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The Official Sept/Oct Patch Thread

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Hi, dave. No, nothing like that. i deleted my old control.ini as it was overwritten by the new one from the sept patch. i tried to see if there was another contol.ini in some other part of the game folder conflicting with the new one but did not see any. My WOI install works fine though. i dont know why it wont let me remap anything. The autopilot is always set to A in the game options.


One more thing, When i ran the patches, the update readme which states what was chgd said patch updte failed or something similar on these different areas. Someone in this thread emntioned the update readme saying something similar. Could this have anything to do with it. i have run the patches a few times and they were not corrupted from dwlding.

Edited by dsawan

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Make sure your control.ini isn't set to 'Read Only' in the attributes (look under the Properties tab when you right click on it).



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Hi, dave. No, nothing like that. i deleted my old control.ini as it was overwritten by the new one from the sept patch. i tried to see if there was another contol.ini in some other part of the game folder conflicting with the new one but did not see any. My WOI install works fine though. i dont know why it wont let me remap anything. The autopilot is always set to A in the game options.


One more thing, When i ran the patches, the update readme which states what was chgd said patch updte failed or something similar on these different areas. Someone in this thread emntioned the update readme saying something similar. Could this have anything to do with it. i have run the patches a few times and they were not corrupted from dwlding.


If your making a folder with ONLY the main exe file and applying the patch, it will fail as the newer patches look for the object cat files as well, they may even look for other files but for certain they need to find the cat files as well. Best possible way is to find a nice clean empty space of memory e.g. spare drive or largely empty one. Install each and every thirdwire game that you have into this, download all the latest patches for each respective game and run where applicable. (if you bought Strike fighters when it was new, you may have to install the SFP1service pack first before the last SF patch)


So now you have all your Thirdwire games patched up to the latest standard, you may consider the following thread clicky here useful if you want to reduce the space consumed on your previously spartan drive. Ok so now the controls, you did keep a copy of the controls ini how you liked it right? If yes then open it with notepad, and open the all new vanilla patched control ini, compare and contrast, change the assignments for the new one to match your old one if you like BUT do not just drop the old one no matter how good it worked before, into your new patched up game because... there are new features now such as toggle engine (ctrl I) and quite possibly the game will look at your old control ini (if you stuck it in there), spit it out and use the new shiny default one instead.


If after all those steps you still can't get your control ini to change, I really don't know what to suggest mate :dntknw:

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Fast cardo, i tried that no go.Mab,I deleted the old one. i took the new one from the safe folder for the new patches and copied it over the old one. ie ven tried taking the WOI one since it works and putting it in wov's control fodler to no effect.

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Fast cardo, i tried that no go.Mab,I deleted the old one. i took the new one from the safe folder for the new patches and copied it over the old one. ie ven tried taking the WOI one since it works and putting it in wov's control fodler to no effect.


Dsawan, are you moving control ini files around? Follow my steps above to get your clean patched game first if you haven't already, then you will have a clean and up to date control ini inside the fully patched game. Now possibly you have a shortcut for the game somewhere, in all programs, on your desk top, this can get risky with multiple installs of the game because they don't always boot up the version you want so delete or ignore all of the shortcuts to the game, instead navigate to the exact folder where you have installed the fresh game and applied patches to. So now you see the game exe you know that when you click it you are getting into that version of the game, try to change the controls from the options menu, save and close the game. Open the game again from the very same exe that you opened and the changes will be saved... if not, there is something mysterious happening that should not be happening.


Notice I did not move any control ini files in the steps above, if you need to have controls set for a separate game, e.g. WOV, SFP1, WOE, then you can repeat the steps above for each individual game, it is time consuming but hopefully it will work.


If these steps failed for me, my next option would be to open the folder again, ignore the exe file and open the control ini, I would then find my old control ini that worked in my old game, I would open them both to look and I would manually type in the buttons I want mapped line by line, being very careful not to delete the new functions that are not in the old one. I would save the new control ini as Default.ini in the Controls folder of the new game and close the old one, however if saving in Vista, you don't put .ini just call it Default. Now try loading the game again and if it still isn't working properly I would cry.


If all else fails, send me your old control list for the old game, the one you like via pm. Tell me which game you want these controls to work for and I will try to change it for you and pm it back to you.


I know just how frustrating these little things can be, I'm still trying to work out why I get two carriers trying to hump each other on some maps myself and am almost at the point of doing a fawlty.

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Did anyone notice that low flying laden F-105 crash in the country side with the new patch applied? I saw a flight of four F-105 skimming the trees and once they were in rugged terrain two of the four planes disappeared... The number one plane also had no bombs left. Is the minimum altitude too low with the new patch?

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Did anyone notice that low flying laden F-105 crash in the country side with the new patch applied? I saw a flight of four F-105 skimming the trees and once they were in rugged terrain two of the four planes disappeared... The number one plane also had no bombs left. Is the minimum altitude too low with the new patch?


