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DS Mod Goodies

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So what goodies did you all find in the mod?

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Leaving the new aircraft aside, I mostly appreciate the updated pits. Man, the only way to get me out of the Jag's pit now, is to blow me out of it :blowup:


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hell im still adding goodies. like some blackhawks, and cobras, and effects and such. great mod. love the menu throwback to FA.

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Goodies? man I'm too busy dodging sams and running from fulcrums to even notice anything lol I'll try to open my eyes next time :blink:the radio traffic is a nice touch. the pits are great and to see the escorts pick up the most pressing threats first is great!

Edited by Viper6

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I havn't been able to really start it yet but when I popped in just for a look, I was excited to see the F-117! Thank you! I also like the menu buttons and look from FA. I also ctrl-F12 to look around and found a flag that was rippling in the wind. Don't know if that's new but its new to me. Can't wait to start a campaign later today. Thanks again everyone for the major effort expended by you to create this mod. :moil:

Edited by Coot

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The medals award screen is Great! :biggrin:

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don't forget to look for the 'signage' scattered around .... :haha:



kevin stein

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don't forget to look for the 'signage' scattered around .... :haha:



kevin stein


Haven't tried it yet,, but let me drool, which cockpits have been redoneredone?

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Any screenies or pics of the mod, can be posted here? thx

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Haven't tried it yet,, but let me drool, which cockpits have been redoneredone?


Crusader has done avionics upgrades to almost every flyable aircraft. Some minor, some major, and everything in between.

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Been looking at the download numbers. I am not as enthused about as I thought I would be. 1000 downloads of part one to only just over 500 of parts 2 and 3. Leads me to believe people wanted the aircraft more than the campaign as a whole. Which took far greater time to get together than the skinning and acquiring of aircraft.

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The new Harrier with the 1991 nose was great! Marc must have been feeling nice to get his F-117 out with the package! The updated pits and the lights are awesome!




Here are a couple of gripes, but correct me if I'm wrong. I did a Harrier campaign and they ordered me to go to Bagdad on 16 February. I cruised with an AF package and I dont believe this to be entirely realistic. I know the Harriers were mainly CAS and hitting the arty hard, not doing SEAD missions.


Again, I'm speaking out of my ass.


I would also like to know if the EF-111 jammers have any effect on protecting my Harrier flight.

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How can I import my key settings and gamesettings from my curent WOe to the new install, I don`t want to do this thing over and over again in every new install

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yeah the Bronco has its own cockpit


This mod is just awesome. So much new stuff. Like one wrote its not just a mod its a whole new game :good::good::good::good::good:

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Leads me to believe people wanted the aircraft more than the campaign as a whole.


I feel sorry for them... They really have no idea what they're missing...

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I feel sorry for them... They really have no idea what they're missing...
Idiotic comes to mind.

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Here are a couple of gripes, but correct me if I'm wrong. I did a Harrier campaign and they ordered me to go to Bagdad on 16 February. I cruised with an AF package and I dont believe this to be entirely realistic. I know the Harriers were mainly CAS and hitting the arty hard, not doing SEAD missions.


Keep in mind we're limited to what we can do as far as the campaign engine. We don't have source code.


I can specify A target area to be focused on for the entire force, but I can't keep certain squadrons from being assigned certain target areas/cities.


You may want to try tweaking the NormalMissionRadius and MaxMissionRadius in the AV-8B's data file. If you make it small enough, it may keep the game engine from sending you up to Bagdad.


You can change what mission types you're assigned in the DesertStorm_Data.ini campaign file, per squadron:








MissionChance[sEAD]=40 <<<<<<<<<<<Set this to something smaller




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Leads me to believe people wanted the aircraft more than the campaign as a whole.



Well, screw them! You guys worked your asses of to make this amazing mod, and those of us who have downloaded the whole thing are just in awe at the level of detail and awsomeness of this.


EDIT: Sorry if that came off kind of harsh.

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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Been looking at the download numbers. I am not as enthused about as I thought I would be. 1000 downloads of part one to only just over 500 of parts 2 and 3. Leads me to believe people wanted the aircraft more than the campaign as a whole. Which took far greater time to get together than the skinning and acquiring of aircraft.

You know how some people are.


I think i'm going to download the whole thing to my external HD so i can start it right after i get through with the campaign i'm in at the moment.


Thanks to all for the time and effort! :salute:

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How can I import my key settings and gamesettings from my curent WOe to the new install, I don`t want to do this thing over and over again in every new install


Your key settings sound be in /Controls/default.ini. You should be able to copy that file over with no problem at all.


Your gamesettings are in the options.ini file at the top level. However, if you copy your options.ini file directly over, you'll break Instant Action and Multiplayer. This will probably result in a CTD if you try to do either.

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The new Harrier with the 1991 nose was great! Marc must have been feeling nice to get his F-117 out with the package! The updated pits and the lights are awesome! Here are a couple of gripes, but correct me if I'm wrong. I did a Harrier campaign and they ordered me to go to Bagdad on 16 February. I cruised with an AF package and I don't believe this to be entirely realistic. I know the Harriers were mainly CAS and hitting the arty hard, not doing SEAD missions. Again, I'm speaking out of my ass. I would also like to know if the EF-111 jammers have any effect on protecting my Harrier flight.
Well that is how the dynamic campaign assigned them. We made no claims on realism of how the sim will handle the campaign. We made it as real as the sim will allow us. We are well aware and did the research on this campaign and can only take so far. I am not aware if the AI uses the jammers or not. I know when the players uses the Spark Varks ECM, it works. People do me a favor, have fun and lets not pick this apart. We did EVERYTHING we could to the best of out abilities. If it is not up to some ones expectations then delete it. But please spare us the nit picking. This mod was more than time. Hrntfixr and I spent money on this for example to give it to you all for free. If you find a bug we will try to get it fixed. But tearing it apart because it put a mission in there it didn't do really is a downer for the team.

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Dude! I am downloading as fast as I can!!!!!!!



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Excellent work you guys, this is far more than I expected, you really have gone the whole hog.....many thanks.... :good::good::clapping::clapping::clapping:

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