Strike Fighters by Thirdwire
Sub Category
All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons
F-104A, Pakistani AF, and Ini Tweeks Pak
By Wrench
F-104A, Pakistani Air Force, And Ini Tweeks Pak
= For SF2, Any and All =
Some modifications (ini wise) and a new-ish skin for the recently re-released revamp of Ajundair's F-104A Starfighter. This package is =ONLY= to be applied to the F-104A Pak by Spillone104, available at:
This adds a Pakistani AF skin, with historical serial numbers (albeit 2 are for 104Bs ...) as used by No. 9 Squadron; Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Also included are several inis with some additions and corrections.
Please note, the skins are in jpg format, so be at least at the Jan 2012 patch level for them to work. If not ... you can figure out the alternatives.
The inis are:
Data.ini (with corrected export dates, and steerable nose wheel)
Userlist (with, hopefuly correct years)
Loadout ini (corrects the "always loading Falcons" issue)
main ini (with some minor additions)
Hangar screen (albeit the SF2 revamped 1stGen F-104G, but the differences are so small...)
Cockpit.ini, (with working secondary ADI and oil pressure gauges, ala F-104G)
the included cockpit folder does NOT have the lod, but does contain the hi-rez skins by batman1976; and probably several other not used bmps -- I couldn't remember which ones to remove, so left them alone
As always, READ the enclosed readme for usual fully detailed install instructions.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
F-104A, RJAF Skin/Decal Pak
By Wrench
F-104A, Royal Jordanian Air Force Skin/Decal Pak
= For SF2, Any and All =
A new(ish) skin for the recently re-released revamp of Ajundair's F-104A Starfighter. This package is =ONLY= to be applied to the SF2 F-104A Pak by Spillone104 & Co, available at:
This represents RJAF F-104As, with historical serial numbers and ID Letters (albeit 3 or 4 actually are for their 104Bs ...). Decal randomization is set to TRUE. This is a reuse of one of the newly released natural metal skins, with all new decals. What little I've been able to determine via research, they weren't painted in camo until their retirement (1980s??), and used as decoys at various RJAF bases (* the pattern described is very similiar of the Mirage F-1 the RJAF was using at the time*)
Please note, the skins are in jpg format, so be at least at the Jan 2012 patch level (or whichever one in 2011 allowed it) for them to work. If not ... you can figure out the alternatives.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for usual fully detailed install instructions.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
E-2C Hawkeye, JASDF Skin Pak (SF2NA)
By Wrench
SF2NA Nor/Grum E-2C Hawkeye, JASDF Skin Pak
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged Reccomended and/or SF2:NA ONLY! =
REMINDER: you MUST have SF2:NA to access the the E-2C. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do NOT download this mod, as you'll not be able to use it!
A very simple reskin/redecaling of the recently added E-2C Hawkeye as used by the Japanes Air Self-Defense Force.
99.99999% Historically accurate decals replicate the 13 aircraft as used by 601 Hikotai. All markings are decals.
No other inis or other mods are included (read: cockpit, avionics, data, etc); it's just the skin for now. I'm working on tweeking a few items missed or misplaced, and will upload a 'fixit' pak in the near future, with corrected lighting, a 'passable' cockpit', and manually folding wings.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
(it'd look great on the Kamchatka map, along with the F-4EJs!!)
SF2NA E-2C Hawkeye Upgrade Pak
By Wrench
SF2NA Nor/Grum E-2C Hawkeye Upgrade Pak
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged Reccomended and/or SF2:NA ONLY! =
REMINDER: you MUST have SF2:NA to access the the E-2C. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do NOT download this mod, and you'll not be able to use it
This pak is a compilation of the 5 skins now available, and adds several new and/or tweeked inis, including a cockpit, that make this aircraft Player Usable. Importantly included is my (Patent Pending) "1 Click Restoration Main Ini", for when the aircraft reverts to AI controled after patching or DLC installation.
The skins/decals included are:
601 Hikotai, JASDF
VAW-112 (renamed from it's 'USNGray')
The cockpit supplied is a very slightly modified version of the S-3B Viking. New avionics and data inis are supplied. Mods to the data ini add manually folding wings (use the Usual Suspect manual animation key, Shift/9), and all lighting positions have been corrected, and other running lights added as needed. Wingtip position lights will now 'move' with the wings when folded. Landing lights have NOT been added.
