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Sparkchaser2010 last won the day on September 26 2009

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About Sparkchaser2010

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    Whitesburg, GA
  • Interests
    Flight Sims/Computers
    Scale Modeling


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  1. F-16C Eielson AFB 18th Aggressor SQ Skins

    You're quite welcome! The terrain is the stock Caucasus during winter.
  2. View File F-16C Eielson AFB 18th Aggressor SQ Skins 21 Skins covering 18 tail numbers of the 18th Aggressor Squadron and 6 different patterns. 86-286 - Flogger 86-301 - Flogger 86-310 - Flogger 86-263 - Arctic 86-268 - Arctic 86-270 - Arctic 86-290 - Arctic (18 AGRS) 86-304 - Arctic 86-305 - Arctic 86-308 - Arctic 86-314 - Arctic (354 FW) 86-282 - Flanker 86-293 - Flanker 86-298 - Flanker 86-322 - Flanker 86-355 - Flanker (354 OG) 86-295 - BDU Splinter *86-263 - Arctic Splinter *86-290 - Arctic Splinter (18 AGRS) *86-314 - Arctic Splinter (354 FW) 86-335 - Flanker Splinter Install by dropping these folders into the bazar/liveries/f-16c bl.52d/ folder Submitter Sparkchaser2010 Submitted 09/29/2018 Category Misc/AI Aircraft Skins  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    21 Skins covering 18 tail numbers of the 18th Aggressor Squadron and 6 different patterns. 86-286 - Flogger 86-301 - Flogger 86-310 - Flogger 86-263 - Arctic 86-268 - Arctic 86-270 - Arctic 86-290 - Arctic (18 AGRS) 86-304 - Arctic 86-305 - Arctic 86-308 - Arctic 86-314 - Arctic (354 FW) 86-282 - Flanker 86-293 - Flanker 86-298 - Flanker 86-322 - Flanker 86-355 - Flanker (354 OG) 86-295 - BDU Splinter *86-263 - Arctic Splinter *86-290 - Arctic Splinter (18 AGRS) *86-314 - Arctic Splinter (354 FW) 86-335 - Flanker Splinter Install by dropping these folders into the bazar/liveries/f-16c bl.52d/ folder
  4. Edited the F-16 JSON file to achieve a much less metallic/shiny appearance. Also converted to DDS format and added Splinter and Blizzard skins. Hoping to upload this weekend.
  5. A few images from Red Flag in Jan 2018

    Fantastic photos! Stationed two years out there with the 64th AGRS and many a TDY from Pope and Barksdale out on the LOLA and revetment side. I see they removed the sun shades from the revetments and added a barrier in the berm opening, it's been a few years since I've been out there. Even my house on-base is gone lol
  6. Finally the Nellis ramp looks more colorful. Blizzard 1 of 2 (both are 86-0269)
  7. F-16C 64th Aggressor Squadron

    Version 2.0.0


    A collection of 17 different 64th Aggressor SQ skins for the AI F-16C Blk 52 17 Skins covering 14 tail numbers of the 64th Aggressor Squadron and 5 different patterns. 84-236 - Desert 86-283 - Desert 86-269 - Desert 86-220 - Desert 87-267 - Desert 87-307 - Desert 86-272 -Flogger(64 AGRS) *86-280 -Flogger(64 AGRS) 86-299 - Flogger *86-220 - Flogger 86-280 - Arctic(64 AGRS) 86-273 - Arctic 87-313 - Arctic 84-244 - Flanker(57 ATG) 84-301 - Flanker 86-251 - Flanker *86-272 - Shark Install by dropping these folders into the bazar/liveries/f-16c bl.52d/ folder
  8. View File F-16C 64th Aggressor Squadron A collection of 17 different 64th Aggressor SQ skins for the AI F-16C Blk 52 17 Skins covering 14 tail numbers of the 64th Aggressor Squadron and 5 different patterns. 84-236 - Desert 86-283 - Desert 86-269 - Desert 86-220 - Desert 87-267 - Desert 87-307 - Desert 86-272 -Flogger(64 AGRS) *86-280 -Flogger(64 AGRS) 86-299 - Flogger *86-220 - Flogger 86-280 - Arctic(64 AGRS) 86-273 - Arctic 87-313 - Arctic 84-244 - Flanker(57 ATG) 84-301 - Flanker 86-251 - Flanker *86-272 - Shark Install by dropping these folders into the bazar/liveries/f-16c bl.52d/ folder Submitter Sparkchaser2010 Submitted 09/22/2018 Category Misc/AI Aircraft Skins  
  9. DCS Weekend News 21 September 2018

    If I had just been patient...
  10. Fullback scheme Flogger Scheme
  11. Yes, HAVE GLASS V, which is basically the F-35 coatings applied to the F-16CMs. I don't know which direction the AF is going with it but it makes the F-16 look good lol
  12. Nellis 16th WPS Nellis 422d TES Edwards 412th TW HAVE GLASS V
  13. MadJeff Lives! What's new in the land of flight sims?

    Always good to see other old hats are still around.

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