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I Figured This Was Going to Happen

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aaaaahhhh man... not good. Might as well just wait and see me thinks.

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Ah real shame. Always loved the carrier ops over other operations. Hope TK can make up his mind.

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I think he needs to get over this idea that he can't do certain things. If he released an F-14 sim with up to date terrains, and more advanced avionics, he could compete with the "big boys" (DCS:A-10, and uh...well that's about it). People would buy that like gang-busters.


I know he's a very small developer, but it is possible.


Just my humble opinion of course, I'll support whatever he does next...


Unless it's a My Little Pony game. Although that WOULD mean we'd finally get a pony.

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that would definatly make Sparko happy! Finally..

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I wouldn't read too much into that. I read the post as merely hypothetical -- that is, the new features in the F-14 game (whatever it will be called) will necessarily be limited because if he piled on a huge number of new features that took a great deal of time and resources to develop and implement, he'd eventually have to cancel the project.


TK needs a steady source of revenue. That means he can't afford incredibly long delays in getting the F-14 game out the door. More features = more dev time = more release slippage = longer delay in realizing new revenue from the new game.


I would expect there to be new features in the F-14 game, including the new terrain engine. But TK's introduction of new features has always been very evolutionary and incremental. That means the new features won't live up to the unrealistic expectations of some. If folks are expecting "DCS: F-14," they're going to be disappointed. If their expectations are more modest, then they won't.


Eric Howes

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Id be happy with what ever comes our way, the one thing that scares me is that he says XP DX9 users are gunna be put out of the loop.. BTW does any one know if nascar2003 will run in win7? :dntknw:

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So quit whining get Win 7....and join 21st century. There is no excuse to not have Win 7 by now....

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I know.....,,, :blink: I'm the only JackAss in the house that doesn't have it ,,, slumps off back to my area under the stairs



Oh I forgot, I do have it on my HTPC Rig

Edited by colmack

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Relax guys. Focus on the fact that there will be Tomcat game for SF2 with a new terrain engine and (my guess) a few unexpected surprises.

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How can it be "new" game when its backwardly compatible with SF2??.....Serious question.

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To be honest I see this more of a warning shot to those who can't live with the fact that TK's games are "just" air combat sims. Yes, the game already allows for a lot more, but pretty much all of the stuff that had been mentioned in the thread on TW is redundant really. Sure, it might be nice to have, but in the end most of it would just be eye candy that you get to see for a few seconds or not at all during a mission. All I expect from TK is that the F-14 game features a nice turkey, some appropriate terrain (North Cape?, Mediterranean Sea?) and a variety of enemy aircraft to shoot at. As long as I get that I'll be happy and buy it gladly.

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To be honest I see this more of a warning shot to those who can't live with the fact that TK's games are "just" air combat sims. Yes, the game already allows for a lot more, but pretty much all of the stuff that had been mentioned in the thread on TW is redundant really. Sure, it might be nice to have, but in the end most of it would just be eye candy that you get to see for a few seconds or not at all during a mission. All I expect from TK is that the F-14 game features a nice turkey, some appropriate terrain (North Cape?, Mediterranean Sea?) and a variety of enemy aircraft to shoot at. As long as I get that I'll be happy and buy it gladly.


The way I take your opening line, is that he is cutting ties with the hard-core crowd? "A Take It, or Leave It" attitude. Basically the same one we've dealt with for years. And these are the same people who have supported TW since day 1. We've hoped and asked since then for many of the initial promised boxtop features, to be fixed. Many have gone out and added several mods to test the limits of what was available.


If this F-14 "sim" turns out like we're hearing, I don't know that I'll purchase it. TMF has given us an excellent model(s) that is/are hard to beat. The only thing missing is true A-G radar targeting, but that is a limit of the game. As for a new terrain, there are several freeware out there that beat the stock ones hands down. I'd rather just invest my money into CA and keep them afloat. I didn't even pay for the last Exp2. It was a gift from a good friend who paid for it for me.


I like the ideas of the DLC, just not overjoyed about the content. I've bought 1 so far, despite it being already in out as a skin. By looking at the number of people who have given money to keep CA's operating budget alive, TK should see that these same people are not going to pony up money for little updates. IMO, he needs to raise the price of the next sim. $19.99 is a steal for any game, but in order to allow it to progress, the price needs to be increased a bit. And that will hopefully squash the budgetary limits he mentions frequently.


I'm thankful for the patches over the years. Many were excellent upgrades with new content or fixes for broke ones. Lately those patches have seemed more like beta testing, but that dead horse has been beaten already.


We are the consumer, TK has the product that we want. But is he keeps going down this path of the same ol' content in a new shiny package, his product will stop selling.



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Remarketing old products with flashier effects is often all the music and the film industry dish out to us year after year......



What are peoples expectations despite what TK has said over the past year? - would people be happy if SF2 and FE2 were ditched at the expense of this DX10 only game with vast content?


