SF/WO* Missions/Campaigns
Sub Category
User-created missions and campaigns
Korean Air War Complete Mod
By Edward
This is a complete Korean Air War Campaign and COMPLETE PLANE SET AND OBJECT SET for Strike FIghters Project 1.
You can fly the F-86 Sabre, F-84 Thunderjet, F-80 Shooting Star, F-51D Mustang, AD-4 Skyraider, F9F-5 Pantherjet, F2H-2 Banshee, and F4U-4 Corsair for the USAF, USN, USMC, and RAAF. Carrier Campaigns included.
ALL YOU MUST DO to utilize the campaign and all the aircraft is
1. Make a fresh install of SFP:1 and Patch it to SP3.2, then delete EVERY SINGLE stock aircraft.
2. Put the latest version of the Weapons Pack in the Objects folder,
3. Put the Korea terrain file in the Terrain folder, and
4. Unzip the provided files to a Temporary Directory. Copy the Campaigns, Flight, Menu, Objects, and Sounds folders to the Strike Fighters Directory, letting them overwrite the existing files.
Then you can go fly, and smash the Communists.
Have Fun,
Operation Desert Storm, Part 1 of 3
By JSF_Aggie
Operation Desert Storm for Wings Over Europe
This is a complete addon for WOE, containing a Desert Storm dynamic campaign, as well as scripted single missions.
This installer is 1 of 3.
Iran Iraq Campaign
By MK2
*The breifing screens do not work with this add on. The add on is built for campaign play. Single missions will work 90% of the time depending on the plane used. This is due to some terrain issues, however campaign mode should work flawlessly.
Please read the read me text carefully for installation instructions. This is a seperate install. Please make sure you have the latest patches before installation.
In addition you will need the following:
Mig-25PD (can be found here at www.combatace.com)
F-14a(iaf) can be found at C5 http://www.column5.us/aircraft.shtml
or Check six
Latest Weapons pack (can be found at www.combatace.com)
There is also an optional skin pack that adds even more skins to the Iraqi side created by Phamtuan called : Phamtuan_Skinpack_Iraq that can be used to enhance the game. it may be found at wwww.combatace.com
This campaign is based on the Iran Iraq war that lasted from 1980-1988. It includes New terrain,, Persian music, photos, new screens, new sound files, new planes, new skins, and campaign files, heavily researched air units for Iran Iraq, historical air bases and locations and much more.
The campaign contributors are:
USAFMTL: Project lead & Terrain
MK2 : Project Coordinator, Campaign files, Music , Pilot Photos, hangar sound files
Kouts: excellent Main screen and in game screens
Sundowner: skins for the F-5A, Mirage, F-14A and the F-4D and E
Sony Tuckson: Mirage skins
Charles Gunst: Medals
Bpao: Mirage, F-5A and F-14A aircraft (needs download).
Marcfighters: Mig skins
ArmourDave: SU-17
Crab_02: F-4D pre block 27.
Mago: Mig-21MF cockpit
Badger343: Hi res MIG-21MF pit work
Fubar512 MIG-21 FM and RWR sounds for MIG-21
WPNSSGT, Tomcat74, C5 Mig-25PD (need to download)
Wrench, Iraqi hangar screen for the MIG-21MF
Phamtuan, Iraqi skins MIG-21 , MIG-23, TU-16
Spectre_USA Lead beta tester
The IIAF forums located at http://iiaf.net/home.html
Push to Far V1.3 Big version
By scrapper
I finally fully figured out the whole node thing. I redid the attack nodes, and they now work like the game intended. I also added several squadrons of MIG-29OVT's, until someone creates a SU-27 or SU-30MK. Again, thanks to the hard work from those mentioned in the readme. Enjoy.
Falkland 1982 All-Inclusive MOD
By Kesselbrut
Operaton Corporate
- The Falklands War -
A Strike Fighters Project1 MOD by Daniel”Kesselbrut”Himmel
This is an All-Inclusive MOD of the Falkland War. The MOD contains all major aircrafts and groundunits of the conflict.
All objects in this pack (aircrafts, houses, vehicles, tiles, textures….) are free, but that means they are not freeware. If you want to use something out of the pack for your own MOD please ask for a written permission by me via PM at the combatace forum. I will forward your request to the owner of the model you want to use.
The pack will run without errors on SFP1 and SFP Gold only. At WOV you will need a C-130 otherwise the Game crashes during the campaign. At WOE and WOI it will run only after heavy manual cut and paste work….
Do a clean SFP1 installation
install SP4
rename the folder as "Falkland 1982"
delete missions - folder
delete campaigns - folder
delete /objects/decals - folder
delete /objects/aircraft - folder
delete /objects/groundojects - folder
delete /objects/weapons - folder
copy the unpacked files into your "Falkland 1982" folder
open the \Falkland 1982\Flight\MedalsUK.ini
correct the lines -> Citation=E:\Falkland 1982\Flight\FlightUKMedalVC.txt with your installation-path
open the \Falkland 1982\Flight\MedalsARG.ini
correct the lines -> Citation=E:\Falkland 1982\Flight\FlightUKMedalARG.txt with your installation-path
In the Canberra B you can switch between Pilot and Bombadier with "Hook" key
single mission year is 1983 - because the only British base was build in May - if you have
a missiondate before 29th May - the game CTD - self created missions (with mission date) will work normaly - you have to take off from a carrier before 29th May
The infantry units have too much speed - when I use normal Footslogger speed there are no ground battles.
All Groundunits are optimated for the game - so they may not realistic.
All Carriers have zero speed - because they cruise wild through the
ship formations.
During the Campaign the groundunits won't attack - in WOI it all works normal.
The Harrier and SUE have no Groundradar
I'm currently working at the WOI version, but I have multible problems
- The A-4 flightmodels are cruel
- same for the SUE
- same for the Harriers
- The Canberra Bombbay shows no load
- no Thrust Vectoring
- Carrier take offs mostly accidential (carriers maybe not fully supported)
So a SP5 version of the mod will released 2 months after SP release.
