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    1. JASDF F-15CJ_Kai

      The is not the perfect F-15CJ_Kai.
      This aircraft is base on the Stock F-15A SF2, you would need to have SF2 and/or Merged SF2 installed.
      I have made a lot of tweaks on the plane. You can modify it to your own liking.
      Thus, weapons and effects is not included, check download section for your preference.
      Don't worry if you do not have the effects or weapons installed, the game will DEFAULT to SF2 Stock weapons for the specific time period.
      Copy the content of the respect folders to your folder:
      "Aircraft" to your "Object Aircraft folder."
      "Decals", copy the entire decals folder content and paste it onto your decal folder. I was unable to use specific squadron
      for decal folder, as it does not show up on the aircraft.
      All of my skin has extensive logos on it... as the JASDF likes to change logos and decals often.
      The lack of accuracy consist of:
      -The feathers on the engine nozzle is still in place.
      -The various antennas that is not shown or updated as per MSIP II and after.
      -The larger bullet fairing on the left vertical stab. (should be the thin one).
      -The speed brake position when deploy is not accurate (TK did not made the model to extend further).
      -I was unable to have all the decals on the RIGHT "outter" vertical stab. and LEFT "inner" vertical stab. to face forward (toward the nose) as per actual aircraft. Two aircraft, the RIGHT "inner" logo is not facing forward.
      -The skin pattern/color is not accurate, BUT the JASDF is notorious for having various skin patterns and decals at a drop of a hat... so I am not that much off.
      -I'm sure you can find more but that is what is great about this game series... you can CREATE and CHANGE to your liking!
      The file contain all of the current JASDF F-15CJ squadrons with the "EXCEPTION" of two skins.
      The 1st Tactical Squadron and the Air Developemt and Test Command Squadron.
      (Both squadron are provisional and aircrafts get rotated from active units or spare aircraft)
      Oh, I added my own squadron "JASDF Shogun" (what if...)
      The following are the Squadrons:
      Hiko Kyoiku Kokutai (Tactical Fighter Training Squadron) Nyutabaru Air Base (RJFN).
      23rd Hikotai (Squadron), 23Sq. replaced the 202Sq. in 2000 as the F-15 training unit.
      Keikai Kokutai (Provisional Group) Nyutabaru Air Base (RJFN)
      Hiko Kyodotai ("Aggressors")
      2 Kokudan (Wing): Chitose Air Base (RJCJ), Part of the Northern Air Defence Force (HQ Misawa).
      201 Hikotai
      203 Hikotai
      83 Kokutai (Group), Part of the Southwestern Composite Air Division (HQ Naha).
      204 Hikotai (204Sq. swopped places with 302Sq. (F-4EJ_Kai) at the beginning of 2009 for better defense of the Southern flank).
      6 Kokudan: Kanazawa/Komatsu Air Base (RJNK), Part of the Central Air Defence Force (HQ Iruma).
      303 Hikotai
      306 Hikotai
      7 Kokudan: Hyakuti Air Base (RJAH), Part of the Central Air Defence Force (HQ Iruma).
      305 Hikotai
      8 Kokudan: Tsuiki Air Base (RJFZ), Part of the Western Air Defence Force (HQ Kasuga).
      304 Hikotai
      TK and Thirdwire - Stock F-15A SF2E/Skin
      AleDucat - ACES II Ejection Seat
      JimmyBid - F-15C cockpit flight control textures
      MoonJumper - Avioncs work
      Kesselburt - Original F-15C cockpit
      Brain32 - Improved/new textures for the F-15C cockpit
      331KillerBee- SF2 Weapon Pack
      gbreuder - Alternate F-14 wing vapor effects
      Old Diego - Pilot Pack
      x Ray - Updated JASDF pilot skin
      dfang - Afterburner effect
      [ If I miss anyone it is not intentional ]
      Please let me know if there is any issues or things missing (other than what I have stated above).
      I take great pride on my work as do all of the wonderful people on this forum.
      Have Fun!
      8 January 2011


