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    1. F-4D (78), North Dakota ANG "The Happy Hooligans" by Chris

      F-4D (78) USAF, North Dakota Air National Guard Skin and Decal Pak
      = For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Recommended)
      *Note: can be used in any install with access to the F-4D_78*
      Slight modifications to a 1stGen skin pak done by "Chris" in 2005, brings it to SF2.
      This skin represents the 178th FIS, 119th FIG North Dakota Air National Guard, aks "The Happy Hooligans". All decals used herein are from this original pak. The skins are stock, with a new-made _5.bmp to add the painted on fin stripe
      Other mods included are the data and userlist inis, with corrected 'end-of-service-dates', as many ANG units seem to have used the D until the early 1990s. Also, the canopy has been activated via the usual manual animation key (shift/0). Couldn't pass that one up!
      For grins and giggles, jpg copies of the skin maps are included .. in case someone wants to save HD space.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The original 2005 readme is included. Any mistakes/errors are all mine.
      Happy Landings!!
      kevin stein
      ps: having placed their home base on the terrain I working on, couldn't resist having more Hooligans!


         (1 review)



    2. A-4B Skyhawk, VA-83 Rampagers (1958, ATG-201)

      VA-83 A-4B Skyhawk Skin/Decal Pak
      = For SF2 (Any and All, Full-4 Merged Prefered) =
      *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4B*
      This skin pack reproduces A-4B Skyhawks of VA-83 "Rampagers" circa 1958, as seen aboard USS Essex (CVA-9) as part of ATG-201, during the Beirut Crisis of that timeframe, supporting the US Marines during the intervention.
      All new decals, 100% historcally correct for the serial (Bureau) numbers for those -B Scooters used by VA-83 during this time period. I was unable to match Modex to BuNum, but that's a small thing
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    3. A-4C Skyhawk VA-76 "Spirits"

      A-4C Skyhawk VA-76 Sprits Skin Pak
      -- For SF2, Any and All that have the A-4C Accessable --
      This skin/decal represents VA-76 Spirits as seen in 1962/63 when based USS ENTERPRISE (CVAN-65) during her Med Cruise and during the Cuban Missile Crisis quarantine as part of CVG-6. All new decals (plus one "borrowed" stock one and editated to suit) have been created for the various markings and such.
      Other mods include tweeked data and loadout inis. The loadout ini changes the STRIKE loadout to use a TER with 2 Mk82s each (I Like a little more striking power); if you don't want to carry 4 Mk 82 bombs, just delete the loadout ini, and it'll revert back to stock. Or, you can re-edit, remove the RackType reference, and replace with 2 1000 pound Mk.83s. Your choice!. Data ini changes include activating the canopy via a manual animation key (use Shift/0 to open and close), and the addition of the landing light.
      As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    4. EF-4C, 81st TFS, USAFE

      EF-4C 'Phantom' WW IV 81st TFS Skin Pak


      -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V/SF2:E =ONLY!!!=

      (it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the F-4C_67)
      This is to fill a request presented to me by daddyairplanes, to add a new skin for the 81st TFS, 52nd TFW, USAFE, based at Spangdahlem AFB from 1973-79ish, where they were the only SEAD-dedicated squadron in theatre. The EF-4Cs were replaced by F-4G WW Vs, which were in turn replaced by F-16CJs. Even though the 81st now flys Hogs, but, ya get the picture! <grin>
      It is designed to add to the "sf2 EF-4C Update Pak" released recently. You can find the update pak at CombatAce, at the following URL:
      It should be noted, that =THIS= skin is for a European based squadron, so if installilng into a stand-alone SF2:E -make double damn sure you have the F-4C_67 avialabile on you planes list!!!!! (Merged installs, and those users that have run the SF2E.exe to create a SF2E mods folder should have the aircraft already) When in doubt about mods folders, consult the CA Knowledge Base.
      As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (1 review)



    5. F-4E_86, 45th TFW "The Warbirds" Skin Set (Fictional)

      F-4E (86) Phantom II Skin Set - 45th TFW "The Warbirds"