Special thanks to all involved modders especially:
BPAO, CAPUN, COMPRNT, Sundowner, Kreelin, Richard, Charles, Foxmonter, The Wrench, Hinchinbrooke, Diego, Polak, Pasko, Marcfighter, USAFMTL, Column5, erikgen, Edward, Pasko, Bunyap, DEUCES, Saganuay, HRNTFIXR, Ajunaidr, Soulfreak, Moonjumper, Kout, the Thirdwire Team and all the others of the several teams (and maybe the ones I forgot)
Here is a list of included objects and who created them:
Terrain and tiles:
by USAFMTL, Diego, Edward - heavily modded by Daniel “Kessselbrut” Himmel
Sky and Enviroment:
by Polak
by Bunyap and many unknown modders, Mirage Factory and Daniel “Kessselbrut” Himmel
By Deuces
Campaign and Singlemissions
by Daniel “Kessselbrut” Himmel
S-2F; Mentor, Wessex (Groundmodel too), Seaking, Lynx HAS2; HMS Hermes
by the DevATeam (CEO CAPUN)
Harrier GR3 and Harrier FRS1; Mirage III; IAI Dagger; SA341 Gazelle
By The Mirage Factory (CEO BPAO) reworked Harrier GR3 and Harrier FRS1 3D Models made by MontyCZ
Pucara, MB 326, Super Etendard, ARA Belgrano
By Foxmonter; Belgrano Skin by Richard and CAPUN
by MontyCZ
by erikgen
Canberra B2 MK.62
by ajunaidr, skin by Soulfreak, Pit by Daniel “Kessselbrut” Himmel
A-4Q, A-4C, A-4P
model by Thirdwire, skins by Marcfighters and Richard, addon 3Dworks by Daniel “Kessselbrut” Himmel
C-130A and KC-130A
Model by TK, skin by HRNTFIXR
All Helicopter FM
by Kreelin
HMS Invincible, Type_12; Type_42; Type_82, ARA 25 de Mayo, County_Class
by Hinchinbrooke - de Mayo skin by Richard
MVAtlantic_Causeway; MVAtlantic_Conveyor
by Polak
155mm Howitzer and EW Radar
by Pasko
LandRover1tonne_Command; LandRover1tonne_Cover; LandRover_Cover; LandRover_open; Scorpion
Skin by Richard, 3D Model by Daniel “Kessselbrut” Himmel
105mm_L118_Howitzer; 105mm_L118_Howitzer_FB; 105mm_Recoilless_Rifle; 105mm_Recoilless_Rifle_FB; Argentine_Marines; Argentine_Squad; AR_Cal50; AR_Foxhole; AR_Navy_Tug; Blindfire; BlowpipeAR; BlowpipeUK; CommTrailer; Exocet_Launcher; Fearless; HQTrailer; Intrepid; LCM; LCM_UL; LVTP-7; MVBaltic_Ferry; MVNordic_Ferry; MVTor_Caledonia; OerlikonAAA; Panhard; Rapier; RH202; Roland_Shelter; Sir_Class_LSL; Skyguard; SmallCargoShip; SSCanberra; Submarine; Trawler1; Trawler2 UK_Cal50; UK_Foxhole; UK_Marching_Column; UK_SAS_TEAM; UK_Squad; Wessex_GO, Airfields at Stanley, Goose Green and Pebble Island, All civil buildings…, Helopilot1; Helopilot2
by Daniel “Kessselbrut” Himmel
Special thanks to COMPRNT, Charles and Kout for menu, medals and textfiles
I hope I forgot nothing to write
Have Fun
NATO Fighters Expansion Packs
By column5
NATO Fighters III
You MUST follow these steps to properly install NATO Fighters.
I suggest creating a clean WOE install for NATO Fighters.
Refer to the readmes that are included with the files for more information.
If this is a new setup, install software in the following order:
Wings Over Europe October 2008 Patch NF1 NF2 NF3 NF4
BACKUP your existing NF installation before continuing -- now that you have been warned, any lost files or pilot data are completely your fault! Install the October 2008 patch for WOE, then install NF3.
Run the executable included in the archive you downloaded. ***When prompted, ensure that the installation path is pointing towards your NF installation. When the path is correct, continue the installation.***
That's it! Everything is installed automatically and no modding is required.
This is a group download of all files for NATO Fighters. For specific information on file inclusions, updates, contributors, and bug fixes please refer to the README.TXT file in each download.
Thanks for downloading NATO Fighters! This is a four part series of expansion packs for Wings Over Europe designed to incorporate many of the best mods for the Strike Fighters series produced over the past several years.
U-2 Grand Tour Mission Pack by comrpnt
By comrpnt
U-2 Grand Tour Missions over North Vietnam (1966) by comrpnt
Welcome to a small set of missions related to the USAF's use of the U-2 over North Vietnam during the mid-1960s. This mission pack was inspired by Giles Whittell's excellent book Bridge of Spies.
This mission pack is designed to work with ThirdWire's StrikeFighters - Series 1, Wings Over Vietnam (WOV), patched to October 2008. Note that some external add-ons are required to carry out the missions in this pack. Missions included in this pack
The following missions are available in this pack; fly as the U-2 pilot over key strategic targets in North Vietnam, avoiding a multitude of SAMs and interceptors that attempt to engage you, or fly as a pilot of the Vietnam People's Air Force and attempt to 'down' the U-2 as it violates your airspace. Each mission takes place early in the morning, in daylight conditions with broken cloud. Note that daylight operations were required to assist the array of cameras on board the U-2. For each mission, waypoints are provided to guide you.
U-2 Grand Tour In a U-2A, take off from RTAFB Ubon and head, at altitude (~70k ft), for the border with North Vietnam, south of the disused airbase at Dong Hoi. Then head north towards Hanoi, before heading south-east to Haiphong, and then turn south-west for the long trip home.
U-2 intercept (MiG-19) Attempt to intercept the U-2 as it enters your airspace, south-west of Dong Hoi. Depart from the VPAF airbase at Ben Loi, west of Vinh Son.
U-2 intercept (MiG-21) Using the more advanced MiG-21, attempt to intercept the U-2 as it continues to make its way north to the capital, Hanoi, and then escapes south and west via Haiphong. Depart from the VPAF airbase at Bai Thuong, south of Hanoi.
Acknowledgements, Disclaimer and Terms
Thank you to all those modders who have provided the prerequisites I have used in this mission pack. If there are any problems with these missions and my own modifications, then please contact me directly, not the authors of the prerequisites.
Released under Fair-Use terms, as defined at CombatAce
This download includes the following:
Details of mandatory prerequisites. Details of optional enhancements to the game engine. Details of changes required to various models INI files to set-up flight characteristics and weapons management. New Target definitions and updates to Type definitions. Mission briefings and maps. Mission files.
Good luck.
comrpnt (September 2016).
WoX Missions Pack II
By bop1701
These are some more missions I've made recently learning more about the WoX series mission code. They're mostly F-4 missions. They require various terrains and aircraft that have been made available on this site. If you don't have the terrain, get it. If you don't have a particular aircraft/ship/skin/etc., get it or change it out in the ,msn file for one you do have. This page is outstanding to help you understand the code: http://combatace.com...single-mission/
If the missions don't work on your pc, sorry but they're free so you can't complain too much. If they work, hope you have fun with them.
Thanks to TK for making a great series of flight sims, and everyone on this board who've made aircraft, terrains, etc., and who've made this game outstanding. Thanks to the modders, tilesetters, and brain trustees that contribute and share here.
Malta 1942, a campaign for WoA
The first half of 1941 had been a hard time for the Allied defenders of Malta, when the Luftwaffe could devote several of its best units to pound the island, sink any ship within nearby waters, and decimate the small fighter force of outperformed Hurricanes. As Germany turned its attention Eastwards with Operation Barbarossa, the RAF could recover, then take a more offensive stance, putting threatening pressure on the Axis convoys to Libya, and even striking targets in Sicily.
Nonetheless, by the end of the year, as the operations East were getting stuck in the Russian Winter, it was decided to move again large numbers of Luftwaffe units to the Mediterranean Front, in order to eliminate the RAF striking force, and to bend the Maltese morale under the weight of bombs.
As the valiant defenders of Malta were to face this renewed enemy effort, the Axis leaders began to meet and plot an invasion of the island by air and sea, intended to remove once and for all this thorn from their flank. By the end of April 1942, this Sword of Damocles over Malta would have a name: Operation Herkules..
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Malta 1942 : Malta now with 100% more Spitfires !!
This is my third campaign for Wings over Africa, the free add-on by The Dev A-Team that enables you to re-enact the air war over the most legendary battlefields of the Mediterranean Theatre of Operations. In this mod, Baltika had already provided campaigns over Malta covering the epic years 1940 and 1941. This 11-months-long campaign, running from December 1941 to November 1942, completes a trilogy, encompassing some of the most dramatic moments of the siege, when Malta was the closest to be dominated in the air before Spitfires were finally delivered, the closest to be strangled with Allied supply convoys repeatedly decimated or driven away, and finally the closest to be doomed as the Axis leaders planned very seriously for Summer 1942 the naval and aerial invasion of the island, codenamed Operation Herkules.
