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Stratos last won the day on June 19 2023

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About Stratos

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  1. Now available for Il-2! https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,73726.0.html
  2. Point defense interceptor for Parani capital?
  3. The skin is so cool and match the frame so well that I didn't recognized the plane at first!
  4. Hey! Really beautiful, and very nice background story.
  5. Nice work on the skin! the results are pretty credible.
  6. After seeing this post I had to try it in Il2 with BAT expansion. And well, the plane did far better than I expected at first being a good match for earlier Ki-43. It was fun, and your pics are really cool. Good work mate!
  7. Yes, Rends Germany IIRC that have buses, trucks and cars. Sorry but I never fully understood TODs so I don't know If my idea is feasible or not.
  8. It was done in GermanyCE terrain and the result was pretty good.
  9. We will need Great Lakes Freighters... BTW, this terrain made me tought on this wargame... http://www.avalanchepress.com/gamePlanCrimson.php
  10. Ever tought in adding small low poly cars in roads? So they simulate real traffic? Runs for cover...
  11. Looking forward to this terrain, will be great for COIN with light aircraft. Mandatory pic, early Kurnass in 1969...
  12. Nuclear Option

    Simply joking Falcon, don't take it too seriously.

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