      -- For SF2 (any/all) --

      This skin/decal set is designed for use =ONLY= on the TMF F-4E ARN-101, as this
      is the proper airframe for the time period depicted. You can find/download the
      aircraft at the following URL:
      You MUST install this aircraft first, before applying this skinpak.
      This is a fictional skin, representing the 45th TFW's 3 squadrons, as seen in the
      Richard Herman novel "The Warbirds". The novel tells the story of a fictional
      Persian Gulf war, wherein the 45th are (basically) the only US Air Power ™ in
      the region. I won't go into the storyline, but since it all revolves around a
      Phantom unit (the book says it's the last USAF Phantom unit, btw), and EVERYONE
      love Phantoms ... it's a no brainer, eh?
      The 3 Squadrons of the Wing are represented. They are:
      377th TFS
      378th TFS
      379th TFS
      They carry the tail badges as when assigned to RAF Stonewood. After much
      discussion with the Resident Experts ™, it was decieded that the 45th's
      deployment to Ras Assanya was just that -a deployment-, and they would still
      carry the codes from their parent unit or base. Each squdron also has it's own
      tailfin color flash.
      A slightly modified Loadout ini is included, with some weapons changes (back to
      Iron Bombs ™ ). In reality, these late-model aircraft were used more on PGM
      delivery (ie: laser guided bombs) than 'dumb-bombs'. The Dumb Bombs fit more with
      the descriptions in the book.
      As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package
      has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT
      easier to install (read: drag and drop).
      Don't forget to read the "Notes & Other Nonsense" for various and sundry
      ramblings of a madman, and Full Credits.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    6. F-15E, 492nd TFS skin & decal pak

      F-15E Strike Eagle, 492nd TFS 48th FW, Lakenheath
      =For SF2, Any and All (may even work in 1stGens)
      A simple repaint of the original decals create the 'blue' stipe tail markings for the 492nd of the 48th FW.
      This'll add another squadron for use however you see fit.
      While designed with the plane-jane Mud Hun in mind, these can also be used on the F-15E_04 with little or no editing (just let the decals ini work as it's designed)
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!!
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    7. AT-6B Texan COIN, Iraqi AF (Skin & Ini Tweeks)

      AT-6B Texan COIN, Iraqi AF
      =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended)
      A new skin and decals, some data, loadout and weapons mods for Dels and FastCargo's AT-6B Texan COIN version. The aircraft is available here:
      This mod is designed to be applied =OVER= the existing AT-6B in your game(s) install.
      This is NOT the full aircraft; just a package of inis, the new skin and decals.
      The new skin is for the reformed Iraqi Air Force, circa 2010 and later, with some Real Life ™ and extrapolated serial numbers in the new style, along with the new fin flash/national insignia (locations are educated guesswork based upon other aircraft's placement). Data ini edits are very small; mostly to reset the cockpit position to remove the 'double cockpit'. Everything else is pretty much the same.
      A new weapon, the FIM-92 Stinger for self-defense has been created, so as not to conflict with those used on the MANPADS versions (this had been an issue). The avionics ini has been updated to use the generic "RWR.lst" by dtmdragon.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!!
      Important: it should be noted here, that the userlist supplied covers operators of =BOTH= the T-6 trainer and AT-6 COIN. It should also be noted, that I've made the assumption (oh! that word!!) of the T-6 and the AT-6 being interchangable for Iraqi use for training and 'internal security'.
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    8. F-16A Falcon, Generic USAF/NATO Gray Skin/Decal/Ini Pak

      F-16A Falcon, Generic USAF/NATO Gray Skin/Decal/Ini Pak
      = For SF2, Full-4 Merged Required =*
      *Note: at minimum, you =MUST= have SF2:I, as this mod references the cockpit, aircraft and other required items =ONLY= found within a Full-4 or SF2:I. If you don't meet these minimium criteria, don't D/L this, as you wont be able to use it*
      This package expands on the work of MigBuster and others, and will allow for the creation of a stock 3W F-16A (probably Blks 1-10, although I'm not as 'up' on Falcon block numbers as I should be...).
      A complete set of inis are included, fully updated as of Nov, 2011. Newly added is a Userlist.ini, although this may need expansion/clarification of StartYear dates. Changes are welcomed and encourged! -Remember, this is the Early Production A model only!!
      All new Hangar and Loading screens are included. The canopy operates via a manual animation key (Shift/0, as always).
      Other Ini edits remove the internal jammer, and add one to the external centerline position, and other small Loadout modifications. See "Notes" below for more info.
      It should be noted at this time, that seperate from the main section of this download, are 'fixed' Decal and Textureset inis for MigBuster's F-16A skins. These skins are NOT included. You can find them in the SF2 Aircraft Skins download section (links are supplied in the "To Install" section below). BE ADVISED: install his -first!!-, then add the inis I've supplied. See below for more info on the "MigBuster Skin Fixes" in the "To Install" section.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Also, don't forget the "Notes" section for expansive esplainations and other illuminations.
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    9. F-4J(UK) Phantom II