Four additional downloads will be required to play this campaign (the links are included in the ReadMe file, registration at Capun Skunkworks needed). The modified files provided here allow several flyable units to display their original markings, and activate some Sardinian and Tripolitanian bases and targets on the Tunisia map as soon as the beginning of the campaign. A French translation of the campaign texts is also included.
Flyable planes (including scheduled upgrades during this long campaign):
British RAF/FAA :
Hawker Hurricane Mk.I & Mk.IIb
Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb
Bristol Beaufighter Mk.I & VI
Bristol Beaufort Mk.I
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV
Martin Maryland Mk.I & Baltimore Mk.I (reco)
Fairey Albacore Mk.I
German Luftwaffe :
Messerschmitt BF-109 F-4 & G-2
Messerschmitt BF-110 C-4
Junkers Ju-88 C-4 night fighter
Junkers Ju-88 A-4 (bombers & reco)
Junkers Ju-87 D
Italian Regia Aeronautica :
Macchi Mc.200 'Saetta'
Macchi Mc.202 'Folgore'
Reggiane Re.2000 'Falco'
Reggiane Re.2001 'Ariete'
Junkers Ju-87 B 'Picchiatelli'
Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 'Sparviero'
Choose your side! As a British, Commonwealth, or American volunteer in the RAF, serving in "the fighter pilots' paradise", make sure that the sacrifices already consented by the tenacious Maltese population, and by the brothers-in-arms who fought before you, won't have been vain. As a German pilot veteran of the easy playground and hard conditions of living of the Soviet Front, take your part in Rommel's glorious epic by neutralizing the stubborn rock that cripples the Afrikakorps' supply lines. As an Italian patriot, protect Sicily against the odious raids perpetrated by the English air pirates from Malta, and prepare the capture of this invaluable floating bolt on behalf of the King.
The Last Stand
By MigBuster
The Last Stand
December 14th, 1974. Being almost certain that the US wont intervene anymore, the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) launch a full scale invasion of the Republic of South Vietnam.
Defence aid to the South from the US has been drastically reduced and the South Vietnamese economy has all but collapsed. Ammo, spares and fuel are in short supply, and so is the moral of the South Vietnamese people. Your only hope is to hold out long enough to gain renewed US support.
The South VNAF currently have the Worlds fourth largest airforce thanks to the "Enhance" and "Enhance Plus" programs from the US.........
Historical only in the Aircraft, Units and Air Bases used by the VNAF squadrons. Other than that you will be limited to hitting Targets in Southern NV/South Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia only - You wont be going up North - the VNAF never had the range anyway.
Only for Wings Over Vietnam SP4 version v08.30.06 - only tested with the default terrain also - but should be no issues adding trees etc
MUST be a new install - none of the stock campaigns will work after you have installed this!
Read the instructions - they will tell you which jets to download and where from
The gamplay file should give you some hints of how the campaign should be played
Only parts of this Mod comes under the CA Freeware licencing - read the Credits file for details
Northrop F-5E Tiger II (Mirage Factory ) - CombatAce or www.column5.us
Northrop F-5A Freedom Fighter (Mirage Factory) - CombatAce or www.column5.us
Douglas A-1HVNAF and A-1JVNAF Skyraiders - Razbam “The Skyraiders Vol 2” for SF.(www.razbam.org) Payware see note below
AN-2 Colt (Pasko & Team)- www.column5.us
Bell “Armed” UH-1H “Huey” - at CombatAce - you need to get the UH-34 also as below.
Douglas AC-47 “Spooky” - “A Team” Skunkworks (http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ )
Cessna A-37B Dragonfly – “A Team” Skunkworks (http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ )
UH-34 Seabat – Only needed for the UH-1H sounds and cockpit – “A Team” Skunkworks (http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
Note1: Razbam Skyraiders Vol 2 is worth the money for the cockpit alone – however if you are stuck there is a free A-1H at CombatAce – if you do this the quickest way would be to change the campaigns data.ini and .ini files and replace the A-1HVNAF and A-1JVNAF with A-1H and the skin for the A-1H you want to use. You would then need to change the A-1H_loadout.ini.
Played and tested loads but as ever there may be some issues to resolve somewhere.
Battle of the Philippines 1941-42 v1.1
By Baltika
31 July 2008
A Campaign Mod for SFP1/WoV/WoE
by Baltika
On 7 December 1941, Imperial Japan launched a combined full-scale assault on the Dutch East Indies, the Philippines and the Malay Peninsula. The US Fleet was attacked and decimated at Pearl Harbor. Allied defence strategy was predicated on Japan attacking only a single Allied power, with the others sending military assistance in the event of an assault. The Japanese grand strategy left the Allies reeling, falling back on every front under the strength and ferocity of the Japanese attack.
Lt. Gen. Masaharu Homma, commander of the Japanese 14th Army, was tasked with the invasion of the Philippines. Vice Admiral Ibo Takahashi commanded the IJN 3rd Fleet, Philippines Force, for the amphibious assault. Air Support was provided by the IJAAF 5th Air Group under Lt. Gen. Hideyoshi Obata, and the IJNAF 11th Air Fleet under Vice Admiral Nishizo Tsukahara.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur commanded the combined US and Philippino defensive force, organised into the US Army Forces in the Far East.
Maj. Gen. Lewis H. Brereton commanded the Far East Air Force, consisting of P-40 Warhawk, B-17 bomber and P-35 Guardsman squadrons. The Philippino Air Force fielded a squadron of valiant but outclassed P-26A "Peashooters."
The Battle of the Philippines lasted until the final surrender of the garrison on 8 May 1942. The survivors suffered brutal treatment in captivity. Thousands died on the "Bataan Death March" or working in slave labour camps.
The Philippines were finally liberated in 1945. But that is another story. . .
Flyable Squadrons:-
3rd Pursuit Squadron P-40E
20th Pursuit Squadron Tomahawk
34th Pursuit Squadron P-35A
28th Bombardment Squadron B-17F
PAAF 6th Pursuit Squadron P-26A
Ryujo Kanjo Sentokitai A6M2 Zero
Ryujo Kanjo Kogekikitai D3A1 Val
P-26A PAAC }
P-40E USAAF OD } Wrench, The
Tomahawk USAAC }
Grateful thanks to Wrench for his great skins. Included here under the terms of the "Fair Use" modding agreement at combatace. Cheers Kevin ;-)
For v1.1 I have included an "upgraded" version of Wrench's Tomahawk USAAC skin, using Wrench's new, improved Tomahawk template, featuring new panel lines, rivets, scuff marks, fading and all sorts of other goodness. Cheers again, Kevin ;-)
Campaign Files:-
All campaign files, squadron screens, Win/Lose screens by Baltika
Terrain Files:-
"Retrograde" mod of Edward's Phillipines terrain.ini files to create a 1941 environment for this campaign, with appropriate front lines, airfield occupation, invasion/defence fleets and so forth. NB Edward's terrain IS NOT included in this mod, you will have to get it from avsim. There are detailed instructions on how to create a "Philippines 1941" terrain which will sit alongside Edward's 1945 original so you can fly both. Please see below.
For v1.1 I have included updated .HFD and .TFD files only, which flatten and tile the additional airbases featured. Thanks to Edward for creating his many excellent WW2 terrains for SFP1. S!
