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    1. Modern B-52H's

      B-52H 2006 both NUke and Conventional roles. Package by Dels and wpnssgt
      wpnssgt made the correct pylon's to carry ALCM and other weps from his time when he loaded them onto B-52's.
      (modfied from JSF Aggies work)
      20 BS and 93 BS, 2 BW, Barksdale AFB, LA
      JSF Aggie
      Loadouts by wpnssgt anf JAT (Thanks JAT)
      Decals, testing, ini edits from hell, etc by Dave (USAFMTL), and X Ray
      Sounds by spillone.
      Weapons by lindr2, FastCargo and Erikgen
      Cockpits by Dels
      Thank you each and everyone of you guys for your help and guidance.


         (7 reviews)



    2. B-24J Liberator (Pasko), Indian Air Force, Ver.2

      Consolidated B-24J, Indian Air Force ver.2
      For SF2, Full-5 Merged (with Expansion Pak 1 Reccomended, for bombs)
      This is Version 2.0 of Pasko's B-24J "Liberator", to recreate those as rebuilt for use by the Indian Air Force.
      Designed for use with in India/Pakistan stand-alone install.
      This version is designed to REPLACE the version originally released in 2011 for the Indo-Pak mod.
      A brand new skin, in jpg format, from my (finally!) completed Home Grown template ™.
      The decals are 100% historically accurate for the serial numbers. Decal randomization is set to TRUE.
      Flight model, while somewhat tweeked by me is "OK", for a heavy bomber. However it NEEDS to be completly gone through by an FM Guru, as there are many 'issues'. It is NOT advised that is be used by the player, but to let the AI control it.
      Some data ini tweeks remove some of the guns, and the lower ball turret, and convert it to a surface-search radar dome (ASV), via the FakePilot method. A new avionics ini is included. Be advised, there is NO radar display in the cockpit .. in Real Life ™ this would have been (probably) in the radio compartment, aft of the bomb bays. All lighting positions have been corrected, and where necessary, new ones added to their proper places.
      The weapons loadout makes use of the stock, Expansion Pak 1 M57 & M64 WW2 era bombs.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Of course, the expected "Notes" section with comments, suggestions, and whatnots. Be in one's own best interest to read them.
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein
      changelog: version 2.0 uploaded 1/10/2013


         (0 reviews)



    3. F-22A Raptor Version 2.1 For SF2 Series

      F-22A Raptor Version 2.01 for Strike Fighters 2 Series
      18 Jun 2009
      The Raptor Team:
      Dels – Model maker extraordinaire
      USAFMTL – Decal work and project manager
      Jimmybib - Skins (Updated 17 Jun 09)
      Jat - Avionics Work (Updated 17 Jun 09)
      Moonjumper - INI work
      Starfighter – FM work
      Fast Cargo - Weps Assist
      CA_Stary - AB Effects
      Klavs81 - For pilot legs in the cockpit
      Wpnssgt and Fubar for their start on this project.
      Just drop into your:
      Vista User Name/Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 folder and let the folders overwrite themselves.

      Would of loved to of had TVC. But it doesn't exist in game.
      This is freeware and may not be sold. This may not be distributed to any other sites but Column5.us and Check-six.
      Anything I forgot to mention is purely unintentional.
      Dave USAFMTL
      THE place for Third Wire Mods, forums and the sim discussion. Anyplace else....is just playing catch up.
      19 Jun 09 Update
      Fixed RCS modifier
      Feb 2010 Updates By Jat
      Nov 2010
      Avionics updates my SND


         (15 reviews)



    4. JAS-39C Gripen For SF2 series

      JAS-39C Gripen For SF2 Series
      You Gripen Team is:
      Model, Weps and Skins by Gux
      FM by Column5
      Avionics by Moonjumper and Jat
      Testing by USAFMTL
      Installation insctructions:
      Just install the archive into your MOD folder.
      Included updated post WOI FM by Column5
      Included updated RWR list and added TGA texture(and entry) for JAS39 family radar.
      ***SPECIAL NOTE***
      I only made the SF2 conversion(simple ini edits and folder re-organization), the original MOD makers are listed above!!!
      That's pretty much it and:
      Original ReadME is attached in the archive.
      Feb 2010 Updates by Jat


