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I'm a newbie, sort of, but own them all, and will continue to buy them as each new one comes out. And the reasons I'll keep doing that are three:


1. They're great sims that are fun to fly.


2. This is a great community, which teaches as well as provides.


3. It's such an active community that I often can't remember what disc I put something on, and that's one hell of a lot of free stuff. :biggrin:


Happy birthday, SF.

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I have been flying sims since they would fit on 3 floppies.

I found EAW and learned how to mod it.(as much as they will let you)

Then came SFP1(Wally World version) and I was really hooked.

I now have 7 separate installs(From WW1 to the new 2007 WOE beta campaign).

I can fly Nieuports,Mustangs,Sabres,F-100's,Phantoms, all the way to F-23's.

Whatever my mood is at the time.

TK came up with a winner and the people who mod them are the best in the world.

I am Marine Vietnam Vet(Flew A-6's and F-4's) and this sim has the most realism and the best flight characteristics of any that I have tried.

I have Microsoft,LOMAC,Janes,IL2,all in the drawer collecting dust.

WELL DONE,EVERYONE!!! :ok::good::clapping:


If you want real Immersion,Load up your Enemy aircraft (Migs,SU's,etc)with the correct missiles from the Weapons Pack and be prepared to get hosed very often.

If you hear "He's firing a missile" it's too late. A second later you're a huge fireball.

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The SF series is THE single reason I started diving seriously back into flight sims in over a decade. Yea, I dabbled in LOMAC, F4, etc through the years...but all required too much time to get into and feel effective doing it.


As a 25+ year simmer, and a 17+ year fast jet military and civilian pilot, the SF series to me is a close to perfect blend of realism and ease of use. Immersion to me doesn't require clickable cockpits, or knowing every button and function of the radar. I do this stuff for real...I don't need a sim to show me how it's done.


Thanks TK, and thanks to all the modders through the years that have 'filled out' the SF world.



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Can't believe how many old farts there are here (myself included.)


I'm trying to figure out if there is some significance to this.

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Increased age of the gamer, or rather, that gamers don't necessarily stop just because they're getting older. I think it'd be an interesting study.

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Who you calling an old fart?


I prefer seasoned. :biggrin:


Just to out old fart you all, the 1st combat simulation I "flew" was one I created myself called "Tank Buster."


It was on a DEC PDP-8. Thaz right, paper tape reader, & TTY. By the time I got my 1st C=64, it was all fancy with graphics and stuff.

"Project: Stealth Fighter" by MPS was all kinds of exotic.

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Who you calling an old fart?


I prefer seasoned. :biggrin:


Just to out old fart you all, the 1st combat simulation I "flew" was one I created myself called "Tank Buster."


It was on a DEC PDP-8. Thaz right, paper tape reader, & TTY. By the time I got my 1st C=64, it was all fancy with graphics and stuff.

"Project: Stealth Fighter" by MPS was all kinds of exotic.


Yup. You win. :ok: C-64 was my first machine. Played the crap out of Strike Eagle....

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Increased age of the gamer, or rather, that gamers don't necessarily stop just because they're getting older. I think it'd be an interesting study.


Yeah I know the online flying sims I've been involved with over the years had a lot of people my age or older, and I notice a lot of that as well with the CFS2 community now as well as here. I don't remember the Japanese word for it but it translates into something like a "lifelong passion" for something. I guess gaming is it for me! My friends and I don't go bowling every week, like our fathers did...instead we LAN, lol.

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Well, I guess that makes me a youngster... my first flight sim was MSFS 2000 on Windows 2000. Of course, I ditched it for the TW series.


I actually picked it up in the "Free After Rebate" section at Best Buy in late 2003, looking for something to do in my spare time. When I installed it, I was hooked. It was the perfect fit for someone like me, that has limited time; with ALT-N, I could actually finish a random generated mission in five or then minutes. I actually played it that way without any mods or patches for a year, when I downloaded Service Pack 1, the F-4J, and the A-4F. I don't remember how many times I played "A-4F_Alphastrike!", trying to hone in on my high-altitude bombing skills. It was also the most immersive mission by far with all the action going on, that was when I learned what the in-game map is for. After playing that for another year, I found this site. The rest... is history :ok: . I downloaded so many mods that within a month, my free space on my computer went from 10 gigs to less than 2 gigs. Then I had to put my computer on a diet to get acceptable frame rates. (With my current desktop, my installations total about 50 gigs).


