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Wings Over Israel [Official Thread]

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Just to let you know that I have successfully managed to load and run WOI from a 4gb USB stick without any difficulties giving me a fully portable installation which I can now plug into any PC or laptop and then fly with plenty of space left on the stick for addons and additional mods.



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Every cockpit, and the glove-wings on the F-14 remain extended now! I saw some migs flying at 25,000 feet, cockpit open, and there were no pilots either!


I fixed the canopies, but now the glove-wings are still in the open position. I aliased them to an animation, so I can open, and close them at will, but my wingmen are not as smart as me, and retracts them in during subsonic flight ;)


Anyone have a workaround, or seen this? I imagine every aircraft with an AUTOMATIC_LIFT canopy, or animation, is going to need to be fixed, :(

Edited by WombRaider

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ive downloaded the game and it totally awesome!!! cant wait to see what mods will come out.

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WombRaider: check the deploy and retract value of the glove vanes in your F-14A_DATA.ini, listed under LeftGloveWing and RightGloveWing respectively. Deploy should be 1.39, retract 1.41.

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WombRaider: check the deploy and retract value of the glove vanes in your F-14A_DATA.ini, listed under LeftGloveWing and RightGloveWing respectively. Deploy should be 1.39, retract 1.41.



Sweet, thanks Ceasar!

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...load and run WOI from a 4gb USB stick without any difficulties...


Wow. That is interesting stuff. Any game loading and/or in-game performance changes?

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Ok, I noticed another bug, the ships hover over the water!


Even the default ones, when installed, look as if they are barely hovering off of the water! Carrier operations are not feasible as of yet!

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Ok, I noticed another bug, the ships hover over the water!


Even the default ones, when installed, look as if they are barely hovering off of the water! Carrier operations are not feasible as of yet!




Carrier ops are fine on my end. Sure it's not the terrain?




Ahhh...reminds me of my days in the Bone...



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Carriers (at least the addon Ark Royal) works fine for me on the default WOI terrain.


The only problems I have noticed so far is that a few airbases appear to be below ground level. One of them is Etzion (home base in campaign), but I have noticed a few Egyptian bases in the Sinai that look as if half the runway is under ground. Taking off from these bases results in wingmen crashing.


The other problem is that if your flight consists of 8 aircraft or more, some of them sometimes don't want to take off.

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Needs definitly a small patch, but looks like nothing that can be solved! Can someone post the Readme of WOI would be interesting what`s inside!

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NO FAST CARGO, they work in the WOI maps, but not in the others. It is all the ships too! The default SCB-125, and CVA-63 do not hover all that much, and they allow me to at least take off. It is especially bad on the WOV map, which I ported into the game. Try it with another terrain. What could be the problem?

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Here is what I am talking about. This is the Vietnam SEA terrain. No mods, just regular terrain. Every terrain does this, but the WOI default.

hover2.jpghover1.jpgand here is another shot! Any ideas?

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I have no idea. The shot you see that I made was the GermanyCE terrain imported into my WOI install.


Not sure why you're having problems. Anyone got any ideas? I haven't seen the 'buried' runway thing either.



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How did you get the static aircraft to apear on your germany terrain. I imported the terrain too into WOI with no static aircraft apearing

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Ok, I think it is the terrain, you should see the ships in the Lybia terrain. They are hovering about 10 feet off the water!




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Have they added Warships in the Anti-Ship missions yet?

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Needs definitly a small patch, but looks like nothing that can be solved! Can someone post the Readme of WOI would be interesting what`s inside!



No readme file :dntknw:


It comes with a very basic pdf manual only... doesn't even have credits :secret:

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I think TK knew his target audience well. Whilst there will be quite a few new players for WoI, most peeps are pretty well intimate with the Wings Over series I think.

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So - I have downloaded and played some missions now:


First thing. I am embarassed to admit this but basicly the first thing that happened was that I was shot down. By a MiG-17.

Usually, MiG-17s are only target practice for me, nothing really serious - Just something to waste your Sidewinders at if there is nothing other in the area.


I was flying a Close Air Support mission, loading up my Nesher to the point it was hard to get off the ground. I went in there, saved the troops and saw Snoopy buy it from SAM. I slow down, turning to destroy the SAM with my last Snakeeye when I notice the MiG-17 behind me. Pulling upp to Full Throttle, I call for my wingman to swap the annoying little fly while I take evasive action.


But no, Muhammed would not allow me that. Firing a burst, he scored a hit in my tail section, and another one hit the Wing. It was just to bail out and live to fight another day.



The second mission was equally simple. I loaded an A-4 with two bombs and two Aim-9s and took off in order to destroy ships outside Tyre. MiG-19s entered the fray in order to stop me and unlike the previous time, I did not have a figther escort. Knowing that the Wingman could hit the target on his own, I ejected the bombs and went to meet the two MiGs, scoring one with Guns on the flyby.

Chasing down the other, Red Crown alerted me of more bandits coming in - a bit more serioius opposition consisting of MiG-21s. This time I knew I could get a Atoll upp my engine so I flew low and fast trying to shake them while my wingman hit the ship - and the MiGs was not fooled at all. My wingman got torn to shreds and I was now alone. Firing a sidewinder at the MiG-19, I then decided it was time to disengage. One kill, and mission failed.


This game is really an improvement!



Btw, anybody want to try out the Multiplayer and can point me in the directions of some active servers?

Edited by tigertompa

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I have been waiting bfore asking this one.

Is the AI-guided weapons problem solved?

Do now AI-flights (not player controlled),release guided weapons (i.e.mavericks, lgbs (if available in WOI install) at their assigned targets?

Can anyone do this test pleasE?

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...IN A NESHER :biggrin:

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oh yeah....


just thought i'd share this moment with you.....


RIP Shahak

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sorry, but am I missing the briefing screen and mercenary ability? If this has been covered please forgive me - it's a long thread!

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