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I never had a close look at the engine of the Fee before, but I'm damn sure, it was far from this detail.

This new one is stunning - even the cables seem to be modelled!

(Makes me hope for a better Mercedes D.III engine in front of me soon. Wasn't there shots with the

valves already? Must check again!)


Through all the fine detail of model and skin, the Fee looks larger now, like the real bus.

Very fine work, gents!


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A beautiful Fee, Pol. You and Sandbagger and the rest of the devs have done Captain Grinnell-Milne and Sergeant MacMaster very proud.



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I only just realised there were new pictures of the Fee! There is something about pushers that always seem so evocative of the period, I think it's because the concept looks older than tractors, even though it wasn't particularly.

The new detailing is superb. I wish my Dad could have seen these, he would have been fascinated. Although he started did his National Service in 1948, and even worked briefly on a Gloster Meteor, the first practical thing he was taught was sewing patches into fabric aircraft skins. He always appreciated 'proper aircraft' rather than these new metal things!

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wowzers! Can it really be? Such details and textures. Like Olham I don't recall such detail and definition of the engine parts before this. Seems like new airmen too.

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Wonderful work there gents - the detail is amazing! :clapping:

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It's the little things that make the difference between just an okay piece of art and a great one -- and P4 seems to be absolutely stuffed with the little things! Great work, Sandbagger and OBD!

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OK here's another few, one of the FE2b and the rest the new DH2 model.. not sure we posted the others before but just in case :)





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Where's Major Hawker to brush those Hun's from your six when you need him!?


Beautiful stuff there Pol, really stunning. Although, I have to wonder about that French farmer who has his field angling right into his neighbor's. Too much of the grape me thinks. :grin:



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Before anybody misses this:


These pictures are resized to 71 % - that means you can click at them

to see the amazing details close on. I just did that and was stunned by the

nacelle and engine details of these aircraft!

Great stuff, Winder, Pol and Sandbagger - just wonderfull!

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Wow! :drinks:


I really like the new detailed aircraft and terrain textures. Much more realistic than P3.

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Some more I just took of the DH2 (earlier version)










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Great, Pol!

You're in the right mood.

Give us more 10 pages of screenshots.

We don't mind.

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I ditto that from von Paulus!


Gents, I already liked the DH-2 and thought of another carrer, flying one.

But with your new kites - look at the wood and brass and the gauges in the cockpit! - you will

get me lured into their cockpits more than definitely!

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I can just see myself fumbling around trying to change out ammo drums now in the heat of battle.


And if Olham is willing to become a DH-2 pilot, well then I say you must have a winner on your hands Pol. :biggrin:



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When the gunner has to use the top wing gun, how does he keep from falling out of the plane? Presumably, there's a tether of some sort. But anything long enough to let him stand up has to be long enough to dangle him over the edge if they are in a real furball.

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A tether??? You wimp!

Guys like us are not made anymore!

We used to fly hands free!

We won the war single handedly!!!

How old are you now?


Huh - at your age I was already sixty, son!

A tether - tch!!









Edited by Olham

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There's a great painting at the front of the Windsock for the FE2B with the fully extended rear gun and pilot standing up high firing, there are also photos showing him doing that too (p22)

can't see any harness...

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There's a great painting at the front of the Windsock for the FE2B with the fully extended rear gun and pilot standing up high firing, there are also photos showing him doing that too (p22)

can't see any harness...


"For King and Country" is nice and all, but I think you'd still have to be drunk out of your mind to stand up, presenting a fully exposed target, in that little flying basket and try to shoot at another plane that is hammer away at you and then hope that your pilot doesn't weave or bob too fast in an attempt to avoid the incoming rounds because you aren't tethered to anything at all.


I'd actually have to think a bit if I had to choose between that job and being stuck in the trenches.



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Actually, if memory serves, there were leather stirrups attached to both the seat base and the floor of the gunner's office in the FEE which the brave man could jamb each foot into when firing either the rear gun while standing up on the seat base, and do the same when standing on the floor and firing the forward gun. Still not much security, but at least it was something.





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