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PhotoReal Terrains Available NOW at RAZBAM

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I think you guys are really going to enjoy these. They bring this combat flight sim to a whole new level :)

These are the Terrains you've always wanted to fly over and now you can. I also think the Vietnam one will work with Yankee Air Pirate, though I haven't tested it. Since all these do is replace the stock terrain with much better Photoreal High Resolution terrain it shouldn't effect anything else :)


PhotoReal Wings Over Europe is finished and is available NOW at RAZBAM:






Photoreal Korean War is finished and is available NOW at RAZBAM:








Photoreal Vietnam is finished and is available NOW at RAZBAM:









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OK, so does anyone else feel a little bit hoodwinked with this one? Based on all the teasers and progress reports to date, wasn't the impression left that this was a major effort by a selfless and talented individual to bring the Thirdwire family of sims up to a new level? Somehow, the fact that the terrains were going to only be available on a payware basis seems to have been overlooked to date.

I don't begrudge anyone fair compensation for their hard work, but I feel that this has been a bit of a bait and switch approach. It certainly could have been handled in a much more upfront and honest manner.

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  NeverEnough said:
OK, so does anyone else feel a little bit hoodwinked with this one? Based on all the teasers and progress reports to date, wasn't the impression left that this was a major effort by a selfless and talented individual to bring the Thirdwire family of sims up to a new level? Somehow, the fact that the terrains were going to only be available on a payware basis seems to have been overlooked to date.

I don't begrudge anyone fair compensation for their hard work, but I feel that this has been a bit of a bait and switch approach. It certainly could have been handled in a much more upfront and honest manner.


Hmm, I thought this was going to be 'shareware' as well. I guess not.


Oh well, I won't be buying so, no loss for me


Like you , I don't begrudge anyone for wanting to make money from their work BUT, I can't find anywhere else that he(They) said this was going to be payware


Alas, it wasn't meant to be

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  NeverEnough said:
OK, so does anyone else feel a little bit hoodwinked with this one? Based on all the teasers and progress reports to date, wasn't the impression left that this was a major effort by a selfless and talented individual to bring the Thirdwire family of sims up to a new level? Somehow, the fact that the terrains were going to only be available on a payware basis seems to have been overlooked to date.

I don't begrudge anyone fair compensation for their hard work, but I feel that this has been a bit of a bait and switch approach. It certainly could have been handled in a much more upfront and honest manner.


*Puts on steel helmet and takes cover*


The hood is definitely on and I'm winking -- of course, we don't know when Edward decided to go the Payware route...I'm prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and tell myself that it happened a week ago, rather than a month or so when the first teasers of these new terrains made it onto the forums with no clue that you'd have to pay for them.


In spite of that, they're truly excellent terrains and probably worth paying for (as long as ugly tile seams are few and far between), though $15 is a bit steep in my opinion, given the price of the actual sims at the Thirdwire online store -- still, you pays your money (or not) and makes your choice...



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I think it's pretty admirable that Edward decided to take this job on. The stock WoE terrain is an absolute friggin' dog, no question about it. Now, at last, there is a real alternative to the stock WoE terrain. Maybe it'll pump up game sales a little bit.

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first off all for a good add-on i´m willing to pay the price and for me this 3 add-on are worth the money :good:

but i have to agree that it would be better in the first place to point out that it is a pay-ware :wink:

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Guest TomSnug

I'm off to get them right now.

Edward's terrains are always good, and these ones look fantastic.

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Oh yes, they do look nice. And I have to appreciate the effort that went into these terrains. But the link, you forgot the link. First rule of marketing, you get someone's attention, you don't let em slip away. You forget to supply the link to get these thing, I'm likely to forget to come back to get the link after reminding you of this.

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I don't have a credit card, so thanks (but YES i do have a bank account:-)). I think we shouldn't blame Edward -it's his (somehow strange) decision to go payware. Excellent as all his yob, of course -but a bit too much for a pure repaint. And so goes all the hypo and waiting away:-(


Post Scriptum:

My own opinion -too much of payware will kill SF community

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  CA_Stary said:
Post Scriptum:

My own opinion -too much of payware will kill SF community


Agreed. :good:


15 bucks is way to much for each of these. I have already paid close to 100 bucks with SFP1, WoV and WoE, now I need to spend another 45 bucks just to get some decent terrain?


Maybe I need to start charging a couple bucks per skin just to break even....I need to get a third job just to catch up with all this YAP and Razbam stuff....it's getting ridiculious.

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Well I bought the HiTiles for Falcon 4AF - which were 12$ (£6) so I don't have a problem with these.


