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How to make the game better

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I am arrived from Ace Combat series, and i found TW series light-years different.

still easier of a simulator, but i found that flight models are really different between different crafts, that loadouts of waepons are limited, not 100 missiles on a single plane. and i had to adapt myself to this new situation.

i appreciate this middle world situation, but i can't deny that i would like a new challenge.

i want to learn how things could go in real life.

This game seems to have the right potential, so....

here's my wishlist.


1. a good reconnissiance mission system, and a good support for recon pods.

2. complex procedures for close air support

3. a deeper mangement of the squadron

4. better carrier operations

5. easier mission editor included

6. a new avionics dll that supports both modern air to air functions and terrain mapping ( i am dreaming SAR radars )

7. a better situation explanation before starting mission ( who goes at war if doesn't know where is the threat? )


i will continue to play TW games because i like modding and because this sim is really funny, but i would like to have it a little deeper.



Edited by the test pilot

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....and having modded and flown this sim series since 2002, beta tested etc etc etc......here is what I learned, when TK does make his mind up, that is final. We can rant, rave, speculate, etc etc etc until we are blue in the face. Bottom line, it is what it is. Having said that, calling this one step from Ace Combat is not even close to being a true statement. I am not sure what sim you have been playing but mine is not like that at all. I hate threads like these because they always turn into a giant bitch session. Irritating at best. Makes me wonder why people would even fly it if they have so many gripes about it.


it attract people because it have a unique feeling :wink: and on the other hand it's probably frustrating to have a so huge potential bring down by some irritating "little" flaws :wink:


but speaking about woi, it's the most significant forward step done by tk, and it brings far more than wov made on it's time for exemple.

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oh and i forget a wish about something


just a little eye candy


it would be cool to have crashing planes (and ground destroyed planes) to make some crates/fire when they hit the ground :biggrin:

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it attract people because it have a unique feeling :wink: and on the other hand it's probably frustrating to have a so huge potential bring down by some irritating "little" flaws :wink:


Exactly what I meant. Perhaps I have to learn to word concepts in shorter sentences

Edited by Canadair

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...Oh, these are just cool.

The windloop should really help.

gonna check it out, now.




Just checked out those sites. Have already added them to my favourites list. Brilliant stuff!! (*****). Does anybody know of any similar sites dedicated to those other great workhorses; the F-4 and A-4? Sites like these are so much better for intel gathering than YouTube or others.

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You know... come to think of it...

Just mulling through the sounds directory I've found sounds that I never actually hear in the game.

For example there are RWR sounds specific to either MiGs or SAMs.


example.. (MiGTrack.wav) (MiGLock.wav) / (SAMTrack.wav) (SAMLock.WAV)


Does anyone have any suggestions what the correct entries would be, into which ini files to get these sounds working?



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I hate threads like these because they always turn into a giant bitch session.


C'mon Dave (USFATML?), you gripe but you could be considered a serial offender, and in those posts it is :

Irritating at best.


With apologies, this is not meant as a personal attack on you. [Enter suitable emoticon here]



In regards to that radio chatter to replace the windloop - the problem with that is if you view other a/c or things then when you get back to the cockpit the radio chatter starts from the beginning again. Also its not bits'n'pieces, it is an onoing conversation about a mission in progress or something. For me it lessens the immersion.

Edited by csb

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Besides this game has the greatest variety of aircraft I have ever come across.

This is a wish thread, so it would augur well to bear the same in mind.

And its probably one of the least system demanding games available and the most immersive at that.

So if there are suggestions to up the standard whats to lose beside giving Ubisoft a run for their money if those suggestions are actually implemented.

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C'mon Dave (USFATML?), you gripe but you could be considered a serial offender, and in those posts it is :


With apologies, this is not meant as a personal attack on you. [Enter suitable emoticon here]



In regards to that radio chatter to replace the windloop - the problem with that is if you view other a/c or things then when you get back to the cockpit the radio chatter starts from the beginning again. Also its not bits'n'pieces, it is an onoing conversation about a mission in progress or something. For me it lessens the immersion.


It is my not so subtle warning that you can wish all you want, but don't turn this into "This sucks because" thread. These have a habit of doing that.

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Oh well in the end human nature always bites us in the arse

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Has anybody flown the sim with visual settings on hard(no red box) no data on the corners of the screen etc; on a large screen of course?

Its kick arse.You'd be lucky to get three kills once the s**t hits the fan.


