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    1. ATI HDR Mod 1.03

      This is a version of my HDR mod for high end ATI cards. Read the Readme file for installation and other bits of info.


         (3 reviews)



    2. Improved rain effect V1.2 for SF1/2

      Improved Rain Effect by China Insky Team
      For SF1 series, put in your Effects Folder;
      For SF2 series, put in your Effects subfolder in your mod folder.
      Creator: HoneyFox, Orsin
      Beta Tester: HoneyFox, Orsin, F-16CJ, XIAOHANI
      Update History
      V1.0 Initial Release
      V1.1 Much improved resource utilization
      V1.2 Resolve the effect disappear issue with SF2 series


         (4 reviews)



    3. Gepard's Formosa Strait visual update

      This mod is full two-seasons (wet, dry) tileset and treemod created for Gepard's "Formosa Strait" terrain.
      You need Gepard's Formosa terrain available here:
      The tiles are 512x512 resolution to maintain good performance on older systems, but as they were downsampled from their 1024x1024 originals, maintain good quality.
      This mod includes it's own, smoother terrain height data, but original rough version is also provided as an option.
      Also includes new TFD file, which introduces "large empty fields" in western Taiwan.
      Both smaller and bigger trees included, the latter as default for rich lush ground cover.
      Includes optional tweak for experimental clear day fog.


         (3 reviews)



    4. Libya - Ver 3.75

      Lybia Terrain; Updates, Fixes and Clean-Up For SF2 Series (& SF/Wo*, too!)

      What started out as a simple, quick "Limited Nations" fix, turned into a semi-major overhaul. This includes some retiling, and some fairly major targeting fixes. It has NOT been completly rebuilt; there might still be a few cities in Libya that might need re-working, but I just didn't want to futz around with them. Also, several of the NATO side targets have been vastly improved upon and expanded. Since I totally lost track of WHAT I added, I've chosen to re-release this as a FULL terrain. It is designed to replace any and all other originals or mods, as everything has been incoporated to this version, plus some additiional stuff and thingys, including some GroundObject tweeks.
      As stated above, this is the FULL terrain, with all internal objects needed. You simply need to unzip and install.
      This terrain mod, while designed for SF2 merged installs, is easily back-dated for use in all 1st Gen SF/SFG/Wo* game installs at the 08 Patch Level. You'll just need to change the shader statments; instructions are below. Information on the GroundObjects are in the "Notes" section.
      Also added are several new tiles, updating of some other tiles (to make them fit and look better), and LOTS of custom TODs for buildings and trees and such. For those that expect them, the 'Easter Eggs' on this terrian a the same as before, with the addition of a new billboard or 2.....
      It is also reccomened you have the Pasko's Ground Objects, Kesselbrut's Vehicles Pak, Fast Cargo's SA-5s; in short any and all add-on SAMs, AAA, vehicles, ships, and whatnot from any and all other terrain mods. They are NOT all included. See "Notes" below for information about Stock & 3rd Party Ships. However, some modified data inis for stock and 3rd party AAA units are included, as they are now networked to a search/track/fire control radar.
      Be advised, however, of the use of the "LimitedNations=TRUE" statement, thereby limiting WHO gets to play in this sandbox.
      It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ this entire document through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we WILL clown on you.
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (3 reviews)



    5. Optimised Tiles for Updated Default SF2 Terrain

      Optimised Tiles for Updated Default SF2 Terrain by Piecemeal V 1.1
      These tiles are for Piecemeal's excellent Updated Default SF2 Terrain v 1.1. They have been optimised for a 8-bit color pallette for a 66.6% reduction in size and memory consumption - just for you folks with them older graphic cards! And they look 99.9% as good as the original ones so you won't be compromising on quality!
      Unpack the archives and drop BMP files to your Terrains/DESERT3 folder and allow for overwrite.
      Piecemal for his Desert3 terrrain
      ODS Team and various others for the original tiles,
      see included readme file.