Which terrain was this? I start on the ground with external view and noticed some terrains will have aircraft start below "land level", keeping external view on and allowing the plane to take off on auto it can be seen to emerge out from beneath the land whereas flying noe I often find terrain avoiding radar to show me land where there isn't any visible and no land where there clearly is, noe is touch and go due to crashing into invisible land. Some groundobjects appear either completely underground or half way. This all seems related to the water issue involving heightmap issues and I'm tempted to think that this has some relation to problems with carrier behaviour (i.e. two identical carriers one on top of the other) however, what the solution is ? :dntknw:

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I could not find the upgrade for the stock IsraelME terrain you mentioned, in the Terrain section.

Can you help me, please?


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I have a question, do ground units get different skill levels like pilots?


Sometimes a SAM will track my flight forever and never launch and sometimes they fire within seconds of tracking us. Maybe the ones who don't shoot just don't have a clear shot, but i wonder if some ground units are better skilled then others?

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I could not find the upgrade for the stock IsraelME terrain you mentioned, in the Terrain section.

Can you help me, please?



Page 4 about 1/2 way down.

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Which terrain was this?


Stock WoV terrain. I was flying from Yankee Station and watched the other flights while on my way to ingress. The submerged problem you describe does not appear for me.

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A quickie note for both the Isreal2 and IsrealME targets/AD mods...there seems to be something 'off' with the TMF's latest weapons pak HAWKs. They don't even show up in game. Best thing to do, is simply use the old HAWKL, and open the data ini and use the set up below:













I just extended the operational years. Missile wise, I've seen no differences.


Oddly, the Chapparal's don't seem to have a problem.


Also, Israel2 will need the hm fix...as some things are disappearing/sinking (liquifaction of the ground, doncha know!). I'm working on that now (as opposed to the 3 projects Dave gave, 1/2 of which are done, the Korea map and countless other items of intrest)



kevin stein

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A quickie note for both the Isreal2 and IsrealME targets/AD mods...there seems to be something 'off' with the TMF's latest weapons pak HAWKs. They don't even show up in game. Best thing to do, is simply use the old HAWKL, and open the data ini and use the set up below:




I just extended the operational years. Missile wise, I've seen no differences.


Oddly, the Chapparal's don't seem to have a problem.


Also, Israel2 will need the hm fix...as some things are disappearing/sinking (liquifaction of the ground, doncha know!). I'm working on that now (as opposed to the 3 projects Dave gave, 1/2 of which are done, the Korea map and countless other items of intrest)



kevin stein


Instead of the entry in the HAWKL in the terrain targets ini, just use SAMLauncher;works for me.

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Hello Everyone,


I'm trying to run Zur's Talon on a stock install of WOV patched to Sep 08, and the plane works but the wings are swept forward on the ground. I think the parameters got mixed up. Has anyone else seen this and know a fix. Thanks.



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Guest pfunkmusik
Hello Everyone,


I'm trying to run Zur's Talon on a stock install of WOV patched to Sep 08, and the plane works but the wings are swept forward on the ground. I think the parameters got mixed up. Has anyone else seen this and know a fix. Thanks.




Some of the animations dependent upon the speed of aircraft have had some glitches, mostly canopies. There are a lot of aircraft that are going to need updating.



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Stick: no, it dosen't. You don't think the Targets Guru wouldn't have tried that first????

They don't show up AT ALL... using the free camera view to look at the "XXX Air Defense Battery" only show the AAA units stationed there and the 2 trucks And sometimes not even the HIPAR or PAR.


Given the fact there are 4 different entires for the MIM-23 in the weaponsdata ini, and none of the data inis for the HawkB,C,D and E launchers have the correct missile entries....remember, the 'hardpoint' of the launcher MUST have the missile specified in it's data ini to load it...

Which may be the problem...just another thing to add to my "to do" list....



kevin stein

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"none of the data inis for the HawkB,C,D and E launchers have the correct missile entries"


Someone's overcomplicating things. You only need one Hawk launcher. The different Model Hawks can be set up by in-and-out of service dates. I'll PM the data to you tomorrow.

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Stock WoV terrain. I was flying from Yankee Station and watched the other flights while on my way to ingress. The submerged problem you describe does not appear for me.


The stock terrains are usually good for my install too, it's on the third party terrains that I find some targets that show a red box but no object. Immediate symptom of missing texture etc but on zooming in the view and making the angle of pov shallower, the thing is clearly visible on a separate floor beneath the floor so to speak.

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I don't think this has been asked already, since I haven't seen it. But sorry if it has...


What factors contol if aircraft are parked at bases or not? I've got a separate WOE install (sept08 patch) with the stock WOV 08 patched terrain that I use for my linebackerIII campaign. I'm not getting any static aircraft at all.


The install has almost exclusively add-on aircraft in it, but I don't think that should matter. I've extracted the airfield.ini files from the cat file and made sure they are the updated ones with the parking entries. I've also gone back and made sure all the dll's and the .exe are the ones from the latest patch. I've got A-10's and F-16's in there, so even the parking spots with the smaller wingspan limits should have something.


Is there something I'm missing? I'm cool with parked aircraft not showing up; I just want to make sure my install isn't porked!



