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Strike Fighters by Thirdwire

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All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. MiG-19S/SF cockpit

      MiG-19S / MiG-19SF cockpit
      read the readme for installation informations etc


         (14 reviews)



    2. Lavochkin La-9 / La-11 cockpit

      This is cockpit for La-9 / La-11 soviet fighter planes
      read the included readme.txt
      and thanks to SFP1Ace for some valuable informations


         (4 reviews)



    3. P-40L-10-CU

      P-40L-10 CU Warhawk for 06 Patch Level Installs.
      To Install: UnZip and drop the P-40L10-CU folder into the Aircraft folder,Weapons to the weapons folder.
      Adding Weapons: You need to use the SF1 06 patch level weapons editor to add weapons.
      Two Drop tanks are included:
      A new 75gal Drop tank 'TANK075_USA'and a 'Tank_P40CU'.
      Canopy (Int + Ext) opens with the Thrust Vectoring keys. See cockpit Readme.
      Decal Note: This mod comes with the Nation Decals, the number decals are fictional.
      Skins: This model skins uses the 'P-40F-5-CU_Templates'
      Note P-40L: Two of the guns were removed and internal fuel was reduced to lighten the aircraft, but the shell eject ports and gun access was not changed, also the larger 75gal drop tank then was added.
      AC 3D Model,Textures and Cockpit Myself.
      Wrench for the Detail & Scale.pdf's with the outstanding Drawings,
      (and the Legal BS)
      Crusader For Several P-40 Reference .pdf's
      Legal BS:
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


         (0 reviews)



    4. SF2 Menu screen Pack

      -SF2 Menu screens and icons-
      This pack includes all the menu screens and icons you need to turn SF2, or any version of Strike Fighters into a WW2 Pacific air war install. What it DOES NOT include are campaign or instant action inis, or the icons for the in-game map. I decided this pack was enough as there are already some excellent files of that nature available on CombatAce website. I highly recommend Baltikas' campaigns for a start. Also check out Dfangs' in-flight map icon packs located here... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=1829
      To install, simply un-pack the menu and flight folder into your SF2 mods located here for WinXP...
      C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2.
      If You are running Vista or Win7, then this is the File Format.This is where you should find your "Mods" folder.
      <User Name>/Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 PAW/Menu
      Also, for the initscreen, you need to do this...Go to your main install of the game. Mine is here...C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 PAW. Place the INITSCREEN.bmp in the Menu folder. Then, go back out of the menu folder and rename your StrikeFighters2.ini to whatever you have called your exe for your PAW install. Mine is StrikeFighters2 PAW.ini. I then opened the ini and added the following line under the [sTARTUP] heading...LoadingScreen=Menu\INITSCREEN.BMP. It should look like this...
      Keep in mind this isn't all the screens in the pack, just a sample. Hope ya like 'em. These files are released under the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. You are free to modify these files and use them as you wish as long as the files are not used in payware of any kind. If you use them, please remeber to give credit. These files are released to a great community of simmers at CombatAce and SimHq. Have fun and God bless.
      Jeff "pcpilot" Gerald
      Version Notes:
      Ver.1.1 Changed file format to jpg. Also added initscreen.
      Ver.1.2 Added Campaign screen, loadingscreen, and loading wav.


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    5. Solomons campaign

      ***Solomons campaign Readme***
      This is a "quick" and dirty little campaign for those who have made a Pacific war install. I wanted to do more than just single missions so researched how to make a camapign on my own. It was a little frustrating, but also quite rewarding and fun. I espesially liked the research part. Which brings to mind, this is not a strictly historical campaign. The units that are flyable did fight during the camapign but there are tons of details Im sure people could pick apart till the cows come home.
      What you need...
      To start with, the Solomons Version 3 terrain and wrenchs' planes readily available at combatace. You'll need the F4F-4, P-39/P400, P-38F, SBD-3 and SBD-5, F4U-1_TMF, A6M2, D3a Val, and Ki-43IIb packages from Wrench. He has done an OUTSTANDING job breathing new life into these models. Also the Betty G4M2 from armourdave. Add Starys' solomons and phillippines visual updates and wrenchs' pacific ships. I also added Kesselbrut's Pazific_GOP infantry and AAA units. Also look for the ShermanM4A3 and Type95 tanks, I forgot what the name of the pack I found them in but they are found at combatace.
      If you want to add a little more "period" feel to this campaign, add my Menu music and Pacific AirWar menu screens, also found at combatace.
      Just unzip this file into your C:\Users\Jeff\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 PAW folder, (or whatever you named your PAW install.)
      Hope ya like 'em. Please let me know if there are any issues, I have not been able to test as thoroughly as I would like. These files are released under the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. You are free to modify these files and use them as you wish as long as the files are not used in payware of any kind. If you use them, please remember to give credit. These files are released to a great community of simmers at CombatAce and SimHq. Have fun and God bless.
      Jeff "pcpilot" Gerald