         (5 reviews)



    5. Sukhoi Su-15TM Flagon-F v2.02 For SF2

      Sukhoi Su-15TM Flagon-F v2.02 For SF2
      by Boopidoo and team
      The Sukhoi Su-15 was developed primarily because of the Soviet Unions great need for a capable high-speed high-altitude interceptor in the 1950's. The Sukhoi design bureu was tasked with the construction of the swept-wing S-1 tactical fighter and the delta-winged T-3 interceptor.
      The Su-1 'Fitter' which first flew in 1955 later developed into the Su-7 which in turn developed into the very successful Su-17,20,22 variable wing geometry attack aircrafts.
      The T-3 on the other hand developed into the Su-7 'Fishpot'. Unfortunately the Su-9 lacked performance in both operational range as well as radar range. This led to the development of the Su-15 'Flagon', not counting the half-failure of Su-11 (a bigger version of the Su-9). The Su-15 after lots of prototypes first flew operationally in 1965. During it's operational time it guarded the Soviet Unions borders right up until the desintegration of the USSR.
      Production of the T-model began in 1971 and that later became TM with the modernised Taifun-M radar. The Su-15 had at this point evolved with extended wings to lower the high approroach speed and a spherical nosecone to make room for the bigger radar. The TM also had smaller inner weapon pylons under the wings to carry R-60 (AA-8 APHID) missiles, this was done to satisfy the need of a dogfighting capability. To further increase it's overall capability the under fuselage pylons were upgraded to being able to carry gunpods, attack rockets, rocket pods and bombs up to 500kg. Since only the gunpods has been used and has a functional fire-control system the other loadouts options must be seen as theoretical, although the carrying capability's still there.
      ---Install guide---
      Simply extract the contents of the Su-15TM folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder.
      Chaff and flares have been added so you can spend more time flying, and less time dying!
      ---Made by---
      Aircraft LODs Boopidoo
      Aircraft textures Volksjaeger & Boopidoo
      Aircraft decals Volksjaeger & Boopidoo
      Cockpit LODS Boopidoo
      Cockpit textures Boopidoo & Badger the Bad
      su15tm_data.ini kreelin, MoonJumper & Boopidoo
      su15_avionics.ini Boopidoo
      su15_loadout.ini Boopidoo
      su15tm_cockpit.ini Boopidoo
      SU15_ABEmitter.ini kreelin & bpao
      SU15ab.tga kreelin & bpao (originally F14ab.tga by Deuces)
      Su15Engine.wav kreelin
      MiGLock & MiGTrack.wav Fubar512 (from Magos MiG-21 cockpit)
      Zvezda K-36D Ejection Seat by AleDucat
      Red Pilot by The Trooper
      Hangar Screen by Epizikl
      SF2 Updates and Loading Screen by NeverEnough
      ---Special thanks to---
      Invaluable testing by MoonJumper and kreelin which inspired me to improve the model way beyond my initial goals. Thanks Volksjaeger, Eruyi & Hawkwind for help with the original model. Armourdave gave me a lot of invaluable help and support, thanks David! Thanks to Mago for help and tutoring regarding Soviet avionics and especially the RWR.
      Without the help from you guys of the column5.us and SimHQ.com forums this wouldn't have happened.


         (2 reviews)



    6. Talon SF2

      Updated Talon to SF2 standards... included the updated tweaks so the wings sweep properly and you dont become a flaming wreck if you use full burner...