         (0 reviews)



    6. SF2 Mescalero Proving Grounds Part 3

      The Apache Spirit Dancers have brought forth some more target drones for your new range. This is DRONE PACKAGE #2 for the Mescalero Proving Grounds. Please be sure to have parts 1 and 2 already installed.
      INCLUDED with this package are the following NEW target drones and BONUS aircraft:
      THE QF-9J Cougar: Former front line carrier fighter of the USN. An AGRESSIVE drone of good manueverabilty
      but no countermeasures.Operated by permanent USN detachment from China Lake. Type was
      fully expended by 1975.
      THE PQM-102A DELTA DAGGER: Former front line USAF interceptor. Retired and placed in AMARC storage,Arizona.
      Recalled for target drone use in 1975 because of its performance simularities to
      the Soviet Mig-21. An AGGRESSIVE drone of fair manueverability and limited counter-
      measures. Type fully expended by 1986.
      THE CQM-10B BOMARC: Former USAF air defense missile. Retired in 1972 and converted for target drone use.
      A PASSIVE drone of poor manueverability BUT SUPERIOR SPEED!! A pair of ramjet engines
      can hold MACH 1.7 over the range and MACH 3.5 at higher altitudes. Limited countermeasures.
      A "shoot quick or it's gone" target. Designed to simulate the MIG-25 Foxbat or SR-71 type
      recon aircraft. Ground launched via self contained booster rocket.
      THE QT-38A Talon: Former USAF supersonic Advanced Trainer. Obtained by USN in 1975. and converted to target drone.
      Retrofitted with belly-pod containing limited countermeasures. A passive drone of fair/good manuever-
      ability. Operated by permanent USN detachment from China Lake. Type still operational but retirement
      is immenent.
      THE QF-4B Phantom II: Former front line carrier fighter of the USN. An AGRESSIVE drone of good manueverabilty
      and good countermeasures.Operated by rotating USN detachment from US NAVAL MISSILE CENTER in.
      Point Mugu,Calif. Type was fully expended by 1990.
      --------------DRONE CONTROLLER-------------------
      THE FJ3-D2 Fury: Drone controller conversion of the FJ-3 Fury. Pilot can assume command of errant drones and activate
      self-destruct mechanism via radio control. Armed with (4x) 20mm cannon as secondary termination
      choice. Operated on a limited utility basis from 1955 until 1966.
      -------------RANGE "HUNTER KILLER" AIRCRAFT------(one of my personal favorites!!)
      THE F4D-1 Skyray: Short-lived, front line carrier fighter of the USN and later USMC. Designed as an interceptor for the fleet.
      Holder of several speed and climb-to altitude records of its day. Has (4x) 20mm cannon in wings with limited
      ammo. Primarily designed to intercept with unguided "Mighty Mouse" rockets in external pods. Can be con-
      figured to use early sidewinder missiles instead. Capable, but NOT USED for air/ground operations (due to wing
      stress problems). Limited internal fuel makes drop-tanks neccesary. VERY limited combat time over range
      once tanks are dropped.....WATCH YOUR FUEL!! Non-carrier use over land requires carrying of external
      NAVPAC which contains needed avionics for navigation (VOR-OMNI) and instrument apporach use (ILS). This pack
      is non-droppable and carried on centerline. Your Skyray wears the colors of FAGU.....the Fleet Air Gunnery Unit,Pacific
      out of NAAS ElCentro,Calif. 1958.
      A full READ-ME file with installation and CREDITS is included. ENJOY!!!


         (1 review)



    7. Iran-Iraq Terrain

      Iran-Iraq Terrain


      - For SF2, Full-4 Merged (or any with access to the Desert cat) -

      (Although Perfered Usage is as a Complete Stand-Alone Iran/Iraq War Mod)

