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Sokol last won the day on February 8 2017

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  1. hi, @wrench: i guessed that this is the problem; by publishing it here i wanted to make it known to the developpers of the revamp-series @potentesciamo: the "glitch" i mentioned is not the overlay of debug-informations - which is quite easyly avoided - but the hybrid mig-21/mig-17 in the shelter, sort of "overlayed" parking aircraft as Wrench pointed out. thank you for the answers ;-) cheers sokol
  2. i want to thank the team for their hard work and the joy it provides. may i show a minor glitch ? the vietnamese air force did many surpring thinges, but i guess this one was beyond their cabapilities ,-)
  3. @aetios thank you, sir. works fine ;-)
  4. Hi, I use reshade with good effects with DCS, but cannot get it to work with the SF2-series. reshade installs correctly and appears as usual in game, but it's panel freezes. i cannot click any item (settings, start ...). has anyone got it working ? any idea ? thx sokol
  5. btw the first picture shows a "Fitter" aka su-17 swing-wing fighter-bomber. the type way extensively used in Afghanistan, but never for the Soviet "top gun". they used mig-21, -23, -29. cheers sokol
  6. As A Reminder......

    One question: which software to you use to backup your ffiles ? I used syncback, which checks whether there are any changes or new files in the original install before copying them to the backup-system. But this takes ages, since I have to backup dcs, il-2 box, FSX and Sf2-stuff. any hint will be welcomed ;-) thx, sinzov
  7. The First and only American Emperor!

    There were in fact real emperors in America. These were Pedro 1 and Pedro 2 of Brazil, which was an empire for a few decades in the 19th century. Remember that AMERICA is a continent, not one of its many states, the USA (although this is often confused in the everyday language). ;-)
  8. Yes!

    WONDERful victory - flying F-4 Phantoms in the early 1950ies ;-)
  9. Su-35 prototype

    the Su-35 surely one of the best releases for the SF-series ever. do you consider to release a skin-template ? it should be most welcomed, considering the various liveries around in the real world/tm cheers sokol
  10. Hi UllyB, good to see you around again how about a soviet airliner ? I would like to see the Tu-154 Careless in the game. It is one of the most beautiful airplanes ever, on par with the Boeing 707 (which we have) and the SE Caravelle (which we will never get ;-( give it a try sokol
  11. Wrench & Menrva, these are good news. is there a way for all those engaged in vietnam-stuff here at Combatace to combine their work ? it is a real pity that we have the big split between the DAT-people (their boss is, well, weird), the YAP-folks and Combatace, which is a real community and has always been the place of hope for me. do you consider a two-stage release procedure: - stage 1 - the aircraft - they would make a nice christmas present for the community - stage 2 - the terrain(s) ? of course it is your work and you decide ;-) please keep up the good work. cheers sokol
  12. Hi in 2020 Wrench & Co. have started a very intersting project on the French airwar in Indochina of the early 1950is and shown some teasing and promising screenshots in their screenshot thread. is this project still alive ? if so - two weeks ? cheers sokol

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