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Strike Fighters 2 Complete Edition until July 19th 2020

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Returning by popular demand! Available for a limited time only until Jul 19, 2020.

Strike Fighters 2 Complete Edition is a collection of the entire Strike Fighters 2 series (over $400+ value!) including 5 games, 2 expansion packs, and 29 DLCs all in one single, easy-to-install package!

The package includes:
    • Strike Fighters 2
    • Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam
    • Strike Fighters 2 Europe
    • Strike Fighters 2 Israel
    • Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic
    • Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1
    • Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2
    • All 29 Strike Fighters 2 DLCs

    • BONUS: you'll also get the Strike Fighters 2 Win10 Edition and all its DLCs!


You can get this Complete Edition for FREE if you've purchased all the products listed above! Get Strike Fighters 2 Complete Edition for FREE!

You can also get a 50% discount if you've purchased 5 Strike Fighters 2 games! Get Strike Fighters 2 Complete Edition discount!



Player Flyable Aircraft
    • A-4A/B/C/E/F/G/H/K/L Skyhawk
    • A-7A/B/C/D/E/H/P Corsair II
    • A-10A Thunderbolt II
    • F-100A/C/D Super Sabre
    • F-105D Thunderchief
    • F-4B/C/D/E/EJ/F/J/K/M/N Phantom II
    • F-8C/D/E/E(FN)/H/J/K Crusader
    • F-14A Tomcat
    • F-15A Eagle/Baz
    • F-16A Netz
    • Harrier GR.1/3
    • Hunter F.1/2/4/5/6/50/58/FGA.9/73
    • Kfir C1/C2/F-21A
    • Lightning F.1/2/3/6/53
    • Meteor F.8
    • Mirage IIIC/CJ/CZ/EL/O
    • Mirage 5BA
    • Mystere IVA
    • Nesher
    • P-51D Mustang

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Hmm, I wonder if TK wants to tell us something ...

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Windows 10 version release... soon after july 19 ? :dntknw:

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Great! I just purchased SF2 Europe yesterday and I love it. It runs smooth as silk on Win 10. The only thing I have a problem with is the cockpit lighting. I'm going to have to download some practice terrains so I can become efficient at flying some of the newer aircraft. The F-100 flies much better than the one in WOV and the Mach indicator actually works!

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The F-100 isn't the only thing that is better!

Many people that had SFP1 failed to see the value in buying SF2, because in theory SFP1 with mods was almost equal to SF2... so why buy the same game twice? Wings Over Israel was a glimpse of what was coming in SF2. It foreshadowed some of the graphics, AI dogfighting behavior, and electronics improvements.

Ultimately, SF2 was a step up in almost every area except one: the loss of any multiplayer capability. But only a handful of people ever played SFP1/WoX online, I know because I hosted for years.

SF2 had improvements to the available variants: look at how many different F-4s, A-4, F-100s, etc. you can fly. Most of the have realistically unique external 3d models and cockpits, adding things like RWRs, jammers, etc. that early versions didn't have. The electronic systems were made more realistic, most notably the RWRs. The flight model aerodynamic co-efficient tables were re-done at a higher resolution, which makes the flight models much more accurate, especially as you approach the sound barrier. And it kept on evolving with the addition of the mission editor and ultimately the North Atlantic brought the F-14 and much improved support for naval assets, including the functionality of aircraft carriers, which now had parked aircraft. 

But most people didn't see it that way and wouldn't pay for it. They either stuck with SFP1, pirated SF2, or moved on to other flight sims like LOMAC/Flaming Cliffs. Between the mission editor and North Atlantic, SF2 development costs made Third Wire go into the red and forced TK to switch to free-to-play android games. They are great for what they are supposed to be, but they don't interest me at all. I would have rather seen SF2 keep expanding/improving.

It is great that TK is trying to get the ball rolling again, but the failure of the crowdfunding effort for the Windows 10 patch to even come close to the goal tells me how this ends: we only get this patch, which only has one purpose, not to add anything new or patch any long existing bugs, but simply to maximize Windows 10 compatibility because a good number of people have had problems with running SF2 on Win10. After the patch, I expect TK to go back to the apparently much more stable/profitable android apps.

If only everyone who ever bought an SFP1/WoX game or pirated SF2 would come back and buy an SF2 game, or better yet this complete collection. That just might generate enough demand/profitability to get TK to spend some more time patching/improving SF2, maybe adding proper VR support.

Edited by streakeagle
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Damn! I bought the Windows 10 version and now the complete version is available again with free copy of the Window 10 version + DLCs....@$#&*@(#$)(@!!!


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I bought the complete set last year, even though I have all the original releases (but not all the DLCs). Even though my machine is still Win7, be nice to be able to get the W10 version, when the inevitable happens.

Now, the question is ...

what are the SF2 W10 DLCs??? Maybe the the original 29 ported? Something new? Something borrowed? Something blue????


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what are the SF2 W10 DLCs???

