- First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Skins
- First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Add-On Aircraft
- First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Add On Cockpits
- First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Object Mods
- First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Terrain and Environmental Mods
- First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Missions and Campaigns
Two Armored Cars for the Eastern Front
By Stephen1918
Two new armored cars for the Eastern Front. Both cars were produced in relatively low numbers, I'm including them for the sake of variety.
The Russo-Balt Type C was produced by the Russo-Baltique motor car company. About 15 were built. The armored car was built on a automobile chassis and had four gun ports, each with a Vickers machine gun. It had a crew of 4 or 5, had a top speed of 20 kph with a range of about 100km. The Russo-Balt Type C was used throughout the war and was used in the Civil War.
The Junovicz P.A.1 was built on a truck chassis. There were different versions based on different trucks, about 5 were built. The armored car had six gun ports with 3 or 4 Schwartzlose machine guns. It had crew of 5, a top speed of 35 kph, and a range of 350km. The Junovicz P.A.1 was used on both the Galician and Italian Fronts.
In First Eagles, the armored cars take the role of a tank, drop them into your ground object folder and First Eagles will randomly assign them to some of your Army Co-operation missions.
Installation Instructions
Unzip the file and open my "GroundObject" folder. Copy the folders named "AustrianArmoredCar" and "RussBaltCar" to your FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObject folder. Both armored cars use the same skin for damage as my other armored cars. If you have already installed any of my armored cars, you may already have the file. If not, copy the file named "DestroyedArmoredCar.bmp" into your GroundObject folder. Note that the "DestroyedArmoredCar.bmp" file should not be inside any other folder.
Fokker DII
By Trotski
Fokker DII
A revamp of Stephen 1918's Glorious Fokker D II , I have re done the original 3 skins as I thought the aluminum cowl needed to be lightened up somewhat, and the panels on the cowlings needed a slight tweak. So I have re done the original ones supplied by Stephen, I have also made alternative versions of thos 3 aircraft with painted cowlings, and white bandage markings for the Maltese crosses, I also made one skin in Clear dope, for those of you who like CDL aircraft, it appears that the DII was usually painted , so a doped aircraft was rare, I also did 2 separate aircraft from Kesta 4b one with a black and whirte striped rear fuselage, and the other one was just white, also was not a named aircraft. and lastly I did an aircraft from Kesta 16 with a rather natty eyeball marking and the fuselage over painted with paint smears.
I have also included the FM by Von S , along with the early spandau, and finally one of Geezers smashing pilots. sounds decals, and hangar screens are all included or at least they should be.
I hope I have included everyone who I am supposed to give credit to, if I have missed anyone out I heartilly apologise, and thank you whomsoever ye may be.
You may also notice that I have applied little or no weathering to these skins, that is basically because although these aircraft got very dirty very quickly, I much prefer the model to be shown in "airshow" condition, so if you want weathering, please feel free to add your own to taste, myself, I like 'em looking clean.
Lloyd C.II
By Stephen1918
This is a complete revision of the Lloyd C.II with all new LODs, new skins, and improved decals. Ojcar has also improved the FM for this plane. Any skins that were made for the original version will not work with this version.
The Lloyd C.II was based on a pre-war Austro-Hungarian airplane but with a slightly shorter wingspan and the addition of a machine gun on a circular mount for the observer. The C.II featured a plywood body and swept-back, tapered wings and was used for reconnaissance and light bombing throughout the war.
The gun ring had limited movement, especially in the vertical direction, which I have tried to reproduce in my model. This will be a challenging plane to fly because you need to move the plane to bring enemy planes into range of the gunner. There is no gun for the pilot.
There are also two bomb loading options for light and heavy bombing runs. (We don't know if the Lloyd ever carried 50kg bombs, but we included the option anyway.)
I have included three skinning options, one with standard Austro-Hungarian markings from early in the war, and two from later in the war. I have included my skinning templates for those who want make their own skins.
I have included a set of serial numbers which will be randomly assigned to each plane. The numbers are fictitious, but in the correct range for the Lloyd C.II.
Ojcar made a new data.ini for this plane. He added the heavy bomb option to the loadout. The 6.5 Schwarzlose gun he created for the original plane is included, along with his instructions for loading the gun data ("DataReadMe.txt")
Great thanks to Ojcar, who made the excellent FM and who added some nice features to this plane.
Installation instructions:
This is a complete revision of the original Lloyd C.II. If you have the plane already, begin by deleting the Lloyd C.II from the Aircraft Folder, and (if you run FE2) from the Decals folder. Then install the new plane.
For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "LloydC2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "LloydC2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create new folder named "LloydC2". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/LloydC2 folder into the Decals/LloydC2 folder you just made.
To install the gun:
This is the same gun that was included with the original Lloyd C.II. If you had the original plane, you don't need to install the gun. If this is your first install, follow the instructions below.
For FE1: Follow the instructions in Ojcar's DataReadMe.txt file. You'll have to make changes to the LloydC2_data.ini file.
For FE2: Follow the instructions in Ojcar's DataReadMe.txt file.
Armed Observers for First Eagles
By Stephen1918
When World War I began, airplanes were designed strictly for reconnaissance. They were unarmed and built for stable flight rather than maneuverability. Within a very short time air crews began to carry weapons. Observers with pistols or rifles became common until armed aircraft were produced.
I have made a set of armed observers for First Eagles. The observer carries a rifle "at the ready." He moves his head, but does not shoot the gun. There is one for each stock pilot color, and one for each of the helmeted pilots I made before. A total of six observers.
You will need to install the observers into the game, then make a change to the data.ini for each plane to make them appear in the game. The center point matches the center point of the FE Gold and FE2 stock pilot, so they should swap into your plane without any adjustment. If the plane uses the old style FE1 pilot, some minor tweaking may be required.