Coming back to the topic ever thought the game music was a little monotonous?

well get online and get yourself an MP3-wav converter and convert your favourite tracks to the latter format; go into the menu folder and replace the sound files you find distasteful and wallah...

Ive got Roger Daltrey's Under a raging moon as my MainScreen wav file and Morrisons The End as Hangarnoise1. All you WOV players;remember Apocalypse Now.Well dont change hangarnoise 2 and 3; try it. I assure you you'll love it.


The rest ill leave to your imagination.

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My post is just a wish, I have zero reasons to bitch about anything in the TW series, I have played Falcon, and LOMAC and with all the stuff you must know about BEFORE you even take off is staggering! With all the great things that this community offers, there is no comparision. If i can't send my flight #3 and #4 to hit certain targets that is ok there are MANY more things i enjoy than not. :good::clapping:

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Has anybody flown the sim with visual settings on hard(no red box) no data on the corners of the screen etc; on a large screen of course?

Its kick arse.You'd be lucky to get three kills once the s**t hits the fan.


Oh yeah, doing it that way makes this one of the hardest sims out there. An experience for sure. I play just a tad below total hard mode because my eyes are terrible.

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Oh yeah, doing it that way makes this one of the hardest sims out there. An experience for sure. I play just a tad below total hard mode because my eyes are terrible.

Quote you guys. I may add that in a crowded environment against same level opponents, say mig vs mig and with a touch up on the AAA fighting is really lethal

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Quote you guys. I may add that in a crowded environment against same level opponents, say mig vs mig and with a touch up on the AAA fighting is really lethal


If you haven't tried it everyone, do it, I tell you, makes you wonder how its really done.

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1. a good reconnissiance mission system, and a good support for recon pods.



Oh yeah!


Perfect would be the same recon method used by the ancient Microprose F-19/F-117, etc. series. Load up camera, fly through enemy territory undetected and take an actual shot of the target. That was real fun. :biggrin:


This would certainly beat the current "take off, wait until you reach waypoint #3, then press the 'next waypoint' button until you'll receive congratulations on another successful mission"...



Edited by Gocad

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Ok all you wishers out there-I think some AAA in the area.

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I was thinking about some sort of improvement to campaign engine, but a bit more complex. Kinda killing (at least maiming) three birds with one stone: briefing, recon and ground targeting.

Here's my crazy idea of how a strike misson should be arranged...

  1. Recon flights go over possible targets and take actual pictures. Not necessarily player's flight - they could be doing something else at the time. The important thing is that the game loads terrain and objects rendering - they're not rendered while we're browsing through menus.
  2. Various flights are assigned strike missions against photographed targets. If this is the first day of campaign some pre-made pictures could come in handy. The idea is that once the campaign engine gets the picture of target zone it remains valid for some time or until any strike is performed against the target.
  3. If player is assigned a strike mission a briefing comes up. A picture of target zone is shown with primary (and secondary?) targets marked. Any AAA or parked planes caught in sight should also be marked (with ID?). Note, that to make it possible a "recon picture" taken by game engine sould also be supplied with a file (simple text will do) storing data about relative coordinates of objects caught in picture frame. The pic itself should be taken with such zoom level to place a target zone entirely within frame, so that situations, when a building that should be attacked is not on the pic, were impossible. Well, maybe AAA is not that important to stretch the pic. Everyone knows it's there :yes:
  4. Strike mission. Every object in target zone is targetable (an extra button to select buildings?) You find primary target as you remember the from pic (maybe a cropped image of target as an overlay on map screen for reference).

The whole thing will require additional modeling of recon planes and creation of recon squadrons, I guess.

Oh, and if no recon pics are available (recce flight shot down) armed recon option into "fog of war" seems like an option.

:drag: Maybe I'll drop it at TK forums as soon as they're back... Just want to hear a Word from the Man. :blink:



Has anybody flown the sim with visual settings on hard(no red box) no data on the corners of the screen etc; on a large screen of course?

Normal-sized screen but the rest of description fits. :cool: Use padlock to keep track of some targets but TrackIR makes it not that necessary.

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Ok I am going to say it.......I want a cup holder in my aircraft dammit....... is that too much to ask? :drinks_drunk:

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Ok I am going to say it.......I want a cup holder in my aircraft dammit....... is that too much to ask? :drinks_drunk:


When will you learn...if like me, you'd spent the extra one dollar fifty for the deluxe download version all your aircraft pits come with foldout cupholder, leather trim around the primary six flight instruments and an added bonus - heated seats :biggrin:

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The cup holder would have to be pretty flexible to prevent spilling stuff at vairious g-s. Unless you plan to fly an AWACS :haha:

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lol !


