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Which models do you want or need first?  

196 members have voted

  1. 1. Surface combatants

    • USN: Arleigh Burke FltIIA class Aegis destroyer, San Antonio class LPD
    • USN / Taiwan: Kidd class / Kee Lung class destroyer
    • JMSDF: Abukuma, Hatsuyuki, Asagiri, Murasame, Atago, Hyuga
    • Russia: Sovremenny class destroyer, Ka-25 ASW helicopter
    • Royal Navy: Type 45 Daring class destroyer, Albion class LPD
    • PLAN: Jianghu frigate variants, Luda class destroyer, Type 052C class frigate
    • Submarines: Los Angeles, Virginia, Seawolf, Akula, maybe even SSBNs
    • Ground vehicles: Type 90 MBT, M1A2 TUSK, Smerch rocket launcher, etc.
  2. 2. Aircraft carriers

    • Wasp class LHD
    • Kuznetsov (Russia) and Shi Lang (PLAN, ex-Varyag)
    • Charles de Gaulle (France)

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I already made the missiles for my PLAN frigates, so the HQ-61 and HQ-7 are logical choices for new ground objects. I plan to do some slightly more modern air defense systems like the Type 88 (mobile version of the twin 37mm) and the PGZ-95 (25mm guns plus short-range IRMs), so they'll be plenty of things to shoot at you in SE Asia.

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I already made the missiles for my PLAN frigates, so the HQ-61 and HQ-7 are logical choices for new ground objects. I plan to do some slightly more modern air defense systems like the Type 88 (mobile version of the twin 37mm) and the PGZ-95 (25mm guns plus short-range IRMs), so they'll be plenty of things to shoot at you in SE Asia.


that sounds great! I'll be looking forward to future updates.

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The "Graf Zeppelin" would be a nice idea. Could be made in in 2 versions, one for the germans in WW2 and one for the soviets, who could have used this carrier instead to sink it in the Baltic.

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that looks a LOT better than my hack-job using Hinchbrooke's EAGLE!!!

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Hi!! Let me tell thanks for all those wonderful ships! Especially soviets ))) Might I ask a little - although pervert - question... )))))


Is it possible to make cruisers' and destroyers' heli deck capable of landing? ) If yes, is it a model or an ini related change? I wanted to land on one of them, but I fell through the deck and got wet ))))

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As far as I know, you need both a separate "flight deck" LOD and some careful .ini editing to make a ship capable of supporting aircraft. My major ships (Tico, Burke, LCS, Kongo, Kirov, etc.) can land a helo if you have the latest versions.


I tried to do the same with other third-party models, but it's been hit-and-miss. You should be able to land on the Iowa, but the Slava and Udaloy are buggy, and I don't think I can get them working perfectly without the original max files. (The collision deck LOD can be built separately, but it has to line up with the model just right.) If someone has more info on making collision decks, though, I'd love to hear it.



The JGSDF pack is taking a bit longer, as I'm adding a few more vehicles, making some last-minute fixes, and so on. I'll probably be concentrating on the Sovremenny after that.

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A separate deck lod can be "made" by simply renaming a copy of the ship's main lod, accordingly. The Ulyanovsk is set up that way.

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Would it be a slowdown in the game?

The Ulyanovsk causes CTD for me. I guess it is for Dx10 only(

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Would it be a slowdown in the game?

The Ulyanovsk causes CTD for me. I guess it is for Dx10 only(


It works in DX9, you just won't see the bump and speculat-mapping. It is, however, meant for mid-high to high range machines, with at least 1024 MB of available video RAM.

Edited by Fubar512

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Would it be a slowdown in the game?

The Ulyanovsk causes CTD for me. I guess it is for Dx10 only(


Snailman, do you have the CVN Ulyanovsk 1.0 or the CVN Ulyanovsk 2.0? The 1.0 version had an issue that caused CTD upon mission loading. Try this, start the game, go to Options, select Graphics, change the graphics option to Custom, then set Object Detail to Low. Once that is done try running a mission with the Ulyanovsk in and see if there is a difference.

Edited by KJakker

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From what I've seen of TK's and third-party deck LODs, they should be extremely simplified (basically just one object, a flat untextured surface). You don't want to just copy the main LOD for it if at all avoidable, because even if it works, the game engine has to calculate all those polygons and stuff all over again. FYI, the Ulyanovsk actually has a custom flight deck LOD, which is only 167 polygons compared to about 70000 for the model itself.


On the subject of carriers, how does the stock Nimitz have lights at night? I know how to do self-illuminated objects, but this seems like something different, and I can't find any references to lights in the data.ini.

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Sorry I was a bit busy lately...


First, I managed to get the Ulyanovsk to appear... WOW my congrats to its creator!!!! For my use I had to modify the catapults as I could not take off for some reason. But indeed its very very nice.

I also looked into the ski-jump part problem... the way I fixed the Kiev it can't be don on this ship,

but maybe it can also be fixed with a curved collision LOD, and configuring the "catapult" end point at the start of the curved part of the deck? I suppose, a Su-33 would have enough thrust to take off with a shorter catapult lenght and time - as in real life they use no catapults.

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Well I played around with multiple ideas when I made the model but curved collision is a no-go. The current compromise is the best IMO.

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Admiral kuznetsov!!

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I really hate to be throwing out requests but I would love to see some escorts for all the forigien carriers we have esp french.

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If were throwing out wishlists how about the Vikramaditaya, now that theres a Mig-29K in the pattern it'd be cool to have a home for it :biggrin:



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Sovremenny under construction ETA: some time next month, hopefully.



Now that there are updated Korean War carriers available, I feel somewhat disinclined to continue work on the CV-14. I promised Wrench a straight-deck Essex, though, so I'll try my best to make it something more than just a repeat of an existing model.


Vikramaditaya would be interesting... Now way I'd want to scratch-build one though. If someone had a Kiev model (that they were working on before SF2:NA came out, for example), maybe they'd be able to rebuild the deck like the Indian Navy did with the real thing.

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I'd REALLLLLY appreciate it!

that pak link is for DAT Ticos, and are not readlily available to all that may want them

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shot, I got one I didnt know if you would be interested in doing it though let me send it OTW

Edited by colmack

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any plans for a Sturgeon class sub in the near to mid future? looking through whats onsite for stock years (56-84, thru 79 for Europe and NA) and while i like that we have Los Angeles class, only 8 were operational by the time the war breaks out in Sep 79.

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listing badly to port (and starboard!!!) ... better the the DC guys busy on counterflooding!!! :biggrin:

Edited by Wrench
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