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Ive never played any flight game before and i suck at Wings over israel. still I think its damn cool flying those jets and shooting stuff. Anyways i was looking through the download section, and there isnt one download that interests me that specifys if it runs on WOI or and older one likw WOE or WOV. SO STUPID!!! Anyways so I finally found this sexy jet, teh F/A 37 from stealth, that looks so cool better than my other fav the Su 47. BUT OMG! I waste a download only to find that its for WOE and WOV and stike fighters ONLY. Cant someone make some good planes for WOI, and why the hell are they not catagorized on WHICH GAMES THEY WILL RUN ON.


Sorry Im just peeved i got really excited about that plane and then i find out it doesnt work. Anyone know any SEXY NEW NOT OLD planes that run for WOI? I dont like those old ugly ones just the cool futuristing looking ones. F22, Su 37, Su 27, Su 47, Mig 1.44, ETC ETC ETC. And if non of those could someone point me to some planes that for sure work for WOI. Thanks guys.

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Ive never played any flight game before and i suck at Wings over israel. still I think its damn cool flying those jets and shooting stuff. Anyways i was looking through the download section, and there isnt one download that interests me that specifys if it runs on WOI or and older one likw WOE or WOV. SO STUPID!!! Anyways so I finally found this sexy jet, teh F/A 37 from stealth, that looks so cool better than my other fav the Su 47. BUT OMG! I waste a download only to find that its for WOE and WOV and stike fighters ONLY. Cant someone make some good planes for WOI, and why the hell are they not catagorized on WHICH GAMES THEY WILL RUN ON.


Sorry Im just peeved i got really excited about that plane and then i find out it doesnt work. Anyone know any SEXY NEW NOT OLD planes that run for WOI? I dont like those old ugly ones just the cool futuristing looking ones. F22, Su 37, Su 27, Su 47, Mig 1.44, ETC ETC ETC. And if non of those could someone point me to some planes that for sure work for WOI. Thanks guys.



Most stuff for WOE/WOV will work with WOI...unless it has a prop and that dosn't seem like anything your interested in anyway.Maybe if you come off a little less aggressive people will be more inclined to help you out.Just a few tweeks here and there and you'll be flying most of the WOE stuff in WOI.

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Everything, apart from campaigns, weapons packs, and somethings that clearly specify it is for a certain game (ie, B-52s) only, will work in WOI. The Talon will work IIRC.


EDIT: Old and ugly? Man, thats an opinion I've always feared to see.

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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Maybe if you come off a little less aggressive people will be more inclined to help you out.



Would someone please be kind enough to point me in the right direction with regards to flyable planes in WOI. They are not really catagorized so it is hard for me to know which ones are which, and as I said earlier the F/A 37 Talon would be great. Whiteknight06604, since you are a modder, and I know literally nothing about computers and modding anything at all, would be kind enough to perhaps make these minor modifications on the F/A 37 Talon, or perhaps show me somebody who could or would be willing to? So far I only like 2 planes in WOI, the F15 and the F16. I would love the migs but sadly you cannot fly those. Any help would greatly appreciated. Apologies for my first post I did not want to seem like an ill mannered text speak "noob".


Also just so I know, the F/A 37 Talon comes with its own installed, but you need to specify which folder you install it in. Which folder? (sorry ive never done this just got the game an hour ago)

Edited by tacoscent

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your second post was much more appropriate, and the best policy is to be nice and ask if you have a problem, or a question. Yes it can be frustrating when you get a certain plain or terrain that you like that doesn't work, but don't let that make you start off your posting by making most everyone just see you as someone they don't want to help.

With that said welcome to Combatace, I think you'll find answers to any question you have, as we have ALL the main modders for the Thirdwire series posting here.

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whats wrong with old planes, back when flying actually required you to fly, not just hop in something.

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Would someone please be kind enough to point me in the right direction with regards to flyable planes in WOI. They are not really catagorized so it is hard for me to know which ones are which, and as I said earlier the F/A 37 Talon would be great. Whiteknight06604, since you are a modder, and I know literally nothing about computers and modding anything at all, would be kind enough to perhaps make these minor modifications on the F/A 37 Talon, or perhaps show me somebody who could or would be willing to? So far I only like 2 planes in WOI, the F15 and the F16. I would love the migs but sadly you cannot fly those. Any help would greatly appreciated. Apologies for my first post I did not want to seem like an ill mannered text speak "noob".


