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Showing most liked content on 06/18/2022 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Mirny airfield. A small russian air base close to the western coast of the Crimean peninsula.
  2. 4 points
  3. 3 points
    Saki Airbase at Crimean peninsula, the big base, where the Soviets trained their pilots for carrier operations. If i could find a nice ramp i could include the NITKA system, where the soviet carrier pilots were trained for the ski jump take off. It would be close to the right end of the upper runway. The carrier landing zone was at the big square close to the left end of the upper runway. So Saki AB looks in the editor:
  4. 3 points
    You're right. I downloaded the new A8's but I haven't installed them yet.
  5. 2 points
    Hello everyone, Here are new version of early F-4s CRT and night filter. I look forward to the feedback on this. After this weekend, I am looking forward working on improving E.E. Lightning and then next aircraft. This have been a refreshing break experimenting with avionics overhauls. Eagle114th
  6. 2 points
  7. 1 point
    ok, so i'll quit clogging up the overall screenie thread with F-16s. over 4600 built. 43 years of service. over major 25 operators. there should be some variety here i'll start this show off mile high...
  8. 1 point
    View File Super Étendard Modernisé Armada de la República Argentina IMPORTANTE!!! Antes de instalar la skin es importante tener el avión de denissoliveira. IMPORTANT!!! Before installing the skin it is important to have denissoliveira's plane. Español: A fines del 2018 unos 5 Super Étendard Modernisé arribaron a la Argentina a la espera de una puesta a punto, pero lamentablemente para el 2022 siguen sin volar. Esta skin es lo mas similar a la pintura del Super Étendard del ARA, la única libertad que me tome a la hora de hacer la skin es añadir un killmark como tenían los Super Étendard después de la guerra de Malvinas. Si quieren modificar mi skin, añadir algo o lo que sea, agradecería bastante que se me dé el crédito correspondiente, ya que me llevo bastante tiempo debido a la falta de plantilla que me faciliten el laburo. Además darle los créditos correspondientes a denissoliveira por el avión y la skin sobre la que trabaje. Sin nada mas que agregar, espero que disfruten la skin. English: At the end of 2018, some 5 Super Étendard Modernisé arrived in Argentina waiting for a set-up, but unfortunately by 2022 they are still not flying. This skin is the most similar to the painting of the ARA Super Étendard, the only freedom I took when making the skin is to add a killmark like the Super Étendard had after the Malvinas war. If you want to modify my skin, add something or whatever, I would be very grateful if you give me the corresponding credit, since it took me a long time due to the lack of a template that facilitates my work. Also give the corresponding credits to denissoliveira for the plane and the skin on which he works. With nothing more to add, I hope you enjoy the skin. Submitter MSim12 Submitted 06/16/2022 Category Other  
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Just added 2 ammo crates to the model and started the testing.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I made the condor long before the Su-21 has two engines you like this? need to finish mapping and getting in-game if there a demand for that I get on it faster maybe just a few short weeks


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