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  1. Some photos of the Mig Ye-8s. Some of them are officially presented as "F-7 144" and the propaganda claims they were made in China... MiG Ye-8 MF #71 MiG Ye-8 MS #91 Ye-8 MS vs CF-105 #85 F-7 144 between the suns of Dhimar The parani night invaders sometimes have the opportunity to sunbathe at night. #148 #155 #152 MiG Ye-8 MLK vs F-101B, both aircrafts collided and were lost.
  2. Just in case it may help a bit, here's my version of the F-35B data ini file. I remember I spent a lot of time tuning the engines spec for making the hovering more doable. F-35B_Data.7z
  3. As we already know the answer "That's classified" maybe we could guess the question ? Here's my tries : - Does it have a canopy opening animation ? - Are we beamed up onboard ? - Does it have a proper cockpit ? (otherwise the A-4B cockpit will do the job but I think it's classified...) - Does it have an arrestor hook ? - Is it carrier qualified ? - Is it "ExportedToEnemy=TRUE" ? - Can we load a nuclear weapon (as the AIR-2 Genie) ? If yes would it be from the blue side or the red side, or both ? - Does it have a cloaking device ? I can't wait for this project to be declassified (in 100 years or 2 weeks, that's a secret)
  4. Many aviation historians wonder what happened to the soviet Spitfires...
  5. Now it has its own shark mouth decal, it looks better.
  6. then, still as a test, make the VF-114 decals show on the F-14A_77 model and the VF-143 decals show on the F-14A model. It may reveal if the issue is the decals setting or the 3D model. It depends if you count the different decals used or if you count the entries that applies on the same mesh. I count 8 entries for the "Fuselage_Front" mesh.
  7. To test what's happening : You could replace the decals 029 and 030 entries (USNFighterNum) by the decals 034 and 035 (renaming them 029 and 030) and see if the stripes show in game. If yes, there's too many decals for the same "Fuselage_Front" mesh / If no, it's another issue. Your modded decals "F14ASQSTRIPE" has a number in its name ? to match with the VF-143 squadron entries in the squadronlist.ini. I really think it should have a number (like "Insignia025" tga is for Japan as a nation) to be selected by the squadron settings as VF-143. Just ideas...
  8. I don't want to answer for Amariani, but if the names of the home made decals are the same as the stock ones and if they're placed in the decals folder it will work. I did it for insignia and finflash decals. Another thing is the decals are showing in the LOD viewer, it's the start of the thread. The LOD viewer finds them and places them, but not the game (as far as I understood the issue).
  9. Trying to improve the look... ...because currently I'm unable to shot down WW2 german fighters (parani FW-190D) using WW2 german rockets (post-war R4M to replace the Mighty Mice).
  10. Hello I would set "DecalLevel=0" Otherwise it has to refer to the squadron list and the decal name (F14ASQFuselage) have to match the number of the squadron (there must be a F14AASQFuselagexxx decal for the VF-143 squadron with the xxx number in the squadron.ini list (IIR) Also the "FilenameFormat=" line must indicate where the decal is. As it is the decal is in the decals folder or it's a stock decal. If it's a new decal it has to be in a folder like "F-14A/VF143/stripes" or something like that (I guess you already know)
  11. Not in this precise case, turning the TMF Nesher into a TMF Mirage5F. The starting issue is to remove the tacan mesh form the top of the fuselage.
  12. [Hide1] ParentComponentName=Nose ModelNodeName=Objet03 DestroyedNodeName=Objet03 DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MassFraction=0.0 is the usual way to delete a mesh by ini. So "ModelNodeName=" entry should be the same as "DestroyedNodeName=" and is the mesh you want to remove. The "ParentComponentName=" is a component as you said but in this case the components Nose and VertTail have the same name as their main mesh.
  13. After checking, the entries need the "ShowFromCockpit=TRUE" Component[008]=Hide1 Component[009]=Hide2 Component[010]=Hide3 [Hide1] ParentComponentName=Nose ModelNodeName=Objet03 DestroyedNodeName=Objet03 DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MassFraction=0.0 [Hide2] ParentComponentName=Nose ModelNodeName=Nose DestroyedNodeName=tacan ShowFromCockpit=TRUE DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MassFraction=0.0 [Hide3] ParentComponentName=VertTail ModelNodeName=VertTail DestroyedNodeName=tacan ShowFromCockpit=TRUE DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MassFraction=0.0
  14. The reason the tacan mesh is not removed by the component trick is there's another mesh named tacan on the vertical tail. The "Hide2" component removes the tacan of the tail. I tried to add a third component [Hide3] ParentComponentName=VertTail ModelNodeName=tacan DestroyedNodeName=tacan DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE but it didn't solve the issue. Once the tacan mesh of the tail is removed, the other tacan mesh of the fuselage stays ( ---> see the fix below) Add "MassFraction=0.0" to all removing / hiding / showing components. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit : Jimbib beat me to the line xD Try this : //antenna removals// Component[008]=Hide1 Component[009]=Hide2 [Hide1] ParentComponentName=Nose ModelNodeName=Objet03 DestroyedNodeName=Objet03 DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MassFraction=0.0 [Hide2] ParentComponentName=Nose ModelNodeName=Nose DestroyedNodeName=tacan DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MassFraction=0.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to remove both tacan meshes : //antenna removals// Component[008]=Hide1 Component[009]=Hide2 Component[010]=Hide3 [Hide1] ParentComponentName=Nose ModelNodeName=Objet03 DestroyedNodeName=Objet03 DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MassFraction=0.0 [Hide2] ParentComponentName=Nose ModelNodeName=Nose DestroyedNodeName=tacan DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MassFraction=0.0 [Hide3] ParentComponentName=VertTail ModelNodeName=VertTail DestroyedNodeName=tacan DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MassFraction=0.0

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