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Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

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Months and months and months ago, I joined a squadron named VF143, because it was a naval squad for Strike Fighters, and I being a navy brat, wanted to join a navy squad. Soooooo,


Fast Eagle recruited me, I was then made XO, becuase I was active on the boards and gave a s**t about flying. I then proceeded to build the squad to double its previous size. I put a good bit of effort into getting guys to come over, and building some relationships... including the one with Fast Eagle. Then he went off to war, well atleast thats what we were all lead to believe. He was telling us about how he was flying s**tloads of sorties a day in F-14... all of this from the boat remember. Now I always thought that in time of war the boat is basically in lockdown.... but FE knew how to send out emails and post sensitive s**t, because he was the f***in man..... horse s**t!


He made me and my squad mates believe that he was a real aviator, hell he made us all believe this. His only proof was some pictures. Hell it could've been his dad for all we know. We saw the same scenario with Ranger332 (I dont want even wanna get into that guy).


FE also told us that he was moving on to the war college, and going to the Pentagon (explaining his prolonged absences). And then he said he was going to retire... he did all this in like 6 months... wtf.... more bulls**t.... it's impossible to do that.... but then again he is special (Ranger special). s**t he basically claimed to be superman, I'm suprised he didnt claim to have become an admiral.


Now I dont have all the complete details, but there are a few members that know all the s**t, and its convincing... you know who you are, and need to come forward.


I'm stirring the s**t right now because, I dont care, I only want the truth. And it would be nice to see some reality here on the boards. There is no need to claim that you are something that you are not.


Now I'm a little chill about this topic... I know it doesnt sound like it, but you guys that have been here for a while know I can be a lot more pissed off, all I ask is that you wankers that have info come forward, and that YOU, Fast Eagle reply....


Your only chance for redemption is coming clean and explaining yourself. I emplore you to do this, and not duck and dodge it like Ranger did.


Peace out,


Former XO of Virtual VF143


This is what I sent out to the squad mates via ICQ:

"Fast Eagle is a fraud, he lied about being a Navy Aviator, and f***ed all of us in his squad, disconnect yourself from VF143... I know I am"

Edited by MadJeff

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I concur with your assessment...



1. I was commissioned in 1987 and went through the NFO pipeline just as Fast Eagle claims (if I stayed in I would have 16 years in service), and my year group is now just in zone for O-5. FE could not make O-5 in the time frame he claims (12-13 years) His year group would be 1990.


2. There is no 13 year retirement in the U.S. Armed Services.


3. The post from the boat he made, when added as Staff here at Bio I was curious if those post were legit, I checked the IP's for FE and they are all from the same IP. Odd so I queried him publically, He still claimed the post from the boat, was from the boat (and provided a detailed explaination of how he did it). Odd they are the same IP he's posted from before he was deployed (boy those Comm O's sure are good! ;)). I don't buy unhithered internet access from the carrier while engaged in combat ops, email yes (scanned), board surfing no.


4. I tried to piece the career path timeline as he explained...first tour NFO, that would be 4-5 years with flight school to LT (O-3), then he says he switched to pilot...ok (possible), so no AI again, but start up Pilot Training as a LT in Primary (then Beeville, Kingsville or Meridan for jet/carrier quals) a year back in school, then the RAG (again) call it a year so that puts him at 5-6 years in service, then back to the squad as a Pilot, likely 3 year tour as a senior LT, theres 8-9 years in the service with 6 years flying...here he is looking at O-4. Where's the shore tour/disassociated tour? At this point he is looking at being a Shooter, an flight instructor, or a disassociated tour, and that would put him at the 12-13 year mark where he claims he retired. Perhaps this tour was between the NFO and Pilot training, that would put him at the 12-13 year mark. But that does not explain the claim of O-5, the claim of retirement at 13 years, or why the IP for the carrier matches his regular posting IP.


5. This whole thing can be settled with a phone call to the VF-143 Public Affairs Officer, being an O-5 and flying with them two tours once as NFO and once as Pilot, surely they will know of him. Do a search for NAS OCEANA, go to their website, under tenant commands VF-143 should be listed, call the VF-143 duty office, ask for the Public Affairs Officer; and explain what FE is claiming on these message boards, ask (for those that know Fast Eagle's Name) if he ever served there, or get the email address of the PAO and send him the links to FE Post, it would be great to hear from someone actually in VF-143 to tell us he is legit or a fake.


6. One of the pics he posted showed a guy with the XO, and said he hated riding in the back (being Fast Eagle) the other guy pictured (supposed be be his XO) had NFO wings...so if Fast Eagle was in the back, and the XO was in the back...who's flying the 14? Of course if this was his pilot days why would he be in the back (if that was FE he was wearing the pilot wings)???OH and one of the pics had a logo from what site it was from if I remember right...


I think he knew the gig was up, the early retrirement was a way to not have to answer the questions he had no answers to...

