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No fly Zone over Libya...

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Yeah British government send Tornados & Typhoons to air bases near Libya...

Edited by Kulbit80
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YEAH! its about f***ing time!


hoewever the Lybian government rats said that they will take benghazi trough another dirty play , using assault teams to go house by house searching for the manifestants.


and the UN resolution doesn't previews that they'll use airstrikes against artillery, they seems to be pretty f***ed.


i don't know at which point the No Fly Zone can help anymore, but i'm pretty sure this increased the moral of the troops so i hope they can carry the fight.

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Looks like from what I have heard that the no fly zone is basically designed to stop the Libyian military from attacking civilians... which means they can attack tanks artillery etc...

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its always the civillians that will suffer

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hopefully Obama gets off his a$$ and allows naval air to provide the SEAD for this. as for actual air to air and air to mud, i think the Brits and French should have that wrapped up with assets in theater, tho after the last 25 years and with the retirement of the Tornado F3s we prob have the best air defense suppresion capability. looks like Rafale and Typhoon are bout to get broken in...

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They should bring back the F-14 Tomcat to take out all the Su-22 attack aircraft and Mig-23 Floggers F-14s Kick A??

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I think if the Libyans come up to play Mig parts will be getting scattered far and wide... I just hope that civilians get the protection they need... I think the Typhoon and Rafale should be more than capable of dealing with any problems sent their way...

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I hope there wil be a warning "Land or exit the no-fly zone, or be engaged!" over the no-fly zone: most probably, many of the pilots Gadafi would send on missions just wait for a good pretext to defect to New Libya without dishonour neither risks of retaliation against their families.

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Let me guess. There will come a fast single strike. Lets say sunday or saturday between 2 and 3 o clock Central European Time.

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What about the tomcat it has long range killing capability

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What about the tomcat it has long range killing capability


I don´t think that Iran will take part in this crisis. :grin:

The Tomcat is long gone from USN service....


BTW, i think there will be a single strike,

Gaddafi said, he will stop operations.

Edited by Soulfreak

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he will stop artillery and Airstrikes but you can be sure that his paramilitary is still active on the streets doing house to house search.

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We don't know - who are the rebels? - may be they religious fanatics or somthing like that. So may be more clever give Gaddafi victory.

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I don't think that Gheddafi, Moubarak or someone else were the true problem ... and the bombs aren't the right solution.


I truly hope that was food (and paper economy speculations :nono: on it) that moved arab people and not Osama bros.


The world during cold war era was simpler, there were some F-14 and the enemy was in front of us with his lovely Migs and Sukhoi to shoot down ...



Edited by paulopanz

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As all the F-14s have been rendered unflyable or scrapped, we will not see them fight again.

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No, JediMaster, not all - Iran have some F-14, so we can see some Tomcats in fight again...:grin:

Edited by CopperminE

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This may sound like a dumb question to you senior members and military guys, but how exactly do they enforce the 'no fly zone'? Does this mean no aircraft (civilian or military) ar allowed in the air? do they fly CAP missions over the no fly zone, or do they maintain distance and monitor the airspace using radar and scramble fighters to intercept any transgressors?


Sorry if its slightly off topic but I have no idea how these work



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Apparently it's not just 'no fly' but no attack, so allied forces will be free to engage Libyan ground forces that threaten the civilians.


Looks like it might have started already. BBC are reporting a Libyan fighter downed over Bengazi:





From the pics it looks like a MiG 23.


from the film there don't seem to be any AAA bursts around the plane before it explodes, so maybe hit by a missile. So the next question is SAM or AAM?

Edited by allenjb42

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It was SAM. SA-7 Grail (9K32 "Strela-2").


How do you know it was a SAM? I dont think I have seen any news reports on what shot the aircraft down, Looks like a missile of some sort though



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Crikey - No way to tell from that video what hit that - an explosion underneath with no indication of the source direction(ok maybe not from directly above :grin: ).


Any Allied jets there by now?


What happened to the ceasefire they declared yesterday!!

Edited by MigBuster

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I know that it was SAM, cause exlposion was too small for AAM. And pilot did not react on missile - this means that the missile was put in a very small distance. It's looks like shoulder-fired, low-altitude SAM like SA-7, which on the military warehouses of Libya was very many.

Edited by CopperminE

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