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Enemy Skill Level

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I generally like to fly on HARD settings but my enemy skill level is set to MEDIUM.


What's your enemy skill level set to? And will I notice a difference if I step up to HARD?

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Everthing on hard except blackouts...I leave this on easy.


Targetting is difficult but makes a success much more memorable.


My 2p worth...

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  Spinners said:
I generally like to fly on HARD settings but my enemy skill level is set to MEDIUM.


What's your enemy skill level set to? And will I notice a difference if I step up to HARD?

Oh yes! All those missile kills will drop and if your FM is on normal you will have to fly one step ahead and smarter than your opponent :blink: . I use the F-4 a lot so I never get in a turning fight and I keep my energy way up and I hit from a distance and get out of dodge!

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For some reason, hard feels like medium to me. I see no difference unless I'm dodging flying Archers in an F-22 from incoming Flankers and Fulcrums. Scary.

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all on hard - tweaked the blackout by about 0.0 something


as mentioned in a another thread the friendly wingmen are generally pants in A-A on hard

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Everything on hard, normal on blackouts. And I never use the map to find where a bandit is at. I use Red Crown, the radar, and my eyes.

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Normal, except, fuel and guns, on hard.

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Hard for all except flight model (as most 3rd party AC seem to be tweaked for normal), fuel, blackouts and enemy skill (as I've read somewhere that it dumbs down your wingmen) on normal.

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I have enemy skill on normal. That is difficult enough when I fly with one wingman in a close air support mission, no other friendly flights, and the enemy has 2 mig 21, 4 mig 29, and 8 su 27 right on top of the position of our ground troops im supposed to cover. The random mission generator is funny like that sometimes.

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Settings on hard

enemy skill on medium, but it´s sometimes hard to shoot them down.

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I had it on Easy, but after reading this topic, Normal (meaning I forgot about the changes DS mod made). I really should just change the FM to Hard, to really have some fun since I can always land fairly easy.

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Enemy skill level on hard, simulation set to normal- internal secondary drop downs set to: enemy air activity- heavy, and enemy air defense- heavy.

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  Icarus999 said:
internal secondary drop downs set to: enemy air activity- heavy, and enemy air defense- heavy.


That's a good point - I like mine on random including weather and time of day.


I think I'll set my enemy skill level to HARD and see how I get on.

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Enemy set to normal for me. Seems enough of a challenge. Perhaps one day I'll work up to hard.


Otherwise, I have everything else on hard except for HUD and Visual Targeting.


Don't you just love departing controlled flight mid-dogfight? I know I do. The Arnie decided to bail on me going after a couple Fitters just yesterday. Was slow and had a little too much back stick when I tried to use the ailerons to roll - got a nice adverse yaw departure instead. Had about 9000' to the dirt when I started. I think the problem was I didn't let the spin develop fully before I tried to recover - or I should've pushed a little forward stick to help recover. I kicked in opposite rudder and the joker made like she was gonna stabilize, then she started to spin again in the opposite direction. Went through this one more time, and after that I was too low to recover anyway, so I punched out.

Edited by EricJ
Keep the Language civil - EricJ

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Everything on hard, since the beginning.


I guess that it explain my low survavibility in campaigns, as well as my careless-hot head-kamikaze usual way of flying combat mission.

As Farragut said:

"Damn the SAMs! Full speed ahead!"

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I have everything on hard and succesfully completed my fourth mission this morning :biggrin: flying for the marine corps vmfa-212 LOL. It really is a hair raising experience trying to deal with so many different threats at once. Im suprised the RWR hasnt packed in yet lol



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Everything on hard except targeting (I find it impossible to see planes, let alone ground targets until I'm right on top of them), enemy skill/density normal.

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Normal all the way except weapons and enemy skill level on hard. Air activity and AA on heavy

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Well, after a long time without being here because of technical problems, I'm back  :biggrin: and i have to say that, at least to me, there's no difference between medium or hard settings but on searching the enemies, so as you can imagine, i have them all on hard. I could even say that the only difficulty is to survive the awesome number of missiles the enemy shoot to you when you're fighting against high number of enemies, but on the other side, if you're a good pilot, you shouldn't have any problem with that :ok:

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Guest Joe SharpShooter
  Spinners said:
I generally like to fly on HARD settings but my enemy skill level is set to MEDIUM.


What's your enemy skill level set to? And will I notice a difference if I step up to HARD?


All hard, except ammos coz I enjoy dropping the AI birds. Btw, WHY de hell when I encountered a spin in MiG-21, 19, F-16s, canot recover? So, once I just did Wing Leverer first, then decided RTB in AutoPilot. Damn, as soon as I savely landed, when I switched to normal fligth no more AutoPilot, IT SPINNED in the middle of de runway -- and I met my Creator! Very dead!



Btw to de Moderator or Webmaster, r there any oter Indonesian members here? Wish to networking with DogFighters here..... 


Oh yeah, FUEL is set on Normal in all birds. C ya all later...

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I've had it on hard, but since I've read on thirdwire forums that HARD changes distribution of skill levels in the way that it lowers the skill level of your wingmen and increases skill level of enemy, I set it always to normal, where the skill levels are equal (easy does the opposite).

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  arrow80 said:
I've had it on hard, but since I've read on thirdwire forums that HARD changes distribution of skill levels in the way that it lowers the skill level of your wingmen and increases skill level of enemy, I set it always to normal, where the skill levels are equal (easy does the opposite).

Is that a fact?

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Yup, TK said that Hard enemy AI setting not only increases the number of experienced pilots among the foes, but also dumbs down friendlies.

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  Gr.Viper said:
Yup, TK said that Hard enemy AI setting not only increases the number of experienced pilots among the foes, but also dumbs down friendlies.

As if they werent dumb enough :rofl:

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