I think as GR viper states on TW that other features will be added over time as always - good things come to those that wait surely.........

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The best point of TK is, that he is listening to his costumers. So a lot of small improvements were included in the games. Of course this need patience and time and steady asking from our side. I can remember that in the first versions all data were only displayed in imperial system, miles, knots etc. I had a lot of problems to work with this system, and a lot of other people had it too, and after lots of asks TK made it possible to switch from imperial to the metric system.

I think every step forward is good. If TK sells his F-14 as DLC, then i will buy it. It would be the very first "must have" DLC, the others are only mods, i could do myself or that i have done already long ago.

if he decided to sell the F-14 as EXP3 pack, then its okay too. If he includes a better carrier management it would be great.


I agree, that we have the TMF F-14's and that they are great planes, really great mods. But i think that TK's flightmodel would be very different from the existing one. It would fit better to the other stock planes of the SF world, then our flight model guesses. Thatswhy i would like to see a F-5 or MirageF1 from TK. Not because the TMF models are bad, in contrary, but to become flightmodels of this birds that would fit to the stock SF world.

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Guest Pfunk

I'm not trying to throw a hand grenade here, so please don't torch me.


After having flown the MF Tomcat...jeez, this is so hard to say...there are going to have to be some basic changes to the game, something new to the table.


The MF Tomcat is good. Really good. Here's where I'm probably going to get lit up. I'd have paid for it.


I'm serious. If the new terrain isn't going to be that big of an improvement, I'd rather hand the money to The Mirage Factory, get my F-14, and be on about my business. I'm serious.


There are a lot of things in the download section I'd have gladly tossed $5 at. The F.1, the Tomcat, the Eurofighter, the F-22, the F-35, the Gripen, I could go on.


I've thrown money at Just Flight and Abacus. I have no problem sending The Mirage Factory money and getting a download link via email for an awesome aircraft.


I'm the one reviewing new Third Wire stuff at SimHQ. I give you guys fair warning. The Mirage Factory is no slouch. I'd like to see them take the next step and start offering stuff to us and getting rewarded monetarily for their efforts. Before people scream bloody murder, the market is there, the talent is there.


I know a new version of the big Desert Storm package is in the works and I fully intend to review it on our site when it''s done. Having played the first one, I'm not BS'ing when I say that I'd have paid $30 for that thing and not even blinked. The quality was THAT good.


The ThirdWire modders could be making a little extra cash in a tough economy, I'd like to see them get some compensation.

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I know its already been said but without TWS then the F-14 really offers nothing more than the F-4. TWS is fundamental to operating the F-14, I knew this wasn't going to be Fleet Defender 2, but without TWS I just dont see the point.



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MMM the updated DS mod..........



You all will likey........

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Guest Pfunk

David, this is not meant to pressure you for a release date, but I wanted you to know that the DS mod will be given a full review on SimHQ, just like any other commercial package.


Just wanted you to be aware. Since there doesn't appear to be too much on the horizon in terms of new features in gameplay for the TW sims, I plan on taking some of the more high-profile offerings and doing complete reviews on them. I'll be going back and taking a look at what's available in the download section and picking a few of what I consider the best of what's available and reviewing them.

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Pfunk, I think it's very kind of you. It's not like SF series has a proper coverage in media. I'm sure your reviews (which are a good read anyway), with SimHQ being a MAJOR site for all simmers, will help bring even more ppl to SF2 crowd. Better for TK, and, in the longer run, better for us! :drinks:

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Doesn't the stock F-15 in Europe have TWS? Why wouldn't the Tomcat?

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I think what he means by TWS is the AWG-9's Track While Scan-Automatic and Track While Scan-Manual (TWS-A/M) modes which allow either the AWG-9 to select the 1-6 most threatening targets (automatic), or allow the RIO (manual) to do so, and designate a Phoenix to each, allowing for multiple simultaneous target engagement with the AIM-54. Fire one, wait a second for the radar to update, fire two, wait a second for the radar to update, fire three, etc... Current TWS mode allows the player to select a target without locking and still see other targets on the screen, but to shoot, we still need to lock and go into Single Target Track mode.


TWS-A/M would be cool, but it won't be a deal breaker for me if the new Tomcat is released without it. If it is added, it would be cool to add the feature to TMF's Alpha and Bravo, too!

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About the necessity of the TWS radar mode, I like to think that people who act like "I want it all or nothing", usually get nothing... :grin:

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About the necessity of the TWS radar mode, I like to think that people who act like "I want it all or nothing", usually get nothing... :grin:



well said!!

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New games often bring new avionics - so an enhanced TWS mode I would have thought would be there - obviously nothing too accurate!



ODS is one of the best mods ive seen for the entire series so fully deserves all praise sent to it - the only WOE mod I have left in fact.

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