I think that this site is really what got me hooked. There is only so many times that you can play a single mission. I found out about all the other sites hosting mods from here, this site was and is really my central TW location.


If I could estimate how many hours of my time I put into this game, I would estimate 2500+. And I'm not even a real modder... and I didn't start with the Wally-World edition either.


Ok I've got to stop rambling on and on... but my point is that I love this game. :clapping:

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Wow, you guys stirred up some memories! C64 (on which i played the ORIGINAL MS Flight Simulator), Amiga also.... The closest my dysfunctional family ever came together was my younger brother, my dad and myself taking turns playing Microprose Gunship. One of us would get a high enough score to win a virtual MOH; the other two scrambling to match the mission score.......sad to most people i guess, but it has been my only real hobby for many years.......

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Wow, you guys stirred up some memories! C64 (on which i played the ORIGINAL MS Flight Simulator), Amiga also.... The closest my dysfunctional family ever came together was my younger brother, my dad and myself taking turns playing Microprose Gunship. One of us would get a high enough score to win a virtual MOH; the other two scrambling to match the mission score.......sad to most people i guess, but it has been my only real hobby for many years.......


Can I join in and say Happy Anniversary to TK, our sim (SFP1/WOV/WOE/FirstEagles), and our community (specifically CombatAce). As I told my wife after retiring from flying real jets, I don't chase broads, I don't drink too much, I don't gamble very much, but a man's gotta have a hobby and this one is mine. She thought about it and has never complained when I spent some money on a new XPS through the years. In the midst of this sim, I get all the warm fuzzies I used to get flying real jets and everytime I smoke down the Red River in my Thud, I am flying with my friend Tommy Zorn in his Wild Weasel. Tommy made feet-wet, but bought the farm, 17 September 1969, when he and his backseater punched from a flaming 105G. One of many fearless men who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, but he is who is always my backseater. Its all about speed and brass balls and TK has given me some good times with a friend again. Thanks.


Bye the way, being an old fart means there is quality all about you. You're still standing!!!!

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Found SFP1 about 3 1/2 Years ago in an Electronic Market mid in the MS Flightsim shelf. The Price was low, it looks ok, thought it brings some Hours of fun...


And now?

I still playing SFP1 (and WoV and WoE) nearly every Day... being here every day...

TK create great Games - but the community and the moders hold them alive!

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Happy anniversary !!!

After playing Air Warrior II (with Sabres and MiG 15's and a LOT of props, loads of fun), Jane's USAF and a bit of Flanker, I stumbled on an early SFP1 (probably just after the Wallmart version) for E 10,= in a toy shop.

Like Sony, the F104G immediately caught my attention and the fact that it could be flown with RNlAF roundels did it...... (together with all the activity at internet and all the mods and extra planes available, thanks for getting me on the old SimHq forum Dave)

The CD of the original version cracked and I bought a later version with all the documentation about 2 years ago.

And now ?

Still having a go every night, still doing some mods on my install very night, still fascinated every night......


Aju, :victory:



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Can I join in and say Happy Anniversary to TK, our sim (SFP1/WOV/WOE/FirstEagles), and our community (specifically CombatAce). As I told my wife after retiring from flying real jets, I don't chase broads, I don't drink too much, I don't gamble very much, but a man's gotta have a hobby and this one is mine. She thought about it and has never complained when I spent some money on a new XPS through the years. In the midst of this sim, I get all the warm fuzzies I used to get flying real jets and everytime I smoke down the Red River in my Thud, I am flying with my friend Tommy Zorn in his Wild Weasel. Tommy made feet-wet, but bought the farm, 17 September 1969, when he and his backseater punched from a flaming 105G. One of many fearless men who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, but he is who is always my backseater. Its all about speed and brass balls and TK has given me some good times with a friend again. Thanks.


Bye the way, being an old fart means there is quality all about you. You're still standing!!!!


If I could get a REAL drink in this craphole, I would drink a toast to you and your friend. The folks that did it for real (My old man included) have my total respect. The Wild Weasel mission always fascinated me, they really put it all out there to protect the rest of the package.....what were the old sayings - YGBSM, or First In, Last Out


And one of the newer sayings - Chicks dig Weasels, Weasels dig chicks........

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I still playing SFP1 (and WoV and WoE) nearly every Day... being here every day...