UI Files:-
WW2 Map icons - Geo & Charles
Ground Objects:-
Philippine Scouts
Philippine Regular Infantry
Simple .ini mod of Kesselbrut's US_Squad_early into nation specific infantry, by Baltika. Thanks to Kesselbrut
P-35A }
P-40E }
B-17F } SFP1 Dev A-Team
A5M }
Ki-48 }
Ki-46 }
P-26A } Bunyap
Tomahawk }
Ki-21 } Wolf257
Ki-27 }
G4M2 } ArmourDave
A6M2 }
D3A1 } Pasko, Starfighter & Gramps
Jap_Squad } Kesselbrut
US_Squad_early }
Type 97 (Chi-Ha Tank) }
Akagi (aircraft carrier) }
Benham (USS Mayrant) } SFP1 Dev A-team
Liberty USS Jeremiah O'Brien}
USS Brooklyn }
M3 (Halftrack) } Geo
Lee (Tank) }
Pacific Ground Objects pack, compiled by Edward, but many contributors, I think
Available at Avsim
WW2 Phillipines by Edward
Available at Avsim
Bunyap's Weapons pack (latest version)
WW2 Formations mod - Charles
RECOMMENDED (but not essential):-
WW2 Effects pack v0.91 by CA_Stary
Green camo wooden hangars by CA_Stary
WideSky v1.0 by cellinsky
PTO Mainscreen (For SFP1) by Charles
PAW Mainscreen by Kout
You may also wish to install either Deuces' Vietnam_SEA terrain upgrades, or Brain32's Vietnam_SEA tileset with CA_Stary's Green Hell mod, as those are compatible with the Philippines terrain. Squadron screens included in this mod are shot using Deuce's tiles and treemod for WoV.
It is recommended that you install this campaign to a dedicated PTO install of SFP1/WoV/WoE. You don't need a separate install just for this campaign, it will sit happily in an existing PTO install. Just be careful about over-writing any of your modded files. The most obvious one is the SquadronList.ini. Unzip the d/l package to a temp file and check its contents before installation. If unsure, BACK UP YOUR MODS FIRST!!!!!!!!!
If you have already installed v1.0 of this campaign, simply unzip the files to a temp folder, and then copy them over to your existing install, overwriting when requested to do so. Make sure you don't have any "nested" folders when copying over.
If you are starting from scratch, here's the drill:
1. Install Strike Fighters Project One
2. Patch up to v 083006
3. Install Bunyap's weapons pack (Required for WW2 weapons)
4. Delete all stock aircraft
5. Install the aircraft, ground objects and terrain listed above
6. Install Charles' WW2 formations mod
7. Install the PAW1 Campaign Mod files to the relevant folder of your new install. The simplest thing is to retain the file structure and copy the unpacked files over. It should be obvious where everything has to go. Overwrite when requested to do so. You may want to backup your original SQUADRONLIST.INI. Or, just cut and paste the squadrons from the included list to the end of your current one, renumbering where the last one leaves off.
8. VERY IMPORTANT! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
9. Browse to your /Terrain folder. You will see folders called "Phillipines" [sic] and "Philippines1941" - inside the Philippines1941 folder is just a bunch of .ini files, some new planning maps and 1941 static P-40E skins, credit to Wrench. Open the "Phillipines" folder, and copy and paste its entire contents into your "Philippines1941" folder, EXCEPT the following files:-
You will see that the 1941 terrain folder already contains the necessary .ini files. I have also resized Wrench's P-40E OD skin to be used for the parked P-40s. Otherwise you will get the wrong type of P40 for 1941 parked on your runways. I have also included new planning maps for the 1941 version of the Philippines terrain.
11. IF YOU DO NOT CARRY OUT THE ABOVE STEPS YOU WILL GET A CTD WHEN YOU TRY TO FLY THE CAMPAIGN ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
12. If you are running WoV/WoE, you will need to change the catfile pointer in the terrain.ini to get it to work properly. Any problems, give me a shout.
That's it. "Battle of the Philippines" should now be available at the campaign selection screen.
1. Flying the Val off the IJN Ryujo, you will probably blow up on the deck. I think it has to do with the positioning of the catapults and the size of the plane, but I don't know how to fix it. The Zero works just fine. So, if you really want to fly a whole campaign in the Val, select start mission "In Air" or "Near Target." Downloading the updated Val available at Combatace may fix this.
2. On the subject of the Ryujo, I know the model used is the IJN Akagi. There are quite a few placeholders for unit types etc, but these are marked in the main campaign_data.ini if you are interested. You can easily swap the Akagi for Hinchinbrooke's IJN Zuiho, which is closer to the light carrier model. Install the Zuiho, and change the CarrierType= Flag in the Carrier Units section of the campaign_data.ini to read CarrierType=Zuiho. I got random CTDs after doing this, but it may be something in my install.
3. The north end of Luzon is behind the 50k "Wall" at the edge of the map. For this reason, Japanese ground forces have already landed at the start of the campaign, and you may bump into the wall in the early days.
4. The ALT+N function often makes you crash into the mountains in central Luzon, particularly flying a Zero campaign. To avoid this, make good use of your planning map to move your waypoints to ensure your flight path is over low ground where possible. Otherwise, fly the whole mission from the deck and back. Yes, you heard me, pilot ;-)
5. There are a lot more Japanese planes available which are not flyable in campaign. This is because the bulk of the Japanese forces start on "off-map" bases on Formosa. Thanks to Stwa for that particular trick, cheers, mate ;-) Maybe in chapter two you can fly a Tony or whatever ;-)
6. I have now much more thoroughly playtested the ground war, and it should run properly. It is quite carefully scripted to achieve a historical outcome. However, a few odd things may still happen in the campaign. Please report any strangeness to me at combatace, cheers ;-)
7. If you don't like the red text for start/end campaign screens, browse to your SFP1/Menu folder and delete the OVERLAYTEXTSETTING.INI file to go back to the stock text colour.
My grateful thanks to all the modders who have provided great work to make SFP1 a fabulous WW2 playground:-
The A-team
In particular, but my thanks go out to everyone who has modded, posted and otherwise contributed to our fantastic community.
Thanks also due to the whole team at combatace for providing a wonderful resource and home for this whole modding thang. Not so much a hobby, more a way of life. Cheers all ;-)
Thanks to TK and Thirdwire for the whole shebang.
Duel For the Sky, Christopher Shores, Guild Publishing, London 1985
And the mighty wikipedia
S! To one and all.
This mod is released under the Freeware Licensing agreement promulgated at combatace.
1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms.
2. You must give proper credit in your readme file.
3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod.
31 July 2008
Updated ReadMe / Installation instructions.
Additional download links and recommended mods.
Updated credits
Improved chance of IJAAF & IJNAF units advancing to Philippines
Re-named IJN Fleet elements in line with OOB
Fixed Start/End Text offscreen bug
Increased Unit Size of 4th Regt USMC
PAAF 6th PS now listed as Philippines Unit
Modded Philippine Scouts & Regulars from Kess's US_Squad_early
Reduced chance of Zeros on Strike missions
Added additional "Waypoint" Target Areas
Fixed Calapan in the sea bug
Fixed placement and size of AI airstrips in North Luzon
Terrain flattened and tiled for additional airstrips
Revised terrain Nations.ini for 21 regions
Complete overhaul of strategic nodes/Ground War. Now it works!
Improved USAAC P-40B skin, cheers Wrench
New set of planning maps
Do you really can fly and fight with a F-16?
By Gepard
Do you really can fly and fight with a F-16A?
28 gun only dogfight missions
The F-16A Netz is one of my favorit planes in WOI and i know that a lot of people love the F-16A too. I fought a lot of dogfights and scored more than 100 kills with it.