Most of the guys I chat with suspected he is a fake just based on his behavior.


I doubt he is legit; if I had to guess FE is either a Navy Brat 14-18 years old, or he is a Prior Enlisted Navy with less than 4 years in (who got booted). The reason is he talked a good game so he has had some exposure somewhere to the Naval Aviation Community. Of course if he is legit he could prove it, but his evasiveness shows he is hiding something. He has refused to answer questions like commissioning source and general questions any Naval Officer would know and proudly answer.


My 2 cents.




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It's odd, I dont swear at work, but it comes pouring out when I'm pissed off about something on these boards... of course they're usually topics that really do piss me off, and I cant say things like "gentlemen please, we need to discuss the absurdities in our midst" :P


Hmmm... I'd edit but I'm a bit lazy at 7 a.m.


But language aside, fine P.I. work their Beer, a shame I was never let in on it... I want answers just like everybody else, or has this scenario lost its flare? Come on FE, dont be Ranger number 2, gives us some real answers, and we may take you back, may not trust you, but we may take you back B) .


Edit:Wankers is a loving term B)

Edited by snapple2993

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Wow! That surely helped me get thru the first cup of coffee this morning. Congrats Snapple, you pulled my attention away from CNN (which isn't an easy thing to do!) hehe..


I don't know this fellow so I can't offer much but a name like "Fast Eagle" would kinda lead me to believe the guy was an Eagle Driver? Maybe all the Tomcat names were being used. Irrelevant I know.. just struck me odd. Alot of us dream about being Fighter pilots don't we?


I wouldn't be too hard on the guy, it's no fun to be misled but the Internet is great for offering anonymity. We all meet interesting folks at one time or another right?


There are much more serious issues in life that makes an older guy like me kinda chuckle at stuff like this. I don't mean to poke fun.

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Good Mornin, Gents,

Copy and Roger that!

Why am I not surprised about this.....this internet is a virtual world with at least a dozen peeps leading virtual unreal life lives as military pilots ...doctors...etc.(being sarcastic here)

And that is why I take everthin with a grain a salt bein an ole coote.

When I say a flight sim is just a game...it appears some take it further...and personally it does not impress me wether one is for real or not(Shania Twain song)

Be there ...fly and have fun as a squad/team mate...is all that really matters in my book.

Besides, I think a real jetfighter pilot will fly like crap on a pc....LOL.

Keep your stick on ice!


Gunny X-143rder. :ph34r:

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Great, we've already had to deal with this unpleasantness before... <_<


I had my suspicions before, but since he has not been around much I didn't pursue it. Looks like I have some emails to send.


Let's not comment on this further until we hear FE's side of things. FastEagle, we are waiting for your comments....

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Think about it. What was he REALLY trying to achieve? I suspect that he very badly wanted to gain your admiration and respect but did not feel worthy of it. Now, by trying to falsely build himself up in your eyes, he has lost that which he most desperately sought to gain. Ouch!

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Think about it. What was he REALLY trying to achieve? I suspect that he very badly wanted to gain your admiration and respect but did not feel worthy of it. Now, by trying to falsely build himself up in your eyes, he has lost that which he most desperately sought to gain. Ouch!

I have notified FE via email and PM to come and explain/defend himself from these allegations. Hopefully we will get some feedback from him soon. As I mentioned before, we had this happen a few months back with a very active poster here at Biohaz. To this day they still have not admitted their mistake even after presented with a mountain of evidence. Why do people feel the need to build themselves up at the expense of honesty? Who knows... :( It's too bad, but it's unfortunately something we always have to look out for online.


I've looked back at the evidence and at this point am waiting to hear what FE has to say.

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Good Mornin, Gents,

Copy and Roger that!

Why am I not surprised about this.....this internet is a virtual world with at least a dozen peeps leading virtual unreal life lives as military pilots ...doctors...etc.(being sarcastic here)

And that is why I take everthin with a grain a salt bein an ole coote.

When I say a flight sim is just a game...it appears some take it further...and personally it does not impress me wether one is for real or not(Shania Twain song)

Be there ...fly and have fun as a squad/team mate...is all that really matters in my book.

Besides, I think a real jetfighter pilot will fly like crap on a pc....LOL.

Keep your stick on ice!


Gunny X-143rder. :ph34r:

Bullseye Shogunny!


It`s actually fun to watch someone live out his or hers virtual life.

All I care is that his virtual formation flying was on a descent level, his

virtual discipline was OK, good challange in a virtual air battle, etc.