Note that this only replaces the stock pilot and will not replace a gunner built into the 3D model.
My thanks to Whiteknight06604 for suggesting the idea and for beta-testing the observers.
Installing the observers into the game:
For FE1 - Open my folder named "FE1" and copy all twelve files into your "Aircraft" folder. Don't put them into any of the other folder. The LOD names are the names of the new "pilot." The numbers match the FE pilot numbers so uniform colors will match.
For FE2 - Open my folder named "FE2" and copy all six folders into your Objects/Pilots folder. The folder names are the names of the new "pilot." The numbers match the FE pilot numbers so uniform colors will match.
Putting the observers into a plane:
For both FE1 and FE2 - Open the plane's data.ini file. Find the section for crew (about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way down). The Observer should be in SeatID=2. Change the PilotModelName to the name of one of the new observer. Save the file and fly. (You might want to comment out the original name and type in a new line, like in my example, in case you want to change back.)
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
MaxExtentPosition= 0.32,0.36, 0.82
//PilotModelName=WWIpilotNew2 <--old pilot name
PilotModelName=WWIObserver2 <--new pilot name
MaxExtentPosition= 0.32,-0.50, 0.82
Pilots with Helmets for First Eagles
By Stephen1918
Some flyers wore simple crash helmets in WWI, especially recon and bomber crews where they would have to move around during the flight. These helmets were made of heavy leather with cork inserts. They didn't offer much protection by today's standards, but they were better than nothing.
I have made new pilots with French style and German style helmets. Each style includes a version with a scarf over the lower face, making four new pilots for First Eagles.
You will need to install the pilots into the game, then make a change to the data.ini for each plane to make them appear in the game. The center point matches the center point of the (new) FE2 stock pilot, so they should swap into your plane without any adjustment. If the plane uses the old style FE1 pilot, some minor tweaking may be required.
My thanks to Quack74 for suggesting the idea and for beta-testing.
Installing the pilots into the game:
For FE1 - Open my folder named "FE1" and copy all six files into your "Aircraft" folder. Don't put them into any of the other folder. The LOD names are the names of the new pilot.
For FE2 - Open my folder named "FE2" and copy all four folders into your Objects/Pilots folder. The folder names are the names of the new pilot.
Putting the pilots into a plane:
For both FE1 and FE2 - Open the plane's data.ini file. Find the section for crew (about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way down). Change the PilotModelName to the name of one of the new pilots. Save the file and fly. (You might want to comment out the original name and type in a new line, like in my example, in case you want to change back.)
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
//PilotModelName=wwiPilotNew2 <--old pilot name
PilotModelName=FrHelmetPilot <--new pilot name
MaxExtentPosition= 0.30,-0.24,0.83
Farman HF.20 unarmed
By Stephen1918
The Farman HF.20 was developed in 1913 and was being used by most of the air forces in Europe by the time World War I began. It was designed for reconnaissance and had very stable flight characteristics, but it didn't have a very powerful engine and wasn't suitable for fighter or bomber missions, although some pilots made the attempt. The Farman F.20 was withdrawn from front line service as more nimble aircraft became available.
This version does not have a machine gun and places the observer behind the pilot.It can carry a small bomb load, with the bombs being released over the side. This install will not replace the original Farman HF.20, so you can fly both of them in First Eagles.
My skins for Belgian, French, and Russian versions will work for both versions of the HF.20. I have included all three in this download. The Russian version uses the decal.ini posted by Crawford in the forums. Decals and my skinning templates are included in the download.
Some flyers wore simple crash helmets in WWI, especially in the early days. I am using a pilot with a helmet in this plane. The pilot and installation instructions are included in the download, in case you don't already have it.
The Farman HF.20 has a wider wingspan than First Eagles expects so you should install my "Airfields for Large Planes" available in the Combat Ace downloads area. Otherwise, when starting on the runway, your wings may be touching the wings of the planes next to you. This will cause an immediate collision and you or other planes in your flight may lose their wingtips as soon as the game starts.
Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Farman HF.20.
Thanks also to Crawford who created a more accurate decal.ini for the Russian version and who provided resources for the Farman cockpits.
Installation Instructions
For FE1 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "FarmanHF20U" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
For FE2 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "FarmanHF20U" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "FarmanHF20U". Move the folder named "D" from your Aircraft/FarmanHF20U folder into the Decals/FarmanHF20U folder you just made.
You may not need to install the pilot with helmet, it has been available for download for some time and you may already have it. If you don't already have it, I have included the pilot and instructions for installing in a separate folder included in this download.
By gterl
Vosges Terrain (inkl. 1916 campaign) 1.2
Re-worked Vosges terrain V2.0
New: V2.0 - Including winter season
The Vosges Front is a mountainous area ranging from the Donon in the north and the Grand Ballon in the south. The old border between the German Empire and France from 1871 to 1918, now in Alsace and the Lorraine, was the only area of the Western Front to see mountain fighting during the Great War With transportation infrastructure and technology, impacts on the landscape and strategic challenges related to climate and geographic constraints, the Vosges mountains were the scene of numerous battlefields.
- This version of the Vosges front is 'based' on the work of Stephen1918 and Gepard. But virtually everything was modified (height-map to a massive degree, towns, front line, rivers, etc.)
- Existing versions of this map will NOT be overwritten with this version, since the folder is named 'wwiVosges'.
- You'll find a new map within FE called 'Vosges, France'.
- I've tried to include as much as possible into the terrain folder. This means certain object were made 'static'.
- Certain targets are at the very edge of the terrain. This might cause certain issues when flying into the virtual 'wall', e.g. edge of the map.
- To minimize the repetitive feeling of flying over tiles I've added a lot of green fields (fields without trees).