         (1 review)



    2. F9F-5 Panther for SF2.RAR

      PASKO's, Column5's and Marcello's Grumman F9F-5 Panther.
      All I did was modifying it for use in SF2.
      Changes made:
      1) Changed the pit to the standard A-4B pit.
      2) changed the loadout to weapons available in version of juni SF2 (no EXP or anything added).
      3) Replaced the original skin of VMF-331 by one made by Wrench. This skin fits the plane best. The other skins show gaps along the back of the plane and on the nose. Hope he doesn't mind. I did not ask specific permission to use his skin.
      3) There is an error with LOD3. It shows the nose cone perpendicular to the plane. I solved this by removing lod3.
      4) Animation. Wingfold is active use shift 1.
      That's it. All other credits go to the orignal builders of this beautifull plane.
      The original readme is attached below.
      To install, just drop the files in the '[Drive]:\Users\[name]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2'.
      6 januari 2011


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    3. B-47E SF-2 FIX

      B-47E SF-2 FIX
      Hi Folks,
      here isn't a full plane (that You can download at Colum5 here http://www.column5.us/aircraft.shtml)
      but only a fix for removing white crosses and tailfin issue (no material assigned).
      The input came from our friend Gaunt aka Imre, who reported me that noisy bug.
      To complete the SF-2 standard conversion I added the userlist.ini (a very very simple task indeed).
      You have only to put the included folder in you mod/objects/aircraft one and let overwrite.
      This little work is dedicated to original makers of this fantastic plane (very good for an early '50 campaign).


         (1 review)



    4. Series 1 Kuwaiti A-4KU Skyhawk Updated for Strike Fighters 2

      Kuwaiti A-4KU for Strike Fighters 2
      This is the A-4KU flown by the Kuwait Air force during and leading up to the Gulf War I. It is from the Operation Desert Storm SF1 campaign set and I updated it for SF2 as well as changing some of the data.ini information to more accurately reflect the aircraft.
      NOTE: The original A-4KU uses Strikefighter 1 series LODS so you will have to have WoV to use this aircraft. (I ignorantly didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to include the series 1 LODS in the upload so that’s why I have now removed them)
      Included is an extensive RWR.LST file and RWR.TGA files, a ‘Free Kuwait’ skin and pre invasion skin.
      1,Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      2,Extract the original lod files from WoV ObjectData.cat using the CAT extractor. Following lods: A-4F.LOD, A-4F_lod002.LOD, A-4F_lod003.LOD, A-4F_lod004.LOD, AV-8A_LOD4.LOD & A-4F_lod005.LOD once extracted should go to the A-4KU_Kuwait folder.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit goes to JSF_Aggie for the Operation Desert Storm SF1 campaign the original A-4KU came from.


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    5. B-70 Valkyrie Beta (Version 0.97)