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I don't think this has been asked already, since I haven't seen it. But sorry if it has...


What factors contol if aircraft are parked at bases or not? I've got a separate WOE install (sept08 patch) with the stock WOV 08 patched terrain that I use for my linebackerIII campaign. I'm not getting any static aircraft at all.


The install has almost exclusively add-on aircraft in it, but I don't think that should matter. I've extracted the airfield.ini files from the cat file and made sure they are the updated ones with the parking entries. I've also gone back and made sure all the dll's and the .exe are the ones from the latest patch. I've got A-10's and F-16's in there, so even the parking spots with the smaller wingspan limits should have something.


Is there something I'm missing? I'm cool with parked aircraft not showing up; I just want to make sure my install isn't porked!




I believe (it's been a while since I've looked at the files) that the airfield.ini files not only list the parking coordinates, but specify the probability that you will see an aircraft in those slots. I think the stock probability is kind of low...I remember upping mine to 90 percent.


Also, for campaigns, I THINK the aircraft have to be assigned to that particular base for them to show up at all.



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I believe (it's been a while since I've looked at the files) that the airfield.ini files not only list the parking coordinates, but specify the probability that you will see an aircraft in those slots. I think the stock probability is kind of low...I remember upping mine to 90 percent.


Also, for campaigns, I THINK the aircraft have to be assigned to that particular base for them to show up at all.




Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the probability. Most of the stock airfields have them around 60-70 percent, I think. The thing that makes me think something is different about my Linebacker III install is that I ran 2 missions into a campaign in patched WOV and got static aircraft. I ran several missions into campaigns with a couple different types of aircraft in LBIII and saw no parked aircraft.


I'll keep toying with it...

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I have a weird problem with the new patch as well! It seems that the oceans in almost all the terrains are not flat anymore. That being said, it is impossible to get carrier ops to work properly in addon terrains such as Libya, and Cuba. From the air, the water looks very flat, but when you free camera view around, you notice that the geometry below the top textures is not flat, but has ridges. I cannot get off the deck without blowing up when the game loads! CAN SOMEONE HELP!!!!!! I have tried editing the Libya_DATA, and the Cuba_DATA as well, matching the height offsets with the default terrains. I have also tried using the terrain editor, but it crashes on me! OTC is impossible to play as Navy, or Marines because when you spawn on the boat to take off, you blow up within miliseconds of loading the mission! This happened with WOI as well when I ported maps over to it, that is why I tried with WOE. I figured going back would help, but nope, the new patch nuked WOE carrier ops too! Below are some pictures of what I am talking about.


First 3 are cuba...

Notice how the water looks like it has bliffs, and hills. Maybe this is simulating hurricane season in the Gulf, IDK.




Below are images of Libya. Both maps seem to have the same problem.....








Any ideas would be really helpful. It would suck if OTC was toasted after the Sept08 patch : (

The carriers hovering, and my crashing on loading on the deck is really the only problems I have faced with the new patch. Everything else has gone pretty smoothly. I am using a WeaponPack06 hybrid that is integrated with the September08 patch weapon editions/edits. If you go into the weapon editor and set everything as Nato or Warsaw Pact, a TON of weapons are available for each plane.


Please help me figure this out, I am about to tear my hair out of my head, lol!



Edited by WombRaider

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Damn...those are some big, long swells! You might want to take on some ballast in that CVN, too... :biggrin:

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I have a weird problem with the new patch as well! It seems that the oceans in almost all the terrains are not flat anymore. That being said, it is impossible to get carrier ops to work properly in addon terrains such as Libya, and Cuba. From the air, the water looks very flat, but when you free camera view around, you notice that the geometry below the top textures is not flat, but has ridges. I cannot get off the deck without blowing up when the game loads! CAN SOMEONE HELP!!!!!! I have tried editing the Libya_DATA, and the Cuba_DATA as well, matching the height offsets with the default terrains. I have also tried using the terrain editor, but it crashes on me! OTC is impossible to play as Navy, or Marines because when you spawn on the boat to take off, you blow up within miliseconds of loading the mission! This happened with WOI as well when I ported maps over to it, that is why I tried with WOE. I figured going back would help, but nope, the new patch nuked WOE carrier ops too! Below are some pictures of what I am talking about.


First 3 are cuba...

Notice how the water looks like it has bliffs, and hills. Maybe this is simulating hurricane season in the Gulf, IDK.




Below are images of Libya. Both maps seem to have the same problem.....








Any ideas would be really helpful. It would suck if OTC was toasted after the Sept08 patch : (

The carriers hovering, and my crashing on loading on the deck is really the only problems I have faced with the new patch. Everything else has gone pretty smoothly. I am using a WeaponPack06 hybrid that is integrated with the September08 patch weapon editions/edits. If you go into the weapon editor and set everything as Nato or Warsaw Pact, a TON of weapons are available for each plane.


Please help me figure this out, I am about to tear my hair out of my head, lol!




It has been covered..it is about data.ini of terrains that need a little tweaking.


look at this topic, you should find extensive answers there



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Have you tried adding this to the terrain data ini:





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