         (5 reviews)



    7. Tupolev Tu-128 & Tu-128M Fiddler

      Tupolev Tu-128 Fiddler B & Tu-128M The Tupolev Tu-28/Tu-128 (NATO name 'Fiddler') was a long-range interceptor aircraft developed by the Soviet Union in the 1960s. It remains the world's largest production fighter aircraft.
      In this pack the Tu-128 Fiddler B and the most recent Tu-128M.
      This aircraft is for SF2 and SF2E last patch ... not tested in SF2V.
      1) Unzip the file Gen2_TU128packV00.rar
      2) Copy Object and Sounds folders into your mods folder (i.e...\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
      Please, read the readme file.
      - kreelin for the FM
      - Spillone104 for the jet sound
      - Spillone104, bobrock, lindr2, Soulfreak as beta tester
      - me ... the remaining stuff
      Special thanks to NGHENGO who stressed me (a lot) in order to not stop this project and lindr2 who kindly helped me with much detailed infos.
      Thank you very much guys.
      Last UpDate 22/03/2011 – Ver.2.0
      Various improvements; now compatible with Expansion2
      Thank you to Spillone104, paulopanz and X-RAY for the support as beta tester.
      Every part of this mod can be used into others mods only if the final product is free of charge for the community and proper credits are listed into the product itself.
      Enrico "ErikGen" Gennari


         (10 reviews)



    8. SF-2E/NF-4+ Tornado A.M.I.

      This is my present for you all!
      Read me and credits inside.
      Happy X-mas!


         (3 reviews)



    9. Mirage 5F

      This mod is aimed at making the Mirage 5F flyable in the second generation of "Strike Fighters" simulators.
      I took this opportunity to improve the stock skin.
      IMPORTANT: no LOD is provided, SF2:E and SF2:I merged are required to use this mod.
      See the readme for more infos
      A big thank to all on C6 and CA forums that helped me solving issues I encountered.
      Any omission in credits is totally unwanted, if I forgot somebody, let me know, I will correct this.


         (7 reviews)



    10. UH-1B Gunship Upgrade Pack

      Bell UH-1B "Huey" Gunship Conversion Pack
      for Strike Fighters 2
      ver 1.0
      by Kreelin (FM), Kesselbut (cockpit, Pilots, ini-modding), Richard (Skins)
      1) Extract everything contain in this package to your ..\mods\ folder
      2) Download Richards (Gramps) Astralian UH-1H here:
      copy following files from this pack into your ..MODS\Objects\Aircraft\UH-1_Gunship folder
      Use the "HUD_MODE" Key to switch between cockpit positions.
      Use the "Fire secondary Gun" Key to fire the Doorgunner MG
      Keys for thrust vectoring have to be defined.
      This is a freeware addon package. Use it at your own risk.
      Modders can use the pack (or parts of it - excluding the flightmodel and skins) without my permission.
      Please name me in the readme and take proper credit.
      For the using of the flightmodel or skins please contact Kreelin or Richard (Gramps)
      Commercial using in any way - including parts of the pack - for everyone is stricktly forbidden.
      Daniel "Kesselbrut" Himmel
      Have fun :)!


         (4 reviews)



    11. Jaguar GR3A For SF2

      Jaguar GR3A for Strike Fighters 2
      Please read the readme for installation instructions and credits.
      4 squadron skins included.
      I hope you enjoy this.
      16th October 2010.
      Slight update to fix the right front slat that might be giving problems. Thanks to CNAF for the input.
      If you have already downloaded this and are having problems with the right slat animation check the support topic for a new Data.ini.
      Many thanks.


         (5 reviews)



    12. Yak-27R fix 1.1

      Yak-27R uptade for SF2
      - destroyed model added
      - some *.ini fixes
      - 'no shadows' bug fixed.
      installation: place to aircraft folder


         (1 review)



    13. BAF A-4F_74 for SF2 Merged

      This is a fictional Belgium Air Force A-4F for SF2 series. This model uses ThirdWire’s SF2 series A-4F_74 model so if you do not have ThirdWire’s A-4F_74 it will not work. I have a full Merged install and have no problems. The mode uses Generic decals already in game. I have not created Squadron markings or serial numbers. I really have no idea what they could have been or where they may have appeared on the aircraft. I have included decal address on the model using stock ThirdWire decals where I think they could have appeared. Feel free to add your own and upload if you wish.
      Sometime back a Belgium member posted a short post on how the Belgium Air Force looked at the A-4 but did not purchase A-4’s. So this is my Fictional mode of one.
      To install just extract the Zip folder and copy and paste the A-4F_74_BAF into your Aircraft Folder and go fly. Again the mode uses stock everything except the skins.
      Thanks to ThirdWire for the game which every year gets better and to CombatAce for the forum to Upload this Mode too.
      This Mode is Freeware and I have really only created the skins and you are free to mode as you wish.