      B-70 Valkyrie (Beta) by FastCargo and friends.
      ********************** Version 0.97 ***********************
      (Note, this release includes the XB-70 beta released in November 2010)
      SF2 Version for Dec 2010 Patch.
      Models, some decals, most ini adaptions by FastCargo
      Textures and most decals by Sundowner
      Dyess AFB serial numbers by Dave from B-1B Redux
      3D Rocket Effects by Lexx_Luthor (Lord of the Analog)
      B-1B Cockpit by Dels
      Engine Effects by Deuces, Fubar512
      Any errors are mine...
      Package contains:
      XB-70 aircraft in prototype markings for AV/1 and AV/2.
      B-70A aircraft in 28BMS and 62BMS markings
      RS-70B aircraft in 337BMS markings
      B-70C aircraft in 9BS markings
      High Resolution versions of the textures and bump maps
      Original Readmes
      This readme
      This release is a beta, and as such, is somewhat incomplete. The cockpit is from the B-1B, and there are no damage textures. However, almost all other features of a full release have been included.
      Aircraft include:
      XB-70 - The original research aircraft in it's actual configuration...not really set up for warfighting.
      However, this set also includes semi fictional versions of operational aircraft:
      B-70A - This is most probable version of the Valkyrie that would exist had it gone into production. It is done in 2 paint schemes, the high altitude anti-flash white, and a version painted in an odd silver coating designed to reduce the IR signature (as proposed by the USAF). This version also includes the wing pylons for the Skybolt ALBM, and projected pylons for the smaller nuclear gravity weapons available at the time.
      RS-70B - Proposed version of the Valkyrie in an attempt to save it from the budget axe. Similiar to the B-70A in capability, but with additional reconnaissance ability similiar to SR-71. This is simulated by an internal camera window taking the location of the forward weapons bay. I projected that the RS-70B would come into existence during the late part of the Vietnam war, using the camera bay to carry the targeting laser, and dropping PGMs since conventional bombing at 80000 feet and Mach 3 would be very inaccurate. As a result, the first LGB drops in Vietnam are done by the RS-70B, not the F-4.
      B-70C - Completely fictional version of the Valkyrie. In the history where the Valkyrie was produced, most of the B-52 fleet was retired very soon after the Vietnam War, only the G and H models remained to carry the AGM-86B cruise missile. The B-1 was never proposed, with the B-70A being the main gravity nuke delivery system and the RS-70B being the PGM bomber. The F-111 and FB-111 remained as the medium range, low altitude conventional and nuclear penetrator. The B-2 was designed at the outset to be a low altitude penetrator, avoiding the costly redesign the actual B-2 went through, bringing unit cost down. As it was, the B-70 and RS-70 were expected to be retired at the beginning of the 1990s as high altitude, high speed SAM systems became more and more lethal. However, after Desert Storm, the lesson was learned that big, long range SAM systems are vulnerable and expensive, but anyone can have AAA...so the doctrine was adjusted for more medium/high altitude operations with PGMs. So all Valkyries underwent a modernization to the B-70C standard, with the ability to carry all PGMs, including the JDAM, JSOW, JASSM for employment in regional conflicts.
      There are a few bugs that we haven't been able to solve and may not be solvable due to simulation limitations. The main one is the AI will not take advantage of the high speed and altitude capabilities of the aircraft. Even if you create an actual mission with waypoints dictating altitudes and speeds, it will not fly those parameters (tends to fly a maximum of Mach 1.7). We are still working to squash the remaining issues...and one day we will have a proper cockpit for this machine.
      This is a long range aircraft, you can hit a few of the 'walls' on several of the stock maps so give yourself plenty of turning room when planning your flight.
      Have fun...report any crippling bugs (except trying to use it in SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI...you're on your own) in the release thread at CA.
      20 Dec 10


         (3 reviews)



    6. RAAF Macchi Trainer for SF2

      This is a reworking of the RAAF Macchi MB-326H Attack/Trainer based on the mod by Charles. I have just tidied it up for SF2. All credit goes to the original design team who created this aircraft mod.
      This is a complete aircraft with three skins: A camo scheme, RAAF Grey scheme and the Fanta Can scheme of the Roulettes aerobatic team. The M134 Gunpod and Macchi Fuel tank are included.


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    7. Lockheed NF-104A for SF2