      F-4J (UK), Royal Air Force
      =For SF2, Any and All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended/Preferred,etc)
      This package will create a new aircraft, the F-4J(UK), as used by the RAF in the post-Falklands era, by No. 74 "Tiger" Squadron. This mod uses ALL stock, in game items for weapons (excepting the SUU-23black gunpod included, just in case you ain't got it). No lods or cockpit bits are supplied, as everything is referenced from the stock 3W USN/USMC F-4J. Loadouts have been adjusted to use RAF weapons.
      Almost all new decals have been created, with 100% accurate serial and ID call letters for the 15 aircraft taken from US stocks to beef-up UK Air Defense. Historically, 74 was used pretty much ONLY in the AD role, but for fun & playability I've left all the other mission statements intact, excepting SEAD.
      2 skins are supplied with this pak, making use of the 'change skin by year switch' from some previous patch or another. They are:
      3-tone grays w/plane tail (1982-1987)
      3-tone grays w/all black tail (1987-??)
      **Please Note: these are Hi-Rez skins, at 2048x2048. End Users ™ with weaker machines may need to resize down 1 step**
      All decals are the same for both skins; several of which are taken from Sundowners' original mod -why waste good decals?.
      Decal radomization is set to TRUE, so be at whatever patch level is requried (post May/June/whatever!)
      For fun, you might want to LOOK at the supplied numberlist -- look closley at the vertical column of call letters for the 1st six aircraft. See if you can see what it says!
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The expected "Notes" section as well, for those interested.
      With special thanks to Ant for uploading his Phantom templates some time ago -- it sure makes life easier when you've go the best to work with!! Any/all mistakes are mine, and mine alone.
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    10. MiG-21MF Fishbed-J, EAF, Hi-Viz Markings

      MiG-21MF, EAF, Hi-Viz Markings
      = For SF2, Any/All (albeit Designed with SF2:I in Mind) =
      A simple repaint for the stock MiG-21MF Fishbed-J in Egyptian Air Force service. This skin repsents 'late model' versions with the Hi-Visibiliby Orange Triangles.
      Based off the stock skin, and run though my Home-Grown Template Set ™; all markings use stock in-game items.
      This skin makes use of the 'start default year' statment in it's textureset.ini, and is set for 1983. My "best guess" as based on photos and other researched kinda stuff.
      This skin is in jpg format for post-Nov 2011 patch level. If you are not at that level (for whatever insane reason), you'll have to convert them back to bmp. Also included are slightly modified Data and Loadout inis, making some small, but needed, adjustments. The canopy is activated via the Standard Manual Animation Keystroke ™ -shift/0. The engine sound has been changed to the TMF "MiGEngine.wav", also included.
      It is also quite possible this skin can be adapted for use on other Fishbed variants, as used by the EAF.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
      Obviously, this mod makes the assumption (Oh! That Word!!) you've made this aircraft flyable.
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein




    11. SF2 Korean War Era PLAAF/NKPAF MiG-15

      SF2 Korean War Era PLAAF/NKPAF MiG-15
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged, =PLUS= SF2I Expansion Pak 1 (Required!!!) =
      *Note: You =MUST= have SF2:I Expansion Pak 1 to gain access to the MiG-15. If you don't have it, downloading this mod will do you no good, as you won't have the aircraft it's intended for*
      A small reskin/decal mod for the stock 3W MiG-15 (no suffix) Fagot-A, in PLAAF markings of the 72 GvIAP. Which we all know, of course, was "actually" North Korean, flown by "advisors" from the Soviet Union <grin>.
      It represents the first operational PLAAF/NKPAF Squadron for the MiG, which scored the first air-to-air kills against UN forces in Korea.
      Skins maps are in jpg format, decal randomization is TRUE.
      Included are modifided data, loadout and main inis (along with my PatentPending 'xMiG-15.ini' that allows for easy restoration to flyable status, after patching or game-generated random re-writes). A 'new' seat and my 'PilotER' figure are included, as well as new sounds. Stary's cockpit as well is here for you flying pleasure (with a repainted gunsight tga for those of us with Old Eyes ™). A Hangar screen is NOT included. The canopy opens via the Usual Suspect ™ keystroke, Shift/0.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Just for fun!
      Happy Hunting!
      kevin stein