         (1 review)



    14. DH Sea Vixen FAW.1 & FAW.2

      DH Sea Vixen FAW.1 & FAW2 for SF2
      = For SF2, Any and All =
      This is an upgrade/mod of Skippybings Sea Vixens, BOTH the FAW.1 and FAW.2 - so you get two complete aircraft in one pakcage!!! Such a deal!!! (Unfortunatley, this IS a rather large package...so, sorry!). This was done simply to make it easier for you, the End User ™ to install. (Almost) Everything necessary to unzip, install, and fly away is supplied.
      Included are updated versions of the BunyPak FirestreakIR and RedtopIR*, and the drop tanks. All other weapons used are stock items (with the possible exception of the AGM-12C Bullpup -not supplied- which may be from the GunnyPak)
      *=these are seperate missile from the 3W Firestreak & Redtops; for use only on the Javelin and Sea Vixen FAW1 & FAW2. This was done on purpose -don't mess with this!!! Seriously .. don't. All things are done for a reason.*
      Skins/decal sets included are:
      890 NAS (w/one Sundowner bmp, edited by me, so as not to waste decals)
      892 NAS
      893 NAS
      899 NAS (these all by Sundowner)
      766 NAS
      893 NAS
      899 NAS (all Sundowner skins!!)
      Where possible, the Squadron Badge has been used for the paint chip in the Loadout Screen.
      Data and loadout changes duplicate the hardpoints (on the FAW.1 only); one set is ONLY for missiles, the other is ONLY for use bombs and rocket pods. Other tweeks to the avionics and cockpit 'clean up' or replace a few gauge skins, a new gunsight and missile "shoot cues" were created/modified from others.
      A "new" engine sound is supplied for the Avons. Both aircraft have SF2 stlye 'carrier deck' hangar screens, and the damage/shredded tgas have been converted to dds (hope they work!!!). Flight model remains untouched; it "feels" about right. Remember -it's a gunless, missile-only armed Interceptor, NOT a dogfighter!! Fly accordingly!!
      As a bonus, for those End Users ™ with SF2:E AND with Expansion Pak2, there are alternate Data and Loadout inis for the FAW.1, adding the 2inch Micro-cell rockets. Usefull for hitting bombers, trucks, ships and other assorted annoyances. REMEMBER --these are 2 seperate inis, and you'll need SF2E Exp2 to get them to work. Instructions on how to switch are below in the "To Install" section. (these were removed on the FAW.2, so don't go adding them!)
      As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other important stuff; might want to read it, huh? VERY Important info in there... So, PLEASE read it through after unzipping, but before installing. The procedures for missile firing should be reviewed.
      Let's hope this one works!
      Good Hunting
      kevin stein


         (3 reviews)



    15. A-16A 'Attack Falcon'

      A-16A 'Attack Falcon'
      -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered) and/or SF2:I ONLY!!! --
      As stated above, you =MUST= have a Full-4 Merged install, or at the VERY LEAST SF2:I to make use of this mod package, as it references all stock items for the aircraft and cockpit lods that are ONLY found in SF2:I or Full-4 Merged game installs. If you have neither of these, don't download this, as you'll not be able to use it.
      This is a modification of the F-16 Netz into the proposed A-16A 'Attack Falcon', a specalized ground support aircraft intended to replace the A-10 Thunderbolt II. Those wishing more infromation on it, are encouraged to Google it, and also look at F-16.net.
      The aircraft has been completely reskinned in 3-tone Euro 1, from a new home-grown template. Markings represent those based a Nellis AFB, Nevada (for weapons testing and integration). All basic inis, skins and decals are included, as is new green painted version of the AIM-9P Sidwinder (just for this mod/skin pak). All markings are decals, with the exception of the Nellis tail stripe. Serial numbers are spurious; taken from another source.
      In the Loadout ini, several alternate loadouts are listed. These can be accessed from the 3rdWire mission editor screen (for post-Expansion Pak 2 users). With the exception of the green 9P winder, all loadouts use stock items.
      As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. Any and all inaccuracies are mine, as we only have the Netz to work from
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (2 reviews)