A new turbine engine sound, borrowed from Del's C-130s is used, and supplied as well.
New Hangar & Loading screens are included.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
see the rest of the readme for full credits!
3W A-6E TRAM Upgrade Kit
By Wrench
A-6E TRAM (aka "A-6E_79) Skin/Ini UPgrade Pak
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged Required; and/or SF2:NA -ONLY!!- =
Again, as stated above this is for the stock 3rdWire A-6E_79 ONLY!! If you do not possess SF2NA, DO NOT download this mod, as you will NOT be able to use it.
Some adjustments, tweeks and General Fiddling With for the new SF2NA A-6E TRAM. The package includes a new skin, in Lo-Viz Gray for VA-75 "Sunday Punchers", circa 1990s
Several inis are included (data, loadout, avionics, main ini*), but NO COCKPT or cockpit ini is included -- you must locate and install these yourselves! The data and loadout inis have been adjusted to include LGB capabilities, a built in laser designator. Wingfold and canopy operation are controled via manual animation keys. Wingfold uses the Shift/9 and the canopy the Shift/0 keystrokes.
I've included a main ini, with the cockpit line left blank, so you can insert whichever cockpit ini name you're using. Weapons (in particular the Navy GBU-10D_N is NOT supplied. It comes from the GunnyPak, so having that would be good idea....)
New Hangar & Loading screen are included, as is a new loadout.tga for use on the Loadout Screen. The Loading Screen is actually a jpg conversion of the original 1stGEn bmp for the old TRAM.
The new skin was created from a "Home Grown Templates" , with many new decals. Others are stock items. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. The skin is "clean", as all markings are decals, making it a simple matter to create other squadron users. (the mid-fueslage slimer is part of the skin map)
A "StartDefaultDate=" line was NOT added, as doing so would limit you to ONLY this one skin (locking out the Gull Gray/White skins). As more Lo-Viz skins are created, it's reccomended that the actual transistion to Lo-Viz year be discovered, and added to this and any subsuquent new skins. A simple text edit of the textureset ini and adding said line to this skin's listing the A-6E_79.ini.
On the Numbers.lst, those Modex marked with a star (*) have their actual BuNums when assigned to this squadron. The others, rest assured, ARE real A-6E BuNums.
The templates will be uploaded seperately to the SF2/Tools & Utililties section in the Combat Ace Downloads.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! In fact, it's reccomened (read: REQUIRED!!, you read this document through before installing to you Mods Folder)
The Notes section contains further details, descriptions, elightenments, illuminations, and so forth. Be good to read them, too.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
(*=my PatenPending "One Click Restoration Main Ini" is NOT included, due to cockpit use choices. I'd suggest you make one,after installation, as per the tutorial at
That should get you started...)
A-3 Skywarrior Skin/Ini Update Pak (for DAT A-3D)
By Wrench
A-3D Skywarror Upgrade/Update Pak
= For SF2, Any and All =
For the Dev A-Team's A3D-1
*PLEASE NOTE: this is =NOT= a complete aircraft mod! A major component, the aircraft's LOD is NOT included!! This file is propritary of the Dev A-Team, and cannot be shared. You =MUST= be a Registed User at their site, with access to their downloads, to make use of the Pak. If you do not have, or cannot get access, DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD, AS YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE IT!!!*
It should be noted at this time, that while the folder & main ini are called "A3D-1", the aircraft in actuality is an A3D-2 (late)/A3B, as evidenced by the 'shovel nose' radome.
Lots of changes have been effected, to try and bring it close to SF2 standards; much more work is STILL needed by those that know how (FM rebuild). A new cockpit, adjusted loads (included a Nuke specific STRIKE loadout, and a Strike_Heavy -with MK.84s, for use with the 3W Mission Editor), a 61kt USN-spec Mk.7 atomic bomb is included (nuke effects are NOT included). All other loadouts use stock in-game items. See "Notes" for partial change list.
Wingfold operates by the standard manual animation keystroke, Shift/9.
