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    1. Mirage Factory SF2 B707-300

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      | Boeing B 707-300 series |
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      The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo) +RIP+ present :
      The Boeing B 707-300 for Strike Fighters 2 Series games
      Intended to be used as AI model
      SF2 Model
      3D : source model by swede , SF2 model BPAo
      3D : low-res and destroyed models by RoboKong
      Textures : Sony Tuckson, Sundowner
      FM : kreelin
      Test Team
      kreelin, Sundowner, Sony Tuckson, The Mirage Factory , MoonJumper


         (7 reviews)



    2. Aeritalia G.91Y

      The G 91Y was a tactical fighter-bomber and reconnaissance aircraft capable of carrying out direct support, close interdiction, photographic reconnaissance and air combat missions.
      This aircraft is for SF2, SF2V, SF2I and SF2E last patch.
      1) Unzip the file G91Y.rar
      2) Copy Object and Sounds folders into your mods folder (for example: C:\Documents and Settings\MyAccount\Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\...).
      For people with 4/3 monitors : remember to change the entries into G91Y.ini for Loading / HangarScreen.
      Animation 1: canopy open
      In order to open the drag-chute land with the airbrakes open.
      As the real one this model can reach speed over the airframe limit , be careful with the afterburner.
      README file included

      kreelin for the great FM; thanks a lot Andriam

      Spillone104 for the jet sound, photos and suggestions during beta testing

      Steve S for the invaluable infos about the cockpit , grazie Stefano

      bobrock, Soulfreak, Dave, Canadair, 76.IAP-Blackbird, Veltro2k and Nghengo as beta testers

      myself ... 3D, skins, pit, blood and tears.

      Thank you very much guys.

      Last UpDate 14/03/2011 – Ver.2.0

      Various improvements; now compatible with Expansion2

      Thank you to Veltro2k, Spillone104, X-RAY, "the test pilot", paulopanz and suhsjake for the kind support as beta tester.

      Every part of this mod can be used into others mods only if the final product is free of charge for the community and proper credits are listed into the product itself.

      Enrico "ErikGen" Gennari


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    3. Lockheed/Mitsubishi F-104J SF-2 Upgrade

      This is the kit to convert in SF-2 Spillone104's great work.
      For Ace888, Carlo & Kevin who asked for.
      This is NOT a complete plane.
      You will need original mod here: http://combatace.com/files/file/11113-f-104j/
      And F-104G cockpit folder plus F-104G_COCKPIT.in extracted from SF-1/WoE or following Kevin's hints here: http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/page__pid__426204#entry426204
      Some easy work:
      1. extract my upgrade pack
      2. extract Spillo's original mod, in aircraft/F-104J folder copy ALL skins folders
      3. paste ALL skin folders in my upgrade pack aircraft/F-104J folder
      4. take from SF-1/WoE F-104G F-104G cockpit folder and F-104G_COCKPIT.in and paste in my upgrade pack aircraft/F-104J folder, too
      5. that's all folks
      I added only a SF-2 F-104_Loadout.tga, made by myself.


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    4. Hawker Sea Hawk FGA.6

      SeaHawk F.6 (i.e. F.4 upgraded)
      A complete SF-2 pack upgrade
      - Bunyap for this old but gold plane;
      - Hugh "Baffmeister" FM tweakings (see own readme)
      - Alex "Spillone104" sound & testings;
      - Matteo "Spitwulf" testings;
      - Paolo "Paulopanz" (18!) Skins, decals etc. etc.
      To Install:
      Put all in main mod folder. You need SF-2 Weapon pack.