      Lockheed NF-104A for Strike Fighters 2
      In 1963, three ex-USAF F-104As (56-756, -760, and -762) were taken out of storage at Davis Monthan AFB and modified as NF-104A aerospace training aircraft. All of the military equipment was removed and the original F-104A vertical fin was replaced by the larger fin that was used on the F-104G. The wingspan was increased by four feet (to 25.94 feet) and a set of hydrogen peroxide control thrusters were mounted at the nose, tail, and wingtips. A 6000 pound thrust Rocketdyne LR121/AR-2-NA-1 auxiliary rocket engine was mounted on the tail above the jet exhaust pipe. This rocket engine could be throttled from 3000 to 6000 pounds of thrust, and the burn time was about 105 seconds.
      The first NF-104A was delivered on October 1, 1963, with the other two following a month later. They were operated by the Aerospace Research Pilot School at Edwards AFB, which was commanded at that time by Colonel Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager.
      On December 6, 1963, the first NF-104A set an unofficial world altitude record of 118,860 feet for aircraft taking off under their own power. The official record at that time was 113,829 feet, set by the Mikoyan/Gurevich Ye-66A, an experimental version of the MiG-21 Fishbed. Later, the same NF-104A flown by Major R. W. Smith reached an altitude of 120,800 feet.
      On December 10, 1963, the second NF-104A (56-762), with Chuck Yeager at the controls, went out of control at an altitude of 104,000 feet and fell in a flat spin to 11,000 feet. Yeager managed to eject successfully at that altitude, although he was badly burned on his face by the rocket motor of his ejector seat. The aircraft was destroyed in the ensuing crash. An investigation later showed that the cause of the crash was a spin that resulted from excessive angle of attack and lack of aircraft response. The excessive angle of attack was not caused by pilot input but by a gyroscopic condition set up by the J79 engine spooling after shut down for the rocket-powered zoom climb phase. So it wasn't Chuck's fault.
      In June of 1971, the third NF-104A, with Capt. Howard C. Thompson at the controls, suffered an inflight explosion of its rocket motor. Although Thompson was able to land safely, the aircraft's rocket motor and half its rudder were blown away. Since the program was about to end in any case, this aircraft was retired.
      The number one NF-104A is currently on display on top of a pylon in front of the USAF Test Pilot School.
      You need SF2E to have the stock F-104G and SFP1 for the cockpit files.
      or follow these precious instructins: http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2
      Another thing... there are some minor differences between SFP1 and SF2E models and one of these is a bit different mapping on the nose. So it will be included an optional SFP1 f-104_2.bmp file.
      Pilot Notes:
      -The rocket engine is set to use "Thrust vectoring" as a throttle control to permit separate control from the jet engine. The rocket will operate only with afterburning regime and with only 2 stages, half and full power. From idle to military it will not generate thrust and so will not affect fuel consumption.
      -This plane is equipped with hydrogen peroxide Reaction Control System like the real plane. To engage the system simply throttle the rocket a bit over idle.
      Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
      "User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
      Added 3D parts: Spillone104
      Textures : Spillone104 with great Bobrock templates.
      Decals : JimBib
      Fake pilot mod: FastCargo
      INI and FM : Starfighter2 and Spillone104
      Effects : Starfighter2, X-Ray and Spillone104
      Sounds : Spillone104
      Beta testers : X-Ray, Starfighter2 and TheTestPilot
      Special thanks to the Team that created the original NF-104A mod for SFP1. (original readme included!)
      Legal stuff:
      This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
      Enjoy the ride and land safe ;-)


         (3 reviews)



    8. Aero L-39 C/ZO/ZA Albatros add on pack

      Aero L-39C/ZA/ZO Albatros for Strike Fighters 2 series (Europe, Israel)
      Under Win7 or Vista unzip content into User\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2(...)\Objects
      Under WinXP is the destination in MyDocuments\ThirdWire...
      History (from wiki):
      The Aero L-39 Albatros is a high-performance jet trainer aircraft developed in Czechoslovakia to meet requirements for a "C-39" (C for cvi?ný – trainer) during the 1960s to replace the L-29 Delfín. It was the first of the second-generation jet trainers, and the first turbofan-powered trainer produced, and was later updated as the L-59 Super Albatros and as the L-139 (prototype L-39 with engine Garrett TFE731). The design is still produced in an evolved state as the L-159 ALCA, while more than 2,800 L-39s still serve with over 30 air forces around the world. The Albatros – the most widely used jet trainer in the world – is versatile, seeing duty in light-attack missions as well as in basic and advanced pilot training.
      Role Military trainer aircraft
      Light ground-attack aircraft
      Manufacturer Aero Vodochody
      First flight 4 November 1968
      Introduced 1971
      Status 2,800 still in use in various air forces
      Primary users Soviet Air Force
      Czechoslovak Air Force
      Libyan Air Force
      Royal Thai Air Force
      Produced 1970s-1999
      3D model: Monty CZ
      Textures: Monty CZ, Soulfreak
      Cockpit: Monty CZ
      Flight model: Monty CZ
      Hangar and Loading textures: Soulfreak
      Thanks to:
      Miroslav Han?ar, author of the www.l-39.cz page
      Barry Hancock, from www.worldwidewarbirds.com (check his articles about flying the Albatros there)
      all people from www.flightsim.cz who helped me
      Soulfreak, Kulbit80, 76.IAP-Blackbird, EricJ, NeverEnough and others.
      For comments visit www.combatace.com
      Monty CZ