Then i asked me, wheter i won the dogfights by i my flying abilities or by the superior missiles? When i was shot down by a MiG-29 i asked me wheter the enemy plane was better or only the missile.
To get a correct answer i thought a gun only dogfight will show the truth.
So i started to make a seria of dogfight missions between the F-16A Netz and the planes of the period. The F-4E, F-5E, F-14A, F-15A, F-16A, F-20, MiG-21MF, MiG-21bis, MiG-23MF, MiG-23ML, MiG-29A, Mirage 5D, Mirage 2000EM and Kfir C2 i took as enemy in 1 vs 1 gun only engagements. Later, if 1vs1 started to become boring, i made 16 planes air combats. In the most cases it are 4 F-16A vs 12 enemies. For planes with comparable flight performance, like the F-15A or MiG-29A, i decided to make 8 vs 8 engagements.
For me its a big fun and it is challenging, even the hunt on MiG-21MF or Mirage 5 can become difficult and dangerous if enough enemies are around you.
And i hope you enjoy the mission pack too.
Copy all files into your missions folder
Thats it.
III. Be aware
The missions are made for WOI oct2008 patch.
The most planes are stock in WOI, but you still following planes.
At Combat Ace download section you find:
Mirage Factory iranian F-14A, (add on planes/modern era aircraft)
Mirage Factory F-5E Tiger II, (add on planes/cold war aircraft)
the MiG-23ML, (add on planes/cold war aircraft)
Mirage 2000EM (add on planes/modern era aircraft)
And at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1 you find the
F-20 TigerShark. (3rd Party Mods)
For remarks, comments, bug report, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
November 2010
Operation: Polar Glory '99 v1.03
By Baltika
// --------------------------------------------
// Operation: Polar Glory 1999
// By Baltika
// v1.03
// 19 December 2010
// --------------------------------------------
// Campaign mod for WoE October 2008 patch installs
// Russian Invasion of Iceland 1999
// --------------------------------------------
The proposed construction of US missile defence systems in former Warsaw Pact Eastern European countries poses the greatest threat to Russian national security since the Nazi invasion of the Great Patriotic War.
The refusal of the Western Powers to negotiate on this issue has left the Kremlin with no option but to pursue a military solution. Full-scale war in Central Europe is considered detrimental to Russian national interest.
A bold strike to occupy the strategically vital staging post of Iceland is considered to be an achievable goal which will demonstrate the resolve of the Russian people whilst avoiding a nuclear escalation of hostilities.
Once occupied, Iceland will become the major forward missile and submarine base of the Russian Empire and will guarantee strategic control of the North Atlantic.
Air and ground units of the Iceland Defence Force are on station to mount a defence of the island. The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower CVN-69, with units of Carrier Air Wing 7 embarked, is making all speed to the North Atlantic to oppose the Russian invasion. . .
// --------------------------------------------
// 1.03 update
Revised installation instructions to synchronise with Iceland terrain v1.02.
// 1.02 Update
This adds in squadrons from the remaining members of the Iceland Defence Force:-
RNoAF 332 Skv (F-16)
RCAF 441 Sqn "Silver Foxes" (CF-188)
KLU 323 Sqn (F-16)
Also adds in the following ground forces:-
Norwegian Telemark Battalion
Dutch Regiment Huzaren Van Sytzama
Royal Canadian Dragoons
In addition to the files listed below which were required for previous versions, you will need to add the following files:-
CF-188 mod by Saguanay, based on Mirage Factory FA-18A:
Available at http://www.checksix-fr.com/
KLU 323 Sqdn Skinpack by RavenClaw_007 (Put in F-16A_Blk10-NDC folder):-
// ---------------------------------------------
Required Files:-
Iceland Terrain by Baltika, and v1.02 update:-
Aircraft Carriers & Ships:
USN Nimitz Class Carriers - Modded by WombRaider from original by Digital Overload:
Admiral Gorshkov by X-RAY
UdaloyI by China Insky Team
UdaloyII by China Insky Team
Russian Aircraft:-
MiG-31M - Modded by Erwin Hans from lindr2's original
SU-33 Sea Flanker by Insky Group:
SU-39 by Erwin Hans et al
MiG-29 by Mirage Factory (MiG-29C_rus)
Tu-95A Bear by Veltro2k
MiG-27K mod by Gepard
Su-27 by MarcFighter
NATO Aircraft:-
F-14A+ - Modded by Typhoid from Mirage Factory original:
F-15C/D MSIP by Dave, Crusader, Fubar512, wpnssgt et al
Harrier GR7 by bobrock
Tornado F3 by bobrock
F-16A Block 10 NDC by Mirage Factory
FA-18A by Mirage Factory
EA-6B Prowler by Agamemnon &allenjb42, original by Hawker
57th FIS F-15C skin by Dave
VF-103 Jolly Rogers F-14 skin by Paul Nortness (put in F-14A+ folder)
// ----------------------------------------------------
Ensure that all files listed above are installed.
The files included in this download pack are set up to make it obvious where everything has to go.
Contents of \Campaign folder to your WoE\Campaign folder, \Menu folder to WoE\Menu folder, etc.
For those who are updating a previous version of this campaign mod, just drop the included files into your existing install, over-writing any previous version. This will break any earlier Polar Glory campaign still in progress, so you may wish to finish before updating.
Any problems getting it up and running, give me a shout.
// ----------------------------------------------------
I had a problem getting Su-33 loadouts to work in campaign mode. To get the missiles to show up, I had to use the weapons editor to remove StationCode entries from these missiles:- AA-11B, AA-10C and AA-10D. If you have nay trouble with this stuff, post in the support thread and I'll do my best to help out.
For all those of you who say, "Why aren't you using the new TMF F-14A/B for SF2?"
This is a "template" campaign based on all the stuff I have in my heavily-modded WoE Oct 08 install. The purpose is to get a workable Iceland campaign out asap, as this has been requested and is a mission goal. I am also behind the curve in modding SF2, and I am very keen to see what the new EPs and F-14 game will bring to the table in terms of naval warfare. Those of you who have tried my Midway campaign will know I can force naval engagements in the WoX engine, but there is no point busting a gut to get something done when it will be served up on a plate soon enough.
Having said that, look out for "Operation: Nordic Hammer," coming soon for SF2 series.
Meantime, have fun in the Battle for Iceland ;-)
Bug reports, complaints and Single Malt to Baltika, c/o CombatAce ;-)
18 November 2010
// ------------------------------------------------------
Operation Crusader 1941, a campaign for WoA
On mid-November 1941, six months had passed since Rommel's Afrika Korps and the Italian Army of Libya had driven back the Western Desert Force to Marmarica, secured positions at Sollum and Halfaya, surrounded and besieged the port of Tobruk. All of the Allied ill-planned counter-attacks against Rommel's strong positions so far had failed. Yet, though scarcely and expensively supplied by sea, the Tobruk Fortress still stood fast, fixing enemy forces and denying this strategic supply port to the Axis. Now Rommel was ready to deliver a heavy and, he hoped, decisive blow against Tobruk by November 20. Therefore, he had ordered his subordinates to ignore all of the deceptive maneuvers the British could attempt against his Eastern positions in order to disorganize the assault.