TK create great Games - but the community and the moders hold them alive!


the same with me... :biggrin:

Great serie of sims, can´t wait for Wings over Israel...


Thx TK

and thanks to all Modders, who made this sim so outstanding! :good:

Edited by Soulfreak

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I discovered SFG in a £10 'pack of four' games back in January 2008... yes, last month!


I've never been one for computer games but I've been a military aviation enthusiast for about 35 years with the F-4 Phantom II being one of my favourite aircraft of all time. I was looking at some software in PC World when the F-4E on the cover of SFG (and the low price) caught my eye and I couldn't resist buying it. We'd got my daughter a new laptop for Christmas to replace her four-year old PC which was sitting there doing nothing so I thought I'd try SFG on that. Apart from a delete and install of XP I spent £60 on upgrading the graphics card and adding some memory (112 to 756, still quite modest) and that, I believe, is one of the strengths of the series - your machine spec can be quite modest and it runs! Unlike LOMAC.


I've now got all three but run WoE with Desert and Germany terrains and all three aircraft packs. I've started modding but just playing around with skins and decals which is great for an RAF buff like myself as I can now have the RAF flying F-4E's with Red Top missiles!




It's a great series and TK can be justly proud.



P.S. In the game the Red Top is a great IR missile... but don't tell everyone!

Edited by Spinners

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I remember that I was searching for something having to do with WWI aviation on YouTube, which isn't always as easy as it should be on the original Internet Channel for the Wii. After a bit, I came across this video



I was in love.


My mom got me First Eagles for my 13th birthday, and I played it non stop for about a week. Buzzing about on the internet, I noticed that it was part of a "Strike Fighters" franchise, and that one could get these things called "mods" for free! On March 31, I joined this forum to download some mods and learn more about the game. For me, the rest is history.

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Can I join in and say Happy Anniversary to TK, our sim (SFP1/WOV/WOE/FirstEagles), and our community (specifically CombatAce). As I told my wife after retiring from flying real jets, I don't chase broads, I don't drink too much, I don't gamble very much, but a man's gotta have a hobby and this one is mine. She thought about it and has never complained when I spent some money on a new XPS through the years. In the midst of this sim, I get all the warm fuzzies I used to get flying real jets and everytime I smoke down the Red River in my Thud, I am flying with my friend Tommy Zorn in his Wild Weasel. Tommy made feet-wet, but bought the farm, 17 September 1969, when he and his backseater punched from a flaming 105G. One of many fearless men who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, but he is who is always my backseater. Its all about speed and brass balls and TK has given me some good times with a friend again. Thanks.


Bye the way, being an old fart means there is quality all about you. You're still standing!!!!


You can't get a better endorsement then that!

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Can I join in and say Happy Anniversary to TK, our sim (SFP1/WOV/WOE/FirstEagles), and our community (specifically CombatAce). As I told my wife after retiring from flying real jets, I don't chase broads, I don't drink too much, I don't gamble very much, but a man's gotta have a hobby and this one is mine. She thought about it and has never complained when I spent some money on a new XPS through the years. In the midst of this sim, I get all the warm fuzzies I used to get flying real jets and everytime I smoke down the Red River in my Thud, I am flying with my friend Tommy Zorn in his Wild Weasel. Tommy made feet-wet, but bought the farm, 17 September 1969, when he and his backseater punched from a flaming 105G. One of many fearless men who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, but he is who is always my backseater. Its all about speed and brass balls and TK has given me some good times with a friend again. Thanks.


Bye the way, being an old fart means there is quality all about you. You're still standing!!!!



Wow - didnt realise!


Maximum respect to you Jug - thats very touching - making us feel too emotional here - now that aint right :clapping:

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Wow - didnt realise!


Maximum respect to you Jug - thats very touching - making us feel too emotional here - now that aint right :clapping:


Backing every word!!!!


Happy B'day TW serias.

I love this game and play (fly) it a lot. (well SF and WoE to be more exact)

As you can imagine I do most of my flying over Israel. (can't wait for WoI to come out)

I'm with this community since 2004 and I can tell you without shying that this community is the clossest to what a close friend is.

It always amazed me how many guys here have got real life experiance in flying jets, and some of them if not all say that this sim is the closest to what real life flying is about. well, it taught me a lesson.


Allow me to reise a vertual toast to all here, to TK and to all who have made this game what it is.




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