Admiral Switch

Edited by switch

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We had a kid in our squadron who went out and bought a couple of new ribbons for his summer whites because everyone else had some ribbons and he didnt (straight out of boot) Problem is the kid goes out and buys a Viet Nam service ribbon and a good conduct ribbon(4 years).LMAO nobody really noticed it except one guy- Yup, the Master Chief.LOL

I thought for sure the kid was going to wet himself, the MC just tore into his ars something fierce. The kid was just being stupid, but thats a serious thing in the military when you pretend to be something your not. He was lucky he didnt get Captain's Mast out of it, but it might have hurt less at Captain's Mast than have the Master Chief punk you like a little girl right there in front of the whole shop.lol

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Oh good lord, not again. At least it's not my squad this time. Really sorry to hear this. It makes me very pissed off when people make up these personalities for themselves :(


Sick the ninjas on him :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

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I knew it, i knew it, I knew he was full of doo doo.

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Thought so,my c**p detector went off just after he said he hung a non-rate over the side.That my friends will get you brig time,big time.I only saw a couple of his posts so I'll leave my comments there. :angry:

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Well, I just returned from a five-day vacation in Pensacola, FL (The Cradle Of Naval Aviation); and yes, I took a lot of digital pictures that I will see about posting soon.


Now then, as for the situation with Fast Eagle. Many months ago, I first chatted with FE, and he definitely impressed me. I will admit that I had suspicions about things that he told me concerning his career; but being the trusting person I am, I ignored my instincts to question what he had said.


If FE can provide proof of what he says, then great. I don't forsee that happening, however.


As was the case with Ranger, I don't understand the need to tell lies. One way or the other, it catches up to you.


More later, shipmates. I enjoyed being back in Pensacola. Even put on my dress khakis, and took my wife to the CPO club for dinner.


Navy Chief

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Once a Chief,always a Chief! :D

sorry Chief you know one of the Petty Officers here would take the shot. :)

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Since I'm new here, I won't say much about this bootcamp wanna be flying ace. He was a dink, and as we all know, they are out there.

I was a boiler tech in the Navy, bustin ass like everyone else to keep the ship running, and I had some of the best friends of my life on that ship. I'm just glad that most here are who they claim, and I think this is a great flyin sim place to be.

There are some great people here. Don't let it screw you up. Theres always gonna be a dick in the crowd. Like the old saying goes...well, you know what it is, and yes, feed em fish heads is part of it.

Now, back to flying something and having a great time :)

ps: I suck at communications. so bite me.

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Wow this is good stuff. :lol: This is better than watching CNN. Well I just want everyone to know that I am not a REAL TRASHMAN nor have I ever wanted to be one..........it's just not my glass of 'JACK'. ;) It was just a nick name I had in highschool many moons ago. LMAO I don't wanna see a thread on me. This is great stuff. LOL.................He went to work at the Pentagon thats awesome. Hmm maybe went to visit it on a tour. Okay I'll stop, I'm starting to feel bad. Great story time. :D


Where's my Jack n Coke......LOL

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Jack? Aghhhhh. Crown and coors here. oh yeah. gettin drunk en esse :)

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Not a real trashman? What are you really trying to say. I take it out all the time. And LIKE IT!! Trash is our friend, cause if we didn't have it, well, we would be broke. And that is worse than not having it.

I may be drunk.

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LOL! You snipes! :P :D


This thread sure is gettin the reads, over 580! Big news eh?


I guess since we are all fessing up, Im not really a pilot, nor am I a pc. Im darn sure NOT pc either, too old. However, I gave meself the moniker cause I like computer flight sims. Now if I could just get off the ground... :\


And in case anyones wondering, I DID serve in the Marines and Navy AND the Ca. Natl Guard! (Im also, scitzophrenic...) :D

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I've heard Ranger's name quite a bit here. What the hell is his story? I haven't been around here long. I only noticed that he was banned.

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He was another fraud... claimed to have been a vet for like 30 yrs... said he was... an Army Ranger.


He got exposed through a series of posts... the kicker was when he claimed that one of his squad mates had died in Iraq... subsiquently MJ found that his squad mate was "Ranger"... essentially Ranger said that his squad mate (Phantom Warrior) had been killed... but they shared the exact same IP address... think Ranger had like 3-4 accounts. Get it, he killed his own alias... that is just sick.


I dont think FE is to this extent but he did make false claims and mislead a good many of us with his claimed knowledge of the Navy/F-14's/etc.


See, when someone is believed to be a legit source on info, we are inclined to listen and learn, when the source is discredited, it becomes very upsetting.




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OK I confess too, I am not really a Beer.



Nice Job Snapple! Your quickly earning taking your 1.0 to a 3.0 for policial correctness and people skills.



Jimmy T

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I need to confess too now that I think about it, I'm no snapple... got the nickname in Junior High... cause it sounds like my last name (Saffell... pronounced Saffull).


The 2993 is for Felix Potvin and Doug Gilmour... 29 is also my number for hockey.


Cheers Beer, you have a brew, I'll join Trash with a Jack n' coke :D






(Patiently waiting for the Eagle to show) :angry:


EDIT: Just found this:(its what you get if you click on the old VF143 site)





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You're all a bunch of liars! I'm Jeff, and I'm quite mad... Nothin' phoney here! ;)

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