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      1 comment


    5. Northrop 2 seaters for SF2 (Version 2.0)

      Readme for the Northrop 2 seater aircraft.
      ********************************* Version 2.0 Release ********************************
      This release combines all previous Northrop 2 seaters into one package and updates them to Jun 2010 standards. Only aircraft not included is T-38C due to lack of a suitable cockpit. Several enhancements to all aircraft have been added, including available bump mapping, new F-5A cockpit enhancements, various other tweaks and fixes.
      Thanks to the following folks:
      331KillerBee - For the skins, additional information and hanger/loadout/loading screens, SF2 weapons pack.
      ChampionsVA56 - For his early T-38A paint scheme.
      Deigo - For his very nice MODusaf pilot skin!
      EricJ - Textures, loading screens, readme construction.
      JAT81500 - For most of the avionics work on which the Saeqeh avionics are based.
      JSF_Aggie - Range addition for the NATIONS.INI.
      Jug - Flight evaluation and assistance.
      Lexx_Luthor - For the Airshow Smoke effect for the Thunderbird T-38A (borrowed from his missile exhaust effects).
      PappyChkSix - For the original skins, which unfortunately were lost when the models were remapped.
      Soulfreak - Reference materials.
      Sundowner - Tips, advice and help.
      The Mirage Factory - For allowing me to use the cockpit, effects, damage textures and sounds from the F-5A and F-5E FM based off of Mirage Factory F-5A and F-5E.
      TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
      USAFMTL - For beta testing and advice.
      Vampyre - Technical assistance.
      Wrench - Reference materials.
      To my fellow Combatace moderators - For helping me beta test and work out bugs.
      Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
      What you will need first:
      Strike Fighters 2/Vietnam/Europe/Israel patched to Jun 2010 standards. This is not for Generation 1 ThirdWire sims.
      JSF_Aggie's SF2 Series Range Terrain for the AT-38B single missions. http://combatace.com/files/file/11067-sf2-series-range/
      What is in this archive:
      1. This readme (duh!) and the Readme folder.
      2. Effects, Objects, Sounds, Flight folder.
      3. Alternate Hanger/Loading screens in the F-5B Vietnam Hanger Screens folder.
      4. AT-38B missions in the Missions folder.
      1. Read and understand this entire readme FIRST!
      2. Copy the Effects, Objects, Missions, and Sounds folders to your SF2/V/E/I mod directory. Allow directory merging and overwrites (anything overwritten either belongs to me, is part of the SF2 Weapons Pack or is the exact same as the Mirage Factory F-5 effects and sounds).
      3. Optional step: Copy the 2 files located in the F-5B Vietnam Hanger Screens directory to your mods/Objects/Aircraft/F-5B directory and overwrite.
      4. Optional step: Copy the Flight folder to your SF2/V/E/I mod directory. Contains a NATIONS.INI file that changes Iran from Friendly to Enemy and adds the Range nation. If you have a modded NATIONS.INI already, you may want to insert the proper entry by hand. You will NOT need the Range NATIONS.INI.
      5. Optional step: Download and install the SF2 Series Range.
      6. That's it! You should see the aircraft in your selection screen.
      Aircraft Information:
      Consult the various readmes included here for specific variant information.
      Notes and Limitations:
      This uses the 'Open Cockpit' method to place the cockpit model 'inside' the external model. This also allows the ability to add flight controls to the cockpit, which originally didn't have them modeled for the F-5F. Downsides are the that during inclement weather, it will appear 'foggy' inside the cockpit.
      Capable of being flown from either seat through editing of the main aircraft ini file. Simply uncomment the lines that have the seat you want to fly in, and comment out the lines with the seats you don't want to fly in. The default is the front seat.
      The gunsight is new and part of the aircraft. You will not have a gunsight if you fly without a cockpit. Also, the gunsight has an ability not normally available to ThirdWire aircraft...use your thrust vectoring control to activate it (make sure your thrust vectoring control is in the neutral position before you start the mission).
      The FM is reasonably 'close' to the real thing...but defaults to being 'fun' vs being 'perfect numbers'. It gives a reasonable impression on how the aircraft actually flies...but don't expect to hit all the 'numbers' perfectly.
      This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part. Released IAW the freeware accords at CombatAce.
      Feel free to redistribute, as long as the original authors are given appropriate credit.
      Questions? Contact me at Combatace.
      10 Jul 10


         (3 reviews)



    6. Hawker Sea Hawk Fb.5

      SeaHawk F.5 (i.e. F.3 upgraded)
      A complete SF-2 pack upgrade
      - Bunyap for this old but gold plane;
      - Hugh "Baffmeister" FM tweakings (see own readme)
      - Alex "Spillone104" sound & testings;
      - Matteo "Spitwulf" testings;
      _ Paolo "Paulopanz" (2) Skins, decals etc. etc.
      To Install:
      Put all in main mod folder. You need SF-2 Weapon pack.