3 skins and decal sets are included:
VAH-1, by ChampionVA56
VAH-3, also by Champ
VAH-13, based on Champ's, by me, with all new decals and markings (all markings are decals)
Decal Randomization for all skins is set to TRUE. New hangar and loading screens are included (yes, I know the artwork loading screen is the early -1 version, but it's an R.G Smith, Offical Douglas Aircraft litho ... so there ya go!)
The base skin for VAH-13, being "clean" can be used for many other units by simply creating new squadon codes and tail markings. 23 600 series modex decals are included (601-624). Serial/Bu numbers should be considered 'generic' in nature, but are 100% accurate for the model depicted.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included.
Please read them! Also, the "Notes" section is requied reading, as well. Seriously; READ the Notes ... it contains vital comments and requests. I've done everything I can ... now it's up to someone else.
Following DAT policy, all their documentation is included. But NOT the aircraft LOD. Just so's you know for sure.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
F-104G Starfighter, Generic SEA/NATO 3-Tone skin
By Wrench
F-104G Starfighter, Generic SEA/NATO 3-Tone skin, (1024x1024)
For SF2, Any & All (Full-4 Merged Prefered)
Note: usable in any SF2 install with access to the F-104G
This is 'medium rez' skin for the stock F-104G; I call these "medium rez", as it's only 1024 x 1024. There is no partucular nation attached to this skin; it's "Generic" (however, certain contries may have had different placards - these, again, are generic in nature).
This is a "clean" skin, with no painted on markings, using all stock in-game markings (decals) - the decals ini will use whichever you choose (excepting USAF). This will allow skinners/decalers more latitude in creating country-specific squadron markings and such. The skin has a default start date of 1970; you can adjust as needed (again, a generic date of 1973 might be more accurate).
Included also are updated data and loadout inis, with "Nation & Year Specific" mission profile loadouts (in particular Marineflieger anti-ship). Updated version of the AS-30 and Kormoran 1 missile are included, for MFG usage.
*Note: the only thing NOT added is the Orpheus recon pod for KLU usage*
As expected, the canopy operates with the Shift/0 key.
Since the skin mapping hasn't changed since SFP1, this skin should (may) also be usable in 1stGen game installs that have the F-104G accessable. This, however, has NOT been tested.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!!
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
PS: the attached screenie shows HAF Zippers, with stock 3W serials, BuzzNumbers and national insigina
F-4E(78) Indiana ANG Skin/Decal Pak by Dr. Doyo
By Wrench
F-4E (78) USAF Indiana Air National Guard Skin and Decal Pak
= For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Reccomended)
*Note: can be used in any install with access to the F-4E_78*
Slight modifications to a 1stGen skin pak done by Joe "DrDoyo" Royal in 2007, to bring it to SF2. This is my way of saying "Thank You". And remembering and honoring one of our own.
This skin is the "Egypt1" 2-tone gray camo from his 3-skin pak. I chose this one, as more aircraft (according to his notes) were in this pattern than the others.
The skin has had some very small tweeks, to fill in some bits, and is renamed to fit the _78 model Phantom. I made the assumption (oh! that word!) these would have been the variant he worked on in the Indiana ANG. If I'm wrong, my extensive apologies! With a simple rename of the skin bmps, it can be used for any/all F-4E variants.
All decals were done by DrDoyo, and reflect 100% accuracy for the aircraft depicted.
Randomization is set the "TRUE" for the 25 tail numbers (it might even work!).
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! DrDoyo's original readme is included, as it has nice personal historical notes. Any mistakes/errors are all mine.
Happy Landings!!
kevin stein
F-100D(68) Super Sabre, USAF ANG Skin/Decal Pak
By Wrench
F-100D (68) USAF Air National Guard Skin and Decal Pak
= For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Reccomended)
*Note: can be used in any install with access to the F-100D_68*
This package contains skins and decals to recreate USAF ANG F-100D squadrons as seen/used in the 1971-79 timeframe. This is the basic reason for choosing the "68" model Hun; even though many of the units used Cs, Ds and Fs all at the same time. I choose the late-model as it's just a tad more sophisticated (RWR). With very slight editing (ie: skin bmp renaming), these should work on all model Huns (including the C -but this has NOT been tested), excepting perhaps the F-100A and it's variant.