Unfortunately for Rommel, it was a major offensive that Cunningham's Eighth Army was actually planning, named 'Crusader' after the new cruiser tank model just delivered on the Desert front - both the tank and the offensive crystallizing great hopes. While the XIII Corps was to threaten and locally outflank the main enemy positions at Sollum and Halfaya, the XXX Corps, with 7th Armoured Division as a spearhead, was to advance deeply into Rommel's rear lines and seek a decisive battle in the open against the outnumbered Panzers. The flanking maneuver began on November 16, and when the 7th Armoured Division stroke the Italian division 'Ariete' on November 18 at Bir-el-Gubi, Rommel didn't understand at once that he was to lead a major and decisive battle.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Welcome to the first of my first two campaigns designed for TK games – actually, for a marvellous free add-on for TK games. A 'Gazala 1942' campaign shall indeed be uploaded very soon. So please forgive some possible mistakes and omissions, due to sometimes scarce or conflicting sources. I need your indulgence, and possibly, if wanting to share, your informations and sources to amend my database for my other projects.
Almost all of the required planes and objects are provided already in the excellent Wings over Africa mod, except an Italian skin for Stuka. Fortunately, Wrench has designed an adequate model which is available for downloading at Combatace. Also, my own Soft targets for WoA will be required. All of the links are included in the ReadMe file. Some modified files are provided, allowing some Italian units to fly the Fiat G-50 in campaign with adequate markings, and giving higher hosting allowance to several airfields in order for them to manage the large number of units posted as historically as possible on the start line of the offensive (accurate details in the ReadMe file). A French translation of the campaign texts, as well as a handful of new counters are also included. Now time to take off and fight for Tobruk!
Gazala 1942, a campaign for WoA
May 1942. Rommel's successful counter-offensive, following the retreat of Autumn 1941, had regained most of Cyrenaica by February. But since, the Axis forces had been blocked before the Gazala Line: a deep minefield running through the desert from Gazala to Bir Hacheim, stippled with fortified "boxes", and supported by mobile armoured reserves. Having received enough supplies, Rommel now planned to brutally unfreeze the situation. 'Operation Venezia' implied a daring flanking move South: while the Italian X and XXI Corps were tasked to fix the Allied attention North, around Gazala, the Afrika Korps and the Italian XX mobile Corps would outflank the fortified "box" of Bir Hacheim, and face the British tank reserves in the open, far away from the minefields cover, where the supposed superior range of German guns should give a decisive advantage to the Axis forces.
The frontal attack on Gazala was launched in the afternoon of May 26. The flanking move began that same night. In the morning of May 27, the Axis tanks overran one brigade, surprised while isolated in the open, and drove back two others. The Afrika Korps kept the momentum, heading Northeast, while behind it, the Italian armoured division 'Ariete' was tasked to capture Bir Hacheim and secure the supply lines.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Here is my second campaign for Wings over Africa, the free add-on by The Dev A-Team re-enacting the War over the most legendary battlefields of North Africa. All of the required planes and objects are provided already, except my own Soft targets for WoA whose download will be required (link included in the ReadMe file). One single modified file is provided additionally, giving higher hosting allowance to several airfields in order for them to manage the large number of units crowded as historically as possible on both parts of the Gazala Line (accurate details in the ReadMe file). This file is actually the same that the one enclosed with my former campaign Crusader 1941, so is compatible with both campaigns, and doesn't spoil the other campaigns by The Dev A-Team. A French translation of the campaign texts, as well as a handful of new counters are also included. Now choose your side, and protect or break open the gate to Egypt!
1962 the germans at Red Thunder
By Gepard
This campaign is made for a tutorial with the title:
What i must do to to bring a new Air Force in a stock campaign?
Lets say i want to mod the WOE stock campaign Red Thunder 1962 and want to include the westgerman and the east german airforces.
First we need the files
both files you find in the folder Campaigns/woeCamp1
if not, then you must extract them with an extraction tool like SFP1E extractor
Make following steps:
1.) open files woeCamp1.ini with windows notepad editor
2.) look for the lines
3.) add now
4.) save the file.
Now we have included the Luftwaffe and the LSK/LV as new airforces which can deploy units in the campaign.
Our next step is to bring 2 east german and 3 west german units in the campaign. The east germans we place at Holzdorf AB and Peenemünde while the west germans we place at Wittmundhafen, Neuburg and Büchel.
5.) open file WOECAMP1_DATA.ini with notepad editor
scroll to the last airunit entry which is
UnitName=305 BFAP
BaseArea=Parchim Airbase
6.) after this entry we will place the 2 east german units
// ----------------------------------LSK
BaseArea=Holzdorf Airbase
BaseArea=Peenemünde Airbase
7.) and now the 3 west german units
Squadron=JG 71
BaseArea=Wittmundhafen Airbase
Squadron=JG 74
BaseArea=Neuburg Airbase
Squadron=JBG 33
BaseArea=Büchel Airbase
8.) save the file.
BE CAREFULL: you must place the units at existing airfields. Which AB are existant you find in the GermanyCE_targets.ini.
Make sure that the names of the baseses are the same in Targets.ini and campaign_data.ini.
For instance if you write
BaseArea=Wittmundhaven Airbase
BaseArea=Wittmundhafen Airbase
the unit will not exist in game.
After this we must include the new created air units into the woeCamp1.ini file, if we want to fly the birds of this units. If not, then we have nothing to do anymore. But i want to fly the MiG's for the LSK and the Starfighters for the Luftwaffe, so we continue:
9.) open file woeCamp1.ini
10.) scroll to the end and include following lines:
//LSK units
//Bundesluftwaffe units
UnitName=JG 71
UnitName=JG 74
UnitName=JBG 33
The most problematic part is the UnitID= number
you must count which number the single unit has. For the blue side and for the red side.
For instance, the JG-71 is the 46th blue unit. To get this number is relativly simple. You must look in the WOECAMP_DATA.ini and look for the last "blue" air unit. If you look right it is the 42nd TRS which has in the campaign the air unit number 045 [AirUnit045].
Thatywhy the next blue air unit has the UnitID=46, then comes 47 and so on.
With the red air units it is a little bit mor difficult, because the first red air unit has in the data.ini the number [AirUnit046]. But in the woecamp.ini it is not designated as UnitID=46, because it is the first "red" air unit and thatswhy would get the designation UnitID=1 (only if the unit would be flyable)
To get the correct UnitID= number of the 2 east german units we must count all red air units. If you do it you will see that we have in the stock campaign 33 soviet (red) air units. Thatswhy the first east german unit get the number UnitID=34 and the other UnitID=35
11.) Save the file.
12.) Finally comes the testing of the campaign.
Thats it.
WoX Proj 1 Missions
By bop1701
These are some missions I've made over the years learning about the WoX series of games work. They're mostly F-4 missions. They require various terrains and aircraft that have been made available on this site. If you don't have the terrain, get it. If you don't have a particular aircraft, get it or change it out for one you do have. This page is outstanding to help you understand the code: http://combatace.com/topic/29345-annotated-single-mission/
If the missions don't work on your pc, sorry but they're free so you can't complain too much. If they work, hope you have fun with them.
Thanks to TK for making a great series of flight sims, and everyone on this board who've made aircraft, terrains, etc., and who've made this game outstanding. Thanks to the modders, tilesetters, and brain trustees that contribute and share here.
Afghanistan Jalalabad Road 2010
By Gepard
Campaign Jalalabad Road 2010
Jalalabad Road 2010
In the mid of 2010 the garrison of Jalalabad is besieged by Taliban forces. On June 5. US airborne rangers and Marines starts an offensive operation to open the road to Jalalabad.
Your mission is to fly the AH-1W, AV-8BPlus, the A-10A or the Eurocopter Tigre to support the ground forces.
*AV-8BPlus you can find in the download section of CombatAce.