      This is a complete and total rebuild of the Iran/Iraq terrain from oh, so long ago. The entire map has been retiled, using Polak's Desert Storm set (also with some updates) with the addition of rivers, more farms, cities and an major expansion of the target areas. Simply put, those that have or seen the original probably won't recognize the place!!
      Although designed with the 1980-88 War in mind, it can (with EXTENSIVE reworking) be made over for use for any time period, up to and including the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait/Desert Shield (more in the "Notes" below). While many of the neighboring countries DO have (minimal) targets added, they are set as NEUTRAL, and have 0 value targets, as they are beyond the scope of the main focus of the map -- the Iran/Iraq War. However, the major airports ARE there, also NEUTRAL.
      MANY new tiles have been added, updating of some originals (to make them fit and look better), and LOTS of custom TODs for buildings and trees and such. Including ALL new river AND road tiles for all 3 types of terrain (desert, farm, mountain), with all the transitions. While not perfect, given game/terrain engine limitations, these changes make the region look more like it should. Unfortunately, however, some rivers and other terrain features are NOT replicated due to the height field display of the terrain, making it virtually impossible to do so. This is especially true for regions in Iran that are heavily mountainous; or have some other "oddities" due to airfield flattening. Roads may also NOT follow their actual paths.
      Other changes are to Runway 2 and Runway 3, that have been retextured to fully paved (no more FOD from dirt!!)
      It is also reccomened you have the Pasko's Ground Objects, and Kesselbrut's Vehicles Pak, the GAZ trucks, etc; in short any and all add-on SAMs, AAA, vehicles, ships, and whatnot from any and all other terrain mods. HOWEVER -- make sure said add-on objects are CORRECT for the theatre and timeframe. (SA-2, SA-3 and SA-6 for the big Iraqi SAMs -btw, 2 & 6s are stock items) While NOT all are included, some are. Wherever possible, I've tried to stick with stock, historic items. Several new, "nation specific" items ARE included. Aircraft are NOT.
      As to be expected, there are some Easter Eggs. Most are scattered around the map; some are actual historic World Heritage sites.
      While this can be used in a SF2 series (any), it is reccomended that it be used in a Stand-Alone Mods Folder dedicated to the Iran/Iraq War only. As it uses desert tile/terrain naming conventions, it points to the Desert.cat. As all tiles and most terrain objects are either stock or included, it should work with any of the stock Cats, =EXCEPTING= SF2:I's IsrealME. Use of that cat is =NOT= reccomended.
      It is highly reccomended that you READ this entire document through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, well, you know the drill. You get clowned on. Hard. As usual, the expansive "Notes and Other BS" section for clarifications, elaborations, explainations and general ramblings.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (5 reviews)



    8. Afghanistan Terrain (Modern -2003 & Later)

      Afghanistan (Modern - 2003 & Later) Terrain


      == For SF2, Full-4 Merged -ONLY- (and/or SF2:I) ==

      MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS are SF2 and SF2:I, as it uses the IsraelME tileset -- the
      tiles are NOT included. However, during the rebuild process I did test it with
      Stary's enhanced IME tile set. Several new tiles have been added for his specific
      tile set. They ARE included. But DO NOT USE THEM if using the STOCK IME tiles --
      there are 'matching tiles' for the stock set, already set up to be used. See the
      "To Install" for more information. (meaning: right now, it's pointing to the IsraelME.cat)
      This is a small update/upgrade of Gepard's Afghanistan terrain, bringing it more
      up-to-date "Modernish", with regards to Allied Operations against the Taliban and
      other various Bad Guys ™. All airfields have been replaced with 'stock', more
      Western/NATO looking, as (re)constructed by Western Forces after their arrival in-theatre.
      (unfortunately, when matching the airfiled types to 'real world' types, you now
      lose the ability to base aircraft needing the LARGE Runway 4 - B-52s, B-1s, etc)
      You =MUST= have the Gepard's original terrain to install this to. You can
      download it from the following URL:
      It will be needed for the various theatre-specific GroundObjects, and Nation.ini
      It should also be noted, that EricJ's 'enhanced targets' ini is NOT incorporated
      into this mod. Due to changes in the types of runways used now, that mod is,
      unfortunately, NO LONGER COMPATIBLE with this one.
      The "LimitedNations" and "AllowedMissonTypes" statements have been edited to more
      reflect the 2003 and later timeframe (I'm sure a left out a NATO component or 2;
      please feel free to add whichever country I've missed! And let me know which
      Remember -- this is just a small, minor overhauling. No real major changes.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      Special Thanks to EricJ, who asked for this upgrade, and his invaluable assistance. And to all our Fighting Forces in the far-flung regions of the world.