         (1 review)



    6. Yukan and Yuting class landing ships

      These models represent two major landing ships in service with the People's Liberation Army Navy:
      Type 072 Yukan class, introduced in 1978, China's first indigenous large landing ship
      Type 072II Yuting class, introduced in 1992, an improved version of the Yukan

      These classes form the backbone of China's amphibious assault force. Each can carry 10 tanks, or 200 to 250 troops, or 500 tons of cargo, and feature a bow ramp and stern gate. They are desgined to be fast enough to reach Taiwan from the mainland in a single night. Each ship is armed with medium-caliber AAA guns. Some Yuting hulls were apparently equipped with a pair of 40-tube 122mm rocket launchers for naval fire support. As there is not enough information about them, this variant is not included in the package, but is available on request.
      Important note: Once these ships are installed, the game can automatically generate task forces on naval maps featuring China as the primary opposing faction (i.e. Taiwan straits/Formosa and so on). You may be tasked to sink these landing ships as a naval strike mission so plan accordingly.
      I recommend that you install the Luda, Jianghu, and Jiangwei models (as well as any PLAN ships I create in the future) so that a full escort force is available.
      See the readme for full details. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


         (2 reviews)



    7. Kittyhawk II

      P-40L-10 CU Kittyhawk II for 06 Patch Level Installs.
      To Install: UnZip and drop the Kittyhawk_II folder into the Aircraft folder,Weapons to the weapons folder.
      Adding Weapons: You need to use the SF1 06 patch level weapons editor to add weapons.
      Two Drop tanks are included:
      A new 75gal Drop tank 'TANK075_USA'and a Type 2 (Flattail) 'Tank_P40T2'.
      Canopy (Int + Ext) opens with the Thrust Vectoring keys. See cockpit Readme.
      Decal Note: This mod comes with the Nation Decals, the number decals are fictional.
      Skins: This model skins uses the 'P-40F-5-CU_Templates'
      Note P-40L: Two of the guns were removed and internal fuel was reduced to lighten the aircraft, but the shell eject ports and gun access was not changed, also the larger 75gal drop tank then was added.
      AC 3D Model,Textures and Cockpit Myself.
      Wrench for the Detail & Scale.pdf's with the outstanding Drawings,
      (and the Legal BS)
      Crusader For Several P-40 Reference .pdf's
      Legal BS:
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


         (0 reviews)



    8. Grumman F11F-1F Super Tiger

      A "What if..." Aircraft if the German Luftwaffe and Navy choose the Super Tiger over the Star Fighter.
      Fixed pylon error - Thanks Raven.
      -Thanks to...
      Fleet Defender - F11F-1 Tiger
      Texture Mapping - BPAO
      Additional 3D - Crab_02
      Skin (Original) - Marcello
      Skins Germany - RavenClaw_007
      Drop Tank Skins - RavenClaw_007
      Drop Tanks - Crab_02
      Flight Model - Column5
      Special thanks to - Sony Tuckson


         (6 reviews)



    9. Soviet MANPADS

      This mod adds ini-updated SA-7 MANPADS and several new variants :
      SA-7 "Grail" - GRAU 9K32 Strela-2
      SA-7b "Grail" - GRAU 9K32M Strela-2M
      SA-14 "Gremlin" - GRAU 9K34 Strela-3
      SA-16 "Gimlet" - GRAU 9K310 Igla-1
      SA-18 "Grouse" - GRAU 9K38 Igla
      Sa-24 "Grinch" - GRAU 9K338 Igla-S
      Set up as GroundObjectRole=Mobile_AAA, they can show up on existing AAA positions
      and during Tank Battles (in campaigns only I think)


         (2 reviews)



    10. Kittyhawk III

      P-40K-15 CU Kittyhawk III for 06 Patch Level Installs.
      To Install: UnZip and drop the Kittyhawk_III folder into the Aircraft folder,Weapons to the weapons folder.
      Adding Weapons: You need to use the SF1 06 patch level weapons editor to add weapons.
      Two Drop tanks are included:
      A updated 'Tank_P40CU' and a Type 2 (Flattail) 'Tank_P40T2'.
      Canopy (Int + Ext) opens with the Thrust Vectoring keys. See cockpit Readme.
      Decal Note: This mod comes with the Nation Decals, the number decals are fictional.
      AC 3D Model,Textures and Cockpit Myself.
      Wrench for the Detail & Scale.pdf's with the outstanding Drawings,
      (and the Legal BS)
      Crusader For Several P-40 Reference .pdf's
      Legal BS:
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


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      1 comment


    11. Mig29K_Templates.7z

      Adapted TMF mig29 templates for Russian and Indian navy mig29K naval version of the trusty mig29.by me...Russouk2004
      Credit to the guys involved in its creation..
      TMF team.. and Sundowner
      This will only work with the K version as ive altered a lot of the 3d model and old template.....panel lines rivets etc are new.Plus a few additions such as Arrestor hook etc.
      if applied to old A,G etc models it will look wrong.
      Z file contains 2 folders..as the 3d model differs slightly.
      Mig29K_Templates INDIA
      Mig29K_Templates RUS
      Any problems let me know..