The only problem I can see now is that the account page where you put in all your personal info and password in isn't encrypted as far as I can see - kind of the first rule of eCommerce really - they need to sort that out!



Actually Edward - are you setting up a paypal thing like YAP uses - that should be more secure - and I will actually buy them then.



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Haha, a modder trying to make money and only telling us at the last moment. Something just seems wrong with that...

I guess it's considering all the other modders out there that do it for the love. Not just here but in any other sims community.

I belong (and have modded) to subsims SHIII, and no modder has ever asked for money and I doubt anyone ever will.

Besides, these terrains are not 'photoreal', I find them rather disapointing.

No way i'm paying, sorry.

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what's next? payware skins, FM, decals?

Edited by ghostrider883

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It's a bit hard to write in this thread now after all this comments...but... I don't have a credit card, and 15$ is almost as much as I paid for WoE here, but that is irrelevant. The point is that 99% of 3rd party stuff in SF/WoV/WoE community is FREE, regardless of quality(just look at Mirage Factory add-on as a perfect example(among many others, but the list would be too long) of incredible, yet completely FREE add-ons). Ofcourse when in such community you make payware - it will not look good. This is not MS FS and as much as it may look big, SF community is not that large(comparing to MS FS), payware may make it even smaller. The payware announcement at the very realease day doesen't help either in this case...but all in all:

Very nice work Edward, I wish you sucssess with it :wink:

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What "hurts" here is the surprise, made greater by the fact that Edward has contributed a great deal for free in the past. Let's thank him for that.


There have been other large projects like OTC that could have gone the same way. Since the arrival of YAP, the genie's out of the bottle.

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I don't really have a problem with payware. What worries me is that it might start a domino effect where the majority will go that route for their flight model's, skin's etc. That's what's going to kill SF. Just my 0.02.

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I have absoultley no prob with payware at all.I've purchased some in the past and have not regreted it at all.The sneekyness and last miniute switcheroo here is what burns my muffin.If edward had come out in the begining and said flatout the WIPs he was showing were for payware NP at all but with this sort of "backhanded"salesmenship I'll not be getting them.I'm sure they are worth every penny but full disclosure up front would have made an easy transaction into a deal with a used car salesman.Thanks but no thanks Edward.Whats next pulling your free stuff to make a better market for the pay?Thats been done too here.:(

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To me, it is the whole idea of payware I have a problem. The bottom line is this is a user made mod. This isn't something that I can go down to the software shop and buy in a box, that was made by a professional company. Why should I bust my ass making mods and give them away for free while Joe Schmoe down the street is making 15 bucks per? It doesn't make sense. In my opinion, payware has no place in a community like this. You mod it because you want to...because you want to improve it.


I have been into modding for 10 years now, starting painting cars for Grand Prix 2 and then mapping Unreal Tournament and making full blown mods in EA's F1 series before making WoE my home. The thought never once crossed my mind to sell my mods. The day I sell a mod is the day I stop modding.

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  paul.nortness said:
To me, it is the whole idea of payware I have a problem. The bottom line is this is a user made mod. This isn't something that I can go down to the software shop and buy in a box, that was made by a professional company. Why should I bust my ass making mods and give them away for free while Joe Schmoe down the street is making 15 bucks per? It doesn't make sense. In my opinion, payware has no place in a community like this. You mod it because you want to...because you want to improve it.


This is exactly what I've been trying to say since this whole payware thing cropped up. good to know that somoene out there agrees :wink: .

Edited by ghostrider883

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For the record....I want it known that this in no way reflects how I feel about the users in question....Please do not take my words as a personal attack against Razbam or Edward, they are no more than personal opinions voiced in a public forum. I have never had dealings with them and would never blatantly attack anyone because of their methods of distribution.

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  paul.nortness said:
To me, it is the whole idea of payware I have a problem. The bottom line is this is a user made mod. This isn't something that I can go down to the software shop and buy in a box, that was made by a professional company. Why should I bust my ass making mods and give them away for free while Joe Schmoe down the street is making 15 bucks per? It doesn't make sense. In my opinion, payware has no place in a community like this. You mod it because you want to...because you want to improve it.


I have been into modding for 10 years now, starting painting cars for Grand Prix 2 and then mapping Unreal Tournament and making full blown mods in EA's F1 series before making WoE my home. The thought never once crossed my mind to sell my mods. The day I sell a mod is the day I stop modding.