- The included campaign is just a small one with the possibility to fly recon and bombing missions (France/Germany).
- Train lines and trainstations (major cities and minor towns)
- 'Waterfalls' and shipping locks
- Small airfields and very large airfields
- Zeppelin airfield
- A rather busy frontline (make sure you've the needed objects)
- Switzerland as neutral country, altough it doesn't work 100% but that's an issue based on the game-engine. Including two Swiss airfields and a border with various gates, flags, bunkers, etc.
- Vosges terrain/front WW1 (incl. two seasons)
- Ground objects
- German/French reconnaissance campaign set in 1916
Q: Is it based on the already existing 'Vogesen' map?
A: Yes, but actually only as a basis. Everything was changed/adapted (heightmap, tilemap, targets, etc.).
Q: Does it include more than one season?
A: No, currently not.
Q: Is the frontline correct?
A: Yes as good as it gets, representing late 1916/early 1917 with certain omissions.
Q: Are all the named towns and cities correct (placement and naming)?
A: Yes as good as it gets. French denominations and German denominations.
1. Make a backup copy of your First Eagles folder (just in case)
2. Extract the file into a temporary folder (like c:\temp\)
3. Copy all the relevant folders into the respective First Eagles game folders
(example: c:\temp\Vosges\Terrain\Vosges into your c:\Program Files\First Eagles\Terrain folder)
- FE Gold (might work also with FE2, sorry guys don't know), with the latest patch
- Aircraft for the included campaign:
As usual I want to say thank you to all guys who helped me to create the Vosges terrain:
TK, Jan Tuma, Stephen1918 (for the improved Vogesen version from Gepard), Geezer (great ground objects), ojcar, Gepard (for the initial Vogesen version), Heck, geo, quack74, Edward, A-Team (airplanes not included), Guitarclassic55 (for the wonderful menu) and a lot of others. Of course Gerwin's TFD Tool was instrumental in the making of this terrain.
Sorry if I've forgotten someone. Please contact me if you want to be named at this place.
Thanks for files, suggestions, testing, bug findings etc.
The Vosges terrain is freeware.
You are free to modify and share it, BUT Commercial use is prohibited.
If you find bugs please post them in First Eagles section of Combatace.com forum.
Hope you enjoy it.
Farman HF.20
By Stephen1918
The Farman HF.20 was developed in 1913 and was being used by most of the air forces in Europe by the time World War I began. It was designed for reconnaissance and had very stable flight characteristics, but it didn't have a very powerful engine and wasn't suitable for fighter or bomber missions, although some pilots made the attempt. The Farman F.20 was withdrawn from front line service as more nimble aircraft became available.
My plane includes skins for Belgian, French, and Russian versions. Decals and my skinning templates are included in the download.
Ojcar has created a fake machine gun for the pilot, which causes the AI plane to be more aggressive in pursuing enemy planes. I have installed that gun on this plane. Ojcar's "DummyMachineGun" data is included with this download, in case you don't already have it.
Some flyers wore simple crash helmets in WWI, especially in the early days. I am using a pilot with a helmet in this plane. The pilot and installation instructions are included in the download, in case you don't already have it.
The Farman HF.20 has a wider wingspan than First Eagles expects so you should install my "Airfields for Large Planes" available in the Combat Ace downloads area. Otherwise, when starting on the runway, your wings may be touching the wings of the planes next to you. This will cause an immediate collision and you or other planes in your flight may lose their wingtips as soon as the game starts.
Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Farman HF.20 and for making the data for the dummy machine gun.
Thanks also to Crawford who provided resources for the Farman cockpits.
Installation Instructions
For FE1 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "FarmanHF20" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
For FE2 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "FarmanHF20" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "FarmanHF20". Move the folder named "D" from your Aircraft/FarmanHF20 folder into the Decals/FarmanHF20 folder you just made.
You may not need to install the dummy machine gun, it has been used on other planes and you may already have it. If you don't already have it, I have included the gun and instructions for installing in a separate folder included in this download.
You may not need to install the pilot with helmet, it has been available for download for some time and you may already have it. If you don't already have it, I have included the pilot and instructions for installing in a separate folder included in this download.
Fokker EIV
By Trotski
The final collection of Eindeckers, the infamous EIV . apparently there were only ever 50 airframes operational, one assumes that different squadrons were allocated 1 or 2 at a time, and as the aircraft was really not that much of an improvement over the EIII it must have been a rare bird indeed, as the Albatri were starting to come into service around the same time, so few of these aircraft were around, So, the skins are as follows, for the EIVa or 3 gun version, of which there was only ever one, thats the one you get ( you can of course use any of the other skins with this version if you like the idea of 3 Spandaus ) the rest of them are for the production 2 gun EIV , so I have done 2 factory finish skins, one CDL, and one Grey, I have also done Max Immelmans EIV, along with Kurt Students from Fokker Staffel 3, one skin representing a machine from KeK 3 flown by many different pilots, the final skin is of an aircraft called Hannah, now I have seen a few different colours for this particular aircraft, from Kesta 4, there is one pretty clear photo, which shows that it was at some time camouflaged, the colours are speculative, but I think they look about right, I have also seen pictures of the same aircraft in CDL as well, so I did both of them just for good measure.
As with the other releases, the requisite files are all included, the ~~Numbers for the named aircraft are correct to the best of my knowledge, the other FOK numbers, are again speculative, but not far off the mark hopefully.
The call outs for the usual suspects is as follows, Von S and his troupe, for all the behind the scenes jiggery pokery, Laton for making the models, and to peter for the FM's, also Gambit and Von Deutchmark for any original skins I have butchered and hacked about ( hopefully for the better !! )
As always, please please ENJOY !!