         (0 reviews)



    7. Hawker Sea Hawk FGA.4

      SeaHawk F.4
      A complete SF-2 pack upgrade
      - Bunyap for this old but gold plane;
      - Hugh "Baffmeister" FM tweakings (see own readme)
      - Alex "Spillone104" sound & testings;
      - Matteo "Spitwulf" testings;
      - Paolo "Paulopanz" (4) Skins, historical decals etc.
      To Install:
      Put all in main mod folder. You need SF-2 Weapon pack.
      Some Suez squadrons, scheduled as FGA.4 equipped, that had (by serial numbers) Fga.6 (800) or were mixed beetween the Fga.4 and Fga.6 (810), I have put on Fga.6.
      BTW You can copy the relative folders in F.4 too if You want. They will work fine.


         (0 reviews)



    8. Hawker Sea Hawk Fb.3

      SeaHawk F.3
      A complete SF-2 pack upgrade
      - Bunyap for this old but gold plane;
      - Hugh "Baffmeister" FM tweakings (see own readme)
      - Alex "Spillone104" sound & testings;
      - Matteo "Spitwulf" testings;
      - Paolo "Paulopanz" (6) Skins (2 Suez), historical decals etc.
      To Install:
      Put all in main mod folder. You need SF-2 Weapon pack.


         (0 reviews)



    9. Hawker Sea Hawk F.2

      SeaHawk F.2
      A complete SF-2 pack upgrade
      - Bunyap for this old but gold plane;
      - Hugh "Baffmeister" FM tweakings (see own readme)
      - Alex "Spillone104" sound & testings;
      - Matteo "Spitwulf" testings;
      - Paolo "Paulopanz" (2) Skins, decals etc.
      To Install:
      Put all in main mod folder. You need SF-2 Weapon pack.


         (0 reviews)



    10. Hawker Sea Hawk F.1

      SeaHawk F.1 + F.1 Early
      A complete SF-2 pack upgrade
      - Bunyap for this old but gold plane;
      - Hugh "Baffmeister" FM tweakings (see own readme)
      - Alex "Spillone104" sound & testings;
      - Matteo "Spitwulf" testings;
      _ Paolo "Paulopanz" (5) Skins and decals
      To Install:
      Put all in main mod folder. You need SF-2 Weapon pack.


         (0 reviews)