Here Here :clapping:

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Well...im kinda new around here but i think i can express my opinion....i started off (like many) with a .iso(shame on me :blush: ) version of WoE and WoV and soon realize that this was a game to spend money on. The real charisma of this game is that is suported by a enourmous community with great artists/designers and excellent modders. Thats what made me buy the copyright copie for SFP1 and WoE and still waiting for WoV. This is my opinion, when a game and its community work real hard to make it suitable for most of the tastes and opinions of other people for free, it really worths while because its all about seeing your work recognized and admired by others. If you liked it payed maybe should work for a label...

The principle of the payware is kinda hard to compreend...is to grab the work hours, the time you didnt spend with your friends and family or doing something else and covert it into cash instead of public recognition of your talent...i just dont know how to "convert" hours spent into € so for me is hard to compreend, but if you guys understand...fine by me.

That doesnt mean im "spitting" your high quality work or nothing like that.

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  Atreides said:
I don't really have a problem with payware. What worries me is that it might start a domino effect where the majority will go that route for their flight model's, skin's etc. That's what's going to kill SF. Just my 0.02.



That's what i'm afraid for (or the sfp1 engine customers are far more numerous than we think)


For the product itself (from what it seen).........it do not worth the money (at least for me)....


Even if there is a huge work on the tiles .........it's not enough to make it a "buyable" product.....what i espect from a payware map?


1) trees.....a lot of them and where they should be (a forest area should be full of them for example)


2) differents cities from the stock ones (a better urbanization (organized on streets/roads) and different size buildings (like polak did recently))


3) a lot more objects (differents airbases from the stock ones, bridges, industrial complexs and harbors)


Of course all this things should have been in the stock game..........but if we brings this to us.....then .....the maps will be worth the money


Of course you may some day improve the named areas like YAP did......to be honnest when i bought the first set of missions i was a little disapointed.....but set after set they improve their product and now YAP makes WOV a far better game (and to be honnest what it should be from the initial release in stores)....and i fully enjoy it


Sorry to sound harsh...........but what i understand from a free modders who kindly offers us his time for our gaming pleasure (i can't ask him to deliver me a commercial finished product and it's normal) is less acceptable from someone who sell his work....

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  paul.nortness said:
To me, it is the whole idea of payware I have a problem. The bottom line is this is a user made mod. This isn't something that I can go down to the software shop and buy in a box, that was made by a professional company. Why should I bust my ass making mods and give them away for free while Joe Schmoe down the street is making 15 bucks per? It doesn't make sense. In my opinion, payware has no place in a community like this. You mod it because you want to...because you want to improve it.


I have been into modding for 10 years now, starting painting cars for Grand Prix 2 and then mapping Unreal Tournament and making full blown mods in EA's F1 series before making WoE my home. The thought never once crossed my mind to sell my mods. The day I sell a mod is the day I stop modding.


I gotta wholeheartedly agree with you Paul. While I am all in favor of capitolism, I don't think I could ever bring myself to charge for any mod I've done or plan to do. Just not my style. The price seems a bit steep for what appears to be GoogleEarth screen caps ( if they are I hope someone read the EULA about commercial use from these types of apps). But hey, PT Barnum said it all.

Good luck with the sale, I hope they weren't a rushed project and remember....at SFMODS no bank accounts, wallets or piggy banks were hurt in the creation or delivery of those mods. :biggrin:

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  Deuces said:
I gotta wholeheartedly agree with you Paul. While I am all in favor of capitolism, I don't think I could ever bring myself to charge for any mod I've done or plan to do. Just not my style. The price seems a bit steep for what appears to be GoogleEarth screen caps ( if they are I hope someone read the EULA about commercial use from these types of apps). But hey, PT Barnum said it all.

Good luck with the sale, I hope they weren't a rushed project and remember....at SFMODS no bank accounts, wallets or piggy banks were hurt in the creation or delivery of those mods. :biggrin:


Well, professionally I am very much involved in e-learning and the whole Web 2.0 stuff. I would say we are wittnessing here a new kind of economy, where stake holders can have some honest revenue from their non-professional activities and creative artists finally get a way to get some living.


Let's face it: we are not facing the big companies here or the big profits. We have to do with innovative, hard-working individuals who charge a reasonable price for their work. I like to pay them, in part because at least I know them and they are not an impersonal company.


I also like to pay somewhat more for coffee that comes from small third-world farmers.


I profoundly respect people like Yap, Prowler, Edward who try to make nice things and get an honest revenue from it. I of course also appreciate the free modders very much, but everyone makes his or her choices. Many of us bought multiple copies of TK's products because we think they deserve support.

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