Fokker EII
By Trotski
As promised here are the EII Fokker skins, I have only done the factory finish skins for the parabellum EIIa version, as there to the best of my knowledge were only ever 4 parabellum armed EII's produced, as the parabellum was totally useless on the Eindecker as a synchronised weapon, so most of the EII's were Spandau armed there were also some Swartzlose armed versions as well, but unfortunately we dont have those modelled, ( HINT HINT SOMEBODY !! ) So mainly the skins are for the EII version, the factory finished ones are a CDL finish, with early crosses, and a Fokker Grey finish with later crosses, I have also done 2 skins from KeK Vaux, one being an all white machine ( bet it didnt stay white long !! ) and Frieherr Von Althaus Fokker Grey ,also a KeK Vaux machine, 2 aircraft from our black tailed friends of Flt Abt 9, Bruckmann, and Kissenberth, Bohme also possibly flew these machines as well, finally Von Crailsheims machine of Flt Abt 53.
As with the EIII and EI releases, these skins are for Latons models only Borts will not work with these skins !! be aware please. all the files are included guns, decals sounds pilots et al. For some reason I didnt relly enjoy doing these EII's maybe because they were an interim aircraft pretty quickly superceded by the EIII , so apologies if they dont seem as exciting as some of the other skins, but to be honest, there isnt a lot of choice on the Eindeckers.
The usual thanks and shout outs go to Von S and his band of happy campers, Laton, and Peter for doing the models and fm's respectivley, also to Gambit and Von Deutchmark whos original skins I have hi jacked and chopped about. I shall do a couple of E IV's next just for continuities sake, then on to a new aircraft, not sure what yet though as the D VII and DR I 's seem to be pretty well covered to death, so maybe some of the Pfalz's or something...we shall see !!
As always ENJOY
Fokker EI
By Trotski
This is the pack of updated skins for the ~Fokker EI I have done 4 skins for the Spandau armed version, as follows:-
A generic factory CDL finish machine, Oswald Bolcke's eindecker, which apparently was also flown by Max Immelman, Unteroffizier Kneistes machine, and finally Wilhelm Frankl, of KeK Vaux , unfortunately, when Laton made the models for this aeroplane, he made the EI Spandau version with wire wheels for some reason, this to the best of my knowledge, was not an actual operational fact, I have yet to see a front line Fokker with no wheel covers, to modify this Laton would need to re do the LODs for this aircraft, but anyhow we must work with what we have at hand !
the Parabellum armed aircraft are another 4 skins, as follows:-
A generic CDL version, ~Max Immelman's machine, Otto Parschau and finally Kurt Wintgens.
All the skins are re works of Gambits, and Von Deutchmarks original skins, and I have re done them as as I said before, I really , really , REALLY hate painted on decals, and avoid them wherever possible. So I have made new decals, numbers etc to just give this early aircraft a bit of a work over, the serials are not particularly accurate for the EI, however the ones for the for the aircraft with named pilots are, and I have tried to get those as correct as possible with the resources available to me. I have included, as with the EIII. all the guns, decals, pilots, and sounds needed to get you up and running, hopefully I have got everything in there, and not missed anything off.
I shall be doing the EII's next, so we shall have a full set of Eindeckers for your delectation. BE AWARE, these skins are for Latons models, and NOT for Borts !!! just in case any one tries it and wonders why they will not work on those models !!
Again, I thank Laton for actually making the aircraft in the first place, tho Gambit and Von Deutchmark for producing the skins for me to play around with, also a HUGE shout out to Von S and his merry band of men for doing all the jiggery pokery and voodoo stuff, and finally to Peter for giving us most excellent FM's
As always....ENJOY
Fokker EIII
By Trotski
~These are 10 new ( ish ) skins the originals were done by Gambit , however, I have a pathological hatred of painted on decals, especially in FE 2 , as the bmp format is just horrible, Jpg is so much better ( Load some FE aircraft into SF 2 and you will see what I mean !!! ) Anyhow, these skins are for Latons most excellent Fokker EIII, the skins can be used in either version , ie. the EIII or the EIIIa ( which never really existed, the A model just has twin Spandaus, and that was not a common modification on EIII's )
So the Skins are as follows, A factory finished EIII, 2 Austrian Navy machines one an unusual all over Green,including the cowl , Udets EII , which I have painted in grey with the blue stripe, as there is evidence to suggest the Red stripe isn't actually correct so I have gone with that colour, Boheme, also redone as the one available in the uploads have the black and white colours the wrong way around, also there is evidence to suggest this machine was also a grey one, and not linen, 3 different coloured Turkish machines, and a machine flown by Leopold Anslinger with the iron cross markings on the horizontal stabilisers, which is a bit different I think, and finally a blue EIII that is possibly a Jasta 9 machine. there were many more I could have done as well, but I think some of the ones I was thinking about were actually EII's not EIII's, so watch this space i shall hopefully do some EI & EII skins as well.
I have made new decals for all the marking positions, the trestle marks and also FOK.EIII numbers , not all aircraft had these so some of the skins dont have them showing, the personal machines, I have added separate FOK numbers, so they are hopefully correct (ish) I have also included the hangar screen and the Von S Data files, guns, pilot , decals, and sounds are all included in the package as well, I hope I have not missed anything out, but I expect most of you already have all the pertinent bits if I did.
Thanks to Laton for producing the Eindeckers, ( please make me a Swartzlose armed AIII please !! ) to Von S and his band of brothers for doing all the black majiks on the data files, also to Peter for doing all his hard work on FM's finally to Gambit, and to Von Deutchmark for making the skins that I can come along and modify.
Happy Fokker Scourging !!
Albatros D.I Pack
By Trotski
This is a re imagining of my original Albatros DI upload from last week, I wasn't 100% happy with the original skin of the Crown Princes mount, so I decided to tweak and twiddle a little, the result i think is far far better.