Some units have tail codes, while other do not. This refelcts Real Life . This pak contains 8 skins, with decals for the following units:
Arkansas ANG 184th TFS, 188th TFG
Arizona ANG 152nd TFS, 162nd TFG
Connecticut ANG 118th TFS, 104th TFG (CT)
Indiania ANG 163rd TFS, 122 TFG
Louisiana ANG 122th TFS, 159th TFG
Massachusetts ANG 101st TFS, 102 TFG (MA)
Michigan ANG 107th TFS, 127th TFG (MI)
Ohio ANG 112th TFS, 180th TFG (XP)
The tail badge decals were originally created by Dave (USAFMTL) for SF/Wo*, and have been slightly modified by me for use here in SF2. When/where necessary, seperate Tail Code lettering was added. Serial numbers & insignia are all stock-ingame items, except as noted. Randomization is set the "TRUE" for the serial numbers.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!!
Happy Landings!!
kevin stein
F-4D (78), North Dakota ANG "The Happy Hooligans" by Chris
By Wrench
F-4D (78) USAF, North Dakota Air National Guard Skin and Decal Pak
= For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Recommended)
*Note: can be used in any install with access to the F-4D_78*
Slight modifications to a 1stGen skin pak done by "Chris" in 2005, brings it to SF2.
This skin represents the 178th FIS, 119th FIG North Dakota Air National Guard, aks "The Happy Hooligans". All decals used herein are from this original pak. The skins are stock, with a new-made _5.bmp to add the painted on fin stripe
Other mods included are the data and userlist inis, with corrected 'end-of-service-dates', as many ANG units seem to have used the D until the early 1990s. Also, the canopy has been activated via the usual manual animation key (shift/0). Couldn't pass that one up!
For grins and giggles, jpg copies of the skin maps are included .. in case someone wants to save HD space.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The original 2005 readme is included. Any mistakes/errors are all mine.
Happy Landings!!
kevin stein
ps: having placed their home base on the terrain I working on, couldn't resist having more Hooligans!
A-4B Skyhawk, VA-83 Rampagers (1958, ATG-201)
By Wrench
VA-83 A-4B Skyhawk Skin/Decal Pak
= For SF2 (Any and All, Full-4 Merged Prefered) =
*Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4B*
This skin pack reproduces A-4B Skyhawks of VA-83 "Rampagers" circa 1958, as seen aboard USS Essex (CVA-9) as part of ATG-201, during the Beirut Crisis of that timeframe, supporting the US Marines during the intervention.
All new decals, 100% historcally correct for the serial (Bureau) numbers for those -B Scooters used by VA-83 during this time period. I was unable to match Modex to BuNum, but that's a small thing
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
A-4C Skyhawk VA-76 "Spirits"
By Wrench
A-4C Skyhawk VA-76 Sprits Skin Pak
-- For SF2, Any and All that have the A-4C Accessable --
This skin/decal represents VA-76 Spirits as seen in 1962/63 when based USS ENTERPRISE (CVAN-65) during her Med Cruise and during the Cuban Missile Crisis quarantine as part of CVG-6. All new decals (plus one "borrowed" stock one and editated to suit) have been created for the various markings and such.
Other mods include tweeked data and loadout inis. The loadout ini changes the STRIKE loadout to use a TER with 2 Mk82s each (I Like a little more striking power); if you don't want to carry 4 Mk 82 bombs, just delete the loadout ini, and it'll revert back to stock. Or, you can re-edit, remove the RackType reference, and replace with 2 1000 pound Mk.83s. Your choice!. Data ini changes include activating the canopy via a manual animation key (use Shift/0 to open and close), and the addition of the landing light.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
EF-4C, 81st TFS, USAFE
By Wrench
EF-4C 'Phantom' WW IV 81st TFS Skin Pak
-- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V/SF2:E =ONLY!!!=
(it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the F-4C_67)
This is to fill a request presented to me by daddyairplanes, to add a new skin for the 81st TFS, 52nd TFW, USAFE, based at Spangdahlem AFB from 1973-79ish, where they were the only SEAD-dedicated squadron in theatre. The EF-4Cs were replaced by F-4G WW Vs, which were in turn replaced by F-16CJs. Even though the 81st now flys Hogs, but, ya get the picture! <grin>
It is designed to add to the "sf2 EF-4C Update Pak" released recently. You can find the update pak at CombatAce, at the following URL:
It should be noted, that =THIS= skin is for a European based squadron, so if installilng into a stand-alone SF2:E -make double damn sure you have the F-4C_67 avialabile on you planes list!!!!! (Merged installs, and those users that have run the SF2E.exe to create a SF2E mods folder should have the aircraft already) When in doubt about mods folders, consult the CA Knowledge Base.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
F-4E_86, 45th TFW "The Warbirds" Skin Set (Fictional)
By Wrench
F-4E (86) Phantom II Skin Set - 45th TFW "The Warbirds"
-- For SF2 (any/all) --
This skin/decal set is designed for use =ONLY= on the TMF F-4E ARN-101, as this
is the proper airframe for the time period depicted. You can find/download the
aircraft at the following URL:
You MUST install this aircraft first, before applying this skinpak.
