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Anyone tried StrikeFighters 2 with Windows 10?

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holy crap...


man, that's just unbelievable!!

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Windows 10 is an untested piece of shit forcing untested piece of shit updates upon consumers and SMBs (since December, updates have been breaking more things than they have fixed).


It was supposed to be to Windows 8 what Windows 7 had been to Windows Vista, but the damn thing is a disaster akin to Windows Me, in theory it has a lot a nice under the hood improvements and if you happen to have the right hardware and the right softwares and settings, it works like a dream, but step out of its comfort zone and it's a nightmare, and every new update seem to make it worse.

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Just using win7 now.....had the issue where max would'nt work properly.....worked ok before with the fix, but not anymore. I'll keep win10 on my other drive until it gets sorted......if ever.!

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Hi guys,


I just installed SF2 on my new computer with Windows10. The game starts up fine but there are issues.

None of my add-on aircraft or maps or for that matter no add-ons can be detected by the game.

Another thing is that once it goes into the game my keyboard and mouse stop working. I cant turn my head in the cockpit, no thrust, nothing...


has this happened to anyone else?

Does anyone know a fix? 

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Just A Thought But For Some Control Issues Try Going Into Programs And Features Turn Windows Features On And Check Box Labeled Legacy Components

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got links from SimHQ's 29 page (and counting) win10 thread. never10.exe that stops Windows Update from auto install win10



link here



and if not comfortable using a third party exe, the direct registry edit method



(used never10.exe myself and will see if those suspicious KB-XXXXX pop up in optional updates again)

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I don't want to hijack the thread's main question, but regarding those cleaners, I had serious problems with WiseCare 365 v3.74, it corrupted the whole taskbar and Microsoft Edge (ex Internet Explorer), meaning I couldn't open them anymore, this was a serious problem as the start menu became completely inaccessible. I had to do a system restore, so I suggest to wait until such programs are officially Win10 compatible.


Regarding the thread, I haven't tried SF2 yet, I might post later my results too.


Edge is a piece of garbage, so is windows 10 btw.

Things to do if you want to bother:

Disable Windows integrated firewall + antivirus and uses that of a pro (if possible) antivirus software.

Turn OFF integrated VPN, uses your own, bur be aware its default settings will come back at every reboot (more intrusive you can't do), I haven't find a way to disable it yet but as early as I know how to do I will post.

In the services menu, turn OFF everything you do not use, it is top heavy when it comes to programs running without you knowing and it slows the whole system down (memory), it's NOT really game player friendly.

In short, I find Win 10 slow and really not user friendly.

Be aware, you need to tune it to your own tastes to make it work for you, otherwise it works for Microsoft and other companies that have access to your PC like Xbox,  and other commercial gadgets.


Edited by dare2

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Edge is a piece of garbage, so is windows 10 btw.

Things to do if you want to bother:

Disable Windows integrated firewall + antivirus and uses that of a pro (if possible) antivirus software.

Turn OFF integrated VPN, uses your own, bur be aware its default settings will come back at every reboot (more intrusive you can't do), I haven't find a way to disable it yet but as early as I know how to do I will post.

In the services menu, turn OFF everything you do not use, it is top heavy when it comes to programs running without you knowing and it slows the whole system down (memory), it's NOT really game player friendly.

In short, I find Win 10 slow and really not user friendly.

Be aware, you need to tune it to your own tastes to make it work for you, otherwise it works for Microsoft and other companies that have access to your PC like Xbox,  and other commercial gadgets.



Thanks, dare2, but quoting me as if I were an idiot (and I am an experienced PC user, amateur programmer and modder, and student of IT engineering) and telling us what to do, by bumping a thread almost forgotten by everyone, doesn't seem to be the most polite way to show off. First, we users at CombatACE have already posted countless threads about most of the possible fixes and things that should be disabled in Win10. Second, when I referred to Microsoft Edge in that post of mine you quoted, I was simply saying that due to a cleaning software that at the time was not compatible with Win10, Edge and the whole Win10 GUI (graphical user interface) got corrupted. I was not inviting users to use Edge (which clearly is not the best browser), in fact I use Chrome. If I were you, I'd avoid writing unuseful complaints about Win10. I upgraded from Win7 to Win10 due to a series of reasons (unless it is for job, Win7 users should stick with it, Win7 is still the best), but IMHO Win8/Win8.1 users have a quadrillion of reasons to move to Win10.  Much needs to be done in regards to privacy settings, disabling of services and all, but we already wrote much about it in other threads. And as far I know, you're one of the few to find Win10 slower, my 5-year old PC loads Win10 faster than Win7 (and Win10 takes less space in the HD, maybe even taking into account the included apps). That being said, peace.