Simply place an airtight lid on your virtual cup and you can do all the fancy jinking you like. I've heard that in AWAC's they're served silver-service coffee in best cups and donuts.


Oh, what a life...sigh...

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I am going to write a long one, so please get yourself prepared!


Firstly, thanks to TK for giving us such a great simulator. The game has been around for 5 years and excuse me I just joined the party recently. Having that said, I have a few new ideas which might serve as suggestions to make the game even better.


All these times, I have never seen a simulation be it hard core or soft core or like this series a mid-core one, a real seriously taken recon mission infrastructure. The once famous Falcon 4 does provide players with recon mission but have you ever seen the pictures you have taken? I have never seen them. It is great fun to fly low across enemy frontline to take some photos, either in broad daylight or in the dark. I wish we could have this feature in the series.


This series perhaps has the most flexible expandibility of all flight simulations I have ever seen. You can tweak everything possible provided you have the name of the parameter you are after. The fantastic thing is that you can add a modern aircraft like the Typhoons EF2000 to the desert theatre which was originally supposed to be used in the cold war era. You can also make use of the WoE terrain and add some of the add-on WWII aircrafts to recreate say EAW? You may also use the same theatre and the MiG-15, 17 and 19 and the F-86 Sabre to recreate a Korean War Campaign. That's why I express my gratitude to TK and all the modders who have made all these possible.


However, some deficiencies are indeed there. We need an AWACS. Red Crown should be approprietly dealt with. Besides, it would be great to have a blindness once we fly out of the cover zone of AWACS.


Some additional features on the avionic side of things would be great. For example, I missed the MFD in the F/A-18 and EF2000 very very much. When you use LGB the MFD provides a way for you to slew the aiming to the target and lock it up. That's really cool and add a little bit (just a little) of hardcoreness to the game for modern times.


I really like to see some destructable structures. I know this has nothing to do with flight simulation because we are only concerned about matters happening in the air. But for eye-candy and immersion sake, it would be better to have this implemented. A man like me who always want to see the destroying power of nuclear weapons... :biggrin:


Ground wars. This is something I learnt from Falcon 4. F4 has perhaps the most impressive ground warfare simulation amongst all the flight simulation in the last 13 to 14 years. They have their own AI. They know when to regroup and they have their own formation. I staill recall those days when I used to tweak here and there to get TOW appearing on the screen, they used to be ABSTRACT and are not supposed to be displayed out. Ground war will give us an excuse to conduct more realistic CAS missions.


I want to have F-117A. The last time I played this aircraft was 12 years ago. It was Jane's Advanced Tactical Fighters. i'll add more later, in office can't type too much!

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lol !


Simply place an airtight lid on your virtual cup and you can do all the fancy jinking you like. I've heard that in AWAC's they're served silver-service coffee in best cups and donuts.


Oh, what a life...sigh...



Just no forks and knives on board. Apparently, they've been considered as an unauthorized item aboard AWACs. :haha:

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I am also quite new to the SF series, but it really interests me for the past months. It is good that there are now several titles available you can merge into a single install that gives a variety approaching Jane's ATF/USNF/FA games. Whilst in the core flight and combat dynamics it far surpasses them.


Here's my wishlist nonetheless, duplicating some points mentioned earlier,

and maybe even mentioning something I just failed to notice.

- More detailed briefings.

- More detailed campaign status information.

- Visually Destroyed grounded aircraft in WOI (now they just dissappear).

- Airfield Transfer Mission type, and maybe some other types.

- Carrier Deck objects, Some Carrier support ships.

- Native Helicopter support.

- An easier/more visual mission editor.

- Cat archiver, and a better extractor, or change to zip format like Quake 3+.

- Keyboard shortcuts in Menu.

- Object/Aircraft reference option in the main menu, with 3D previews.

- More optimized game logic for SAM's and WarShips tracking and firing etc. (slowdowns).

- The single mission generator to use the Secondary Skin folders for AI flights.

- The single mission generator to only use nations defined in the terrain's nations.ini

for AI flights. (no UK aircraft over vietnam etc.)

- A TW quality MiG-25. and some more emphasis on Adversary aircraft in general.


PS. awacs sound fine, but I am afraid some nations/times will be left with nothing

to communicate with?

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