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SayethWhaaaa last won the day on June 23 2014

SayethWhaaaa had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

245 Neutral

About SayethWhaaaa

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere in Skyrim...
  • Interests
    Hugging trees, kissing rainbows.

    I don't suffer idiot populists and wannabe autocrats and I bed hot brunettes. Everything else is just detritus.

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  1. That was Alex Jones people... A perfect example of how to be a belligerent, angry, paranoid, recalcitrant, fear mongering, ignorant, lying a$$hole! I've stepped in things with more redeeming qualities than that guy.

    1. Brain32


      I know lol, but in all that stuff he occasionally strikes something quite...ichy. Actually only one thing so far, it's about Soros...


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