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Haven't We Done This Before?

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i have a hard time to think something major could have happened....

maybe it just me ^_^

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We should of let Patton do his thing when he had the chance....

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it certainly has been keeping us (NORAD) busy this summer.


Back to the good old days again!



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Do we still send the B-52's, B-1's and B-2's out to failsafe points?

If we do, the Russkies must be trying to do the same thing. Again.

What's next---Red October!!!

I personally wouldn't want to be a Bear crewman.

With the lookdown shootdown capability of todays fighters,a Bear wouldn't stand much of a chance.

Have number 2 do a visual ID flyby with lead sitting back a mile or two with a couple of AAMRAMS armed and ready.

Typhoons and Raptors and Bears,Oh My!!


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I miss the Cold War. It was nice having a clearly defined enemy.


...So what about the global war on gingernuts?? Make no mistake, gingers are plotting...

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Do we still send the B-52's, B-1's and B-2's out to failsafe points?



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If we sent B-2s out past failsafe points they wouldn't even know it :biggrin:

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Soo... after 16 years the Russian Bears did keep the red star humm...very interesting. Where is Dr. Strangelove?

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If we sent B-2s out past failsafe points they wouldn't even know it :biggrin:


If it was raining they would :biggrin:

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If it was raining they would :biggrin:


Maybe a Block 10 model back in 1996. Not now.



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Besides, it's pretty easy to fly OVER a rainstorm.

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We should of let Patton do his thing when he had the chance....


Explain, please?

Edited by Longestpants

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looks like russia might bring back the iron curtain. I dont think russia is as much out of the game as most people say. I think that they pose a very real threat even now after the colaps of the USSR

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Guest Tazkiller

Real threat is South of of our own borders!!!!!!!!!!!!




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Explain, please?



Patton begged, bitched & cajoled the brass to let him go after the USSR after WW2. He even wanted the German military that was left (except maybe the hard-line nazis) to help. He always thought the USSR was a bigger problem than the Germans. For a "what-if" alt-history, read "A Damned Fine War" by Bill Yenne




Good stuff. In it, the Red Army attacks just after V-E day as the Allies are demobilizing or going to Japan. WW3 starts something like a month after WW2 ended.


And yeah, I miss the cold war, too.

Edited by RunsWithScissors

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Patton begged, bitched & cajoled the brass to let him go after the USSR after WW2. He even wanted the German military that was left (except maybe the hard-line nazis) to help. He always thought the USSR was a bigger problem than the Germans. For a "what-if" alt-history, read "A Damned Fine War" by Bill Yenne




Good stuff. In it, the Red Army attacks just after V-E day as the Allies are demobilizing or going to Japan. WW3 starts something like a month after WW2 ended.


And yeah, I miss the cold war, too.


That's Patton for you.

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I loved the Cold War....



Yup, whoever knew that History would take so little time repeating itself? Or is this the end of summer break for the Cold War? What was it, like, some 20 years ago that Gorby was rummaging in Glasnost? Oh the nostalgia...


But this time, let's make it more interesting, like a ménage à trois: the West, the Neo-Sovs, and China! :biggrin:


P.S.: But with sigs like the big ones around here, I'm sure that there's something to keep us warm during the new ice age... :good: Where can I get one of those?

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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Well, Putin isn't Gorby or Yeltsin and Bush isn't Reagan or Clinton. That's all it really takes to change things around.

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Yeah, both Yeltsin's and Clinton's successors are more trigger-happy than the people they replaced...

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Real threat is South of of our own borders!!!!!!!!!!!!


Plain stupid, and who's the F@g ? is he "other" gay guy from brokeback ? Or is he in the sequel ?

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John Wayne.


And you have to press 1 for english because a large portion of the population speaks spanish, and it can be kinda hard to learn a new language at 80 like my grandparents (hey its still the default don't complain)

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