         (2 reviews)



    9. SARCASM: Slightly Artistic Representation (of) Clouds And Sky Mod

      This tiny mod is my modification of stock post-June11 environmentsystem.ini, that I created in spare time for own enjoyment. Incorporated are several tweaks and graphics files I created to slightly change the looks and feel of the SF2 series environment.
      Changes include:
      New, light blue sky colour for midday
      New, more purple, "cinematic" sky colours for sunrise/sunset
      Slightly modified fog colours
      Reduced sky glow for sunrise/sunset
      New, slighly bigger sun with new sun graphics
      New sun flare
      New clouds sizes and graphics for all weather types
      Now clear weather has some small fluffy clouds too
      New, bigger lens flares with new graphics
      Slightly bigger Moon
      New stars graphics
      New, stronger base winds and gusts for more dramatic smoke columns etc.
      Other tiny changes
      Please note: as of Expansion Pack 2, clouds height seems to be locked at specific untweakable altitude (=> ~10000 feet).
      I, aswell as others, tried various settings, even negative cloud base height values to no luck.


         (3 reviews)



    10. Kamchatka Peninsula for SF2

      Kamchatka Peninsula
      by Baltika
      For Strike Fighters 2 Series
      This is an upgrade of my original Kamchatka Peninsula Terrain to bring it up to the latest SF2 standard (September 2011 patch).
      I was motivated to bring it up to speed to provide a native combat environment for TK's excellent JASDF Phantom F-4EJ, available at the Thirdwire DLC Store.
      What's new over version 1.0:
      -Fully compatible with SF2
      -Winter and Summer tilesets
      -Fully operational in Thirdwire Mission Editor (Cheers Crusader!)
      This terrain includes a base tileset by Deuces, together with Stary's forests and farms mod adapted for use on this terrain. I have also created a large number of additional transition tiles based on Deuce's tiles, which may be of interest to terrain builders.
      This version 2.0 release also includes a full winter tileset, which is based on Major Lee's DBS terrain tileset. Thanks also to Wrench for creating the water effect .TGA tiles used here which bring the water to life.
      The tile naming format is compatible with the stock GermanyCE tileset for ease of expansion, but be aware that the excellent hi-res and seasoned tilesets by Brain32 and Stary in particular will not have all the necessary transition tiles, so use them with caution. Should you wish to use the included transitioned tileset for your own terrain mods, copy all the terrain .bmp files and .tga files into the "Tileset" folder and convert the .tga tiles to .bmp format. See Gepard's excellent terrain tutorials in the KB at CA for more info.
      All mission types are activated, for both red and blue side flyable. The Americans have their existing bases on the Aleutian Islands. I have handed the northern Kuril Islands to the Japanese for the sake of this scenario. Take it as read that the Soviets were sufficiently distracted by the ground war in central Europe that they lost their hold on the Kurils to Japan. Now, the Soviets are engaged in a fierce battle for control of the strategically important Kamchatka Peninsula.
      This is a target-rich, fictionalised version of the RUssian Far East. There are many installations and industrial zones in the Kamchatkai Krai that you will not find in real life. Equally, as much real-life stuff as I could discover went into the mix. Also, this is a showcase of a fully-transitioned tileset, so there is much more agriculture than you would get at these latitudes. Just kick back and enjoy the scenery.
      Finally, there is a monstrous presence lurking at the heart of the Peninsula who has risen from aeons of deathless sleep to trouble the affairs of men once more. Bragging rights to the first person to take a recon photo of this horror and make it back to base alive, and with their sanity intact ;-)
      Simply unzip and drop the "KAMCHATKA" folder into your User\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2\Terrains folder.
      It is highly recommended that you install the files listed below or you will not get the full intended Kamchatka Krai experience.
      CVN-75 by Digital Overload
      TAKR Orjol by Gepard
      TAKR Admiral Gorshkov by X-RAY
      UdaloyI by China Insky Team
      UdaloyII by China Insky Team
      BRDM_SA-9 by rebelryder
      SA-11 & SA-17 by 101tfs
      ScudLauncher & Missile by bigal1
      Soviet SAMs by gabilon
      Core tilesets by Deuces and Major Lee. Additional transition tiles by Baltika
      Winter Sea .TGA tiles by Wrench
      Forests and Farms mod by Stary, extended to cover additional tiles
      Kamchatka_water.bmp by Crusader
      Doppler Radar Dome by grumpapotamus
      I have modded this as a terrain object rather than a separate ground object. The original readme file is included. Thanks grumpapotamus ;-)
      WW2 Subpens from WW2 Europe Terrain by Edward et al, modded for Soviet use.
      Thanks to the original creator.
      As ever, feedback, comments, bug-reports and general griping are most welcome.
      September 2011