This is a fictional skin, representing the 45th TFW's 3 squadrons, as seen in the
Richard Herman novel "The Warbirds". The novel tells the story of a fictional
Persian Gulf war, wherein the 45th are (basically) the only US Air Power in
the region. I won't go into the storyline, but since it all revolves around a
Phantom unit (the book says it's the last USAF Phantom unit, btw), and EVERYONE
love Phantoms ... it's a no brainer, eh?
The 3 Squadrons of the Wing are represented. They are:
377th TFS
378th TFS
379th TFS
They carry the tail badges as when assigned to RAF Stonewood. After much
discussion with the Resident Experts , it was decieded that the 45th's
deployment to Ras Assanya was just that -a deployment-, and they would still
carry the codes from their parent unit or base. Each squdron also has it's own
tailfin color flash.
A slightly modified Loadout ini is included, with some weapons changes (back to
Iron Bombs ). In reality, these late-model aircraft were used more on PGM
delivery (ie: laser guided bombs) than 'dumb-bombs'. The Dumb Bombs fit more with
the descriptions in the book.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package
has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT
easier to install (read: drag and drop).
Don't forget to read the "Notes & Other Nonsense" for various and sundry
ramblings of a madman, and Full Credits.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
F-15E, 492nd TFS skin & decal pak
By Wrench
F-15E Strike Eagle, 492nd TFS 48th FW, Lakenheath
=For SF2, Any and All (may even work in 1stGens)
A simple repaint of the original decals create the 'blue' stipe tail markings for the 492nd of the 48th FW.
This'll add another squadron for use however you see fit.
While designed with the plane-jane Mud Hun in mind, these can also be used on the F-15E_04 with little or no editing (just let the decals ini work as it's designed)
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!!
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
AT-6B Texan COIN, Iraqi AF (Skin & Ini Tweeks)
By Wrench
AT-6B Texan COIN, Iraqi AF
=For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended)
A new skin and decals, some data, loadout and weapons mods for Dels and FastCargo's AT-6B Texan COIN version. The aircraft is available here:
This mod is designed to be applied =OVER= the existing AT-6B in your game(s) install.
This is NOT the full aircraft; just a package of inis, the new skin and decals.
The new skin is for the reformed Iraqi Air Force, circa 2010 and later, with some Real Life and extrapolated serial numbers in the new style, along with the new fin flash/national insignia (locations are educated guesswork based upon other aircraft's placement). Data ini edits are very small; mostly to reset the cockpit position to remove the 'double cockpit'. Everything else is pretty much the same.
A new weapon, the FIM-92 Stinger for self-defense has been created, so as not to conflict with those used on the MANPADS versions (this had been an issue). The avionics ini has been updated to use the generic "RWR.lst" by dtmdragon.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!!
Important: it should be noted here, that the userlist supplied covers operators of =BOTH= the T-6 trainer and AT-6 COIN. It should also be noted, that I've made the assumption (oh! that word!!) of the T-6 and the AT-6 being interchangable for Iraqi use for training and 'internal security'.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
F-16A Falcon, Generic USAF/NATO Gray Skin/Decal/Ini Pak
By Wrench
F-16A Falcon, Generic USAF/NATO Gray Skin/Decal/Ini Pak
= For SF2, Full-4 Merged Required =*
*Note: at minimum, you =MUST= have SF2:I, as this mod references the cockpit, aircraft and other required items =ONLY= found within a Full-4 or SF2:I. If you don't meet these minimium criteria, don't D/L this, as you wont be able to use it*
This package expands on the work of MigBuster and others, and will allow for the creation of a stock 3W F-16A (probably Blks 1-10, although I'm not as 'up' on Falcon block numbers as I should be...).
