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Mirage Factory RF-4C

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Mirage Factory RF-4C

Unsurpassed quality just extrudes from this masterpiece by the Mirage Factory.




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Alone, Unarmed, and Unafraid.......


Can't wait to take this for a spin! All mod work is greatly appreciated by myself and many ohers!

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Oh yes! From the #1 Rhino lover Great work to all that made this possible! :clapping::good::ok:

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Is this for WOI or WOE i couldnt find it in the readme



she can fly on all sim.. the right way is WOI last patch ... but wil work with all versions(better after the patch).


look the file name WOx_


i thnink TK will not updat e SFP1 to SP5



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The Mirage Factory is the best thing before and after sliced bread.


For group of fellas who have regular lives to take time out of their day to make such things simply astounds me.


I will keep saying this till you get tired of it...


Thank you


(That is not only for the Mirage Factory crew, but the rest of the modding community as well.)

Edited by ironroad

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It`s great to see this bird around .. cool feeling to do a recon deep in enemy terretory!!! Thanks MF,thanks Dave!

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??? I thought Mirage Factory is under "Colums5?" Which I know is in the process of returning. How did you get the download files? :dntknw:

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There are some other ways to distribute files, like Mailservice, nearly discovered Internet ;-P column5 was down cause of some troubles with the provider/server... and this was only a prob for the site not for MF itself. MF is french and coulmn US I think no quite sure...

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long awaited!!!!

Damn, this Baby is sweet!!!

now i onls need the rf-4e to do some bombings on eastgerman airfields...

thx TMF!!!

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You rule,


Santa has come early this year! :biggrin:

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Very nice and comprehensive job MF !!!!

Merci beaucoup .......




Derk :smile:

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Very nice, thanks MF!


Is there any plan on a RF-4B?

I'm not quite sure about the differences between the B and C, maybe a different skin will do it.


Keep the Rhinos coming :good:

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Super job. I certainly appreciate all of the hard work that went into producing this great a/c.

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4 planes and 11 skins!


Fantastic work guys. Well done.

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Not to be left out, but you guys did a great job. Very nice work indeed. Could not agree more, keep the Phantoms coming!!

Many thanks,

Mike Druz.

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Wow, its a great lookin bird.

Thanks for everything all at Mirage team and all that aid. :good:

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I downloaded this last night but I haven't had a chance to fly it until now. What can I say?


(US) It's a Cadillac.


(UK) It's the dog's b*ll*cks.


(F) Chapeau!

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Again, nice job. Are you going to release a pre-1971 SEA version without the tape lights? Or is there a way to disable them?



Mike D.

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i thnink TK will not updat e SFP1 to SP5




Are you kidding?

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