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GunnySonics last won the day on June 29 2020

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About GunnySonics

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    Flight Simming
    Sea Fishing

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  1. Joint Tasking with Veltro2k's beautifull Shackleton
  2. Same mission, same aircraft, different results: The Feet Air Arm showing the Royal Air Force how its done on an Anti Ship mission and what happens when you stick your ass in the air over the big blue sea. SQN Leader Pepperpots was the only surviving aircraft of XV SQN to make it back to base out of a 6 ship flight, CDR Goldenballs, LT Coffinails, LT Goosebumps brought their aircraft back to Ark Royal saftely out of a 6 ship flight.
  3. This is a great addon, thank you very much for this having lots of fun with it.
  4. I am unable to complete any Recon/Transport missions using Nimrod/C130 when I create missions although I pass over the Prority Waypoint my mission remians "in progress", I was able to complete these types of missions previously flying Canberra's etc but for some reason I can no longer complete any non combat missions that dont involve blowing shit up or shooting shit down? Any ideas anyone?
  5. Deployment to Sharnak including 3 Commando Brigade, 34 SQN RAF Regiment, 22 SAS, HMS Fearless/Intrepid, 29 Commando RA
  6. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 pre-order

    Me too, thats the only downside to flightsims having to upgrade to keep up. I think if i was total up how much I've spent on hardware and software over the last 36 years I could've bought a reasonably priced Hunter or maybe a Gnat by now considering my first purchase was a ZX Spectrum 48K & a Kempston Joystick back in 1985
  7. Not sure if i'm missing something here, I have SF2,E,V,I,EXP 2,NA, my SF2 folder is about 60GB with all the downloads i've got and i'm running W10 with 8GB RAM and I constantly get around 60FPS unless i'm flying a campaign around Hanoi which then drops to about 25-30FPS so I see no reason to spend $50 on purchasing SF2 complete unless i'm missing something I can't see what I would gain, maybe i've misread the replies? I create most of my own missions and add alot of ground objects and aircraft to my missions but i've never seen them lagging or choking out.
  8. USAF F-4 Phantom Vietnam losses

    Fair winds and blue skies to all those crews that never made it home, angels high , nice work regula50
  9. Decided to start off a new pilot career in the Royal Air Force, this is me and the instructor flying a Jet Provost T5B out of RAF Linton on Ouse, look how happy my instructor looks with my flying skills, not a care in the world
  10. 617: Last Days of the Vulcan Sqn

    I lived at RAF Scampton as a kid and used to love watching these aircraft take off and do circuits, I would sit on the swings at the park for hours watching them, often resulting in my dad having to come looking for his 7 year old son in the evening when all the other kids had gone home.
  11. Some great vintage footage of the Bucs out in Gib on exercise with HMS Kent amongst other NATO allies, Tally Ho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBtsEw47pwk

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