    16. Buccaneer FAA for SF2

      Buccaneer FAA (Fleet Air Arm) for SF2
      Buccaneer S2
      Buccaneer S2-Tanker / AI only
      Buccaneer S2C
      Buccaneer S2D
      Buccaneer S2 Cockpit
      Mk6 Ejection Seat
      Refueling mission for Buccaneer S2 tanker
      - strg+0 = canopy open close
      - strg+9 = nose and wing-fold
      - strg+8 = windshield wiper
      for instalations please read the README
      this are high poly models with high-res skins
      - original Model by Russouk2004
      - Skins and decals by Paulopanz
      - Loading and Hangar screens by Soulman and Gustav
      - FM rework by Kreelin,Spillone104,Baffmeister,Cliff11
      - Missions by Pureblue and Paulopanz
      - some weapons in this pack are from Mirage Factory
      - 3D work,templates,Skins,weapon´s and cockpit´s by - ravenclaw_007
      i hope i did not forget anybody
      vers 1.2 CHANGES from 10.oct.2011
      - working/rotating Bulged bombbay door
      - BombBay Fuel Tank added
      - max fuel load for FAA/RAF Buccaneer now 23100lbs
      - typo error on AOA Indicator fixed
      have fun


         (23 reviews)



    17. Tunnan Festival

      J-29A, A-29B, J-29E, J-29F, S-29C
      Quite a 'Tunnanpedia'.
      Here You will find all Tunnans versions in one pack.
      A plenty of silver, green, camo, austrian & UN skins.
      You will need (as for my Vampire 50, Viggens and all other incoming Swedish mods) last squadron.ini to work.
      A sample UN mission 'Kamina Dawn' is also included.
      Spillone104 helped me in data.ini tweak and as usual
      added proper sound (thank You my friend).
      The model we have made by Phlerp is an 'F' with sawtoothwing, IRM rails, and afterburner
      The 'E' was easy to make: same plane without rails and burner.
      For the 'C' that had the new wing of 'E' & 'F' as an upgrade, all the guns and pylons except the tank ones were removed.
      For 'A' and 'B' we changed the wing as much we can. We cannot full remove the sawtooth.
      [i mailed Phlerp to finish the work making these types as stated in original readme.]
      Waiting for him (I hope I will answer one of these days) we can use them in great Operation Isbjörn and enjoy.
      Thank You all for Your interest in those little, great barrels (i.e. barilotti, vero Alex?)


         (5 reviews)



    18. Super Mystere & Saar

      Here You got two flyable planes
      - Super Mystère B.2 with 10 silver and 4 camo brand new French skins
      - Super Mystère Sa'ar with 1 silver (exclusive made!) and 2 camo brand new skins from Honduras
      Canopy open: Key 10
      Full preview here http://combatace.com...r-mystere-saar/
      - cockpit by Ordway
      - sounds from ErikGen SF.1 plane
      - decals by Ludo (who else?)
      This long lasting project started months ago from a gentle request
      was finished today, when Erikgen explained to me how to toy with new
      specular maps for silver planes effects.


         (7 reviews)



    19. [Fictional] MiG-23MLDK Flogger-K (Kurdistan)

      MiG-23MLDK Flogger-K for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a very simple mod of the stock MiG-23MLD to give a fictional MiG-23MLDK in Kurdistan service from 1991 onwards.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MiG-23MLDK folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MiG-23MLDK folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!