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Edge is a piece of garbage, so is windows 10 btw.


In short, I find Win 10 slow and really not user friendly.




Edge, although it's not that great on a desktop PC, actually makes a lot more sense on a tablet PC where it is brilliant.


You either have a porked install of Windows or your hardware is rubbish....because Win 10 is better than Win 7 in my experience.


Is all this negativity from people being forced to upgrade for free or something? 


You would have something to moan about if you were around to use things like Red Hat 5 and Windows 95 jeez.

Edited by MigBuster
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As far as I'm concerned, everything is as smooth as windows 7 since the latest Nvidia update on my Win10 computer. Nothing to complain.

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Win10 and SF2 working great on my new sys. No problems except re-mapping joy stick.

Getting 60 frames per second (fraps) on a 2560x1900 monitor with HDMI.

Might get more FPS if i turned off v-sync in nvidia CP.


SFP1 is a bummer tho, with win10 (so far). I'm trying diff things. Hope i figure whats wrong.

Running im compat vista now. Got to try compat with win7.

Love that SFP1, had over 80 planes (not made by me) an it worked great with win7/8.1



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Hello everyone, hope this topic is still on !

I just installed the last update of Win 10, and lost all my SF2 games ! I Removed everything and did a clean install, but it still doesn't work. More precisely, the game seems to start, I can hear the music, but the screen remains black !

the only solution I have is to stop the game from windows !!!

Anyone has a clue ??

Thanks in advance

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It does work on the latest version of Win 10 for me


Try turning off Gaming mode in windows settings and anything else associated

Try disabling Win Defender and any features your security software has that might try to sandbox the game.

Try running the game as admin (right click - > properties->compatibility)


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Thanks so much MigBuster.

Unfortunatelly, none of you solution works. Keeping on Browsing the internet, it seems that it might be a problem with my video card. Mine is a NVIDIA GeForce  GTX560M, and optimising NVIDIA software might be the solution. But all the changes I Have done for the time being are useless... Anyone with the same video card and the same pb ? Thanks

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If you can find the mod folders can you try removing them or at least delete Options.ini and Version.ini then run the game again.

default = C:\Users\<You>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\


What NVIDIA drivers are you on has Win 10 put different ones on?



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Hi there

Problem solved ! it was indeed a kind of "incomprehension" between NVIDIA and Strike fighter 2 :yikes:

I just change the settings in NVIDIA parameters and  run the game with no problem.

I was even able to turn back the NVIDIA settings to the previous ones :stars:

Why did it work, don't ask me but it did

thanks again fo thetime dediated to me

Happy new year !! :drinks:


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Can you describe what settings you changed in NVIDIA

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Sorry, can't remember very clearly. For sure it was in NVIDIA configuration panel (the only one I have) and I changed PhysiX processor from "autoselection" to "processor". May be I also changed something in "setup size and position of desktop", but I don't remember which one I use. Still, I put back all the settings and it works


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Add game to control panel and have game dictate gfx levels  mines set to that and games fine as is....app controlled for sf2...easy peasy

also,max 2009 32 runs ok on win 10,if u get probs...make sure all hot fixes and sp1 applied,if further trouble,dont use dx 10 use 9,and then if troubles copy max exe and run from the shortcut...works...

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Thanks MiGBuster for this great solution...it works fine also for my Win10 64bit Setup. I my NVidia Control Panel I changed in the program settings for SF2 the  antialiasing transparency from Supersamling to Multisampling and suddenly it worked for all SF2 versions including the Black Sea Crisis mod. I had similar video display issues with Il-2 CoD Blitz Edition and it turned out to work for this program with the same settings as well.

So far thanks again MigBuster and good hunting everyone!


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