         (13 reviews)



    9. Thirdwire F-84F Mega Skin & update Pack

      F-84F Mega Skin-Pack & update.

      By Ludo.m54, Soulfreak & Ravenclaw_007

      This is an update for the Stock Thirdwire F-84F for StrikeFighters 2 (latest standart).
      Addet new Tanks. some Parts on the model and some ini changes done.
      This Mod is optimizrd for the latest SF2 Standart (Exp. Pack 2)
      - Wing Pitot (pressure probe) for the J-65-W-7 Engine
      - New Drop Tanks
      - New Weapons
      - New Hangar & Loading Screens
      - 2 New USAF Skins
      - 12 New West-German Skins (All Units covered)
      - 11 New Armée de l'Air Skins
      - addet Zurawskis F-86 cockpit to make the F-84F flyable
      - Edited the inis (Loadout, Data)
      Skins are all in High Rez.
      User with a not so powerful system should resize the Skin bitmaps to 1024x1024.
      - Ludo.m54 for the outstanding Templates, the French & 78TFS Skins
      - Ravenclaw_007 for the new Tanks, weapons, Pressure Probe & Ini edits
      - Zurawski for the F-86 cockpit
      - Wrench for his Work before on the F-84F
      - Soulfreak for the German & the 4512th CCTS Skins and the new hangar & loading screens
      - Thirdwire for this great Simulation Series & the stock F-84F
      Special Thanks to Harald Hensel from www.hahen.de who providet great references to me about the F-84F in the GAF.
      Mod is for SF2 Serie (latest Standart)!!!
      integrated tanks removed and addet Ravenclaw´s tanks.
      Mod is tested only in SF2 europe Exp. 2
      this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement
      I hope you´ll like this Mod.
      Schapen, 04th Decembre 2010
      Carlo "Souli" Vecchi


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    10. Mig-21 LanceR A & C

      MiG-21 LanceR A & C updated update.
      This is an update of dtmdragons LanceR A & C for StrikeFighters 2.
      Addet new Tanks and did some ini changes.
      Now you can open manual the canopy (animation 10)
      select the Romanian Blue Tanks
      And i addet 2 New Skins (Done by me & Bobrock).
      I made new Hangar & Loading Screens
      I made also alternate Hangar & Loading Screens for wide screens.
      They are in the "Alternate_Widescreen_Hangar_Loading_Screens" folder.
      - Bobrock for the nice Templates and Basic Grey skin
      - Crusader for the work on the Tank
      - dtmdragon for the Basic LanceR SF2 update
      - Eagle 99 for the basic SF1 LanceR Mod
      Back up your stuff before installing new mods!
      Only a tip for the Installation: Delete the things from the older mod out of the Aircrafts folder (Saves Space on HDD)!
      But it´s not needet
      You have to read the Readme!!!
      Mod is for SF2 Serie!!!
      this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement
      I hope you´ll like this Mod.
      Schapen, 30th Novembre 2010
      Carlo "Souli" Vecchi


         (2 reviews)