    12. Early F-14A Tomcat Paint Schemes: The Gulls - Part 1 v1.11

      Early F-14A Tomcat Paint Schemes: The Gulls - Part 1 v1.11
      This F-14 Tomcat Skin Pack is designed for the TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack (Any version, V1.14-1.20, or even the baseline Tomcat Pack from 2010). It represents eight F-14A Tomcat squadrons during the airframe's Vietnam-era introduction until the late 1970's (ca. 1978-1980), as the squadrons began to tone down. It is called "The Gulls" because the F-14's paint schemes early on included an overall light gloss gull gray with white control surfaces and underside, as well as very high visibility squadron markings like the F-4 and F-8 before it. I've always loved the Tomcat in its high-viz glory, and decided to compile a set of skins that represented the F-14 in its early years. The aircraft bureau numbers are included on each aircraft, and I logged them to the best of my ability; some aircraft were uncertain, so I narrowed it down to the block to find unassigned BuNo's. Any uncertain airframes, then, are at least from the proper block, and are few and far between.
      These skins are valid until about 1978, the big changes over time weren't so much the colors as much as the bureau numbers of the aircraft. Some aircraft were lost to engine explosions, cold catapult launches, overrunning the deck, etc. during their inaugural cruise. Those others could have been involved in several cruises, but some may have been transferred to other squadrons and replaced with new build aircraft, so all aircraft modeled here are from the initial cruise of the listed squadrons.
      This work was based in part on the Mirage Factory originals (listed in the original credits as being the work of Column5), and also some of Spectre8750's skins from the Super Pack as well, so I must thank them for providing the basis for the work. There was still quite a bit that went into making the updates even to squadrons which appear relatively unchanged (esp. VF-1, -2 and -84) to include wholly new decal sets for aircraft numbers and bureau numbers. VF-14, -32 and -41, -114 and -213 on the other hand, were done just about from scratch with the exception of VF-41's tail stripes.
      The squadrons represented in Part 1 v1.11 are:
      VF-1 Wolf Pack 1974-1978
      VF-2 Bounty Hunters 1974-1978
      VF-14 Tophatters 1974-1978
      VF-32 Swordsmen 1974-1978
      VF-41 Black Aces 1976-1978
      VF-84 Jolly Rogers 1976-1980
      VF-114 Aardvarks 1976-1979
      VF-213 Black Lions 1976-1979
      To Install:
      This does not contain any aircraft! It is a set of skins. You must have the Mirage Factory F-14 Tomcat Super Pack or 2010 Mirage Factory Tomcat installed for this skin set to work!
      1. Go to your SF2 Mod Directory
      Ex: C:\User\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\
      2. Copy the Objects folder included in this archive over your Objects folder
      3. Allow the files to overwrite. I have set up the folder structure to match the default structure of the game's mod folder (Objects/Aircraft/F-14A_74/file, and Objects/Decals/F-14A_74/file, respectively)
      3a. You may need to add the aircraft's TextureSet to the F-14A_74.ini file. To do so, open each new skin's folder and copy the textureset data from the respective textureset.ini into your F-14A_74.ini file, incrementing based on the last TextureSet number.
      This series of skins are similar to some of the baseline F-14A_74 skins in the Super Pack by name and years. Feel free to rename any of the skins to avoid confusion.
      4. Go Fly!
      v1.11 Changes:
      1. Fixed VF-84's anti-glare paint.
      v1.1 Changes:
      Fixed VF-1 tail, small gray smudge ended up on the rudders
      Changed all BEWARE OF BLAST warning text under BuNo's to red to match real-world text used at the time
      ADDED VF-114 and VF-213
      Updated TextureSets
      Baseline Templates: Column5/The Mirage Factory, Spectre8750
      Updated Templates and New Decals: Caesar
      New Build Squadrons VF-14, -32, -41, -114, -213: Caesar
      Baseline Squadrons VF-1, -2, -84: Column5/The Mirage Factory
      Squadron Modifications: Caesar
      VF-41 Tail Stripe: Spectre8750
      Hangars and Loading Screens: Dave, Spectre8750
      If I missed anyone, please let me know so that I may add you.
      Any Time, Baby!