         (3 reviews)



    11. Iran/Iraq 2003+ Terrain for SF2

      Iran-Iraq 2003+ Terrain
      - For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Reccomended) -
      This is a complete and total rebuild of the 1980s version of the Iran/Iraq terrain, into a slightly more modern version. IE: Post-0IF, and especially designed/rebuilt for the Operation Darius mod now circulating around. This is a completly seperate map, and will NOT conflict with the 1980s Iran-Iraq War map.
      Basically, the sides have been switched; making Iran enemy and Iraq friendly (as it's most definatly post-OIF). The terrain has the Limited Nations statments set, modified movements ini, some minor retiling and additions to the _targets and _types inis. The terrain also has a 'fixed' StartDate= of 2003. The rest of the Gulf states have been reactivated as FRIENDLY, but the majority of cities in Kuwait, Bahrain, Quatar and Saudi Arabia are basically 'just there for show'. OTH, all the airfields are now active.
      OTH, again, new planning maps were NOT generated -- so don't be alarmed when seeing the markers as Red in Iraq, and Blue in Iran. I just didn't want to redo them.
      No GroundObjects are included with this terrain ... for Op Darius they are/will be a seperate download. They also should NOT conflict with amongst themselves, if/when installed to a 'general all-incusive' game install, as they've been adapted for use in all installs (ie: many are nation specific, and all have new correct userlists).
      As always, detailed install instructions are included below.
      kevin stein


         (4 reviews)



    12. Baltika's Iceland new trees texture

      This is simple re-texture of trees found in Baltika's fabulous full-scale Iceland terrain.
      New texture is 4x higher resolution and better matches the underlying forestal tiles, thus looks better.
      (old trees texture used, also by me, is some hundred years old and fugly!)
      To install simply unzip to your Iceland terrain folder, overwrite file.


         (0 reviews)



    13. Open Ocean Carrier Battle Map

      This terrain is Starys Water-Only terrain, adjusted to be a Carrier duelling ground. It has two Carrier Stations and a few
      waypoints, as well as movement data to attack Convoys. There is no interference by ground based aircraft whatsoever, both Carriers
      has to rely on what they have available on their decks and is thus perfect for single missions. The Terrain can however also
      be used for Sea-Based Campaigns.
      Simply unzip into the Mod Folder of your choice.
      This Terrain requires Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic
      This Terrain may require some management of your Ground Objects. The key to this Terrain is the Ocean_NATIONS.INI. This needs to be adjusted to create the scenario you wish.
      As of right now, it is set to USN vs Soviet. It is imperative that you choose a year where both nations have a Carrier; regardless of the nations chosen. Do note that
      it does not have to be a Red vs Blue Scenario. Brazilian Navy vs Indian Navy, Indian Navy vs US Navy, Soviet Navy vs Brazilian Navy and onwards are all fun combinations
      in their own way. Not to mention the classic "Argentine Navy vs Royal Navy" ;-)
      To spawn a Carrier Group, there needs to be a Carrier and Escorts. Make sure the Carrier can house the intended aircraft!
      There are a few issues that may arise with this terrain, and all of them are based on your Ground Objects:
      My Nations/Enemy Carrier is not spawning:
      Check that you added the correct nation in the Nations.ini
      Check that the Carrier can carry the size of your aircraft (Some carriers can only house "Small" Aircraft and will not spawn if you chosen a "Medium" aircraft)
      Make sure the Carrier has a Name List.
      My Carrier has no Escorts:
      Make sure you have nation-appropriate Escorts. Escorts are ships designated as Crusiers, Destroyers and Frigates. This is done in the vessels Data file (WarshipClass=FRIGATE)
      For some nations, you can download Escorts but for others, you need to edit them for the nation you wish to use.
      Recommended Mods for use with this Terrain:
      Soviet Navy Vertical Pack
      WW2 Naval Units
      SF2: NA Ultimate Carriers Pack
      CVN Ulyanovsk
      Recommend you look in the Add-On Ships Section for anything else you may need. Paulopanz has also uploaded several Airplane + Carrier Packages that are worth checking out.
      Original Water only terrain by the amazing Stary


         (5 reviews)



    14. Gerwin's Iceland 1024 tileset

      This is 1024x1024 optional tileset and treemod for Gerwin's "old format" IcelandNA terrain.
      New waternormal included (still experimenting with those)
      Stretching the reality a bit I decided to add some clusters of trees/bushes to most of non-snow tiles -this way it's not 100% accurate but gives us something happening down low.


