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Which models do you want or need first?  

196 members have voted

  1. 1. Surface combatants

    • USN: Arleigh Burke FltIIA class Aegis destroyer, San Antonio class LPD
    • USN / Taiwan: Kidd class / Kee Lung class destroyer
    • JMSDF: Abukuma, Hatsuyuki, Asagiri, Murasame, Atago, Hyuga
    • Russia: Sovremenny class destroyer, Ka-25 ASW helicopter
    • Royal Navy: Type 45 Daring class destroyer, Albion class LPD
    • PLAN: Jianghu frigate variants, Luda class destroyer, Type 052C class frigate
    • Submarines: Los Angeles, Virginia, Seawolf, Akula, maybe even SSBNs
    • Ground vehicles: Type 90 MBT, M1A2 TUSK, Smerch rocket launcher, etc.
  2. 2. Aircraft carriers

    • Wasp class LHD
    • Kuznetsov (Russia) and Shi Lang (PLAN, ex-Varyag)
    • Charles de Gaulle (France)

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I've gotten a lot of requests for ships, especially since the release of North Atlantic. Though I already have my hands full with Russian battlecruisers, updates to existing ships, and various side projects, I would like to ask the community what you would like me to focus on next. Ideally, I'd like to get one country at a time outfitted with enough ships for randomly generated task forces, and my own personal preference would be to prioritize the Taiwan and Korea terrains/campaigns. Regardless, the needs of the community come first, so please vote!


The ships and other objects I'm listing in the poll are ones that either 1) I have already gathered enough info to build and/or have already "laid the keel," or 2) I have received donations of partial or potentially convertible models, or links to/archives of reference material so I can get started quickly. I'll eventually do others as well, so write-in nominations are welcome. However, if anyone already has one of the aforementioned models under construction, please let me know. I'll cancel mine and save us potentially wasted time.


A few notes on these potential projects:

-I have much of the groundwork for the Aegis ships (Arleight Burke FltIIA and Atago) already laid out, and as they share some components these would probably be completed concurrently.

-Before the NA screenshots were released and I found out that TK had already done a great looking Spruance, I was making one myself. This would be rather simple to retrofit into a Kidd class.

-Now that we have a slew of Russian ships with working flight decks, we need an appropriate helicopter. The Ka-25 is a relatively simple design, so I think I could build one. The flight model is another story.

-An aircraft carrier will take me a lot longer than any other individual ship, but I'll be working on it steadily.

-For write-in ships, line diagrams and high-res photos are always appreciated.

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A straight-decked Essex (post-WW2) for Korea. We don't have one for KAW. and it's holding things up. Quite a bit.


and the patch from 3W that fixes the CAS/Armed Recon/Aunti-Shipping Issues ™

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Voted PLAN (For Taiwan scenarios, as there are none!) and Wasp LHD (coz it sound cool)


How about some simple generic cargo vessels that aren't tankers nor they look like they're from XXI century? (runs away...)

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I voted for everything I could, simply because any of it would be good. :good:


But I guess the Sovremenny, Kidd or any of the JMSDF ships would be most interesting.

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I vote for detailing of existing ships. Those made in rush has less details and makes contrast when they placed together with stock products, which are only of moderate level of details.

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Thanks for the replies so far! I think I'll make this my official shipyard thread for my future releases.

A straight-decked Essex (post-WW2) for Korea. We don't have one for KAW. and it's holding things up. Quite a bit.


and the patch from 3W that fixes the CAS/Armed Recon/Aunti-Shipping Issues ™


I think the A-Team has a straight-decked Essex, though it's based on a different model? Not sure. But yeah, I can do one if you need it.



How about a type like an LST or LCT ? :grin:


I was actually thinking of doing a Russian Alligator class or Ropucha class lander, but good pictures are hard to come by. I'm starting to think that the entire Soviet Union itself was grainy and black-and-white up until the mid 80s, not just the photography. lol.gif



I vote for detailing of existing ships. Those made in rush has less details and makes contrast when they placed together with stock products, which are only of moderate level of details.


I'm working on an update for the Leahy and Bainbridge now; those were indeed made in a rush. I've reshaped the hull and parts of the superstructure, and will add a bit more detail. If there are other ships you feel need visual upgrades, let me know.



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My vote is for a one-of-its-kind ship: CGN-9 USS Long Beach. Her Talos missiles were rightly feared by the VPAF during the Vietnam war, and she managed to score several MiG kills.


There is currently a CGN-9 model for SFP1 ,but:


1) It's an A-Team model, which means it's unusable in any mod package here at CA;


2) The model is horrible -- almost no detail at all,and only one working missile launcher.


It would make for a nice complement to your Bainbridge model.


Eric Howes

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To be fair, the A-Team's Long Beach was actually updated recently, with all three missile launchers working and an improved mesh and skin. I totally understand about wanting a model with no usage restrictions, but I'd prefer to work on ships that no one's done yet. (I make exception for the Charles de Gaulle, because the existing one is basically unusable as it is.)


By the way, I'm working on a neat little system that may get retrofitted onto many of my ships if it works well enough.



Yep, ship-board countermeasures.

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I agree with Orsin....there are way too many mediocre models out there, that have poor, low-poly lods, horrible texture mapping, (etc). Also, anything released now should at least use bump mapping, and preferably, specular mapping as well.


Way too many focus on quantity...and their efforts suffer as a result.

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Wouldn't mind a Queen Elizabeth class CV myself, however with the upcoming Rafale series I'm thinking the CDG. Whetever you go with the more flat tops the better :drinks:




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I agree with Fubar. If you're not planning to polish the models to at least stock TW level, don't bother.

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If you'd find some time to do Chieftain tank...I can provide high quality orthogonal pictures!

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I agree with Fubar. If you're not planning to polish the models to at least stock TW level, don't bother.


not being a marine thingy guy, I prefer to have them nice and shiny, even in lower number. (Heck, you could substitute aircraft carrier model for a corvetter and I would be easily fooled :yikes: )

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i thINK yU Ned 2 maK ReeLY CoOl MoDaLS LaTViaN MaFIa HiWaY PaTRol NaVY SeXShIPs, LiK Da strOM kLAss v.Fast PEtroL bOTE. :drinks:

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voted subs, but Midway class carriers would be a rather cool addition to the fleet here. lot of interesting shapes compared to Kitty Hawk or Nimitz classes

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Personally I would like to see a fleet of Attack/ Cruise missile/ Ballistic missile submarines.

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I'd like to to see a high-viz Long Beach, but I would also take an Albany Class cruiser. I also think that we could use a bit more ships that are more like 50s/60s designs.

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I second the Midway class! and the Albany class CG Coral Maru all the way!!, Love to see Filthy Dirty n Rusty and some Midway Magic!


though the problem with midway class each ship was pretty much a class of there own after they diverged from the original axle deck design.

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Coral Maru all the way!!,, Though from the list I'd go Sovremenny & Kuznetsov / Shi Lang

Edited by colmack

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Meh, I can build a Kotlin. Already have all the parts needed for it, just need the time.

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