So, included in this package, are the 2 original skins for Prince Von Prueben, both the all over Sea Green, and the version with camouflaged wings and horizontal stabiliser, along with the red and the black alternative Brunswick Hussars motif. As there were only 50 D I airframes produced, as this model was swiftly superseded by the D II the range of markings and schemes are rather sparse, so, the next scheme is my interpretation of the "standard" factory finish, Ply with Camouflaged wings and stabilisers, I have also set the skin to be numbered as this seems to be historically correct, the serial numbers are NOT going to be accurate , but they are aesthetically pleasing, and around the correct range for the time. The last 2 skins are for Jasta 5 machines, in a rather natty all over Green/Brown cam scheme, I am assuming that all the Jastas airframes were painted this way, but as there is scant to no information ( that I have seen ) on early Albatri, one maybe needs to allow for a little artistic licence on my behalf , the last skin though, is what gave me the idea that all Jast 5's D i's were painted as such, this scheme is the aircraft of Karl Spitzhoff, of Jasta 5 , it differs somewhat from the standard jasta schem, in so much as the tail fin was apparently replaced at some time, and was painted the under surface blue, however, the orginal aircraft serial, it appears, was cut and pasted from the original fin, as the serial number is applied over the camo of the original, the bloke who painted the serial numbers was obviously on leave at the time, and the crew chief took the swiftest and laziest option, I personally dont like it, I think it looks naff, so I have included the standard fuselage from the other Jasta 5 schemes in the skin folder.
There were a few other variations I fancied doing, but a lot of the photos, are a little un clear, and i wasn't convinced they were all D I's but in fact D II's , so I chose not the do those and stuck with what we have.
OK, so the final bit is, as per the original upload from last week, I have included all the guns, pilots, sounds and decals needed for these skins, you WILL need to download Stephen 1918's most excellent model these skins will NOT work on Borts original D I !!!
I have included both DATA.ini files, the original that came with the aircraft, and the updated one by Von S , with Ocjars FM , which is derived from Peter's FM's , also the updated hit boxes by my good friend Nick Bell.
The Guns are set to the early Spandau lmg 08 ( which isnt the same as the LMG 08 !! ) so it fires really slowly 400 -450 rpm, also the correct sound file to reflect this, both originate from Mr Von S , the Pilot is a work of art, done by the great Geezer, I wish he would make more pilots !! (hint hint ) I have just tweaked it a little, but these guys did all the hard grind work, I just pretty things up a bit ( or at least attempt to) Anyhow, please enjoy this aircraft, I shall be looking at doing addition skins for other types as I go along
Albatros DI Prince Friedrich Karl von Preußen
By Trotski
Albatros DI flown by Prince Friedrich Karl von Preußen. He commanded Fliegerabteilung (Artillerie) 258, an artillery spotting unit, but flew patrols in a single-seat fighter with Jasta Boelcke whenever possible. He was shot down in 1917 whilst flying this machine, he crashed only lightly wounded, but unfortunately was shot in the back by Australian troops, whilst trying to escape from the area, unfortunately he died later from this wound.
I am actually surprised that no one else has made this skin, especially as we now have the most excellent Albatos DI from Stephen 1918, but anyhow, I have done one.
There is a great deal of speculation concerning this particular aircraft, there is only really one decent photo of it, after she was captured, however the wings have been removed, so only the fuselage is clearly visable, so, there are many discussions and musings over the correct scheme for this Albatros, the general concensus is that the fuselage was painted a light grey green colour, however as no colour photos were de riguer at this period of time, we can only guess at the correct shade, so I have used an approxomate colour. there is also mass discussion and beard wagging, in respect of the wings. ( as no photos I am aware of show these , the question is a bit academic in my view ) the popular belief is that the aircraft was painted over all the same colour ie. light grey green, but there are those who firmly believe that the wings were standard camouflage pattern , so, to forstall any rivet counters out there, I have included and alternative skin WITH the camo wings and stabiliser, personally I think it looks better in the overall colour, but thats just my opinion. There is also some question over the colour of the Totenkopf insignia, or rather the backing colour, some people insist it is red, whilst others (myself included) believe it would in fact be black , as the Totenkopf badge is that of the Brunswick Hussars, and the badge was worn on a black cap, anyhow, to stop the red affectionados, I have also included that as well ( I'm good to you lot aren't I ? )
there are 2 Data.Ini files as well, the original which came as Stephen 1918 made it, and the updated one from Von S, with the FM by Ocjar, and the hit boxes modded by my good friend Nick Bell, so choos which one you like, the Von S one is the better of the two in my opinion.
I have also included the sound files I use, and the guns, which again are by Von S, ( I have put the early Spandau lmg 08 on as this would be correct ) I have used the Merc 120 sound file although this aircraft actually had a 160 , I just think it fits in better for the time period.
Finally (sorry been blabbing on here ) I have used a pilot made by the marvellous Mr Geezer ( plead make more pilots !! ) I have just faffed about with it a bit but he looks the part !!
Right, I think that covers everything, no doubt I have missed out some important bit of info.....but hey ho, such is life !!
Thanks to Sephen 1918 for making the aircraft in the first place, and thanks to the other fore mentioned good souls, who make life easy for me, as they doo all the really hard work.
Albatros DIII (OAW) Factory fresh skins
By Trotski
5 skins representing factory finished OAW built Albatros DIII's . OAW built air-frames were finished slightly differently to standard built DIII's no rust brown paint was used , as per a directive from the air ministry in April 1917, so the 2 tone camoflage was applied, also different to the standard Albatri the camouflage was symmetrical, and also hard edged, rather than diffused.
