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Showing most liked content on 07/20/2019 in Files

  1. 1 point



    This terrain now uses the 250 meter resolution as described here.... http://combatace.com/topic/89389-kamchatka-250m-version-with-adjusted-tileset-etc/ Thanks Stary. Please be aware that due to the terrain resolution, number of objects etc this terrain may take a while to load or not even run at all...Reading the README's is vitally important..!! What's new ? We now have seasons but the winter version dose'nt have snow as I cant seem to get it right. Quite a few new tiles and tod's for the new airfield layouts by myself. Lots of new objects including several complete RAF style airbase layouts made by myself. I have included a few ground object files, some downloaded from here [ships] and some made by myself [RAF trucks and radar etc] but to make sure everything shows I would get just about every UK ground object you can from the CA downloads section.....there are just too many for me to add to the file and keep its size fairly small. FINALLY a big "THANK YOU" to EVERY body that has made any mods for the SF2 series..........there's a good chance some of you work is used here ....Thanks again.
  2. 1 point



    this is a nice skin for your mustang ONLY FOR IL2 SERIES!!!
  3. 1 point



    India-Pakistan Terrain -For SF2, Full-4 Merged, Reccomended (plus ExpPak1)- India-Pakistan Mod, Part 1 This is the first part of the India-Pakistan mod. This package =ONLY= contains the Terrain itself. Follow on packs will the the full GroundObjects, Weapons, Menu Screens, and later, aircraft. (ExpansionPak 1 will be needed for the Vampires, and possibly some others) This terrain is designed for use with a stand-alone Indo-Pak Mods Folder. Instructions for creating a seperate I/P install are in a seprate Word Doc, and are covered in the CombatAce SF2 Series Knowledge Base. However, it can be placed into any /Terrains folder. Just be advised you'll be missing a LOT of things! Please read the aformentioned Doc for details. Usage in a 'all is everything' install is NOT reccomended. Doable, yes. Advisable, no. You've been warned. It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ this entire document through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we'll clown on you. Happy Landings! For the India-Pak Mod Team, Wrench kevin stein
  4. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    I liked Starys mod but thought the winter tilesets weren't wintery enough to my liking so I made my own set of hard winter tiles. To use, just drop these into the GermanyCE folder and they should unpack to their own winterhard folder. Then open up the GermanyCE.ini file and change [season001] Directory=Winter StartDate=1/1 EndDate=03/15 ScatteredChance=0 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=50 InclementChance=10 to [season001] Directory=WinterHard StartDate=1/1 EndDate=03/15 ScatteredChance=0 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=50 InclementChance=10 These are just textures btw so if you haven't already grabbed Starys GermanyCE v3 mod, do so now or these won't work at all. /Julhelm
  5. 1 point



    India-Pakistan Terrain Tweeks Pak - For SF2, Any and All - This is a relatively small tweeks pak for the India-Pakistan terrain. It is to be applied to the original I/P terrain download available at http://combatace.com/files/file/11805-india-pakistan-terrain/ There has been a few small changes in the 'eye candy' department, and a slight cleanup of some of the airbases. A few new terrain =AND= GroundObjects have been added, and included for ease of installation. These changes are not major and will not effect much, except adding the recently released fuel truck repaints, both the red and yellow 'followme' jeeps, and little things like that. A new TFD and HFD are included, as some retiling had to be done. Also, a new "india1" planning map was created. It's just very basic, showing the region. As always, fairly simple, easy to follow install instructions are included. Please read and follow them. It's pretty straight-forward (for once!) Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  6. 1 point



    My first attempt at modding... Here are some sounds for the P-51 and Spitfire for the SF2:I expansion pack. Enjoy! -Nightshift82


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