    11. SF2 MiG-23MF fighter- Cockpit, working Mig-23MF HUD, and aircraft

      Included is the fully working MiG-23MF 'Flogger-B', cockpit and working Mig-23MF HUD cockpit converted to SFP2.
      This MiG-23MF swing wing fighter saw much combat and claimed multiple kills over the years. The Mig-23/Mig-27 was the most important Soviet fighter type from the mid-to-late 1970s. It was designed to replace the famous MiG-21.
      The MiG-23MF was a first generation MiG-23 and was not designed for close-in maneuvering. This would come with the later second generation MiG-23ML ("L"  for lightweight).  However, the MiG-23MF was still formidable if used as a hit and run fighter.
      Short takeoff and landing was a major consideration in the case of a NATO vs WARSAW Pact confrontation. Also, the Mig-23 was designed to be able to be able to accept or decline combat against western fighters using hit and run tactics- maneuverability being a secondary consideration. As a result, it was designed to be faster in speed, faster accelerating and faster climbing than most western fighters...in which it mostly suceeded. It was much faster climbing than the F-4 Phantom with a reported initial climb rate of 45,000+ feet per minute.
      However, it reportedly had an even higher wing loading than the Phantom of about 94/lbs per sq feet at normal takeoff weight and normal wing sweep. One of the contributing results was reportedly a very poor instantaneous turn rate of 11.5 degrees per second at Mach .9 at 15,093 feet and 8.6 degrees per second at Mach .5 at 15,093 feet (Mike Spick-Illustrated Directory of Fighters). The Mig-21 reportedly had a much better maximum instantaneous turn rate of around 18.9 deg/sec. in some configurations. Although a lot of factors are involved in instantaneous turn rates, it does give a general idea.
      It equipped more Soviet fighter and attack regiments than any other Soviet fighter then in service in the 1970s. Over a thousand were estimated to be confronting NATO from both Soviet and WARSAW Pact nations.
      This is from the original Mirage Factory (although it has been modified by so many people over the years that it is basically a new aircraft).
      This Mig-23MF was a major production model after 1978. It could fire beyond visual range (BVR) missiles even for foreign countries and had a standard internal 23mm gun. Its radar was thought to be broadly comparable to the McDonnell Douglas F4J Phantoms' radar...formidable indeed.
      Mig-23s emerged victorious against maneuvering Western-trained Mirage F-1s over Africa on 27 September 1987, so the Mig-23's weapons systems could be effective.
      You can download the original Mirage Factory Mig-23 SFP1 package here:
      The Mig-23MF was the first major production version and also used largely for export. It saw combat in the Middle East with Syria and reportedly had some F-4 and F-16 kills.
      It was a much improved export version after the previous MS version. The Warsaw pact, India, Lybia, Syria, Egypt, Cuba and others used the MF version. It fired radar-guided missiles and so was a BVR threat with its AA-7 Apex missiles.
      Pilot report http://www.warbirdso...87/Default.aspx
      This was so complicated to make work in SFP2, that I had to end up just making it one complete download. If it wasn't loading or blowing up on the runway, then the HUD was not visible, the pilot was out of his seat, the plane was invisible, or the cockpit was invisible, pieces were flying permanently along side you in flight blocking your view, you were flying sideways, and you could not pick weapons. It took pieces from endless airplanes and projects to finally make it work including parts from SFP2.
      To my surprise, -the jewel-, the extremely complex Mig-23MF working HUD from Starfighter in SFP1 actually started working!
      1) Back up your Mig-23MF folder.
      2) Just download the whole filefolder Mig-23MF intact into your SFP2 aircraft folder as one folder....ie into the C:\mydocuments\thirdwire\SFP2\objects\aircraft
      3) When asked to overwrite say yes.
      MiG-23M 'Flogger-B' First production fighter
      MiG-23MF 'Flogger-B' Improved MiG-23M with a new radar and an infrared sensor pod, major production model after 1978
      For strengths, it had incredible acceleration that reportedly equalled the later F-16 and F-15s. It also had an incredible climb rate and almost unmatched speed at low altitudes.
      For weaknesses, it had a terribly slow turn, slow rate of roll and high angle of attack limitations and vicious stall characteristics in certain situations. Better keep it fast.
      Good tactics in the MF are to sneak in fast at a low altitude, shoot and then run or use your fantastic rate of climb and acceleration in a vertical fight.
      FLIGHT NOTES FROM A MiG-23 PILOT: The Mig-23 had incredible strengths and incredible weaknesses.
      WEAKNESSES: For weaknesses, most Mig-23s never could turn or roll very well compared to its enemies and had very heavy controls. Its roll was hurt by its control system (spoilers and a diferential tail and the disconnection of spoilers at any but 16 degrees).
      In close combat, the earlier versions in particular were a deathtrap because unless the pilot stayed within certain tight maneuvering limits, it would often lose control and simply crash. Its cockpit visiblility was one of the worst of any fighter. Visibility is life in a dogfight.
      It had slushy controls in many areas of its flight regime and its nose would often hunt back and forth. Its unpredictable accelerated stall was often taking ones life into ones hands if attempted. It also had the typical Soviet disadvantage of a very short range. There are reports of its radar not working much of the time and it often not being mission ready.
      It is hard to use an aircraft if it is not working.
      Red Eagles, Steve Davies "Flying the Mig-23"
      It is true that later versions had much improved handling/systems. However, I understand that maneuvering limits still existed.
      Thanks to
      -The Mirage Factory for the original Mig-23 in SFP1.
      -Lindr2 , for the new external model and for armament options.
      -Armourdave and Sal for orignal SU-17 cockpit.
      -Nele for the superb flight model that shows that the Mig-23 goes straight and up like an arrow, but is a bear in the turning and rolling department and accelerated stall department.
      -column5 Previous Flight Model:
      -Pasko Pilot
      -USAFMTL, Crab_02, Sony Tuckson
      Testing, etc:
      -Starfighter2- for the incredible avionics HUD
      -Wrench- helpful hints on moving around the SFP1 cockpit gages and hints on converting aircraft to SFP2.
      TK and Thirdwire - for SFP1 and the armament and options in the SFP2 version.
      Not for payware in anyway. If you develop this more, please quote the authors.