I have tried to represent 2 camouflage in Green/Mauve and Green/Green , the second scheme is speculative, as it seems the Green/Mauve was more prevalent, also on the Green/Green I have made the tail cam lead -trail and not tip - tip as was more common on OAW machines, I have seen pictures of OAW machines with fore aft tail plane schemes, but that may have been a field mod done on the Jastas, but anyhow done them any how. So the Green/Green, and the Green/Mauve are mirror images of each other ( you will see what I mean when you load them up )
Finally I have redone the Lozenge, as I am fed up with seeing the manky dirty lozenge scheme that comes as standard with the in game Albatri, I have utilised a lighter day scheme, re done the rib tapes, etc etc etc.......anyhow, hope these aircraft fit the bill, nice clean, fresh out of the box, so not weathered at all, so if you prefer the dirty used look, please go ahead and dirty 'em up, they are a blank canvas after all.
Oh yeah, just repainted the upper fuselage metal bits, in the standard grey green, also the struts.
Enjoy !!!
Oeffag C.II
By Stephen1918
The Oeffag C.II was a two-seat Austro-Hungarian plane introduced in mid 1916. It was intended to replace the Hansa-Brandenburg C.I. Pilots considered it a better plane, but it wasn't as maneuverable, and did not completely replace the Hansa-Brandenburg. The Oeffag C.II was armed with a single machine gun and was used primarily for reconnaissance, but could also carry a small bomb load for infantry support missions. It was used mostly on the Eastern Front, but also served on the Italian and Baltic Fronts.
My version has two skins with an early and a late insignia scheme. There is a complete set of number decals and a loadout for a small bomb load. I have included my skinning templates with the download.
Historical Note: The Oeffag C.II could carry four 10kg bombs, which were carried in the cockpit and dropped over the side by the observer. In my plane, I mounted them on a bomb rack under the fuselage.
My thanks to Ojcar for making the FM file for this plane.
My thanks also to Nix for making the sound for the Austro-Daimler 160 engine.
Installation instructions:
Note - The engine sound for the Austro-Daimler 160 has been used with other planes so you may already have it installed. I have included it with this download in case you don't have it yet.
For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "OeffagC2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. If you don't already have it, you also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler160.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "OeffagC2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "OeffagC2". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/OeffagC2 folder into the Decals/OeffagC2 folder you just made. If you don't already have it, you also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler160.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
By Stephen1918
Vogesen – Version 2
This is a complete revision of Gepard's Vogesen terrain uploaded in 2008. Add it to your Western Front install of First Eagles.
NOTE – I have changed the terrain so much that Ojcar's Armchair Aces Vogesen Campaigns no longer work. I have named the new terrain “Vogesen2” so it will not replace Gepard's original terrain and you can still fly Ojcar's campaigns in the old map.
The Vogesen Mountains are between the Alsace Valley and Lorraine Plateau, just north of Switzerland. Both Germany and France had held the territory at one time or another over the centuries. At the beginning of World War I the area was part of Germany. France set out to “liberate” the area and there was heavy fighting there during the first year of the war. After that, things settled down somewhat – there was still fighting, but no major offensives were launched until the end of WWI.
My version of Vogesen is heavily based on Gepard's original terrain – the height map, tiles, and all the locations in the Alsace and Rhein valleys are virtually unchanged, I only made minor adjustments to what was already there. I have added at lot of locations to the west and north to fill the Lorraine area of the terrain and made extensive changes to the tiles there. I have completely reworked the targets.ini and types.ini to bring many of the new ground objects into the terrain. I leveled all the airfields, changed the trench lines through the mountains, and modified many of the skins.
Gepard deserves a lot of credit for all the work he did creating the original terrain. His castles, bunkers, and other “eye-candy” objects are still in the terrain.
Many of the locations added by Ojcar are still in the map, although I renamed some of them, and made minor adjustments to their locations.
Many of Geezer's ground objects are included with the download – including some of his ground crew, airfield objects, bunkers and forts.
I have included the ambulances with this downlaod, but I don't know who made them. If anybody remembers who made the original ambulances, please let me know.
Gerwin's TFD Tool was instrumental in the making of this terrain.
The Targets.ini requires that some Ground Objects be installed. You may already have these, if not you will need to install them in the Western Front install of your game.
Cavalry Units for First Eagles – by Stephen1918 – French and German patrols
FE AA Objects – by Geezer – French and German machine guns (FRMG and GEMG)
Field Guns for First Eagles – by Stephen1918 – French and German
Infantry Units – by Stephen1918 – French and German
WWI Ground Objects – by Geo – Supply Wagons (Wagon and Wagen)
I have included many of my own ground objects with the download. Copy everything from my GroundObject folder and paste it into your GroundObject folder. Note that there are some files not in any folder, these should remain outside of all the other folders in your GroundObject folder.
Copy the folder named "Vogesen2" into your Terrain Folder.
BlueMax Campaign.rar
By gterl
Fly in the sky with Bruno Stachel!
- Campaign consists of various changes in aircrafts
- No changes made on default Cambrai terrain
- If you choose 'Jasta 4' you'll fly with Willi von Klugerman, Otto Heidemann, and other aces known from the movie
- Aircraft needed (available here on Combatace or on the A-Team website)
-- Default aircraft (Fokker Dr.1, AlbatrosD5a, FokkerD7, Se5a, etc.)