A complete set of inis are included, fully updated as of Nov, 2011. Newly added is a Userlist.ini, although this may need expansion/clarification of StartYear dates. Changes are welcomed and encourged! -Remember, this is the Early Production A model only!!
All new Hangar and Loading screens are included. The canopy operates via a manual animation key (Shift/0, as always).
Other Ini edits remove the internal jammer, and add one to the external centerline position, and other small Loadout modifications. See "Notes" below for more info.
It should be noted at this time, that seperate from the main section of this download, are 'fixed' Decal and Textureset inis for MigBuster's F-16A skins. These skins are NOT included. You can find them in the SF2 Aircraft Skins download section (links are supplied in the "To Install" section below). BE ADVISED: install his -first!!-, then add the inis I've supplied. See below for more info on the "MigBuster Skin Fixes" in the "To Install" section.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Also, don't forget the "Notes" section for expansive esplainations and other illuminations.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
BAe Hawk T.1A for SF2 by RussoUK
By Wrench
BAe Hawk T.1A Update Pak
= For SF2, Any & All =
*Note: requires an install with access to the F-100D cockpit. May not work in stand-alone SF2:I* Fully merged installs should have no problems*
This is a full, complete pak, with several skins, decals (and LOTS of new decalstoo!). All sorts of fun stuff! This verson replaces any and all others.
Skins included are:
RAF (standard Euro-wraparound camo, 243 Sqdn) 1975-82
Gray (generic RAF gray, 19 Sqdn) 1983-1991
Black (RAF 208 Squadron) 1992-to date *rebuilt completly, based on Marcfighters*
Desert (for UAE)
Finnish Camo (for FAF, HävLLv 41)
(in fact, ALL the skin are new builds!)
The RAF skins are 'year specific', and will change over when selecting the proper years. Decal randomization for all skins is set to TRUE. A new userlist ini is included; it may not be fully accurate, and changes/correction are ENCOURAGED!!!
Included is also a set of new tail letters & Skull badge,but unused, as used on 100 Squadron's Hawks (as seen on the new loading screen) A revamped SF2 version of my 'boxart' Hangar screen is here as well.
Other ini edits fiddle and tweek things in the data, loadout and avionics ini. The avionics include a gun-ranging radar and audio-only RWR (not entirely sure as it IF they had them, but it imporves Playability). The canopy is operated via The Usual Suspect animation key, Shift/0. As stated above, the cockpit has been switched to the F-100Ds; it's not perfect by any means, but works QUITE well, and seems a bitcloser than the F-86 and/or A-4Bs used before.
All weapons (Aden gunpod, drop tanks) are included, as is the /Gun for the gunpod.Loadouts and Mission statements have been adjusted to match, as best as possible, Real World usage.
Also, with expecial thanks to Russo, for he whipped out a new lod for us that fixes the shadow issues.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included.
Please read them!
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
Sea Harrier FRS Mk.51, Indian Navy Pak
By Wrench
Sea Harrier Mk.51, Indian Naval Air Service
= For SF2 series Games, Full 5 Merged and/or SF2NA ONLY!! =
-An addition for the Indo-Pak Mod-
*As stated above you MUST have a Full-5 Merged install with SF2:NA, at the latest (6/2012) patch level to take advantage of the 'carrier operations' in brings. Also, you'll need any/all version of the game with access to the "bits and bobs" from the stock F-15A Eagle's avionics, as this is referenced for the LUSH variant.
If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do =NOT= download this, as you'll be unable to use it.*
This package contians 2 complete aircraft;
Sea Harrier Mk.51 (with 4 skins)
Sea Harrier Mk.51 LUSH (upgraded, with Derby & New avionics)
These aircraft have been upgraded to the latest patch standard (as of June 2012) and are designed to work in a Stand-Alone India-Pakistan mods folder. They have NOT been tested in an "all-is-everything-game install". It is highly suggested it be used as created. If used otherwise, you're on your own; as no support is or will be available for those not following instructions.