         (3 reviews)



    13. IL-28 Beagle, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba)

      IL-28 Beagle, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba) (semi-fictional)
      = For SF2, Any and All, Merged or Not, With Access to the IL-28 =
      This skin pak creates Cuban Air Force (FAR) IL-28s, had they been assembled and put into service during The Crisis of Oct/Nov 1962. (as everyone knows, of course, they weren't)
      A new, edited Userlist.ini is included adding Cuba, with a VERY short operational life span (2 years). No other changes have been effected. All markings, etc, are stock; with the exception of the tail's skin bmp -it was partly retemplated to redraw panel and rivet lines to add the FAR flash.
      An 'optional' folder includes a set of inis and will make the IL-28 player-flyable (if you've not done so already), using all stock in-game items (ie: F-4B pit, due to it's twin-engine annunciators, and GM radar. Probably not perfect, but it works! <grin>). The cockpit ini has had all the readings/measurments converted to metric standard (Kilometers per hour, Meters-per-second, etc). An audio-only RWR is included (don't know IF they actualy had one...but it'll help out somewhat). Small data ini tweeks add landing lights and some AI data. A new Hangar screen is included for those so inclined to use it.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, somewhat detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
      Duck and Cover!
      kevin stein




    14. F-104G, ROCAF

      F-104G Starfighter, ROCAF Skin & Decal Pak

      A rebadging of the stock F-104G Starfighter to those as used by the Republic of China (aka: Taiwan) from the mid-1960s until their retirment in the late 1990s.
      As such, it should be considered as a 'generic' skin; although the serials and ID numbers are accurate, it represents no particular unit. The serials and ID numbers represent the first 40ish 104Gs the ROCAF acquired.
      Although built and designed for use in SF2 series sims, it's easily backdated for use on SF/Wo* 1st Gens as well. I've even included a SF/Wo* series type Decals ini, ready for use.
      For SF2 users, a modified F-104G_UserList.ini is included, with corrected service dates for Taiwan.
      As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. I've tried to make it as simple and easy as possible.
      A perfect addition to Gepards' Formosa Terrain!
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    15. P-2H Neptune MLD (Netherlands Naval Air Service)

      P-2H "Neptune" RNNAS (MLD) Skin/Decals Pak


      -- For SF2, Any & All --

      This skin and decal pak is for the P-2H Neptune, and recreates aircraft from 320 Squadron, Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service (aka Marine-Luchtvaartdienst or MLD), in the 1970s.
      Designed for the recently released SF2 upgrade, which can be found here:
      (yes, shameless self-promotion!)
      This adds another user's skin, with (hopefully!) historically accurate markings and serials.
      Another minor tweek, is the canopy glass tga has now been made fully transparant.
      As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. A note about the canopy glass tga is in here too!
      Happy Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    16. JASDF F-86 Sabre Skin Pak

