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Fem-bot's my love machine





A BOFFIN too busy to find real love has INVENTED his idea of the perfect woman – a female ROBOT.


Inventor Le Trung, 33, created Aiko, said to be “in her 20s” with a stunning 32, 23, 33 figure, shiny hair and delicate features.


She even remembers his favourite drink and does simple cleaning and household tasks.


"Fem-bot" Aiko, who has cost £14,000 to build so far, is a whizz at maths and even does Le’s accounts.


Le, a scientific genius from Brampton in Ontario, Canada, said he never had time to find a real partner so he designed one using the latest technology.


He said he did not build Aiko as a sexual partner, but said she could be tweaked to become one.


“Her software could be redesigned to simulate her having an orgasm and reacting to touch as if she is playing hard to get or being straight to the point,” he said.


The former software programmer has taken out credit cards and loans, sold his car and spent his life savings on perfecting the machine.


“I want to make her look, feel and act as human as possible so she can be the perfect companion,” said Le.


The odd looking pair go out for drives together in the Canadian countryside, before sitting down at the dinner table, but Aiko never eats anything.


Le said: “So far she can understand and speak 13,000 different sentences in English and Japanese, so she’s already fairly intelligent.


“When I need to do my accounts, Aiko does all the maths. She is very patient and never complains.”


The fem-bot has a touch-sensitive face and body so she reacts if shown affection or hurt.


“Like a real female she will react to being touched in certain ways. If you grab or squeeze too hard she will try to slap you. She has all senses except for smell,” he said.


Le, a child genius who was put in a class for talented youngsters, made his first robot when he was just eight years old.


He began work on Aiko two years ago in the home he shares with his brother.


But the stress of working on such a difficult project became too much for Le and he suffered a mild heart attack in November last year.


“It was shocking to have a heart attack at the age of 33,” he admits. “But the doctors said I’d been doing too much.


“I may need to have Aiko look after me one day.


“She doesn’t need holidays, food or rest and she will work almost 24-hours a day. She is the perfect woman,” he said.


“People have mixed reactions when they meet Aiko,” he said.


“They either love or hate her. Some people get angry and accuse me of playing God. Once someone threw a rock at Aiko. That really upset me.


“But many people are fascinated by her.


"Women are generally impressed and try to talk to her. But the men always want to touch her, and if they do it in the wrong way they get a slap.

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Ya gotta admit that the fembots in Star Trek's "I Mudd" were hawt!!!

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Once again, Japan never ceases to amuse me (though the female robots have popped up from Japan for some time).



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Does she have machine gun jubblies?

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"Her software could be redesigned to simulate her having an orgasm and reacting to touch as if she is playing hard to get or being straight to the point," he said.


Creepy. Straight up creepy.


"She doesn't need holidays, food or rest and she will work almost 24-hours a day. She is the perfect woman," he said.


Yes, the commonly accepted definition of a perfect woman... :rolleyes:

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MigBuster,as Al Simmons would say on WWE's Monday night raw,"DAMN!"

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Looks more realistic than this plastic woman:





:blink: Where did she get this done? At the local vehicle mechanic shop? Consign her to the wreckers, I say!

Edited by MiGMasher

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:blink: Where did she get this done? At the local vehicle mechanic shop? Consign her to the wreckers, I say!


I doubt it. Auto body men are quite skilled in the use of bondo and that green putty. They also have respect for anything of beuty, and want our return business. The Fem Bots with Austin powers apear to be built more for my liking, but at least Le made his a brunette.

:ph34r: CL

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Probably has to take her in every 3000 miles for a lube, oil and filter. I will let you all interpet that any way you all want.

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I mean this genuinely, but in that 2008 shot, she looks like a burn victim.

Edited by JimmyBib

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Very sad. She was an attractive woman once, but now...................


I really don't understand why people (women) do this stuff. If she'd never bothered, she'd be attractive now.

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Once again, Japan never ceases to amuse me (though the female robots have popped up from Japan for some time).



Le, a scientific genius from Brampton in Ontario, Canada

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For someone supposedly so smart, he sure sounds stupid.


"he never had time to find a real partner"?

""Fem-bot" Aiko, who has cost £14,000 to build so far"?

"He began work on Aiko two years ago in the home he shares with his brother

But the stress of working on such a difficult project became too much for Le and he suffered a mild heart attack in November last year"???!?!


Really? REALLY? I'd bet in far less than 2 yrs, for far less than $25k+, and with NO cardiac arrests he could've found someone. I'd guarantee it even! Maybe it wouldn't last, but this is ridiculous.

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From a disabled guy POV, its a great idea for an aide that can be a partner. Again, it is from this disabled guy's POV.



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From a disabled guy POV, its a great idea for an aide that can be a partner. Again, it is from this disabled guy's POV.



You know, guys (and gals), I just cannot help but feel sorry for the disfigured lady. Slave to fashion and youth, she has done things to herself that have been, my guess, painful and the results, I don't believe, were what she expected. The good Lord made us the way we are and that is the hand that was dealt us. We also get old and gather baggage along the way. Grant us all the good common sense to play the hand we are dealt instead of fighting it. My wife says that everyone needs to choose their fights. Fighting against time, body, looks, etc. is wasted effort.


Every day when I shave, I look in the mirror and say, "You good lookin' dog, don't you ever die." Hasn't improved my looks one bit, but it has done wonders for my attitude.

Edited by Jug

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Every day when I shave, I look in the mirror and say, "You good lookin' dog, don't you ever die." Hasn't improved my looks one bit, but it has done wonders for my attitude.


OMG Jug, I just spit my Coke out that was funny. :lol:

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Every day when I shave, I look in the mirror and say, "You good lookin' dog, don't you ever die." Hasn't improved my looks one bit, but it has done wonders for my attitude.



I like that attitude Jug.


About the uber-plastic-surgery woman. I've seen those pics many times and others worse to boot. Everyone has a reason why they do something, even if it means spending thousands to end up looking like that.


Self esteem is a funny thing. I'm definately in the "you play the hand you were given" camp. It is kind of sad for that lady because there was nothing wrong with her looks in the 70's.


I guess some people have too much money and too much time on their hands. Where do you stop though if you take that route ? A nip here, facelift, botox ad infinitum ad nauseum. I feel that people who actually carry on with too much plastic surgery are inherently unhappy inside anyway and this is a misguided way of trying to feel better. Maybe it works for them and that's why they continue. At the end of the day it's each to his\her own...they are adults after all. You pays your money and you takes your consequences.

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Well for some people, it becomes something of an addiction. They become obsessed with altering their appearance, or they've spent their entire life in front of a camera, and the thought of becoming old and losing their beauty is too much for them. Sadly the result is much worse, in that people getting so much plastic surgery become societal jokes. The Joan Rivers Geico commercial comes to mind here.


As far as the guy and the bot...who knows? maybe his pheremones are screwed up or he's a fellow terminally nice guy.

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Looks more realistic than this plastic woman:


Holy s**t, what can drive a woman go do something like this to herself.


she looks like a freaking horror movie!!!!!

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