         (2 reviews)



    12. North Korea People's Air Force MiG-29

      This is a Korean People's Air Force skin for the Mirage Factory MiG-29, complete with authentic serial markings and propaganda slogans seen on actual NK aircraft. This skin may be used for B and C model Fulcrums as you prefer.
      The MiG-29 Fulcrum is North Korea's most modern and potent fighter, primarily tasked with defending Pyongyang. The DPRK has approximately 35 MiG-29B and 5 MiG-29UB in their inventory, plus an unknown number of MiG-29C models first photographed in 2003.
      MiG-29 by the Mirage Factory
      Original skins and templates by Sundowner
      NK skin and decals by Nengajyou Aki


         (4 reviews)



    13. USN SAM pack

      This is a complete package of SAMs used by the United States Navy from the early cold war era to present. Currently 33 different missiles are included.
      I have meticulously researched, modified, tested and compiled these weapons so that I and other ship modders have a selection of realistic standardized missiles (one might say "Standard Missiles":D) to work with.
      The medium and long range missiles have been assigned updated efects from SF2NA, as well as new sound effects (included in the package), which sound much more appropriate than the default sound. I'm particularly proud of the VLS launch effect, which I made by ripping and editing official footage; I think it adds to the immersion tremendously.
      Note that two stock weapons, the RIM-2F and RIM-66B, are replaced by this package. I usually try to avoid this, but the RIM-2F model did not sit on launchers correctly, and both weapons had some wildly incorrect data.
      Optional data files for a few stock and third-party USN ships are included which adds new weapons as appropriate and adjusts radar strength to more realistic levels.
      Please see the readme for instructions, credits, and other details. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


         (5 reviews)



    14. AH-64D Japan Ground Self Defense Force

      This model represents the lisence-built AH-64D as used by the Japan Ground Self Defense Force. Paint job and decals are representative of the 3rd Attack Helicopter Squadron.
      I have packaged and uploaded this by request from a friend who did all the skin and decal work. Original Apache model by Dels, which you will also need for the weapons. See the readme for more details.


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    15. F-35J

      In December of 2011, the F-35 was officially chosen to replace Japan's aging F-4 fleet. The F-35J is scheduled to enter service in 2016. Final assembly and perhaps eventually licence production will be handled by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
      This package includes three different high-resolution skins representing currently proposed paint schemes. Currently included squadron markings are for the 301st Fighter Squadron from Nyutabaru Air Base, one of the first units expected to receive the new aircraft.
      Note 1: Several avionics modifications were (selfishly) made by me to better represent the powerful AESA radar set in the F-35. Feel free to use the original F-35 avionics.ini if you prefer.
      Note 2: Some essential weapons (some from the community Ordnance Pack, others created by yours truly) are included, but be sure to download the JASDF Weapons Pack for more!
      -Original F-35 mod by Dave, JSF Aggie, JAT81500, Amokfloo, and FastCargo
      -JSOW, JDAM, and SDB models from SF2 Ordnance Shop
      -JASDF skins, decals, and hangar screens by Nengajou Aki
      -JASDF weapons and F-35 data ini modifications by WhiteBoySamurai


         (2 reviews)



    16. F-15J Kai skin pack

      This is a package of high-resolution (4096x4096) textures for the F-15J Kai in its current JASDF livery. Authentic squadron markings and serial decals for each of the 153 currently operational F-15J aircraft are included.
      As the texture is designed exclusively for the F-15J_97 from the F-15 Super Pack, you need to download and install that pack first if you haven't already.
      IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to save CombatAce's bandwidth and your hard drive space, the main texture files have been placed in the aircraft folder instead of each skin folder, since every squadron has identical skins aside from decals and markings. This will not overwrite or override any existing skins. Any textures placed in individual skin folders will take precedence over what's in the main folder, so other texture sets should still work fine.
      Textures, decals, and hangar/loading screens by Nengajyou Aki
      Original skins and templates by the F-15 Super Pack team (please see the download page for full credits of all involved)
      Special thanks to EricJ for uploading the templates


         (2 reviews)