         (0 reviews)



    12. F-89 Scorpion Pack for SF2

      F-89 Scorpion Pak for SF2 6/4/2010
      -- Version 2, 3/3/2016 --
      This package includes the full set of F-89 Scorpions, from MontyCZ's original C & D version, PLUS the variant mods I'd created, giving the H, J (Early) and J (Late). The various readmes for the sub-variants are included in their specific aircraft folder, just for historical purposes.
      This package has been peaked and tweeked for use in SF2 =ONLY=, and is NOT designed for use on SF/Wo* series 1st Gen sims. It makes use of certain elements found ONLY, and usable ONLY, in SF2.
      Everything is included -aircraft, inis, skins, decals, weapons, pilots. =EXCEPT= a cockpit. Due to changes in SF2's internal coding, these aircraft now make use of the stock in-game F-4B via ini edits that through sorcery now reach back into the cat files, and create usable cockpits without the need of a cockpit folder. How this works, I don't know or care; but that it =does= is a wonderful thing!!
      On such aircraft that have operating canopies (those that use the F-89D lod), the canopy works via the Standard Manual Animation Keystroke ™, shift/0.
      This package is designed to REPLACE the original set, and will drop right over it, providing you have it already. If you don't, no worries! Just install as normal.
      As always the standard, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them!
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein

      Version 2:
      See "Change Log" in the readme


         (2 reviews)



    13. F-84F ThirdWire SF2 Tweaks and Bits

      F-84F ThirdWire SF2 Tweaks and Bits 06-04-10
      F-86F Cockpit by Zurawski
      Early 1960's French Pilot by Corktip 14, based on Diego's USAF Korean War pilot.
      Martin Baker Mk3 Ejection Seat by ravenclaw_007
      F-84f Hangar Screen from the Mirage Factory F-84F Package
      F-84F Loadout tga by Paulopanz
      F-84F Data.INI tweaks and F-84F Loading Screens by NeverEnough
      The Thirdwire F-84F model is very nicely done for an AI only model, and can be easily finished into a real fine ride.
      The latest version included in the SF2 Expansion Pack did not have the flap deploy and retract settings in the Data.ini, so these have been
      added in this tweaked Data.ini. The taillight was located about six feet behind the aircraft, and the navigation lights on each side of the tail
      are modeled but have no entries in the stock Data.ini. The tailight location was corrected and the tail navigation lights are added in the included
      Data.ini. The front landing light has also been added, and SHIFT 0 will open and close the cockpit canopy.
      The early 1960's French pilot is a nice addition, and he looks great sitting in ravenclaw_007's beautiful new Martin Baker Mk3 ejection seat.
      The new loading screen is a French F-84F with Suez campaign stripes, which looks especially fitting when used with Paulopanz's Suez SuperPack skins!
      An alternate loading screen of a beautifully restored Italian F-84F is also included for a SF2E installation.
      Give this kite a test drive, and discover what a treat it is. Be sure to include Paulopanz's Suez skins, and you will be looking good.
      Installation notes:
      Simply copy the contents of the included Objects folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 Israel, Mods\StrikeFighters2 Exp1, or Mods\StrikeFighters2 Europe folder.
      To use the Italian F-84F Loading Screen, change the line in the F-84F.INI as shown below:
      AircraftFullName=F-84F Thunderstreak
      Loadingscreen=F84F_Loading.bmp <<<<<<<< Change this to F-84F_Loading.bmp