They are fully carrier rated. All weapons are included (almost), including new 'loviz' gray fuel tanks for the LUSH and 'standard' Mk.51 with lo-viz skin. Rocket pods, Magic missiles and dumb bombs use stock 3rd Wire versions.
All skins are in jpg format - End Users NOT up to speed with the latest patch levels take note.
Decal randomization is TRUE on all skins.
Also included is a modified Nations.ini, and a new 'RanksINAS.LST', adding the correct rank structure for the Indian Naval Air Service. This goes into your /Flight folder.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for more details, and of course the credits -without the hard work of several people, this mod wouldn't be possible.
For historical purposes, all the TMF Original Release Readmes are included.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
Mirage 2000H "Vajra", Indian AF
By Wrench
Mirage 2000H "Vajra", Indian Air Force
=For SF2, Any & All* =
-An additon for the India-Pakistan Mod-
*Note: reccomended/required to have at least one stock 3W Mirage available in your game install(s), as this aircraft references the Mirage destroyed model for it's own*
Modifications/Corrections/Additions and general 'clean-up' of the M2000H from ace888's "Foreign Users Pak" create a more accurate representation of the IAF variant. See 'Change List' below the Install Instructions for details.
All skin textures are jpg, and Decal randomization is set to TRUE. All weapons, droptanks, seat, etc are included. Canopy operates on the Standard Animation Keystroke , Shift/0.
Skins for 3 squadrons are included;
No. 1 Squadron "Tigers"
No. 7 Squadron "Battleaxes"
No. 9 Squadron "Wolfpak"
Each skin uses the Squadron Crest as the paint chip on the loadout screen. A new SF2 compliant Hangar screen is included, as are 2 Loading screens to select from.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed changes/corrections list. Be advised, this mod REPLACES the Mirage2000_HAL in its entirety!!! Do NOT install this mod over the original. You WILL create problems!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin 'wrench' Stein
Sandesh 'ghostrider883' Kanchan
By Wrench
-- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:I =ONLY!!!= --
This package is an "Almost If..." aircraft, representing F-16A Falcons, had they actually been delivered to the Imperial Iranian Air Force, as orderd during the Shah's reign.
It contains 2 skins (actualy the same skin used twice), created from a partial template of the Stock SF2:I F-16A Netz, and decals to replicate the speculative IIAF and Islamic Republic's AF F-16s.
You =MUST= have a Full-4 Merged SF2 install, WITH SF2:I (or better yet -a stand along Iran/Iraq mods folder, built FROM a Full-4 Merged exe), otherwise you will NOT be able to access the needed aircraft lod and cockpit files.
By making use of the new 'StartDate=' feature in the textureset inis, the aircraft's marking to switch from IIAF to IRIAF, based on the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran.
The aircraft makes use of all stock, In-Game items for weapons, droptanks and whatnots, simplifying installation and reducing package size. (Of course, you still need the Full-4 Merged Install and/or SF2:I or an Iran/Iraq stand-alone, built from the aforementioned Full4 Merged. Getting the point, yet??)
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. An abreviated "Notes and Other Nonsense" section makes for interesting reading, too.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
(yes, this was yet another nearly completed mod I had sitting on my HD ... now, in you'alls hot little hands!)
SAAB J29F Tunnan for SF2
By Wrench
SAAB J29F Tunnan for SF2
= For SF2, Full-4 Merged, and/or SF2E
*Important Note:
The main reason for SF2 and/or SF2E, is this aircraft now uses the stock Hunter FGA.9 cockpit. Should be available in all versions, excepting stand-alone SF2V (and even then, possibly when merged, even using the SF2V exe?). In other words ... any SF2 install that has access to the Hunter 9's cockpit parts.
This is an upgrade/mod of the SAAB J29F Tunnan, as released by Phlerp & Co in either 2004 or 2006 (the lod is dated 2004, and the original readme in dated 2006. Go Figure!)