    17. P-40K-15 CU

      P-40K-15 CU WarHawk for 06 Patch Level Installs.
      To Install: UnZip and drop the P-40K-15-CU folder into the Aircraft folder,Weapons to the weapons folder.
      Adding Weapons: You need to use the SF1 06 patch level weapons editor to add weapons.
      Two Drop tanks are included:
      A updated 'Tank_P40CU' and a Type 2 (Flattail) 'Tank_P40T2'.
      Canopy (Int + Ext) opens with the Thrust Vectoring keys. See cockpit Readme.
      Decal Note: This mod comes with the Nation Decals, the number decals are fictional.
      AC 3D Model,Textures and Cockpit Myself.
      Wrench for the Detail & Scale.pdf's with the outstanding Drawings,
      (and the Legal BS)
      Crusader For Several P-40 Reference .pdf's
      Legal BS:
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


         (0 reviews)



    18. L-4_Grasshopper_Pakv1.2.zip

      L-4A and L-4H Grasshopper’s for SF1/WOV/WOE 06 Patch level installs
      To install: Read the "Must Read First.txt"! This Mod requires an edit to the FLIGHTENGINE.ini
      UnZip and drop the L-4A and the L-4H folders into the Aircraft folder, Weapons to the weapons folder.
      Adding Weapons: You need to use the SF1 06 patch level weapons editor to add weapons.
      Go Fly
      This mod is intended for WWII install’s as a AI aircraft, the game engine was not intended for prop aircraft with low hp and airspeed, the aircraft fly ok as AI or on easy, poor on normal and barely on hard.(See Change Log)
      The Door and window open with the Thrust Vector keys.(Dose not effect flight)
      08 Level Patch FM Included.( Not suported or reconmeded).
      AI Or Auto Pilot is OK.(See Change Log)
      SF2 is not supported at this time.
      Anyone who wishes to update the FM or convert this mod for SF2 and re-upload it may do so.
      TW: FM (moded by me).
      AC 3D Model, Cockpit and Textures: Myself
      Cliff11 for FlightEngine INfo.
      This Mod is Freeware and not to be sold!


         (4 reviews)

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    19. P-40F5CU

      P-40F-5 CU Warhawk for 06 Patch Level Installs.
      To Install: UnZip and drop the P-40F-5-CU folder into the Aircraft folder,Weapons to the weapons folder.
      Adding Weapons: You need to use the SF1 06 patch level weapons editor to add weapons.
      Two Drop tanks are included:
      A updated 'Tank_P40CU' and a Type 2 (Flattail) 'Tank_P40T2'.
      Canopy (Int + Ext) opens with the Thrust Vectoring keys. See cockpit Readme.
      Decal Note: This mod comes with the Nation Decals, the number decals are fictional.
      AC 3D Model,Textures and Cockpit Myself.
      Wrench for the Detail & Scale.pdf's with the outstanding Drawings,
      (and the Legal BS)
      Crusader For Several P-40 Reference .pdf's
      Legal BS:
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


         (1 review)



    20. SeaHurrican Mk.IIc

      SeaHurricane_Mk_IIc (Hurricat) SF1 06 Patch Level Installs.
      Cockpit By Myself
      AC 3D Model,Textures, Myself.
      Light Fix Wrench
      MAC Hinchinbrooke
      Hawaii Terrian Wrench
      Sound ?
      This Mod is Freewear and not to be sold!


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    21. 1980 LV a7b

      this is a requested skin for the A7b low vis all grey no decals ini 1980 Low vis paint fair warring tho there is no Decals .ini you will have to make your own or drag and drop one in


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    22. Pilot pics, Israeli-Arab Wars

      Here are some pics of Israeli (mostly), Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian and Soviet pilots, for you to know which face is looking into the mirrors of your Mirage/MiG/Hunter cockpit. Enjoy.


         (0 reviews)



    23. Coalition Pack for Operation Desert Storm

      This mod for Operation Desert Storm (free add-on available on Combatace downloads) provides adequate awards systems, anthems, and lists of ranks for the flyable non-American Coalition members: the British Royal Air Force, the Canadian Forces Air Command, and the Aeronautica Militare Italiana. The awards panels for the US Air Force and US Navy/ US Marine Corps have also been enlarged by adding some new decorations, reshaped in the good size.


         (0 reviews)



    24. Pilots pics for Operation Desert Storm

      The file contains pictures for pilots from the nations who sent combat aircraft over Kuwait in 1991, by alphabetic order: Canadians, French, Iraqis, Italians, Kuwaitis, (British) Royal Air Force, Saudis, US Air Force, US Marine Corps and US Navy. Enjoy flying over burning oilfields.


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    25. Rafale lights and airbrakes

      Just a .ini edit containing lights and airbrakes for Dev A-Team Rafale BETA. The airbrakes are my creation though, so it wouldn't be exact accurate.
      *Tested in WOV only*
      Have fun! -New Guy-


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