      As always, big thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 20/11/11


         (3 reviews)



    20. McDonnell F3H-2 Demon Ultimate for SF2

      This is the third of four projects I have been working on for the last 6 months. It will be followed by an F7U Cutlass Ultimate Package(when fully completed). I am also planning an F11F Tiger Ultimate package to follow .
      The F3H-2N and -2M were all built under contracts initially intended to cover for the disasterous F3H-1N. Following the completion of these contracts, a new Demon version was ordered in 1956-57 under a new set of contracts. This version was designated F3H-2 (F-3B after 1962). The F3H-2 could carry and launch the more capable AAM-N-6 (AIM-7C after September 1962) Sparrow III semi-active radar homing missile. The Sparrow III was a definite improvement over the Sparrow I, which was a pure beam riding missile, with no active homing capability, which meant that the guidance error was in the shape of a cone, which increased in diameter as the range inceased. The F3H-2 could also launch the AAM-N-7 (AIM-9B) Sidewinder IA air-to-air infrared homing air-to-air missile. The F3H-2 was equipped with an AN/APG-51B radar along with the AN/APA-127 Illuminator/Launch Envelope computer. The F3H-2 was optimized as a FIGHTER-BOMBER and could carry up to 6000 pounds of ordnance (bombs, rockets, or "special stores") on two fuselage and six wing stations. Late production F3H-2's also differed from the previous versions in having a slightly shorter beaver tail cone. The last of 239 F3H-2s was delivered on April 8, 1960, bringing the Demon production program to a close. Total Demon production was 519 aircraft. An interesting note is that there is NO EVIDENCE of the Demon ever being handed down to the USN Reserves. It seems almost all Demons were sent directly to NAS Litchfield Park and the scrapper. Only a handful remain today in museums......how sad.
      Being underpowered was its major flaw. The original Westinghouse J-40 never materialized and the J-71 was fitted instead. Pilots called the Demon the "Lead Sled" or just "Sled".
      This is a major rework of the existing F3H-2M demon file into the 3 variants. Almost everything has been tweeked to make it more accurate in appearance and performance. The skins have been painstakingly researched and re-created. Every squadron which flew
      this -2 model Demon is represented here including changes in their scheme over time. The flight model has been adjusted to fly like the Demon and give you performance worthy of its nickname. There are new Hangar and Loading Screens as well.
      Only Squadrons which operated this -2 variant of the Demon are included in the skins.
      VF-13 Aggressors
      VF-14 Tophatters
      VF-21 Freelancers
      VF-31 Tomcatters (2 skin versions)
      VF-41 Black Aces (2 skin versions)
      VF-53 Puking Dogs
      VF-54 Silver Kings
      VF-64 Freelancers
      VF-92 Silver Kings
      VF-101 Grim Reapers
      VF-121 Pacemakers (2 skin versions)
      VF-131 Nightcappers
      VF-141 Iron Angels
      VF-151 Vigilantes (2 skin versions)
      VF-161 Chargers
      VF-193 Ghost Riders (3 skin versions)
      VF-213 Black Lions
      YES....THAT IS 23 SEPARATE SKINS!!!!!!!! All are researched and re-created here. Bureau Numbers are accurate for 3 blocks of the F3H-2 Production line (blocks h,p and t).
      A new weapons file for the AIM-7A Sparrow I missile is included. LET IT OVERWRITE any previous AIM-7A's you may have. This one is a new and CORRECT model.
      There are separate ini files to allow the user to operate Air to Ground Missions (with different ordanance pylons). PLEASE SEE READ-ME for details
      A read-me file is enclosed which contains installation instructions and credits.