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    14. DH Venom

      The de Havilland DH 112 Venom was a British postwar single-engined jet aircraft developed from the de Havilland Vampire.
      It served with the Royal Air Force as a single-seat fighter-bomber and two-seat night fighter. The Venom was an interim between the first generation of British jet fighters – straight-wing aircraft powered by centrifugal flow engines such as the Gloster Meteor and the Vampire and later swept wing, axial flow-engined designs such as the Hawker Hunter and de Havilland Sea Vixen.
      The Venom was successfully exported, and saw service with Iraq, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland and Venezuela.
      Model: Pasko
      Flight Model: Starfighter2
      Skins: Gramps
      1st upgrade: Wrench
      SF2 edition:
      - Skins, ini editings etc. Paulopanz
      - New FM, 2 alternative cockpits Baffmeister (see own readme)
      - Sound, testings & tweaking Spillone104
      - testings Spitwulf
      - AMI 'archeological quest' Spitwulf
      - RNZAF skin by dtmdragon
      What's In:
      - 12 RAF Skins
      - 3 RAF Suez Skins
      - 5 Swiss Skins
      - 1 Venezuela Skin
      - 1 IRAQI Skin
      - 1 A.M.I.
      PREVIEW here: http://forum.combata...56225-dh-venom/
      Put everything into main mod folder.
      3 cockpit choice:
      - Meteor Exp.1 default
      Baffmeister's options:
      - A-4 modded rename venom_cockpit(2) and use
      - Pulquì (Foxmonter's) adapted rename venom_cockpit(3) and use
      N.B. If You don't use the last You could delete whole cockpit folder
      That's all folks!


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    15. Swiss Hawker Hunter F.Mk58 pack

      Hawker Hunter F.mk58 as used in the Swiss Air Force from 1959 up to 1992
      version 1.0 - 11.05.2010 , for SF2E with patch Feb 2010 or SF2E merged With SF2I patch Feb 2010
      this mod is based on the ThirdWire Hunter9
      Included are :
      - highres skins 2048x2048 as well as optional lowres skins 1024x1024 or 512x512
      - Martin Baker Mk3 ejection seat , color grey or black
      - cockpit detail set
      - airframe detail set
      - swiss weapon set
      - working RWR in the cockpit
      - chaff /flare dispenser
      ------------- for the Instalation please READ the READ ME ---------------------------------------
      CREDITS :
      - Thirdwire / TK for the excellent Hunter9
      - Old Diego for the pilot HGU26AW
      - Soulfreak for the templates , skins , hangarscreens , loadingscreens and testing
      - ravenclaw_007 for 3d-work , weapons , skins , ini. editing and testing
      - paulopanz for testing
      - 76.IAP-Blackbird for testing
      i hope i did not miss anybody , in case i did let my know
      Have Fun
      your GMG


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    16. Mirage Factory Greek F-4E AUP

      Greek F-4E AUP for SF2 series.
      Tested with Dec2009 combo pack patched to Feb2010.
      New model, new details.
      Uses the F-4EJ Kai pit. [included].
      Thanks to;
      Oli [bPAo, RIP my friend ]
      Sundowner May 2010.