    11. A-4AR FightingHawk by the Banidos Team updated for Strike Fighters 2

      A-4AR FightingHawk by the Banidos Team updated for Strike Fighters 2
      -This is the SF1 A-4AR by the Banidos Team updated for SF2 http://combatace.com/files/file/7406-upgraded-a-4-ar-fighting-hawk/
      -I have made a few INI edits to better reflect the data I found on the A-4M and A-4AR as well as a modern pilot and extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -The cockpit and avionics have also been replaced/changed
      I didn't know which of my two A-4AR vertions people would like so I've uploaded both and you can decide :)
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit: Goes to Soulfreak, Ravens**t, Wrench, Torno and alejandro for thier work on past A-4AR skins/Aircraft


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    12. A/F-24 Shadowcat

      A/F-24 Shadowcat (AFX) for Strike Fighters 2
      After making the first attempt at modelling this concept, which ended up as the not-very-accurate F-24 Shadowcat for WOI, I decided to go back and, armed with a lot more research material and better workflow, redo the entire thing from the ground up as accurate as is possible with unbuilt concepts. It originally was to feature a new cockpit based on that of the A-12 Avenger II, but this turned out to look quite ugly ingame. I eventually found out that the real thing was to use cockpit displays from the F-22 for sakes of commonality, so I decided I might as well build a straight-down navalized F-22 cockpit for which a whole lot more reference material is available.
      Known Issues:
      The cockpit isn't 100% complete. I thought it was better to release something that's 99% complete and fix it later which I will as it was always part of the plan to adapt the cockpit back into a straight F-22 pit.
      For some reason all of your wingmen except #2 will tip over and crash on the taxiway. No idea why this happens. They all start fine from the carrier though.
      Models & textures by Julhelm
      FM by Fubar512
      Avionics by Jat
      As usual, these files may not be used in payware or otherwise tampered with and reposted without my consent which you may request at NilsD at bredband dot net.
      This message will self destruct in five seconds.


         (3 reviews)



    13. Royal Australian Air Force planned (2012 ish) EA-18G Growler for Strike Fighters 2

      Royal Australian Air Force planned (2012 ish) EA-18G Growler for Strike Fighters 2
      -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit: EricJ & FastCargo


         (0 reviews)



    14. F-4E Kurnass 2000 for Strike Fighters 2

      Israeli Air Force F-4E Kurnass 2000 for Strike Fighters 2
      -Modernized cockpit and avionics
      -Modernized weapons capability
      -Most advanced version of the F-4E used by the Israeli Air Force
      -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit goes to Wrench and Third Wire for the original aircraft this has been modified from


         (1 review)



    15. Italian AMX for Strike Fighters 2 Upgraded/Modernised

      Italian AMX for Strike Fighters 2 Upgraded
      -Year specific versions to reflect the major upgrade of the Italian AMX to give it a modern cockpit/avionics and improved smart weapons such as JDAM
      -Modernized weapons capability and load out files
      -Modernized cockpit with MFD and HUD
      -High and low visibility markings
      -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit: pcpilot


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    16. Mig-21 LanceR A & C updated for Strike Fighters 2

      Romanian Air Force Mig-21 LanceR A & C models updated for Strike Fighters 2
      -A model LanceR
      -B model LanceR
      -Modernized cockpit with HUD & TWS RWR
      -Correct loadout files with Python 3 missiles, LGBs and LITENING pod
      -Modernized weapons capability with ability to carry NATO and Israeli ordinance
      -Modernized Elta EL/M-2032 Air combat radar and avionics
      -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit: Eagle99


         (2 reviews)



    17. Royal Air Force & Royal Navy F-35C Pack for Strike Fighters 2

      Royal Air Force & Royal Navy F-35C Pack for Strike Fighters 2
      It seems more and more likely the UK will purchase the F-35C so here is my take of the UK version replacing the current GR9 Harrier squadrons.
      -No. 1 Squadron RAF markings.
      -No. 4 (Reserve) Squadron RAF markings.
      -No. 800 Naval Air Squadron markings
      -Markings for an operational ´Joint Force Lightning´ (JFL) squadron which is a take off ´Joint Force Harrier´ (JFH)
      -UK weapon load outs including ASRAAM, Meteor, Brimstone, Storm Shadow and an upgraded ALARM missile
      -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit: FastCargo & Dave