*A-10A is a WOE stock aircraft
*AH-1W and EC_Tiger_HAD you will find at Capuns homepage http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
in section helicopters and 3.party mods
1.Unzip Folder JalalabadRoad2010 into your Campaigns folder.
Thats all!
Hope you enjoy it
This mod is Freeware. Commercial use is NOT allowed
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
Januar 2010
Afghanistan Jalalabad Road1987
By Gepard
Campaign Jalalabad Road 1987
Jalalabad Road 1987
In the mid of 1987 the soviet garrison of Jalalabad is besieged by Dushman forces. On June 5. soviet airborne rangers and special forces starts an offensive operation to open the road to Jalalabad.
Your mission is to fly the Mi-24D, Mi-24P, the Su-25 or the Su-22M4 to support the ground forces.
*Mi-24D and Mi-24P and Su-22M4 you can find in the download section of CombatAce.
*I put a Su-25placeholder into this zip. It is a mod of Erwin-Hans Su-39.
I made it as a quick and dirty mod to bridge the time till we (hopefully) will have areal Su-25 Frogfoot. Some files of the Su-39 are needed.
1.Unzip Folder Afghanistan87 into your Campaigns folder.
2.If you have no Su-25 , then unzip the folder Su-25 into your aircraft folder.
For Su-25 you will need the files Su39.lod, su391_holes.tga, su392_holes.tga and -su391_holes.tga and the camo folder SovietCamo of ErwinHans Su-39. Simply copy this files into Su-25 folder.
Hope you enjoy it
This mod is Freeware. Commercial use is NOT allowed
Michael (Gepard)
Nov 2009
Red Wings Over Dhimar v1.0
By Baltika
Campaign mod for SFG
by Baltika
This is a very simple .ini edit to enable Red-flyable squadrons in the stock Burning Sands campaign for SFG. It is tested only in SFG with the Oct 2008b patch, although it should probably work fine in SFP1 as well, and the level of patch should not really be an issue. It WILL NOT work in WoV/WoE/WoI unless you have the stock desert terrain installed to those games, so be warned.
Of course, I spent a day putting this together and then found the old Red Wings campaign lurking on a back-up of my old SFP1 mods. I can't remember where this was d/led from, and it certainly doesn't seem to be available now (maybe at avsim?).
Anyway, the art of making Red-side flyable campaigns seems to have fallen by the wayside, so it's probably no bad thing that this version be uploaded for all to use. The campaign files will not write over the stock Burning Sands campaign, so don't worry if you have a modded stock campaign, eg with vinman's Burning Sands upgrades.
This is a back-to basics mod.
I run it on
Stock SFG
Patched to October 2008b
No weapons packs or anything else. If you have Bunyap's pack installed, you may beed to edit the supply entries for each flyable air unit (in the campaign_data.ini) to get the correct weapons to show up.
You will need to make the stock MiGs flyable - but if you are d/ling this campaign, you've already done that, right ;-)
If not, you will need to install these pits:-
MiG-19S Pit by ordway
MiG-17F Pit by ordway
Su-7BM Pit by Kukulino, modded from boopidoo's Su-15TM pit
MiG-21F / PF / PFM pit by Paladrian
MiG-21MF Pit by Paladrian
I STRONGLY ADVISE that you DO NOT use the modded aircraft_DATA.inis supplied with some of these pits - they do not incorporate all the FM and AI tweaks to the stock FMs included with the new patch, so you will be busting your MiG down to a previous version if you do.
Also, I have not included hangar screens or loading screens for the MiGs, but there are such things available if you want to add them in.
I have set up the d/l package so it should be obvious where everything has to go. I have included a new mainscreen and title music, and Badger's Red-side Pilot Record Screen which is definitely Red-side orientated, so do not install the items in the SFG/Menu folder if you want to keep your existing mainscreen and title music.
For that full-on Soviet experince, you may want to go the whole hog and install one of the Soviet comms mods available at CA.
Any questions, give me shout on combatace.
31 October 2008
"White Army, Black Baron"
A famous march from the Russian Revolution, by Pokrass and Grigoriev
Sung by the Red Army Choir
For the Original "Red Wings — Soviet Campaign for Strike Fighters: Project One"
Credit due to:
R. Lee “Banger” Sullivan
Beta testing by Jeff "STORM" Stoermer
Pilot-record screen by Joe “Badger” Younger
SoCal '84: Red Dawn & Red Force v1.1
By Baltika
SoCal Campaign Mods by Baltika
Take to the skies and fight for the liberation of California!
Red Force and Blue Force flyable campaigns for Wrench's California Terrain v2.0
SoCal '84: Red Dawn
SoCal '84: Red Force
The Green Party sweeps to power in West Germany, resulting in unilateral nuclear disarmament and the removal of all U.S. air and ground forces. NATO disintegrates, with only the UK remaining an ally of America.
Cuba and Venezuela go to a war footing, occupying El Salvador and Honduras. A civil war in Mexico brings the "People's Republican Army" to power, and close ties are forged with Russia. Mexico becomes a vassal of the USSR.
The worst Soviet wheat harvest in 55 years results in mass starvation and rioting throughout the nations of the Warsaw Pact. Desperate for food and facing ruin, the Soviet Union and its allies launch a full-scale invasion of the continental United States of America. . .
Bonus Campaigns:
SoCal '62: Red Thunder
Communist elements within the Mexican military seize power in a bloody coup, with the full backing of Moscow. Revolutionary Mexico becomes a member of the USSR.
The international situation deteriorates as Soviet Premier Khrushchev and US President Kennedy fail to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis diplomatically, and the conflict escalates as US Navy cruisers sink Soviet freighters suspected of carrying nuclear missiles to Cuba.
In response, forward elements of the Cuban and Mexican Revolutionary Armies launch an assault into Southern California, supported by a massive Soviet expeditionary force.
US ground and air forces, supported by UK and Canadian allies, are ordered to defend the American people at all costs. . .
SoCal '62: Red Force
The glorious Revolutionary Army of Mexico comes to power with the full backing of the Mexican people. The new Mexican government joins the brotherhood of international Socialist Soviet Republics.
These developments are not welcomed by the American plutocrats, and the US President orders an unwarranted attack on Mexican and Cuban merchant shipping. Many civilian lives are lost.
In order to preserve the safety of our citizens, and to free the American people from the oppression of their capitalist rulers, the Armies of the Socialist Brotherhood begin a campaign of freedom into the heartland of capitalism.
California will be liberated!!!
Read the Read Me for requirements, instructions, enlightenment and indoctrination.
10 February 2009
The Battle of Midway v1.1
By Baltika
The Battle of Midway
Campaign Mod by Baltika
Patched to v. 083006
May 1942:
Defeat in the Battle of the Coral Sea, combined with the Doolitle raid on the Japanese home islands, has shaken Japanese confidence following their earlier whirlwind of victories in the Pacific.
Japanese Combined Fleet Commander Yamamoto resolves to draw out and destroy the U.S. Pacific Fleet's aircraft carrier striking forces. His plan: to launch an amphibious attack on the Midway atoll, supported by his combat-experienced carrier-based air forces. The establishment of a Japanese air base at Midway would significantly expand the defensive ring around the home islands.
Unknown to Yamamoto, the U.S. Fleet has broken the Japanese communications code, and his battle plans are revealed to the US Pacific Fleet Commander, Admiral Chester Nimitz.
3rd June 1942, 04:30am
The IJN Carriers Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu and Soryu advance on Midway Atoll, launching 108 planes to attack the US airbase there, at a distance of 240 miles to the NorthWest.
Meanwhile, undetected by the Japanese, the US Fleet Carriers Yorktown, Hornet and Enterprise are under full steam 215 miles to the east of Midway.