-- PfalzD3
-- PfalzD3a
-- AlbatrosD3
-- DH-4
-- HP400
-- AircoDH9
-- F2B
-- PfalzD8
-- SchuckertD3
-- AlbatrosC3
-- Dfwci
-- LloydC2
-- AviatikC2
-- RumplerC1
-- HannoverCLII
-- Walfisch
-- Gothagiv
-- Staaken
-- HalberstadtCLIV
-- AEG_G4
- As for ground units you should have
-- BritInfantry
-- BritSquad
-- British12pdr
-- GermanInfantry
-- GermanFieldGun
Italian Terrain (incl. 1915-1917 campaign)
By gterl
Italian Terrain WW1 V2.0
Update (2.0):
- Removed ships that show up on land
- Added fortresses (Austrian & Italian)
- Changed ocean tiles
- Minor corrections
The Italian Front during WW1 refers to a series of battles fought between 1915 and 1918 in northern Italy between the armies of Austria-Hungary and Germany against Italy.
Italy hoped that by joining the countries of the Triple Entente against the Central Powers it would gain Cisalpine Tyrol (today's provinces of Trentino and South Tyrol), the Austrian Littoral, northern Dalmatia and some areas of western Carniola.
Italy had hoped to begin the war with a surprise offensive intended to move quickly and capture several Austrian cities.
Well, the war soon bogged down into trench warfare similar to the Western Front fought in France.
- Italian terrain/front WW1
- Ground objects
- Italian campaign 1915-1917 (incl. needed skins)
Q: Is the scale of the map correct
A: No
Q: Why not the Piave river front, in order to create late 1917/1918 scenarios?
A: Because
Q: Are all the named towns and cities correct (placement and naming)
A: Yes as good as it gets.
Q: Does it include more than one season?
A: No, currently not. Might be released with version 2
Q: Is the frontline correct?
A: Yes as good as it gets, representing late 1917 with certain omissions in order to get targets for the campaigns (like Monfalcone being Austro-Hungarian)
Q: The river Isonzo seems to cut through the mountains, is that correct?
A: To a certain degree, but I had to modify massively the heightmap in order to make things look right (e.g. river not flowing up/down the mountains)
Q: The northern part of the map, e.g. toward Munich, seems without further towns?
A: Correct. All forests and lakes are there but apart from the major cities (Salzburg & Munich) I've not yes included smaller towns.
1. Make a backup copy of your First Eagles folder (just in case)
2. Extract the file into a temporary folder (like c:\temp\)
3. Copy all the relevant folders into the respective First Eagles game folders
(example: c:\temp\First Eagles\Terrain\wwiItaly into your c:\Program Files\First Eagles\Terrain folder)
4. Drop the skin folders into the respective aircraft folders and add the included lines into the aircraft ini file
- FE Gold (might work also with FE2, sorry guys don't know), with the latest patch
- Aircraft for the included campaign:
Farman MF11c
As usual i want to say thank you to all guys who helped me to create the Italian terrain, to TK, Jan Tuma, Stephen1918, ojcar, Gepard, Heck, geo, quack74, Edward, A-Team (airplanes not included), Guitarclassic55 (for the wonderful menu) and a lot of others.
Sorry guys, at the moment i have forgotten the names. Please contact me if you want to be named at this place.
Thanks for files, suggestions, bug findings etc.
The Italian terrain is freeware.
You are free to modify and share it, BUT Commercial use is prohibited.
If you find bugs please post them in First Eagles section of Combatace.com forum.
Hope you enjoy it.
- fe
- first eagles
- (and 3 more)
By Nippy
Dogfight version 2.3 for Thirdwire Simulators (Series 1 and Series 2)
If you had problems with the previous version not seeing your install this version
is far better at finding the files it needs and will produce a log file to help identify problems
Dogfight is a quick mission generator much like Microsofts Quick Combat and
Ubisofts Quick Mission Builder.
This simple little program is an attempt to add similar facility to Thirdwire products
without editing Mission files by hand, or struggling with a complex Mission Editor.
So, using it you should be up and flying against a selected opponent within a few
seconds (once you're use to the system anyway!).
The action begins at a seperation of 2-4 km.
To use you:
1) Start Dogfight.
2) Select aircraft types, numbers and heights, Pilot training etc.
3) Press the Red WRITE MISSION button.
4) LEAVE Dogfight running.
5) Start the Thirdwire Simulator.
6) Go to the Single Mission page and then Load Mission Menu.
7) Click on the name of the mission that you just created in dogfight(default is "0 Dogfight").
8) When you want to change the mission click on Alt and Tab simultaneously.
9) Select Dogfight, make your changes and then press the red WRITE MISSION button.
10) Return to the Thirdwire Simulator by clicking it on the task bar (or alt tabbing if you prefer).
11) ALWAYS RESELECT THE MISSION from the Single Mission-Load Misiion Menu to update the information.
12) Play the mission!
Repeat 8-12 as many times as you want
This sounds a bit long winded but you do soon get used to it.
Unzip Dogfight.zip.
Find the folder called Dogfightv2.3 containing:
templates (folder)
an Options.ini file in this directory as well.
i.e Dogfightv2.3 and Objects are at the same level.
(or wherever you want to launch if from).
DogFight has been tested with:
FE1 and FE2 (Viurtually all of the aircraft from CombatAce and the Skunkworks with Peter01 fms)
SF1 (chiefly SCW)
WOE (Principally Wings Over Russia and Wings Over Africa).
SF2, and SFNA2, (Skunkworks PTO) (CombatAce BOB) and with additional aircraft thrown in.
I've also tried it with some early Korean War era jets.
Only briefly tried it with more modern types.
The program was written using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010 C++ and FLTK.
FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit) is a great free package for constructing GUIs really quickly and easily.
Without it I doubt that I would have had time to write this program.
Thanks to TK for creating a marvellous set of Sims. I love the way they work with TrackIR.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many add on creators at Combatace and
the Skunkworks who have given me many hours of great gaming.
I hope Dogfight helps to provide some entertainment for Thirdwire Simulator Users.
Gary Ireland
By Nippy
Dogfight version 2.2 for Thirdwire Simulators (Series 1 and Series 2)
Dogfight is a quick mission generator much like Microsofts Quick Combat and
Ubisofts Quick Mission Builder.
