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DAVE, why You don't make a cumulative question with PFUNK <right> requests to TK with all our signatures?


I'm with You and sign it in advance.


How many people are in?




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Guys guys. I'll think that TK and we modders are trying to get different things out of this game series. TK have stated that he only want to build a lite sim. Simple avionics no keyboard drill to fire a missile Etc. Modders are trying to get the most realistic behavior twisted out of the game engine as we possible can. sometimes we are going far beyond what the engine can handle. But is it TK's fault? To TK's credit he have implemented quite a lot of features that we modders/users have asked for over time. How many game developers do this??


I'll think its unfair to bash a product not even released. We don't know whats in it. Must be demotivating sometimes for TK and his employees to see how people react on various teasers and the feedback on the patches.


The first question is usual! What did he break this time??

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im in , but can we add some more features? like Air Re-fueling? and a functional MFDs?

new RADAR also grin.gif

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soo... we agree some overreacted here, right? :tongue:

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I fully agree with hgbn but replace the question with "What did he include that he did not tell us and that we can use"? ;-)

Until the game is actually released, its a bit premature to talk about Boycotts.

Edited by JonathanRL

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I wonder how in-game Phoenix stats will reflect its combat record.

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Aren't the enemies appearing too close to the player in order to properly use a Phoenix?

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I wonder how in-game Tomcat stats will reflect its combat record...

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Aren't the enemies appearing too close to the player in order to properly use a Phoenix?


Not if you start on the ground.

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Aren't the enemies appearing too close to the player in order to properly use a Phoenix?

Enemy planes are there from take off to landing or a fiery death. I just hope we'll be able to shoot down the missile vectors before they launch their stuff. Even if we get the cruise missile lock on, the number of targets will make the intercept more complicated and the bombers will get away.



I wonder how in-game Tomcat stats will reflect its combat record...

The "I don't got tone!" sample must be added to the growl loop.

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I'll think its unfair to bash a product not even released. We don't know whats in it. Must be demotivating sometimes for TK and his employees to see how people react on various teasers and the feedback on the patches.



totally agree with this statement, let's things come to us and then judge.


(and don't forget DanW sentance, "this game will rule", which(i guess :dntknw: ) in thirdwire language could mean this new game will go much much further than any sf series game go to date without reaching the level of a flamming cliff)

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was it released yet? No? So why the ado? :grin:

(said the pot stirrer...)



good point Murphy about DanW's sentence. From now on I start to believe TW really hides the new terrain for our ohh!s and ahhh!s after release :dntknw:

Edited by Stary

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For some reason DanW edited out the comment about 1024 texture on the 'cat. :rolleyes:

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For some reason DanW edited out the comment about 1024 texture on the 'cat. :rolleyes:


???? :blink:


what did he said?

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oh the conspiracy, bring in my tinfoil hat!:grin:

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I'll think its unfair to bash a product not even released. We don't know whats in it. Must be demotivating sometimes for TK and his employees to see how people react on various teasers and the feedback on the patches.



The voice of sanity.

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several 1024 textures I hope... as for the canopy effect not being ready yet -it's not release imminent then

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several 1024 textures I hope... as for the canopy effect not being ready yet -it's not release imminent then


the game is probably advanced enough to show us some stuff, and he want to give us some news since the first pics are almost 2 years old.


and personnaly i thanks him to do so.

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I agree.. Nice to see a preview on the new birds. Both blue and red side.

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First of all I am not bashing. As someone said, we have to see whats in it first. It would be nice if TK came right out and said what it will and will not have. I dont want to plunk my money down on something that hasn't changed. The list of those who agree with me outweigh those that don't. Someone of you have been here what 3-5 years while someone of use been since the beginning. 10 years and have seen the full gambit of TK can and can not do. The game needs to change and I dont mean new planes, for this some of us to take it to another 10 years for example. And finally I hope it doesnt break stuff that is working which TK is notorious for. With hims its sometimes 2 steps forward and 1 step back.

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Guest Pfunk

Please don't take my comment as a smackdown of the game.


But, when we review the game, I'll be doing three things.


1. Testing every last little radar mode and putting the flight model through its paces.

2. Putting four thousand-pounders through the deck of my carrier to see if it'll sink.

3. Taking a close comparison of the existing terrains.


We'll see what results come out to be when the game comes out. What's a failing grade? It's gonna depend on your expectations.

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What P said however....

If I get my pony the all the above will be null and void..... :lol:

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I wonder, how all those Soviet ASMs are gonna be guided. Will TK use the ARM seeker trick?

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Guys guys. I'll think that TK and we modders are trying to get different things out of this game series. TK have stated that he only want to build a lite sim. Simple avionics no keyboard drill to fire a missile Etc. Modders are trying to get the most realistic behavior twisted out of the game engine as we possible can. sometimes we are going far beyond what the engine can handle. But is it TK's fault? To TK's credit he have implemented quite a lot of features that we modders/users have asked for over time. How many game developers do this??


I'll think its unfair to bash a product not even released. We don't know whats in it. Must be demotivating sometimes for TK and his employees to see how people react on various teasers and the feedback on the patches.


The first question is usual! What did he break this time??


Amen. I think TK has made it very clear that people shouldn't expect too much yet I see people here already with lofty expectations and demands that will rapidly translate into disappointment and internet rage.


And as for not buying the game? I've got all the SF-series games. I don't know how much I paid for them all, but I've gotten more than my money's worth out of them - though in large part because of modders as well. $30 is about what it costs me to go to a bar to watch football, get something to eat and a couple of beers. That's about $10 an hour. I'm probably at around three cents (American cents, dammit!) an hour now for all the time I've put into SF2. $30, and certainly $0.03 an hour doesn't entitle me to be righteously indignant about anything if my F-14 doesn't have the latest and greatest graphic doo-hickey (quasi-specular bloom on the engine intake or whatever).

Edited by Hellfish6
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