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Hey guys,


The operation was successful. I wasn't knocked out completely. The procedure was simple and somewhat painless. They did put some relaxation drugs and numb drugs. They put a needle in my neck, I only felt a pinch and that was the only pain I felt. I remembered everything and when I was in my transporting bed to post op, I saw a X-RAY of my port in my main vein (connected to my heart.). VERY COOL.


I made a nurse laugh during the operation though :). It was when she asked the operating doctor if i needed more of a relaxation drug and I nodded yes LOL. They put a tent like cover over my head with a opening so the nurses can check me and ask me if I'm ok. The OP room was pretty slick. It had a huge screen for the ultra sound (to see which side of my neck is best; They decided on my right side) and for the X-RAY.


The operating doctor & the nurses in the OP room said I was the best patient they ever had. I will let my mother tell you more on the blog :)



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Yep, she already mentioned the Op going fine, did you already have that chem class? Did they say anything about when you start chemo?

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Yep, she already mentioned the Op going fine, did you already have that chem class? Did they say anything about when you start chemo?


Yea I had the chemo class today & then saw Dr Sabiers about my start of treatment. I will start on February 24th.



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One step closer to victory. Yet also a calm before the storm. You are going to need a traditional British stiff upper lip. But I know you can get through this.

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Glad to hear the operation went well.

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that's good news, hope for a speedy recovery!

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That is an excellent report. Keep up the positive attitude.

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Good! Now, the suck will start soon but the reward will be worth it.

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Glad to hear everything has gone well. Now just take it easy and recover quickly. My last operation the Dr. left his watch in the incision. I can still hear it ticking. You should see my reaction when the alarm goes off every morning... hyper.gif.pagespeed.ce.FBmB7Mp3Td.gif

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Glad to hear your operation went well!  Keep your spirits high; you got this.

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I am glad that everything worked out OK.  Keep the faith good.gif.pagespeed.ce.PoYRIVsMjL.gif

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Good news, indeed.  You have the strength to make it through the next part.  Keep cracking up those nurses.

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Good. Very good. I'm glad you're fine and I hope things will be better for you. Operations scare the hell out of me... especially when they black you out. I'm glad things are going well for you.

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It's not the operations that scare me, it's the recovery afterwards! I always am fine for those, but the discomfort afterwards is what I dread...

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