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GKABS last won the day on February 22

GKABS had the most liked content!

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8,869 +1000 Reputation


Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Kuwait Ali Sabah Al-Salim
  • Interests
    3d modeling, all military models for
    flight simulator games.


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  1. I found this and how it will help. F G
  2. Dear Friends, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to share that I have been away for some time, focusing on various personal matters. I am looking forward to returning to my project in April. Until then, please take care of yourselves and stay safe. I look forward to reconnecting soon. Warm regards, Mohamad.
  3. Su-17 Fitter-C V1.0

    What can I say? Totally awesome!

  5. Take care of yourself, my friend. Nothing comes before your health. I wish you a full recovery and a long, happy life.
  6. I will be away for the next 8 to 10 days because my son is getting married, and we are very busy with the wedding preparations. Please wish him all the best and good luck, as he needs it! LoL.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. guuruu


      All the best for your son and his wife :kisses:

    3. UllyB


      I wish you all the best M!

    4. GKABS


      Thank you, my dear friends, for your wishes.:friends:

  7. Okay, what I have so far is the following. A-6E EF2000 Eurofighter Typhoon Two-Seater Super Hornet E/F/G Saab Drakens Mirage 2000B Mirage 2000C Also including my previous models list that I am working on. This is not in any particular order.
  8. If I can get the Mirage 2000 single seater that will make it faster to make the 2000B that is if @Crusader have it ;)
  9. Sounds like a good idea to me. I should do some research.
  10. Following my work on the pilot, I have conceived this idea. If any individual desires to have their visage incorporated as the pilot's head, I would be delighted to accommodate such a request. Please reach out to me, and I shall provide you with the necessary details regarding the required materials (all information will be kept strictly confidential).
  11. Looking nice did you uploaded it to the download section?

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