Several small tweeks to the various inis have been done; the cockpit switched to the stock Hunter 9, all skins and decals are setup SF2 style, and all weapons for this aircraft are included. I couldn't positiviely ID the canopy node, so that is NOT working. The weapons are taken from the GunnyPak, so if you have them installed, just allow the overwrite. There are also landing lights.<grin> The destroyed model uses a stock 3rdWire one available in ALL versions, so won't be any issue there (Fresco).
The damage textures have been converted to dds format; however the original tgas ARE included. A new SF2-style hangar screen in included. Avionics mods adds a radar-ranging gunsight (weither this is historically accurate??? don't know!). A new Userlist ini is included; with luck I got the years right (or close enough)
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other stuff.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
Replacement Data Inis for Sea Vixen FAW.2 & FAW.2
By Wrench
DH Sea Vixen FAW.1 & 2 Replacement Data Inis
= For SF2, Any & All versions =
This small package contains data inis for =BOTH= the Sea Vixen FAW.1 and FAW.2, allowing them to trap on aircraft carriers.
It is to be applied to my Sea Vixen Pak located at the following url:
Small tweeks in the flight model now allow it safe landings on the various carriers available (and soon to be available). No other changes are in effect.
Note: this is NOT the aircraft itself, just 2 new data inis!!
As always, comparatively easy install instructions are included. Give them a read!
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
Supermarine Scimitar Tweeks Pak
By Wrench
Scimitar F1, F1 (60) Tweeks Pak
=For SF2
A small 'tweeks' pak for Paulopanz's recently released upgrade kit for the DAT Scimitar. Be advised, you'll still NEED Paulo's Pak and the aircraft LOD from the DAT as outlined in his readme. Otherwise, this just plane won't work.
Things changes/adjusted/modified:
- Loadout/Data ini tweeks re-adds the rocket pods for both,
- Year-specific loadout for F.1(60) adds the the AGM-12 Bullpup missile in 1964 (included UK version) for Anti-Shipping missions,
- New DDS damage textures for both,
- Revamped SF2 version of my artwork Hangar Screen for both
- Other small data ini tweeks adjust rolling radi, statments added that allow wing position lights to move with wings when folding, slight armor adjustments,
- All weapons switched to UK versions (bombs, rocket pods, etc)
All weapons used, excepting the included Bullpup, are stock in-game 3W versions.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! With many thanks to Paulo for his work!!
Happy Landings!!
kevin stein
Seahawk Mk.101, INAS Tweeks Pak
By Wrench
Seahawk Mk.101, Indian Naval Air Service
= For SF2 series Games, Full 5 Merged and/or SF2NA ONLY -WITH- Expansion Pak2!! =
-An addition for the Indo-Pak Mod-
*As stated above you MUST have a Full-5 Merged install with SF2:NA, at the latest (6/2012) patch level to take advantage of the 'carrier operations' it brings. Also, if using one of the optional cockpits, you'll need Expansion Pak 2, as one of these optional cockpits references the EE Lightning F.1.
If you do not meet these minimum requirement, do =NOT= download this, as you'll be unable to use it.*
This package is designed to upgrade/update the INAS Seahawk Mk.101, from Paulopanz's pak, available at the following url:
(you won't need the carrier, just the aircraft)
This mod is designed to be installed OVER that pre-existing one.
This is =NOT= a full aircraft pak; it does include an optional cockpit howevr; lots of inis and plenty of minor tweeks.
adjusted decals size/positioning
added destroyed model to data ini (uses a Hunter)
SF2-ish radar statements
Adjusted weapons loadouts, mission statements
New SF2-style INAS Seahawk101 hangar screen
New DDS damage textures.
optional F-86D cockpit (included, ini is called "Seahawk101_cockpit.ini")
Optional EE Lightning F.1 ini, with adjusted position statements (ExpPak2 Users only!)
Due to some rather 'odd' changes/behaviors from one of the recent patchs, it seems that radar equipped aircraft having cockpits -without- the scope no longer show the radar screen 'popup' in the corner on Normal Flight mode. This should eliminate that issue, at least on this aircraft. While the 2 radar-eqipped cockpits are not perfect matches, they work pretty well. Details on selection are in the "To Install" section. Screenies included in this pack show the 2 different radar-equipped pits for ease of selection.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for more details, especially on selecting the optional cockpits.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
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