits this particular scenery ok in my opinion
-city textures by Brain32 from his excellent Vietnam repaint, used under freeware license
-full TOD coverage included
Backup your Vietnam folder, unpack and move/copy new VietnamSEA to your Vietnam folder, overwrite when asked.
Legal mumbo jumbo:
Freeware license apply, no to be used as part of any payware
have phun
What's New in Version 1.0
- 1.0 initial release