This simple little program is an attempt to add similar facility to Thirdwire products
without editing Mission files by hand, or struggling with a complex Mission Editor.
So, using it you should be up and flying against a selected opponent within a few
seconds (once you're use to the system anyway!).
As a template for the Missions I used a standard 1v1 fighter encounter so the action
begins very close together (2 km seperation for WWI types, slightly further for faster types).
To use you:
1)Start Dogfight.
2)Select aircraft types, numbers and heights, Pilot training etc.
3)Press the Red WRITE MISSIONbutton.
4)LEAVE Dogfight running.
5)Start the Thirdwire Simulator.
6)Go to the Single Mission page and then Load Mission Menu.
7)Click on the name of the mission that you just created in dogfight(default is "0 Dogfight").
8)When you want to change the mission click on Alt and Tab simultaneously.
9)Select Dogfight, make your changes and then press the red GENERATE button.
10)Return to the Thirdwire Simulator by clicking it on the task bar (or alt tabbing if you prefer).
11)ALWAYS RESELECT THE MISSION from the Single Mission-Load Misiion Menu to update the information.
12)Play the mission!
Repeat 8-12 as many times as you want
This sounds a bit long winded but you do soon get used to it.
Unzip Dogfight.zip.
Find the folder called Dogfightv2.2 containing:
templates (folder)
i.e Dogfightv2.2 and Objects are at the same level.
(or wherever you want to launch if from).
DogFight has been tested with:
FE1 and FE2 (Viurtually all of the aircraft from CombatAce and the Skunkworks with Peter01 fms)
SF1 (chiefly SCW)
WOE (Principally Wings Over Russia and Wings Over Africa).
SF2, and SFNA2, (Skunkworks PTO) (CombatAce BOB) and with additional aircraft thrown in.
I've also tried it with some early Korean War era jets.
Only briefly tried it with more modern types.
The program was written using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010 C++ and FLTK.
FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit) is a great free package for constructing GUIs really quickly and easily.
Without it I doubt that I would have had time to write this program.
Thanks to TK for creating a marvellous set of Sims. I love the way they work with TrackIR.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many add on creators at Combatace and
the Skunkworks who have given me many hours of great gaming.
I hope Dogfight helps to provide some entertainment for Thirdwire Simulator Users.
Armchair Aces over Galicia
By ojcar
Welcome WWI buffs! This new series is a compilation covering 15 months of air war in Galicia Front in WWI.
The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the brand new Galicia 2 terrain by Stephen1918. You'll have about 15 mini-campaigns and 150 missions per pilot!
The beauty of this approach is that you can follow your fav unit throught the war, or you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Germans did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit.
This mod is intended for FE2, but I think it works fine in FE with a little text edit (change all SPAD7_150 references for SPAD7 ones).
Armchair Aces Redux
By ojcar
Armchair Aces Redux by Ojcar
Welcome WWI buffs! This is a mammoth compilation of a series covering the (mostly) complete air war in Western Front in WWI.
The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the two stock maps plus the Vogesen map. You'll have about 39 mini-campaigns and 390 missions per pilot!
New in this compilation:
- In 1.5:
-Roland D.II
-Roland D.IIa
-SPAD 11
-SPAD 16
-Fixed some typhos in campaign files
By Stephen1918
The SPAD 16 was essentially a SPAD 11 with a more powerful Lorraine-Dietrich 240 hp engine. Although it was faster, the heavier engine made the SPAD 16 harder to handle and performance was slightly worse than the SPAD 11. Like the SPAD 11, it was armed with a forward firing Vickers gun and a Lewis gun on a ring mount for the observer. It could also carry a small bomb load under the wings.
The SPAD 16 entered service early in 1918. Several French squadrons were equipped with the SPAD 16 and a few were purchased by the US. It continued in service until the end of the war.
I have made two skins for the SPAD 16 - a French camo, and a USAS camo - each with appropriate squadron insignia. Most of the skins are identical to the SPAD 11 skins, only the Fuselage and Upper Right Wing skins are changed. My skinning templates are included in the download for those who want to make their own skins.
I did not have a sound file for the Lorraine-Dietrich engine, so I used the same sound as the SPAD 11.
Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the SPAD 16.
Thanks also to Nix for making the sound file for the Hispano-Suiza engine.
Installation Instructions
For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SPAD16" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. If you don't already have it installed, you also need to move the sound file "hispsuiz4M220.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SPAD16" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create new folder named "SPAD16". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/SPAD16 folder into the Decals/SPAD16 folder you just made. If you don't already have it installed, you also need to move the sound file "hispsuiz4M220.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
By Stephen1918
The SPAD 11 was originally designed as a two seat fighter, but was not agile enough to meet the requirements; so it used as a replacement for the Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter and Dorand AR reconnaissance planes. It was armed with a forward firing Vickers gun and a Lewis gun on a ring mount for the observer. It could also carry a small bomb load. The SPAD 11 entered service in late 1917, was flown by several French and Belgian squadrons, and continued in service until nearly the end of the war.
I have made three skins for the SPAD 11 - a French linen, a French camo, and a Belgian camo - each with appropriate squadron insignia. My skinning templates are included in the download for those who want to make their own skins. I have also included a loadout for a light bomb load carried under the wings.
Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the SPAD 11 and for suggesting some improvements.
Thanks also to Nix for making the sound file for the Hispano-Suiza engine.
Installation Instructions
For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SPAD11" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. You also need to move the sound file "hispsuiz4M220.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SPAD11" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create new folder named "SPAD11". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/SPAD11 folder into the Decals/SPAD11 folder you just made. You also need to move the sound file "hispsuiz4M220.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
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