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Oh don't worry it's not dead.


Uvmapping and texturing soon. Very soon.

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Thought i could share some progress just to let you know its not dead, started uvmapping. will be using single 4096*2 texture. Panel lines and everything just placeholders to give you a general idea.


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Hi Centurion-1, may I draw your attention to the shape of the nose cone, not sure if it is an issue of the preview or the model itself:


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Yep, specially the radome and, don't forguet, the tail chute cone is different, from the P

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Yeah guys good catch, I actually noticed it looked off earlier but forgot to look into it. Modeling is still not done but enough of it is to work on the UVmap, I find it easier to notice shapes and stuff when there is a basic texture in place. Also looking at a gray model was getting very boring :grin: I work in iterations, sue me :cool:

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Cockpit is fantastic! I suppose it will be used along with the other Foxbat variants. Also great aircraft model!

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Thx tio, and yeah I will also make a bomber variant with a slightly different cockpit.


I think I've fixed the nose now, don't know at what stage the geometry had gotten so borked so I did a more or less complete rebuild of it. Also shown now is the rear so you can see the airbrake and drag chute cone.






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Looks fantastic, seems you have a steady fanbase :drinks:


Cant we convince you for two other versions? Only the Nose would be different :grin:







Sorry but you have done such adamn good "P" Model, so it would be a shame if we had to use the older versions for the U and R...

My question is your fault, cause of your good work !!! :yes:


can`t you imagine to make a recon flight over Israel with mach 3?!


Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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I my opinion SF2 needs at least 4-5 Foxbats variants.


Mig-25P, Mig-25PD, Mig-25PDS for intercept, Mig-25RB for reconnaissance and Mig-25BM for SEAD missions.

Maybe with some changes the basic Mig-25PD cockpit could be edited to fit to other variants although some variants have different radars.

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Don't worry guys, I will make the other versions too once the PD is done! And yes they will have appropriate cockpits et cetera. The only "maybe" is the U trainers, since they are game wise not super useful.


I redid the engine exhausts since the old one was atrocious.



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I could help you with some skins, i'm making some 2048 x 2048 templates for the MiG-23 series and could do some for you, whenever you consider the right time:) can't wait to take a hop on that plane:)

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Excellent work Centurion!:good:

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I was looking the other day for detail sets for a Mig-25P model kit and I came accross some interesting pictures of a 3D model of the exhaust from a producer of resin conversion sets. Here is a link: http://www.click2detail.com/products-details.php?pro_id=161

Same company produces the long exhaust pipes for MiG-25R, RBS, RBT, BM types and similar pictures of a 3D model of the exhaust available here: http://www.click2detail.com/products-details.php?pro_id=163


May be it will be helpful... :drinks:

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Thx, yeah I have seen some very hi poly models of the MiG-25 afterburners. I don't think I'll be adding much more polies to the burners, I think they are good trade off now between looks and polycount.


I have started the journey towards getting the plane in-game, can't get the decal enabled lod to show but the no-decal is ok. It also blows up on the runway. I would at this time like to say that if someone wants to fiddle with the technical stuff like the instruments, flight model et cetera, I'd be glad to partner up and focus on finishing the art part. It really is a very slow learning process for me..



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I saw your post in the screenshot thread, if you need ini help for the cockpit I can help you(doing some for my own project right now) but other than that, not much I can do, I'm not FM competent enough to fiddle with that...

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Mayby this will be helpful in later works:



This scheme led single indication sight system (SEI) MiG-23MLD

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Looks great


How is the Mig25 in ODS compared to this : a beta version ?

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I was thinking the same thing .. it was actually this project which inspired me to start my F-5 .. very inspiring!

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