      JSADF F-86F-40 Sabre Skin Pak


      =For SF2 & SF/SFG/WoV/WoE and maybe WoI @ 08 Levels and above=

      Something to fill the gap for early usage by the JASDF, from it's formation in 1954, until the mid/late 1960s when the F-104s began replacing them.
      You MUST have the F-86F-40 installed first, before installing these skins (duh!). Although all Zur's Sabres are mapped identically, these are for the F-40 variant, and NOT the standard or garden variety F-86F (although the JASDF DID use/build a lot of F variants)
      The 4 JASDF Squadron represented here are:
      1 Hikotai
      3 Hikotai
      6 Hikotai
      8 Hikotai
      While designed with SF2 installs in mind (this was tested in my full-4 merged), it can also be used in 1st Gens, with some minor editing. I've suppled a 'blank' SF/Wo* F-86-40.ini (blank meaning it has no textureset listings), and full instructions for use in 1st Gens, found down below in the "To Insall" section. Be advised, I no longer mod for 1st Gen Series, excepet for WW2 (and I'm trying like crazy to get THEM updated...), so if you can't figure it out...
      All have accurate serial numbers assigned, as per squadron (rated at 90%, as I couldn't find each and every one of the 18 A/C per squadron, so 1-3 are 'fill-ins'. Rest assured, however, they ARE correct either for NAA or Mistubishi/Fuji built versions). While the number.lst in included, it's been deactivated as for to keep you from running out of numbers while playing; what with only 18 aircraft per squadron, this is a VERY real possibility. It's easily reactivated by a simple rename. A 'generic' patch is included, also renamed to remove it. SF2 seems to have some kind of 'issue' with the paintchip/patch, in that it shfits the squadron selextions in the dropdown to the left a bit, making it hard to read.
      For SF2 only, there are a new SF2 style plane-jane Hangar Screen, a new avionics ini that activtes the gun ranging-only radar (puts the yellow diamnomd on the target when within range),a =very= incomplete UserList.ini, and an extra main ini for SF/Wo* 1st Gen usage. The avioinics.ini =NOT= usable in SF/Wo* 1st Gens, except with the possiblity of WoI with the new Suez Expansion Pak. This has =NOT= been tested, as I don't have the WoI Expansion.
      As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. For those wishing to install to 1st Gen games, =PLEASE= make double damn sure you read the special section for you. I've tried to keep it as simple a possible, while covering all bases.
      It is HIGHLY suggested you read this document through before installing the mod, to make sure you understand what's to be accomplished.
      Good Hunting!!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    17. Ethiopian Air Force F-86F-40 Sabre Skin & Decal Pak

      Ethiopian AF F-86F-40 Sabre Skin Pak
      = For SF2, Any and All =
      A new skin/decal pak for the Sabre, representing those as flown by the Ethiopian Air Force in the 1960s through the mid-1970s. Designed specifically for the F-40 (as this model/lod has the least in-game problems -ie shadow probs), it can be used on any version as they're all mapped the same. However, what little data is availalbe seems to suggest the later 'hard winged' versions. So, stick to that one
      A modifed Loadout ini, with Ethiopian nation-specific loads, is included, as they never seemed to have been fitted with Sidewinders. This A-A load has been eliminated via the magic of that recently (as of Sept/Oct 2011 patch) implemented trick. Ground attack loadouts using rockets keep the 8 HVAR loads. All others are the same as before.
      A new "Userlist.ini" is also included, that replaces the one from my JASDF Sabre Pak. It would be advisable to add THIS package over that one, or you'll be editing the main ini to add the Userlist line.
      Serial numbers are/have been extrapolated from the 3 known photos - one of which was a derlict camo aircraft, and are not 100% historically accurate (excepting 251 and 258). The aircraft is in Natural Metal, as delivered from the USA. Sometime in the 1970s, the EtAF recieved several dozen from Iranian stocks, which were painted in the same camo colors as the IIAF F-5s. That skin may be forthcoming...who knows!
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    18. P-51D Mustang, Fuerza Aérea Guatemalteca

      P-51D Mustang, Fuerza Aérea Guatemalteca (Guatemalan Air Force)
      -For SF2, Full-4 Merged w/Exp1 & Exp2 (reccomended)
      It =REQUIRES= a Full-4 Merged install, or at the very least, SF2:I AND Expansion Pak 1 for the various and sundry bits used herein (to, wit, the P-51D from Expansion Pak 1. If you do NOT have the minimum required game installs, DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD, as you won't be able to use it. It may also require Expansion Pak 2, as that added a new userlist and boatloads of decals for many aircraft
      This pak contains a skin a decal set replicating F-51D Mustangs as used by the Guatemalan AF, with 100% historicaly accurate serial numbers. Number randomization has been activated, so make sure you're at LEAST at the June,2011 patch level. It's also reccomened that you have some of my other Mustang mods, to get some of the little tweeks (canopy, corrected/accurate lights, etc). Just for fun and all that!
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
      ¡Aterrizajes felices!
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    19. Somali Air Corps MiG-17F Fresco-C

      Somali Air Corps MiG-17F Fresco-C
      =For SF2, Any and All with MiG-17F Avaliable=
      A new skin and decal set for the stock 3W MiG-17F Fresco-C, representing those as used by the SAC in the 60s/70s and maybe the early 1980.
      With so little hard data available, and only 2 know serials, some conjecture and extrapolation was used in creating the others. 24 decals are supplied for the serials, all other markings are stock items. Locations, from the 4 existing pictures -and 2 were Farmers and of no use!- showed the serial sometimes on the nose, sometimes on the vert fin. I've 'split the difference', and placed them on both. 100% historical accuracy is =NOT= claimed. Decal randomization is set to TRUE for the serials.
      It's reccomended that you have converted your AI-Only Fresco to Player-Usable by adding Ordway's cockpit pak availalbe somewhere in the CA downloads section
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!!
      Happy Landings!!
      kevin stein