Their objective: Find and destroy the Japanese Carrier Strike Force!
The Battle of Midway has begun. . .
With thanks to Gepard for his Midway terrain, Wrench for working above & beyond the call of duty on various skins, .ini mods and stand-in aircraft, capun & the SFP1 Dev A-Team for various WW2 birds, and to all the modders who have created WW2 planes, skins, terrains and other mods.
Cheers all!
March 2009
-Corrected USS Yorktown start position bug
-Updated Readme to include download links for required files
Burma Air War - The Longest Retreat v1.0
By Baltika
Burma Air War
The Longest Retreat
December 1941 - May 1942
Campaign Mod by Baltika
Patched to v. 083006
Sept 1931: Japan occupies the Chinese state of Manchuria.
July 1937: The ultra-nationalist Japanese Kwantung Army engineers open war with China. By 1938, Japan controls the majority of the Chinese coast. Chinese forces, led by Nationalist Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, continue to resist the Japanese invader.
16 July 1940: General Hideki Tojo, Commander of the Kwantung Army, deposes the government in Tokyo and, as Minister of War, becomes the de facto leader of Japan.
22 Sept 1940: In Berlin, Japanese Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka signs the Tripartite "Pact of Steel" Treaty with Germany and Italy. On the same day, Japan invades French Indo-China (Vietnam).
July 1941: Japan removes the puppet French regime and forcibly occupies Saigon.
Dec 1941: The stage is set for the Japanese invasion of the Dutch East Indies, the Philippines, the Malay Peninsula and Burma. The hammer falls on Pearl Harbor. . .
The Burma Road, running from Rangoon, through Mandalay to Kunwing in China, is Chiang Kai-shek's last supply route. General Tojo resolves to stop the flow of American military aid to his Chinese enemy. . .
Sign up with the Royal Air Force, the Flying Tigers or the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force and fly for your life in a bitter struggle to the death over the skies of Burma!
In Defence of Texas: Alamo 2010 Campaign
By Baltika
Alamo 2010 Campaign
v1.1 Update
Expanded ground war for two fronts
Expanded number of ground units
Revised Nations for Latin American enemy pilot names and aircraft markings
Corrected bug where SU-39 units did not appear
Confederacy 2010 Campaign
Just a couple of fun campaigns for use on Wrench's ASW terrain.
There are lots of modern planes, action, BVR death and mayhem. Survivability is low.
These are just for fun. The backstories are not to be taken seriously.
See the "Requirements" files in each of the campaign folders for , uh, requirements.
Any questions, give me a shout on Combatace.
Cheers all,
Alamo 2010
Global Terror takes a new twist with the supremacy of Neo-Fascist rule in South America.
States bordering the new Fourth Reich are given a simple ultimatum: submit or be obliterated.
The National Socialist party sweeps to power in Mexico, peddling a litany of hatred and racism. Blaming the country's woes on its rich American neighbour, the Mexican vassal state of the New Fourth Reich launches a blitzkrieg into Texas. Funded by world Fascism, the latest available technology is pitted against the USAF. . .
As the Texicans scramble to defend their state, the battle cry goes out. . .
Remember the Alamo!
Confederacy 2010
Against the backdrop of challenging world opinion and the continuing war on terror, and the ever-growing clamour following alleged civil and human rights abuses, coupled with growing crime and murder rates on the domestic front, the liberal and progressionist leader of the USA proposes a new Bill of Rights to Congress. Abolishing the Right to Bear Arms and the Death Penalty, the Bill provokes the greatest intellectual and popular debate on the state of the American Nation for 150 years. When the Bill passes the first stage of the legislative process, a powerful lobby of State Governors demand a referendum of the people before the Federal Government proceeds further. The referendum is held, but the result referred to the Federal Supreme Court following a "miscount" in a crucial swing State.
The Bill is passed on the authority of the Supreme Court. Allegations of political interference in judicial independence are levelled, but the Washington Administration holds firm. The Federal Government issues an ultimatum: an amnesty for all citizens who surrender their weapons within 30 days, otherwise face prosecution to the full extent of the new law.
The State Governors of Texas, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and South Carolina responded: no citizen shall be required to surrender any weapon, invoking the Second Amendment as interpreted by the US Supreme Court Decision of "District of Columbia vs Heller" 2008 07-290.
Washington is unimpressed, citing the authority of the legislative process of the Federal Government. Popular demonstrations in the southern states multiply. As the western world looks on in horror, the Federal Government mobilises national troops to "maintain public order in disruptive States." The State Governors protest that such an order is unconstitutional. As the first Federal soldiers cross State borders, the Governors call out the militias in defence of their citizens' constitutional rights. With emotions running high, the call is answered. . .
Yom Kippur War 2010
By Baltika
Yom Kippur 2010
Fictional Modern-day Campaign
for Wings Over Israel
by Baltika
The near future. . .
The peace process in the Middle East is in danger of falling apart. Border clashes continue daily and tensions between Syria and Israel rise to breaking point.
Iran continues to flex its military muscle, secretly developing nuclear weapons capability and engaging in a massive build-up of conventional forces.
Finally, the flashpoint comes when the Islamic Egyptian Jihad assassinate the pro-western Egyptian President. Revolution sweeps Egypt and a new strongly pro-Arab, anti-Western fundamentalist government takes power.
With the main Western powers bogged down in an increasingly bloody and futile conflict in Afghanistan, the world looks on in horror as a new Jihadist coalition of Syria, Egypt, Iran and Algeria launch a full-scale offensive to bring about the obliteration of Israel. . .
Required Base Install:-
Wings Over Israel patched to October 2008 level
Required Files:-
A-4N (early) by wilco
EAF F-4E by Wrench
F-5E Tiger II by The Mirage Factory
F-14A Iranian AF by TMF
F-15I V1.5 for WOI by Dave, Flying Toaster, wpnssgt, Fubar512, Moonjumper, Kout, MJ and Deuces
F-16I for WOI by Dave, Swede, wpnssgt, moonjumper, bib, Kout and TMF
F-16A Arab Nations Mod by Gepard (From original by Team Viper)
MiG-25PDS by Gepard
MiG-29A for WOI by TMF
MiG-29A Export Version by TMF (For Iranian MiG-29A)
Mirage2000EM mod by Gepard (from Erwin_Hans' original)
SU-24 Pack by lindr2 (For Su-24MK)
Iranian F-5E Tiger by Mike1
The Mirage Factory WOI Weapons pack
1. Ensure you are running WoI Oct 08.
2. Install the TMF WOI Wep Pack.
3. Install the planes and skins listed above.
4. In F-16Arab, change the Egyptian skin folder name to "Egypt"
5. Make sure you have installed the Egyptian specific weapons for F-16Arab, they are included with Wrench's EAF F-4E which is a required file.
6. Drop the campaign folder "YOMKIPPUR2010" into your WoI\Campaigns folder.
7. Select "Yom Kippur 2010" from the campaign selection menu, and protect Israel from the New Jihadist attack.
Any comments, feedback, bug reports, or Single Malt Whisky can be forwarded to Baltika at CombatAce.
If there is sufficient interest, that is, any interest at all, I will expand this campaign to include a Red-side flyable version.
Cheers all, and happy holidays.
2nd December 2009
Special Thanks to Johan217 for his WoI campaigns expansion files, from which this mod was partly developed.
Thanks also to TK for his holiday sale on the older WoX titles, which persuaded me to pick up WoI, long before I get my flashy new gaming rig and switch completely over to the SF2 series. Cheers, TK ;-)
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