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warthog64 last won the day on November 27 2023

warthog64 had the most liked content!

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96 Neutral

About warthog64

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  1. severe problem to access CA

    Seems to be fixed now. I thought it was just me too lol.
  2. Just wondering if anyone could help me find a file that contains the Pave Knife pod. I thought it used to be included in the SF2 Vietnam expansion pack from 2014, however I can't seem to locate that file as it seems to have been removed. Thanks
  3. Shahak Tarmil 012.JPG

    Awesome shot.
  4. Very nice. Thanks Raven as always.
  5. Is anyone else not getting the SA-6 to show up in the game? SA-2s and SA-3s are in abundance, just no SA-6s on my end.
  6. Thunderbirds Fuel Stop at KCOS
  7. Unusual B-1 camo

    Cool pics. That aircraft is on display at the Strategic Air and Space Museum in Nebraska today.
  8. Nice Nice Nice. Thank You!
  9. I was wondering if it is possible to add the entire battlefleet to the carrier groups in the campaign? Is it ok to edit the data.ini file without affecting the game? Thanks
  10. Thanks everyone. I'll have to buy a new computer when I can afford it.

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