         (1 review)



    18. Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18 Hornet for Strike Fighters 2

      Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18 Hornet for Strike Fighters 2
      -Separate Low and High visibility markings.
      -Year specific versions to represent the major upgrades that added the ASRAAM/AIM-120 missiles and enhanced its smart weapons capability.
      -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit: Spectre8750 & Dave


         (1 review)



    19. Tornado GR4 for Strike Fighters 2

      Tornado GR4 for Strike Fighters 2
      -Year specific versions to reflect upgrades in weapons capability e.g. Brimstone missiles
      -Modernized Avionics & loadout
      - Storm Shadow Air to ground missile included
      -Modified from the NATO fighters GR1A
      -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit: Dave & NF4+ team


         (1 review)



    20. Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18F Super Hornet for Strike Fighters 2

      Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18F Super Hornet for Strike Fighters 2
      -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit: EricJ & FastCargo


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    21. Polish F-16D updated for Strike Fighters 2

      Polish F-16D updated for Strike Fighters 2
      -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit: Diogo


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      1 comment


    22. Royal New Zealand Force 'what should have been' F-16 Pack for Strike Fighters 2

      Royal New Zealand Air Force 'what should have been' F-16 Pack for Strike Fighters 2
      This pack represents 'what should have been' if our newly elected Labour Party government hadn't screwed the nation and cacelled the previous governments planed purchase of F-16C fighters in 2001. They would latter axe our Air Force’s entire combat air wing and we are defenceless to this day.
      -Multiple year specific versions with different load outs for the ´C´ model F-16 which has been renamed the F-16K.
      -A two seater F-16K/D with conformal fuel tanks.
      -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit: Spectre8750, Diogo & Spinners


         (0 reviews)



    23. C-160D Transall

      C-160D Transall Addon for SF2 series
      The C-160D Transall was the main tactical transport aircraft of the german air force from 1968 on.
      Retirement was planned for 2010, but due to problems with the A400M the (so called) "Trall" will stay
      a few years more in service. In the nineties the fleet got upgraded with a new avionic suit and some
      aircraft got equiped with the AN/AAR-54(V) missile warner and counter measure pods.
      Drop all files into your mod folder the way they are setup in this pack.
      If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce!
      If you have allready custom craters installed, you MUST install the ones here manually!
      Model features:
      + Multiple LODs
      + Cockpit
      + Damage model
      + Destroyed aircraft model
      + Cargo pallets (dropable)
      + Paratroopers (German "Fallschirmjaeger")
      + Animation for parked aircraft, this cannot been used manually
      + The aircraft number you are using is displayed in cockpit
      +To drop the paratroopers, open the bombbay (side doors)
      +To drop the cargo pallets, open the ramp with animation key "9"
      +To use the windshield whipers, use animation key "8"
      +Thanks to the GMG for decals and testing
      +Special thanks to the team of "Gemeinsam Helfen e.V.", who built a C-160D for the MS Flight Simulator.
      They helped me alot with info and pictures!
      Both cockpit and external model are quite high polygon models, if you face FPS drops, there would be no
      other solution as to upgrade your system!
      Hope you enjoy this!