         (6 reviews)



    15. Photo real UK

      Baltika's UK map, highly modified with new tiles, objects etc.
      I've put this lot together over a period of time, it was intended to be just for my personal fun but I've had a fair bit of intrest in it so I've decided to release it "as is", I dont thnk it will ever be what I call finished as there's lots more I'd like to do.....I just dont have the time anymore, so please feel free to make amendments to it [it could do with the SF2NA naval features adding to make things a little more intresting]. Any changes you do make, please post/upload at CA for everybody to enjoy.
      Please read the readme, its for your benifit not mine.


         (9 reviews)



    16. Solomons and Phillipines visual update

      This is 1024x1024 tileset for both Solomons V3 and Phillipines together with custom tree/city mod.
      Adjusted data for both terrains included.
      Designed for Solomons V3 and Phillipines maps by Wrench (Phillipines map originally started by Edward)
      Apart from these, should work in other older maps using WoV/SF2:V tileset, Vietnam including
      Few extra files included in separate folder


         (4 reviews)



    17. Archipelago v1.0

      This is the first in a series of terrains (and probably tilesets) that I plan on making.
      But, it's not going to be anyplace you recognize. You might notice a few landmasses that look familiar, but this terrain is a complete fabrication, Google Earth will shrug its shoulders if you start looking for it. But that allows you a lot of freedom in terms of scaling and just simply creating anything that pops into your head.
      This concept came from a couple of ideas.
      Western militaries have long had a tradition of wargaming exercises and creating war plans using fictional enemies. Consider this terrain to be less like a real world conflict and more like a live-fire training exercise against bad guys with real guns. This terrain will be not be a real place, but I did want some nods to realism, like a realistic number of targets and a realistic number of airfields for an island chain in the Pacific or Indian oceans.
      The next idea I had came from top-tier games like Battlefield and Call of Duty. Ever notice how their multiplayer maps have vague names? The terrains are a lot like a single-player map pack, and this particular terrain could conceivably be used to create a campaign, but it was really meant and intended for single missions.
      The last idea was that I want each terrain to be geared for a particular style of warfare, this gets back into the terrain being more of a sandtable exercise than a real conflict. Warfare styles might include traditional Cold War gone hot foes, or a 70s style bush war. This particular terrain is geared for very early jet combat/last of the prop jobs sort of combat, like a war of decolonization. It is designed to be an ECM-free environment, guns, unguided rockets, and dumb bombs. You won't find a single SAM site. You could even mod it into a WW2 theatre if you felt like it.
      That's another thing. I don't mind if anyone wants to mod this further, like using a particular tileset or such like. If you plan on posting any mods of this terrain here for others to use, just shoot me an email. You don't have to ask for permission, just let me know what you're doing.
      Also, this is part of the CA freeware agreement. Do not use this for payware.
      Required Files - SF2 Vietnam (this terrain won't work without it, period)


         (2 reviews)



    18. Central America Terrain Planning Map Set

      Semi Stock Style set of Planning Maps by Spectre8750 for Central America Terrain for SF2 by Wrench.
      No ReadMe's
      Drop the Maps into the Terrain Folder.


         (1 review)



