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Showing most liked content on 09/23/2024 in Files

  1. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    FSD* skin for the SF2 F-16A Block 1 package by Wrench ;) https://combatace.com/files/file/18256-sf2-f-16a-block-1-tmf-pack/ *From 1977 to 1978 General Dynamics delivered 6 pre-production F-16As to USAF for Full Scale Development: 75-745 75-746 75-747 75-748 75-749 75-750 To install this skin for the F-16A Block 1 mod, copy and paste the "Object" folder into your "SF2" directory. Many thanks to Kevin for the SF2 conversion of this vintage Mirage Factory Team mod ! Coupi
  2. 1 point

    Version 5.6


    THIS IS NOT UNDER THE COMBATACE FREEWARE LICENSE ACCORD YOU MAY - Have fun with this mod - Use it as you see fit once you download it, even modify it as you see fit - Create your own textures as you see fit and upload them under your name IF you wish to send me any modified core files (I don't need to review skins as that doesn't affect any core files) please PM me the modified files and I will check them out. There is no exception to this policy given my attitude towards staying out of jail. I will check them out and yay or nay the decision, but if I can edit any files in order to not go to jail, I will inform you and that will be it. I understand you may have information of a sensitive nature that you may have access to and frankly it does not belong in any files of this download. If that bothers you then please don't send me sensitive information, I think I've made it clear that I'm not going to jail in order to appease to players. http://combatace.com...24-my-projects/ Newer skin PSD with Block I ECS (no stacks) now available for skinning needs: http://combatace.com...-skin-template/ - Fixed some glaring errors in the INI files.
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    ALBATROS D III REDUX PART 4 The fourth and final part of the D III series, aircraft are all from Jasta 12. Again you will need the PART 1 download of the D III for all the decals etc.
  4. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    ALBATROS D III REDUX PART 3 The third part of the DIII collection, this time for the Jasta 11 machines. again you will need PART 1 for all the decals and other bits.
  5. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    ALBATROS D III REDUX PART 2 ( A & B) The second file in the Albatros D III saga, these are the Jasta 2 aircraft. Please not you WILL need PART 1 as that has all the decals sounds etc. etc. ENJOY !!!
  6. 1 point

    Version 2.0.0


    So basically, this is a skin mod imitating the F-16s that appeared in the video released by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense not long ago. According to the fuselage details and Local S/N, they should have once served in the Esk727 and 730 squadrons of the Royal Danish Air Force, so I copied some of their other Local S/Ns. Special thanks to: Viper team provide those great Falcon mod Usage: 1. Put the "EX_RDAF" folder into your F-16 mod (AM/BM recommended, as link below); 2. Put the "Decals" folder into: your SF2 directory\Objects; 3. Start the game and read your F-16AM, the game will automatically read the data. https://combatace.com/files/file/12909-european-mlu-vipers/


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