    20. Ethiopian AF MiG-23BN Flogger-H

      Ethiopian AF MiG-23 Flogger-H Skin Pak
      = For SF2, Any and All =
      *Note: Full-4 Merged reccomended, but can be use in any game with access to the MiG-23BN*
      A new skin/decal pak for the stock 3rd Wire MiG-23BN "Flogger-H", representing EtAF Floggers from the late 1970s to the present.
      This is a complete package, containing Ordway's cockpit mod (just in case you haven't made it flyable). Modified data and loadout inis, and so forth. The canopy has been activated via animation key, the Usual Suspect ™, Shift/0. An extra main ini, called "xMiG-23BN.ini" is supplied so after patching, or DLC installation, a simple 'one click' will return this aircraft to Player-Usable status. Instruction on how-to are in the "To Install" section below.
      The skin is based of the stock 3W one for the SyAF, as it has the closest colors and camo pattern, with all new decals and serials. Insignia decals are stock in-game items. Serials for 26 aircraft are supplied. Decal randomization is set to TRUE, and has a default start date of 1977 (when they recieved their first ones). The number sequencing (10**) is correct for these aircraft (some may have also used the 11** sequence, as there were 2 full squadrons of Flogger-Hs in the EtAF)
      A new, SF2 style hanger screen is also included.
      The GunnyPak or other weapons pak is reccomended, as the CAS/Armed_Recon loadout calls for RBK cluster bombs.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! At least once!!
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein




    21. Ethiopian AF MiG-21MF Fishbed-J

      Ethiopian AF MiG-21MF Fishbed-J Skin Pak
      = For SF2, Any and All =
      *Note: Full-4 Merged reccomended, but can be use in any game with access to the MiG-21MF*
      A new skin/decal pak for the stock 3rd Wire MiG-2MF "Fishbed-J", representing EtAF MiGs from the late 1970s to the present.
      This is a complete package, containing Paladrain's cockpit (just in case you haven't made it flyable yet). Modified data and loadout inis, and so forth. The canopy has been activated via animation key, the Usual Suspect ™, Shift/0.
      An extra main ini, called "xMiG-21MF.ini" is supplied so after patching, or DLC installation, a simple 'One click Operation' ™ will return this aircraft to Player-Usable status. Instruction on how-to are in the "To Install" section below.
      The skin is based of the stock 3W one for the SyAF, as it has the closest colors and camo pattern, with all new decals and serials. (note: some as originally delivered were in Natural Metal. Camo looks better to me!) Insignia decals are stock in-game items. Serials for 25 aircraft are supplied. Decal randomization is set to TRUE, and this skin has a default start date of 1977 (when Ethiopia recieved their first ones). The number sequencing (10**) is correct for these aircraft as there were at least 2 full squadrons of Fishbeds of varying marks in the EtAF, including some 21bis. Many of which were captured or defected to Eritrea during the civil war.
      A new, 'generic Fishbed' SF2 style hanger screen is also included.
      All weapons called for are stock, in-game items from/for a Full-4 Merged install. A new 'year specific' loadout for all users has been added to the loadout ini, based on several profiles and pictures I came across doing research. (adds more missles, similar to 21bis - apparently, =MANY= MFs were modified this way)
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein




    22. Ethiopian AF Su-27 Flanker

      Ethiopian AF Su-27 Flanker Skin Pak 2/10/2011
      = For SF2, Any and All =
      A new skin/decal pak for the Marcfighters Su-27, representing EtAF Flankers from the late 1990s to the present.
      A new "Userlist.ini" is included (may not be fully accurate, and changes/updates are welcomed!), as well as slightly tweeked data, avionics and cockpit inis (made some general fixes in regards to things not working/missing/fitting quite right). Weapons are NOT included, so you'll need the GunnyPak or some other full WeaponsPak for SF2. You also =MUST= have the Su-27 in your game install (doh!) to install this pak to.
      These skins have been partly repainted (with redrawn panel and rivet lines) in several areas to remove the painted-on markings creating a 'blank' canvas to allow for the use of decals for ALL markings. The side effect of that, is other countries can easily be created by simple edits of the decals ini. On this version, as stated above, ALL the markings used here are decals. Serial numbers are 'best guess' based on the limited information (both text and photographic) available.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (1 review)