    19. Kamchatka Terrain for SF2 (by Baltika, Ver 2)

      Kamchatka Terrain for SF2 (by Baltika, Ver 2) 7/26/2013
      = For SF2, FULL 5 Merged - SF2NA REQUIRED!!! =
      This is a rebuild of Baltika's Kamchatka terrain. It has been rebuilt (almost)
      completly, and is designed to REPLACE, in total, the original 1stGen Version.
      The Targets and movements inis have been redone, and are more reflective of the Real
      World ™. Place names have been changed to local spelling (where discoverable,
      spellable and pronounable). The Original Easter Egg ™ is still intact; several others
      have been added, as expected.
      This terrain was (re)built and tested within my SF2:NA mods folder. It makes use of the
      various statements and bits (water bmps, etc) that are =REQUIRED= for proper CVBG and
      SAG operations. It is suggested that it =ONLY= be used in a pure NA environment. It will
      NOT work properly in ANY 1stGen install; so don't even bother asking. NA is also
      required, as several 'in port' ships are stock items. Like the Original Release, it is a
      "2 Season" terrain. Winter and Not Winter.
      It should be noted at this time, you =WILL= be needing all of WhiteBoySamauri's Soviet
      Ships, JMSDF ships, JGSDF ground objects, and any JASDF aircraft you can lay your hands
      on!! To say nothing of "the usual suspects" US and Soviet ground objects (trucks, tanks,
      APCs, AFV/IFV, even more ships, etc). Some are provided, but the rest you'll have to
      locate yourself.
      Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real
      Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all (read:
      there are NO rivers on this map. See Notes for more details). Several cities and other
      physical features, and target areas will also fall into that classification. Some target
      areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, with no strategic or tactical values.
      Just someplace to fly over.
      As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the
      rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through
      after unzipping, but -BEFORE- installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense
      section may make for entertaining reading, as it explains a few "oddities" you WILL
      Please also read and -OBEY- the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed
      slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal
      Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post.
      *Please Note: there are a few items still missing from the terrain, as well as a new
      tile set. It is being released "as is", with the caveat that when the new ground object
      and new tiles are ready, there =WILL= be an Update Pak. Until then, enjoy!*
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (6 reviews)



    20. WW2 PTO New Guinea Terrain for SF2

      New Guinea, WW2 PTO Terrain for SF2 (Ver.3.5) 8/6/2014
      - For SF2, Any & All (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended)
      = For Adventures in the South West Pacific =
      **This is Version 3.5, with additional goodies. It's designed to replace all eariler versions.
      If you have the other versions, you can either unzip and drop directly over your existing, or delete the older versions, and just use this one. No harm will befall you if you just Overwrite your existing New Guinea WW2 Terrain. Really.**
      Be advised, this NEW terrain folder still retains the same name as all the originals, "NewGuinea2".
      There many new GroundObject and Terrain Objects included in this terrain mod. All (if not most of) other Ground Objects you should already have. Those from the v.3 are still included. New Target Areas have been added . See the "Notes" section for the change list.
      The LimitedNations statement is set to TRUE, allowing only for 'regional powers', but has been expaned to include RNZAF and ML-KNIL forces. The terrain also makes use of the 'AllowedDates" statement, preventing use BEFORE January 1942.
      Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification. Some cities exist only as 'named places'.
      As is reccomended, unzip this archive to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you -read- the document through after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing.
      As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading.
      Please also read the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      Version 3.5 uploaded 8/13/2014


         (10 reviews)



    21. Black Sea 2.0a

      This is the updated version of Black Sea 2.0 for the Strike Fighters 2 series. Please read the README for complete instructions.
      As always, this file follows the CombatAce Modders Agreement, please do not use for payware.


         (9 reviews)



