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I have a conffesion to make

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I crashed my MiG-31 Firefox because I ran out of fuel before I could manage to get back to base...





Oh, and to add insult to the injury, my base got wasted by the enemy... though at least I made sure most of them didn't live to tell the tale back at their base... most of them...

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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I once attempted to dive bomb a bridge with a tactical nuke. (And, I missed.)



Wrong bridge?

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Playing one of the first missions of the six-day war I got real sleepy and landed with my gear up...Ka-boom!

What a waste!

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Wrong bridge with a nuke ?


1. Inadvertant contact with terrain features while going to the fridge for a barley pop with wing leveler on.

2. Getting bounced and zapped by MIGs for the same reason as #1

3. Getting zapped by an SA-2 in my SPAD at 400 ft AGL with my ECM pod on in a canyon.

4. Posting without reading specs with poor spelling skills.

:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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This happend to me in ATF from Janes .. was flying the B-2 on a nice mission and as I returned and try to land I forgot the landing gear .. cause of beeing a bit sleepy

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I just came from a humiliating event in Fighter Ace III (Multiplayer) where I had flown the TBF Avenger against enemy ships, dropped the torp, and got ambushed by a Zero played by a top ranking player. I managed to speed away from him after damaging his engine with the Tail Guns, jeering and taunting, looking back....flying straight into a Dover-sized cliff.


The Zero guy never let me hear the end of it.

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I was flying an F-4m on a fighter sweep. I got tired of waiting for my wingman to shoot down a Mig-21.

I pulled up in front of him,he then hosed me with an AIM-9 and then proceeded to hose the Mig with an AIM-7.


I laughed for several minutes for being to anxious.(The AI worked to good)

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In one of the first missions I flew I was in a huge dogfight (12 F-4´s vs 16 MiG 17´s)

I had a MiG in perfect gun firing position, so I fired and my element lead got in the way, I killed both the MiG and my number 3


Here´s a simple diagram explaining how it happened :


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When I got the mission editor, i got cocky and tried to fight 16 MiG-21s....with an F-4...b...



another time I wondered what would happen if I flew a P-51D vs 2 Su-27s (modded to be 37s) the only thing in my favor were that we all only had guns...

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After what seemed like a 10-minute dogfight in BoB2, I spiralled down in my Spitfire enjoying the view of the Me109 going down in flames into the English Channel, too late realizing that I was going too fast and joining him a few seconds later.

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I got killed by an F-4B, in a dogfight, flying a MiG-17F...


Whats embarrassing about that? That happened alot in the Vietnam War. Now if you were flying an F-14 and got shot down by a Piper Cub, then I can see that being embarrassing. :lol:

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After what seemed like a 10-minute dogfight in BoB2, I spiralled down in my Spitfire enjoying the view of the Me109 going down in flames into the English Channel, too late realizing that I was going too fast and joining him a few seconds later.



Think you can hide from me in the channel do you? I shall not give up pursuit!

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There was mention of doing damage to yourself with a bomb. I have cluster bombed myself too. I think I flew lower than where the bomb normally fragments into the bomblets so it kind of just blew up on my wing.

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Intercept mission. 4xMirageIIIE against a lot of Blinders. Loosed my Aim-9Bs (no effect) and was sweeping with

DEFAs while avoiding bursts from tailgunners. Suddenly my aircraft explodes, by the sidewinder of my wingman.


PS: Since then, my loadout for scrambles and CAPs do NOT include sidewinders.

Edited by macelena

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I shot myself down with the stinger missile.... more than once.... if I fire it pulling any G's at all I get to Eat it. The AI pilots must have laughed all the way back to base.

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I killed myself with 84s when attacking a runway I think I flew my F-4E to low. I have also done the misstake to take out me, my whole flight, some enemy flights and the target with a Nuc. I don't remember which plane I flew that time.

Edited by DarthRevan

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In a recent mission I flew on WOE we were in a rather large engagement against 16 or so MiG-21 (My flight was using the F-4E). After a minute or so of manuvering with one pesky fishbed I managed to get ina good firing position for my AIM-9J and fired at the MiG, however I failed to notice that one of my squadmates was infront of me, as he was slightly bellow me on the blindspot under my nose. A second or so after I fired, he pulled up so I was able to see him and the sidewinder struck him...

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