         (3 reviews)



    17. Pasko's Su-9A/9B, Su-11 Fishpots for SF2

      Sukhoi Su-9A/9B and Su-11 Upgrade Pak for SF2 series

      A relatively large upgrade pak, with some relatively minor tweeks for Pakso's Fishpot series of Soviet Interceptors, for use with SF2 Series games, either stand-alone or full merged installs. As seen in the original Upgrade pak, landing lights have been added, and in this pak, canopies have been activated via a manual animation key (Shift/0). Landing gear rolling radi have been adjusted to make the aircraft sit a little more evenly in SF2. Afterburner effects have been swichted over to a stock, game supplied one. No other changes to the FM have been effected; there is the occasional 'burp' in it, but it flys and handles quite nicely, given the time passed from their Original Release ™.
      This package, broken down into individual folder for ease of installation, is the COMPLETE Package ™ of all 3 aircraft, and includes the changes from the WoE 08 Upgrade Pak. Mostly consisting of ini mods, that 'tweek' the data, and loadout inis, making them more usable in the SF2 series. Ordway's cockpits are also included, as is my 'instructional' text and jpg for use with the gunpods on the Su-11.
      This pack is designed to work with any, or no Weapons Pak, as Weapons ARE included, for those that don't have/use a weapons pak. PLEASE read the Notes below for some explainations of whyfores and wherefores, with reference to the Su-11.
      New 'generic' SF2-style hangar screens are also included for all 3 aircaft. Userlists have also been created, thereby limiting their 'deployment' only to the Soviet Air Force.
      This mod has been tested in SF2, Full 4-merged sims, at the May 2010 patch level. I haven't tested it in SF/Wo*, but don't feel there'd be any major differences, other than how the weapons are handeled. However, the landing gear rolling radui has been adjusted for SF2, and may need readjustment for 1stGens. The canopy fixes used here can be easily applied to the original 08 upgrade pak quickly, easily and with no problems.
      As always, it's reccomended to read this document through; there's some explainations along with the instructions as to why/how certain things were done. Also, for a full lisitng of Credits and Sources.
      Good Hunting!
      Comrade Wrench
      Kevin Stein


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    18. Mirage Factory RF-4E/EJ Pack

      This is a pack of 2 additional aircraft for the SF2 series......The RF-4E as originally supplied to Greece with slatted wings and the RF-4EJ as used by the JASDF.
      Both are made from BPAo's original RF-4 model which he and myself were working on before his tragic death last year.
      There is no way that I could finish these models to Oli's standards but I've done the best that I can, thanks must go to Crab_02 for letting me use his intakes & other details & for all his help and advice.


         (2 reviews)



    19. Vautour IIB/N - Updated for SF2

      Veltro2K's Vautour IIB/N - Updated for SF2
      This is an update of Veltro2K's Vautour IIB & IIN for Strike Fighters 2: Israel (SF2I). In the process of updating those aircraft (available at CombatAce in the SF1 Downloads section), I have also done my best to correct or mitigate these models' several anomalies: AI inability to taxi and takeoff correctly; AI aircraft exploding on the taxiway; AI problems handling the aircraft in flight; loadout errors; glaring white spots in the engine nacelles.
      Notes: You will notice that AI aircraft still bounce around just a bit while taxiing, but they do now take off in timely fashion.
      Thanks to Wrench for looking over an early version of this update and supplying some additional fixes and adjustments, as well as the F-86D cockpit for the IIN model.
      Updates & Fixes
      These aircraft versions incorporate a number of fixes and updates:
      - applied Veltro2K's fixpacks for B & N model
      - added damage TGAs from Christian59's "damage pack"
      - added Vautour destroyed model data
      - adapted decals for SF2 directory structure
      - added USERLIST.INI
      - added LOADOUT.TGA
      - spiffed up LOADING & HANGAR screens
      - darkened IDFCamo textures
      - removed spinner nodes to fix unsightly white
      spots within engine nacelles (no material assigned
      to spinner nodes)
      - corrected, renamed, or removed a number of node
      names within DATA.INIs
      - made engine ThrustPositions symmetrical to correct
      AI handling problems
      - tweaked landing gear data to improve AI ground handling
      - added tail bumper to improve taxiing & takeoff stability
      - updated flight model for SF2
      - tweaked loadouts & weapon stations
      - added F-86F cockpit from Dave Zurawski & the F-86F
      Development Team to the Vautour IIB
      - added F-86D cockpit from the Sabre Dog Team to the
      Vautour IIN
      - added Israeli AF '50s/'60s pilot model by Wrench &
      Installation is simple: simply drop the Objects folder into your SF2I Mod Folder.
      Original Aircraft: Veltro2K
      Flight Model: ThirdWire
      F-86F Cockpit: Dave Zurawski & F-86F Dev Team
      F-86D Cockpit: Sabre Dog Team
      Damage Textures: Christian59
      IAF 50s/60s Pilot: Wrench & PappyCheckSix
      Misc. Fixes: Wrench
      Eric Howes
      23 May 2009