         (10 reviews)



    21. McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet

      McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet Package for SF2 1.1
      Package for SF2 (Includes aircraft upgraded under the two phases of the Incremental Modernization Project) UPDATED
      1.1 Updates:
      - Skin pack added to make a total of 9 different skins that cover the change in markings over the years as well as squadrons that have been activated and disbanded etc. Plus a few special/ anniversary skins.
      - Additional 'CF-18 Hornet IMP Phase II Operation 'Mobile' Lybia 2011' Aircraft with with loadouts, markings and a pilot skin specific to the campaign.
      - LoadOut.ini files and weapons updated.
      - Improved Bird slicer IFF aerials.
      This package contains three separate year specific aircraft to cover the original aircraft and the upgrades it received in latter years as part of the Incremental Modernization Project:
      ‘CF-18 Hornet’ is the initial aircraft and covers the period from delivery till 2006.
      ‘CF-18 Hornet IMP Phase I (03)’ the AN/APG-65 radar is replaced with the AN/APG-73 radar, the AN/APX-111 IFF is added, as is ability to use JDAMs and AMRAAMs. This covers the period from 2003 to 2007
      ‘CF-18 Hornet IMP Phase II (07)’ this includes the integration of the Joint Hemet Mounted Cuing System, the ability to carry the Sniper XR targeting pod and an upgrade to the aircrafts ECM jammers. This aircraft covers the period from 2007 till 2017+.
      There are overlaps in the operational dates due to the time each upgrade program took to do the entire fleet.
      You can use the single mission editor to select a Laser Guided Bomb Attack loadout or the Mixed LGB/AMRAAM loadout used over Libya.
      I have used the Mirage Factory CF-18 from the SF2 NATO Fighters 4+ Mod as the base for this Mod.
      Also includes is an extensive rwr.lst file and library
      Simply un zip and drop the contents into any SF2 series Mod Folder, make sure you override when prompted.
      Credit goes to:
      The Mirage Factory for the original CF-18,
      Spectre8750 for the F/A-18A, A+ and C by The Mirage Factory for SF2 package,
      Dave for the F-16C package,
      331KillerBee for the MGunny 331KillerBee's Ordnance Shop II


         (8 reviews)



    22. 'What nearly was' Royal New Zealand Air force F-16A/B Block 15 OCU/MLU Anthology.

      'What nearly was' Royal New Zealand Air force F-16A/B Block 15 OCU/MLU Anthology.
      When doing some research about the proposed Kahu II upgrade for the RNZAF A-4K fleet I found some good info on the New Zealand F-16 deal 'that nearly was' in the late 1990s/early 2000s. I decided to make as accurate 'what if' version I could.
      Ive used the Mirage factory F-16A/B Block 15 OCU model which is the version we would have received as they were built for Pakistan but embargoed and put in storage.
      I added a A-4K style UHF antenna just behind the refuelling receptacle.
      I've left the weapons the same as used by the upgraded A-4K fleet in 2001 except for the addition of the Litening targeting pod and Harpoon ASM which were going to be procured along side the F-16. Since the RNZAFs primary role is close air support it was unlikely any extra money was going to be spent on any radar guided missile, such as the AIM-120, as their air-to-air role was seen as one of primarily self defence.
      The terms of the deal included a Mid Life Upgrade at the end of the 10 year lease period when we would have purchased the aircraft. As part of the MLU I have included the integration of the AIM-9X along with the JHMCS as it stands to reason that the RNZAF's AIM-9L models would have been considered to be going out of date by 2009. The Pylon Integrated Dispensing System (PIDS) has also been included as part of the MLU as it is in some European Mid Life Upgrades.
      Also on the MLU aircraft are ALQ-131 ECM pods which there were provisions for in the original terms of the lease but most likely would have been pushed out to the time of the MLU because of the extra costs.
      There are 4 separate aircraft that represent the 13 'A' and 9 'B' model Vipers before and after a Mid Life Upgrade (MLU):
      -F-16A Blk 15 OCU RNZAF (What if?)
      -F-16B Blk 15 OCU RNZAF (What if?)
      -F-16AM Blk 15 MLU RNZAF (What if?)
      -F-16BM Blk 15 MLU RNZAF (What if?)
      I've given the A models the serial numbers NZ6301 through to NZ6313 and the B models NZ6314 through to NZ6322
      2 Different skins for the operational aircraft are included which are; the Pakistani style camouflage scheme the aircraft were already painted when New Zealand placed the order and they would have been delivered in. As well as an all over medium grey used on all current RNZAF aircraft since around 2003.
      8 Special/Commemorative skins are also included such as; high-viz Commanding Officers aircraft, Rugby World Cup All Blacks supporters scheme, a couple of retro Kiwi Skyhawk style skins, an Aggressor skin plus a few others.
      You can use the mission editor to load alternate loadout options that include the AIM-120 or are specific to close air support roles in Afghanistan etc
      Also included is a extensive RWR.LST and set of RWR.TGA files.
      Just Extract the files, then drag and drop into your mods folder and override when prompted.
      Thread in Sci-Fi/Anime/What If Forum with lots of screen shots: http://combatace.com...lock-15-ocumlu/
      Links to Info on the cancelled RNZAF F-16 'deal of century' that nearly was:
      http://f-16.net/f-16_users_article28.html (3/4 of the way down the page)
      These F-16 are a mix match between the best parts of all the F-16 mods available with new/modified/enhanced skins of my own. I've also re written most of the data.ini and avionics.ini files with updated data from the net especially when it comes to the performance of the radar after the MLU update.
      Dave's Mirage Factory F-16C Block 25/30/32/40/42/50/52 3.0 and Mirage Factory F-16B Block 15:
      -Moonjumper (aka Crusader)
      -X Ray
      The NATO Fighters Team for the F-16A Block 15 OCU model
      ace888 for the PAK skin
      ravenclaw007 for the Weapons - Pack 1 vers 1.2
      331Killerbee for the MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2