    22. Green Hell 3.5 Enhancement Package

      Green Hell 3.5 Enhancement Package
      for the
      SF2V Air & Ground Expansion Pack
      This package contains a set of enhancements for CA_Stary's Green Hell 3.5 (GH 3.5) replacement tile set for the ThirdWire VietnamSEA terrain. It is primarily designed for users who are using GH 3.5 in conjunction with the SF2V Air & Ground Expansion Pack.
      This mod package makes the following enhancements to Green Hell 3.5 with the SF2V Expansion Pack:
      1. Replaces the main air base tile with a new one designed to better belend into the surrounding terrain -- i.e., no more expansive green lawns surrounding all the air bases. The "jungle" air base tile is unchanged.
      2. Replaces the ground TGAs used for many barracks areas in the lower Route Packs of North Vietnam with new TGAs that allow the barracks areas to more naturally blend in with the surrounding terrain.
      3. Replaces the bright, aqua blue water tiles of GH 3.5 with a darker, greyer set of water tiles, which (at least to my eyes) look more natural.
      4. Replaces the default WaterNormal.BMP used in GH 3.5 with a new WaterNormal that produces more pronounced wave effects.
      If you are not using Green Hell 3.5 (the SF2V Expansion Pack by default uses an enhanced version of CA_Stary's Green Hell 2.0 tile set), there is no purpose in installing this enhancement package. It is designed strictly for Green Hell 3.5, not any earlier version (including 3.0).
      Installation is simple: copy all of the files in the \ForVietnamTerrains folder to the \Terrains\VietnamSEA terrain folder in your Mods directory. Allow Windows to overwrite files as prompted.
      If you have also installed GH 3.5 to the SouthVietnam terrain included with the SF2V Expansion Pack, copy the same files to the \Terrains\SouthVietnam folder in your Mods directory.
      That's it.
      Notes on GH 3.5 w/ the SF2V Expansion Pack
      As noted above, the SF2V Expansion Pack ships with an enhanced version of Green Hell 2.0 tile set. The numerous custom target areas in the Expansion Pack were hand-placed with an eye towards exploiting the particular visual features of the GH 2.0 tile set in order to make buildings, vehicles look as though they "belonged" in the places you find them.
      As the GH 3.5 tile set is a complete departure from (not a mere revision of) the GH 2.0 tile set, some of the ground target items might look a bit oddly placed in some target areas with GH 3.5. Thankfully, the GH 3.5 tile set is quite forgiving visually speaking (much more than the earlier GH 3.0) -- so much so that in most cases the worst you'll see is trees crowding buildings just a bit too much.
      CA_Stary ............... Green Hell 3.5 Replacement Tile Set for VietnamSEA
      Eric Howes
      9 Dec. 2013


         (7 reviews)



    23. Alternate Tile For Operation Desert Storm Terrain

      These are alternate tiles made from satellite images for the DS terrain
      included in the latest version of ODS for SF2. They are 1024x1024.
      They can be used in other terrains that use the stock desert tiles,
      however I did not make all tiles from the stock SF2 desert tile set, only
      those used in the DS terrain. For example, I did not create the river


         (3 reviews)



    24. Alternate Falklands Terrains

      Firstly I strongly advise that you install the Falklands_1982 mod by eburger & team.

      Two new versions of the Falklands/Malvinas terrain.
      Hopefully most of the issues with the original are now sorted, coast lines have needed to be changed here and there and the terrain itself is much more uneven with more pronounced hills and mountains, two seasonal variations are included.
      Please read the readme....it really does have some useful stuff in it.
      Many thanks to eburger & the team that worked on the original mod.


         (7 reviews)



    25. Red Range Revamp/Update for SF2

      Red Range Revamp/Update for SF2 4/28/2016
      = For SF2, any and all (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
      This is a revamp/retile of Deuces original "Red Range" terrain. Like the original, it's a terrain set up so one may practice Ground Attack and Strike mission against various types of ground targets. Also, finally, there has been the addition of a large "water feature", so now you can practice Anti-shipping missions as well! This will allow you to become familiar with the various "Red" weapons, and their usages. REMINDER: there is NO Air-to-Air possible on this terrain. It is designed for attacking ground targets ONLY!!
      ** REMINDER: there is NO Air-to-Air possible on this terrain. It is designed for attacking ground targets ONLY!! Also, like its companion "The Range", this terrain is ONLY for Red Force usage. Trying to fly any Blue Force (US, NATO, etc) aircraft WILL result in lockups, CTDs and other unplesentness. **
      I'm calling this "ver. 4" even though I'm unsure exactly what it should be called! The terrain has been completly retiled in "IME" style tiles. Where necessary (and wanted), a few new TODs has been made with better looking trees. For the most part, however, it's an empty terrain. Home Base has been dressed up a little, and changed to a Runway 4 (the very large airfield) so bomber aircraft can now be used. In keeping with the original concept, the amount of "eye candy" at Home Base is minimal.
      Also included is a modified "Single Mission ini" that has had the minimum target values lowered, so the game engine can assign Strike missions against a wide variety of "lesser value" items. This file can be used in ANY mods folder, and will work for all types of single missions the game generates.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Give the "notes" a browse, too! For those unfamiliar with the "cat pointer" lines, there are instructions on it's proper useage.
      Good Hunting!!
      Kevin Stein


         (6 reviews)




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