         (5 reviews)

      1 comment


    24. MiG-9 Fargo (upgraded for SF2)

      MiG-9 "Fargo" -Update Pak for SF2 (all, merged or not)

      This is a "minor" rebuild of the flight model for this 1st Generation Soviet Jet fighter by Timmy. It borrows heavliy from other work; I've just tried to combine and adjust to get it a little better (it's like around 110% better than it was!)
      Everything has been tweeked to SF2 standards; folderized decals for the PLAAF skins, use of stock in-game decals for Soviet Borts (and some other decal tweeks), the 260gallon/900 liter drop tanks, my semi-craptastic "PilotER" (we really do need a new early soviet jet pilot figure!) and the 'migengine' sound borrowed from TMF's MiG-21F, a new SF2-style hangar screen, and cockpit (modded from Kesselbruts Spitfire pit, called "1JetCockpit", that while not perfect, works pretty damn good). Instruments are still in English characters, but have been converted to metric readings in the cockpit ini.
      This is a complete aircraft, ready to unzip and fly away. While the flight modeling is VASTLY improved, it could still use a little fine-tuning. I welcome compentent modders to take this one, and bring it all the way home.
      As always full, detailed install instruction are included in the pack, so READ them!!
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    25. TF-104G_G-M_SF2

      Lockheed TF-104G and TF-104G-M for SF2 series (04.Nov.2010)
      This mod is the SF2 conversion of
      Spillone's TF-104G and TF-104G-M mod for SF1 (http://combatace.com/topic/60210-tf-104g-g-m/)
      Additions to original SF1 release:
      * Decals placed in proper SF2 Decals folder
      * NASAAR radar values copied over from stock SF2 F-104G
      * Used Ravenclaw's GAF Pilots (Edited their flag patches and named the pilots _Generic)
      * Drop Tanks ini files converted to SF2 format
      * [RocketAttackAI] based on stock F-104G
      * Aircraft model Shadows now handled by SF2 Gfx Engine (Still has a glitch from canopy mesh, from certain angles)
      * Optional Martin Baker Mk7 seats by Ravenclaw included
      * Hirez cockpit textures included from "F-104G High-Resolution Cockpit Textures 1.0 2005/10/29" by (?)
      (no cockpit lod included)
      INSTALLATION in SF2 generation games:
      1. Extract or Copy the Effects, Objects and Sounds folder to your Mod Folder.
      (Example: C:\Users\pureblue\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\ in Win7)
      2. You MUST copy over the F-104G_Cockpit.LOD file from your SF1 install to
      Objects\Aircraft\TF-104G\cockpit and
      Objects\Aircraft\TF-104G-M\cockpit folders.
      3. If you want to use MB_Mk7 seats also copy over the contents of "Optional_MB_Mk7_Seat" to your Mod Folder.
      The TF-104G*_DATA.INI files will be overwritten.
      4. That should be all :)
      Original aircraft, 3D model and templates: Ajunaidr
      Added 3D details, Fuel tanks, INI work, flight model, sounds and effects: Spillone104
      Texture and decals: Spillone104 and Paulopanz
      Fake Pilot mod: FastCargo
      BETA testers: Paulopanz, Muesli and Derk.
      SF2 conversion: Pureblue ;)
      Thank you all!
      enjoy, Pureblue
      Lockheed TF-104G and TF-104G-M for SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI oct.08 patch standard:
      This mod is intended as a general update of the TF-104G model of Ajunaidr released some years ago.
      The FM is improved and now there are a new ogival nose, pitot and other details added via "fake pilot".
      TF-104G skins:
      KLu camo
      AMI 20- Gruppo
      AMI 4- Stormo
      AMI 4- Stormo with blue stripe
      AMI mono gray
      Included there are new Camo(AMI) and Gray(ASA-M) tanks.
      To open the canopy use Shift+0 .
      Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder. :)
      And add the code lines of the fuel tanks to your WEAPONDATA.INI
      Note: You need to have the stock SFP1 F-104G for the cockpit in your install.
      Original aircraft, 3D model and templates: Ajunaidr
      Added 3D details, Fuel tanks, INI work, flight model, sounds and effects: Spillone104
      Texture and decals: Spillone104 and Paulopanz
      Fake Pilot mod: FastCargo
      BETA testers: Paulopanz, Muesli and Derk.
      Thank you all guys!
      Legal stuff:
      This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
      Enjoy and good flight. :)


         (2 reviews)




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