         (2 reviews)



    23. [Fictional] F-100D Aeronautica Militare Italiana

      North American F-100D 'AMI' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-100D to place this classic cold war warrior into fictional service with the Aeronautica Militare Italiana with markings for;
      22º Gruppo, 51º Stormo in NMF. 
      154º Gruppo, 6º Stormo in NMF. 
      18º Gruppo, 3º Stormo in grey/green camo (with sharkmouth).

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-100D_AMI folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-100D_AMI folder into your main Decals folder.
      That's it!

      Thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Thanks to hgbn (Henrik) for uploading his superb F-100D templates to the community.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 24/02/19
      Version 1 - 26/02/12  


         (1 review)



    24. Harbin H-5 (Chinese Il-28 Beagle)

      Harbin H-5 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Il-28 'Beagle' to create the reverse engineered Harbin H-5 copy. As the PLAAF also operated the Il-28 I've set the service dates to match those given for the stock Third Wire Il-28 (for China) but the Chinese H-5 programme was a slow starter
      and it didn't enter service until 1967.
      Generic markings with new serial numbers based on the photo of '83002' with a painted radome are included and please note that this mod uses Wrench's F-4B pit for pasko's Yak-25B 'Brewer' so it should work with any version of SF2 that has medium length runways.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the H-5 folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the H-5 folder into your main Decals folder.
      3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_PLAAF folder into your main Pilots folder.
      That's it!

      Thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Thanks to Wrench for the Brewer cockpit.
      Thanks also to whoever did the excellent PLAAF pilot (let me know and I'll gladly give credit).
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 03/02/19
      Version 1 - 14/07/12  


         (5 reviews)



    25. F-5 Heartbreak One (for NF-5A and CF-5A)

      Now compatible with recently released CF-5A (Was originally made for NF-5A only)
      The Squad:The 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron, nicknamed Wardog, was intially a squadron composed primarily of trainees, led by Capt. Jack Bartlett (callsign Heartbreak One), and two other veteran combat pilots
      The F-5 Pilot:
      Bartlett, although a very talented pilot, has had a notorious history of being unable to comply with orders given, opting instead to follow his conscience. Bartlett cares for all the trainees under his command. "Heartbreak One" came by his callsign after losing love interest Major Nastasya Vasilievna Obertas sometime before Operation Battle-Axe during the 1995 Belkan War. Bartlett was never promoted beyond Captain in the 15 years since the end of the Belkan War due to his repeated insubordination, as he stated himself: "I don't know why they even bother reprimanding me anymore. I know I'm gonna be stuck at captain forever."
      Template by: Sony Tuckson


         (1 review)




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