    23. Eritrean AF MiG-29 Fulcrum-C (for TMFs MiG-29)

      Eritrean AF MiG-29 Fulcrum-C Skin Pak
      = For SF2, Any and All =
      A new skin/decal pak for the TMFs MiG-29C, representing ErAF Fulcrums from the late 1990s to the present.
      Inis tweeks were made to the data, loadout inis. You'll want to back up your original before installing this pack.
      A new "Userlist.ini" is included (may not be fully accurate, and changes/updates are welcomed!). Weapons are =NOT= included, so you'll need the GunnyPak or some other full WeaponsPak for SF2. You also =MUST= have TMF's MiG-29C in your game install (doh!) to install this pak to.
      These skins have been partly repainted (with redrawn panel and rivet lines) in several areas to remove the painted-on markings, creating a 'blank' canvas to allow for the use of decals for ALL markings. The side effect of that, is other countries can easily be created by simple edits of the decals ini. On this version, as stated above, ALL the markings used here are decals. Serial numbers are 'best guess' based on the limited information (both text and photographic) available. In actuality, the ErAF only has 7 MiG-29s; I've cheated and extraploated numbers for 12 aircraft. So, it's not 100% historically accurate.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included.
      Please read them after unzipping, and before installation!!!
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein
      with thanks to TMF for creating this bird; especially to BPAO.


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    24. Stock F-4 Phantom 2 USAFCamo1 Decalpack, and Ini Tweek

      As the title says, this adjusts the SEA scheme in game to accept the later year Units. Earlier Phantom models have a second skin named SEA73, while later models just have their decal ini's editted. I have also included the effects, weapons and sounds from my Post Vietnam Pack as well as some new loading screens. This also includes the 95% finished version of my all ube squadronlist.ini, now with many place holders so that patching should not throw the squadrons into disarray.
      Created in Full5 merged, but should work in any stand alone SF2 version except for NA. Will need SF2Europe for the D and E _75 and _78.
      Install is the same as always. For further questions please consult the readme.
      Any issues with tailcodes, please post a screenshot with your question or gripe. And do remember, this is meant for after 1973, so the tailcodes will not be the same.
      In fact many Vietnam era users will have blank tails as they no longer flew the Phantom after 1973-74. If you want that user, regular USAFCamo1 is left alone for all models prior to 1975.
      I hope you enjoy this mod!
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes


         (1 review)



    25. F-105D Hill AFB Skins

      Semi Historical Hill AFB F-105D Skins
      The 466th TFS, USAF Reserve, was lhe last operator of the F-105 Thunderchief. They flew their last mission before converting to the F-16A in 1984. Due to how
      long they flew the 'Thud' and their proximity to Ogden Air Logistics Center, where many aircraft go to be repainted, they flew 3 Thuds in colors other than the traditional SEA camo. Those schemes (SEA Wraparound, European 1, and a one off Desert scheme based on the pattern of the first two) are represented here.
      Also provided are black tailcode for the 466th ('HI') and 50 black serial numbers. Sorry only 50 as the Thud was getting rarer by that time. The first 10 serials are
      historical with the first 3 being the ones used by the aircraft so painted. the other
      40 numbers are redone TW serials spanning FY59-62.
      This is not a completely accurate rendition, the pattern is different than T.O. 1-1-4
      states for SEA Wraparound and Euro 1. What I did was to wraparound the stock skin, then
      swap the colors (as was done IRL). I also did not do the nose art's for the aircraft
      due to other commmitments, and lack of time.
      Much credit goes to :
      ludo.54m for his templates, which allowed me more freedom to color while keeping the
      panel lines and rivets
      Soulfreak, both for the idea and material support with references
      TK for the stock bird and decals
      the greater CA community for support and education over the years
      Included in the mod are
      Desert, Euro 1 and SEA Wraparound skins
      my Expanded Squadronlist.ini, which puts 466th TFS as selectable in menu
      the Photoshop templates I used to create this mod.
      unzip the files, copy and paste to the appropriate folders. Allow merging of
      Aircraft and Decal folders. Enjoy
      Thank you for downloading this mod!
      daddyairplanes aka
      Kevin Unruh
      16 Jan 2013


         (2 reviews)




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