Good point...didnt see that.....maybe we getting new stuff ...or just old stuff updated,that is pre SF2 ?...hmmm

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  On 7/7/2020 at 2:27 AM, viper63a said:

Damn! I bought the Windows 10 version and now the complete version is available again with free copy of the Window 10 version + DLCs....@$#&*@(#$)(@!!!

You actually pre-ordered. Check with TK, maybe you can cancel your pre-order, and just pay the difference for the Complete Edition.

  On 7/7/2020 at 6:37 AM, Wrench said:

what are the SF2 W10 DLCs??? Maybe the the original 29 ported? Something new? Something borrowed? Something blue????

My bet is on the original 29 DLCs, ported. Work on new ones is not impossible, but I guess it depends on how well SF2 sells.

Edited by Menrva
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I'd kill just for MP and QOL changes to the game. That would be the first step in expanding the community, getting some virtual units spun up. Maybe move on to ramp starts or on-field rearming like in DCS.

TK has built a lot of aircraft for SFMC and the like. It's not crazy to think he could butter them up for future SF2 DLCs on the easy. He's got the assets.

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Ah the memories! I still have SFP2 installed and works fine! Ordered the SFP2 for Windows 10, just to connect again to this wonderful community after all these years! 

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I think people that backed the crowfunding will get the Win10 version for free, just check your downloads in Thirdwire store.

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  On 7/7/2020 at 8:44 AM, Menrva said:

You actually pre-ordered. Check with TK, maybe you can cancel your pre-order, and just pay the difference for the Complete Edition.

Yeah, I can do that...I did it through paypal, let me see if I can...Thanks!


Edited by viper63a

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  On 7/7/2020 at 6:28 PM, Stratos said:

I think people that backed the crowfunding will get the Win10 version for free, just check your downloads in Thirdwire store.

You´ll get the all in one package & later (when out) the Win 10 Edition.

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I read on the net that TK said that the game will be just updated to Win 10/Direct X 12 and have NO other improvements at all. That means that  just the game's engine will be updated with some extentions to support directly/officialy Windows 10 (and the Direct X12 API) and nothing else. If the game doesn't  have any DirectX 12 effects in it, being just the same old SF2 (with all series) and a guaranteed no bugs Win 10 interface and nothing else, why would I buy it ? I already ran it fine on Win 10, with no crashes or other bugs. NONE! I'm disappointed, I would've been expected more for an Win 10/Direct X 12 upgrade.

Edited by UllyB
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  On 7/9/2020 at 5:41 AM, TeargasHorse said:

So Win10 won't be 64 bit, or yeah?

Windows 10 is already  a 64bit operating system. Old operating system on 32bit could access 2GB of RAM only (aprox 3GB with special extensions) and because of that, today they are obsolete. That is why were created new 64bit operatings systems, to be able to acces more RAM (up to 128GB).  I rather think you wanted to ask if TK new game (SF2 complete collection for Win 10) will support Win 10 64bit edition. It will, for sure, because it needs to access more than 2GB of RAM. There is no, today, any Win10 edition on 32bit that I know of (Microsoft , I heard, retreated them all from the market), but in the near past there were some, which were very cheap. All that fancy Direct X10 graphics light effects and high resolution terrains/textures "costs" tones of RAMs to see them on your screen in max graphics settings. The future in matter of OS and videocard is PLENTY of RAM available for more effects and details in games and graphical applications.


PS - I tested the SF2 Israel on my system which runs Win 10 64bit edition. You need 6,7GB of RAM to run the game and have enough for the system itself. My OS needs aprox 4GB of RAM, depending how many applications you run in the same time and their complexity (their need for RAM). So 2,7 GB of RAM are used, more or less, to run the game under Win 10 for now. I am talking about the SF2 series which was not , officially written for Win 10. I doubt that Win 10 SF2 edition will take less RAM or more than this one.

Edited by UllyB
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  On 7/7/2020 at 1:17 AM, streakeagle said:

The F-100 isn't the only thing that is better!

Many people that had SFP1 failed to see the value in buying SF2, because in theory SFP1 with mods was almost equal to SF2... so why buy the same game twice? Wings Over Israel was a glimpse of what was coming in SF2. It foreshadowed some of the graphics, AI dogfighting behavior, and electronics improvements.

Ultimately, SF2 was a step up in almost every area except one: the loss of any multiplayer capability. But only a handful of people ever played SFP1/WoX online, I know because I hosted for years.

SF2 had improvements to the available variants: look at how many different F-4s, A-4, F-100s, etc. you can fly. Most of the have realistically unique external 3d models and cockpits, adding things like RWRs, jammers, etc. that early versions didn't have. The electronic systems were made more realistic, most notably the RWRs. The flight model aerodynamic co-efficient tables were re-done at a higher resolution, which makes the flight models much more accurate, especially as you approach the sound barrier. And it kept on evolving with the addition of the mission editor and ultimately the North Atlantic brought the F-14 and much improved support for naval assets, including the functionality of aircraft carriers, which now had parked aircraft. 