         (0 reviews)



    20. Mirage 5F

      This mod is aimed at making the Mirage 5F flyable in the second generation of "Strike Fighters" simulators.
      I took this opportunity to improve the stock skin.
      IMPORTANT: no LOD is provided, SF2:E and SF2:I merged are required to use this mod.
      See the readme for more infos
      A big thank to all on C6 and CA forums that helped me solving issues I encountered.
      Any omission in credits is totally unwanted, if I forgot somebody, let me know, I will correct this.


         (7 reviews)



    21. Mirage Factory F-4EJ Super Pack

      Mirage Factory F-4EJ and F-4EJ KAI
      SF2 model by bpao (RIP my friend)
      Tweaks and additional heavy modeling details by Sundowner
      Skins by Sundowner
      Screens by USAFMTL
      Orginal pit by Bunyap
      Represents the correct hardwing models of the JASDF.
      To install:
      Drag and drop the contents of this zip to your:
      C:\Users\<Name>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 folder and go fly.


         (5 reviews)



    22. Mirage Factory RAF C-130 Super Pack

      RAF C-130's for SF2 Series by The Mirage Factory.
      Original Model by Dels, additional work by bpao (RIP Oli)
      Skins and sounds by Sundowner
      Screens and testing by USAFMTL
      Drag and drop into your:
      C:\Users\<Name>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 folder and go fly.
      If you want to do something really cool put a few on the runway and listen to the engines. It's so freakin' cool.
      Dave (USAFMTL)


         (5 reviews)



    23. Dassault Mirage 5PA - Pakistan Air Force

      Dassault Mirage 5PA for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire Dassault Mirage 5F to give a Mirage 5PA in service with the Pakistan Air Force and with markings for the Combat Commanders' School and also for No.25 squadron. Photographs show many changes during the lifetime of the PAF's Mirage 5PA's so this can only be regarded as generic and a snapshot in time.
      Both the Mirage 5F and the Nesher cockpit are needed for this mod.
      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Mirage5PA folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Mirage5PA folder into your Decals folder.
      3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_PAF into your Pilots folder.
      As always, thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
      Special thanks to ghostrider883 for the idea, PAF skin and research.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 04/01/2015
      Version 1 - 17/03/2010


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    24. Lim-6P

      As Lim-5P (Mig-17PF licence built) fighters became obsolete, from 1971 they were also rebuilt to Lim-6bis standard, designated Lim-6M.
      Their radars were removed, but there remained radar covers in central air intake. They were fitted with additional underwing pylons, but not with a braking parachute.
      - Pylons & Sounds Spillone104
      - Skins Upgrade, Historical Decalset & Ini edits by me
      - Cockpit Ordway (SF-2 edited)
      - Suggested pilot (optional) Soviet/Russian Pilots Pack - part 1 (60's - 80's) by The Trooper avalaible here at CombatAce – not included
      Happy landings.


         (2 reviews)



    25. Lim-6 bis

      Polish upgraded Mig-17F (Lim-5) for fighter bomber role.
      A little, nice (I hope) add-on for our SF-2 Europe, easily adaptable for Woe.
      - 3D Works & Sounds Spillone104
      - Skins Upgrade, Historical Decalset & Ini edits by me
      - Cockpit Ordway (SF-2 edited)
      - Fake pilot (icluded) FastCargo
      - Suggested pilot (optional) Soviet/Russian Pilots Pack - part 1 (60's - 80's) by The Trooper avalaible here at CombatAce – not included
      Happy landings.


         (2 reviews)




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