But most people didn't see it that way and wouldn't pay for it. They either stuck with SFP1, pirated SF2, or moved on to other flight sims like LOMAC/Flaming Cliffs. Between the mission editor and North Atlantic, SF2 development costs made Third Wire go into the red and forced TK to switch to free-to-play android games. They are great for what they are supposed to be, but they don't interest me at all. I would have rather seen SF2 keep expanding/improving.

It is great that TK is trying to get the ball rolling again, but the failure of the crowdfunding effort for the Windows 10 patch to even come close to the goal tells me how this ends: we only get this patch, which only has one purpose, not to add anything new or patch any long existing bugs, but simply to maximize Windows 10 compatibility because a good number of people have had problems with running SF2 on Win10. After the patch, I expect TK to go back to the apparently much more stable/profitable android apps.

If only everyone who ever bought an SFP1/WoX game or pirated SF2 would come back and buy an SF2 game, or better yet this complete collection. That just might generate enough demand/profitability to get TK to spend some more time patching/improving SF2, maybe adding proper VR support.

I agree! Everything seems to be better. Last night I took a Phantom E up to Mach 2.03 over the SWUS terrain and actually had an OCE (Out of Cockpit Experience). I'm definitely going for the Complete Package. The dogfighting is absolutely more realistic. It feels so good to be blown up because you just got outflown and not because your jet can't maintain energy in a 5 g turn.  I like the way AI Wingmen behave too. I still have to work on the dark cockpit issue though. img00004.thumb.JPG.a31b6a7a303b0590855405c923633074.JPGimg00002.thumb.JPG.4ccd9bc28328e1c22f944eccafa336a3.JPGimg00001.thumb.JPG.29df833b4ac9999c9c8ae4dbc8ac18dd.JPGimg00003.thumb.JPG.a90d095a158c2a7a9b9a96e94bc22da5.JPGimg00005.thumb.JPG.a7143fdbc4826c0f3815eb69d72033b5.JPG

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  On 7/9/2020 at 10:00 AM, UllyB said:

Windows 10 is already  a 64bit operating system. Old operating system on 32bit could access 2GB of RAM only (aprox 3GB with special extensions) and because of that, today they are obsolete. That is why were created new 64bit operatings systems, to be able to acces more RAM (up to 128GB).  I rather think you wanted to ask if TK new game (SF2 complete collection for Win 10) will support Win 10 64bit edition. It will, for sure, because it needs to access more than 2GB of RAM. There is no, today, any Win10 edition on 32bit that I know of (Microsoft , I heard, retreated them all from the market), but in the near past there were some, which were very cheap. All that fancy Direct X10 graphics light effects and high resolution terrains/textures "costs" tones of RAMs to see them on your screen in max graphics settings. The future in matter of OS and videocard is PLENTY of RAM available for more effects and details in games and graphical applications.


PS - I tested the SF2 Israel on my system which runs Win 10 64bit edition. You need 6,7GB of RAM to run the game and have enough for the system itself. My OS needs aprox 4GB of RAM, depending how many applications you run in the same time and their complexity (their need for RAM). So 2,7 GB of RAM are used, more or less, to run the game under Win 10 for now. I am talking about the SF2 series which was not , officially written for Win 10. I doubt that Win 10 SF2 edition will take less RAM or more than this one.

Yes, i meant to ask if the Win10 edition was 64 bit as there are 32 bit Win 10s as well. I get dramatic FPS drops (70fps to 20fps) when an ARC Light strike is happening, and with 64 it shouldn't do dat.

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  On 7/9/2020 at 1:35 PM, rlwicker1967 said:

I agree! Everything seems to be better. Last night I took a Phantom E up to Mach 2.03 over the SWUS terrain and actually had an OCE (Out of Cockpit Experience). I'm definitely going for the Complete Package. The dogfighting is absolutely more realistic. It feels so good to be blown up because you just got outflown and not because your jet can't maintain energy in a 5 g turn.  I like the way AI Wingmen behave too. I still have to work on the dark cockpit issue though. 

Get Starry's environment packs...man you'll blow a load!

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  On 7/10/2020 at 12:56 AM, TeargasHorse said:

Yes, i meant to ask if the Win10 edition was 64 bit as there are 32 bit Win 10s as well. I get dramatic FPS drops (70fps to 20fps) when an ARC Light strike is happening, and with 64 it shouldn't do dat.

The reason is not the OS, but the other essential components on your pc. You need 16GB RAM, for no problems with fps. You also need a i7-3700 or BETTER, for game architecture and geometry, i5, for example is WEAK for carrying on its back a Win 10 game with tones of details, texture, and complex dynamic geometry as a flight simulator at maximum settings for graphics!. You also need at least a 7200rpm HDD, but that i think you already have, it's standard nowadays. You also will need a powerful graphic board (no videocard emulation or other crap) with REAL VRAM, at least 8GB VRAM. When you will got all these , your game will run at max settings with at least 60fps. I get a max of 125fps, but I have i7-8700, which is real power and a GTX 1070 with 8GB VRAM and 16GB RAM.

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  On 7/10/2020 at 3:00 AM, rlwicker1967 said:

Where is it located?

Download section , environment subsection, I think.

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