Also just so I know, the F/A 37 Talon comes with its own installed, but you need to specify which folder you install it in. Which folder? (sorry ive never done this just got the game an hour ago)


I can't help you directly since I don't have WOI but I suggest you start reading the knowledge base.

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drop aircraft into the aircraft folder.Your best bet would be to make a folder on you desktop and point the instaler to that them manualy add the files to the game.The downloads are not organized by WOE or WOI because for the most part they will work in either.That said you may run into some that work in a weird way or that won't work but there usually is a work around and everyone here will be happy to help out as long as things don't sound like a demand.the knowedge base has some really helpful info but it can be hard to find things there somtimes.My best advice would be to try and figure things out because once you learn a few of the basics this game will get better and better and so many options are open for new campaigns and aircraft.

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It sounds like the Ace Combat series would be a better choice for you.

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First off, loose the attitude...that first post is enough to cause serious doubts. If you're looking for "cool, futuristic sexy looking planes", maybe Ace Combat is more to your liking?? There are some "issues" with post -1980s aircraft in their avionices, and these ARE being addressed.


The second post it MUCH better, a lot more civilized.


Since you're new the genre, and this particular series, why don't you have a browse around in the Knowledge Base; you know that forum just above, right below the File Announcements? We created it for everyone, noobs and Old Hands.


Start at the beginning...read every single post in there (there WILL be test). You wanna fly MiGs? That's all answered either in there, or somewhere else in these forums. MiG cockpits are readily avialable....you've just not found them. Browse through ALL the SF/Wo* downloads sections. You might be amazed at what you find.


You'll also want to read the manual that came with WoI. You'll find it's a PDF file, in a folder called (oddly enough) /Maunal. READ IT!!!! Of course, you may need to download Adobe PDF reader, but it's free, and VERY usefull for other things.


Browse through ALL the SF/Wo* Forums here...not just the most recent posts, but the older, eariler ones. You'll find a wealth of knowledge in them as well.


Learn HOW to read a "readme" file, that little text file that (hopefully) comes with most downloads. Follow the instructions therein to the letter.


Do all this, and THEN if you have questions, post in the appropriate Forum.



Kevin Stein

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I too was a 'impatient' noob in my first post but I was 'taught' to Search the KB THEN ask (politely) about any questions. You will learn that the KB and searching thru old posts will work wonders for you! :biggrin:

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Well good news, IT WORKS!!! Sadly I dont know how to make its wings deploy:( Can anyone tell me which keys to press to make them deploy? Oh also thankyou guys for warm reception and help. I appretiate it very much! This Jet is SO fast! Got it up to 1800 Knots. Then I tried to turn (wings were not deployed) and i guess it pulled too many Gs and it crashed and when into the craziest spin! LOL

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I'd be willing to bet you over-G'd the aircraft and destroyed it, I've lost an F/A-18F doing that once, but I was actually trying to see if it would break (at 24G, lo and behold the left wing went flying off and the a/c spun in). The F/A-37's wings swing like the F-14's in the Wings Over x sims; it's a matter of airspeed. If you get your Talon slow, the wings will sweep outward, but as you go faster, the wings sweep back (or, forward in the Talon's case).

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Well good news, IT WORKS!!! Sadly I dont know how to make its wings deploy:( Can anyone tell me which keys to press to make them deploy? Oh also thankyou guys for warm reception and help. I appretiate it very much! This Jet is SO fast! Got it up to 1800 Knots. Then I tried to turn (wings were not deployed) and i guess it pulled too many Gs and it crashed and when into the craziest spin! LOL



Patience dude. With the WOx series, get your hands dirty first. Fly the planes around for a week or so, so you get the feel of the sim. You'll answer the majority of your smaller questions by having a play around with it and figuring out what to do when, etc. It's a really easy sim to get into and pretty forgiving compared to the likes of LOMAC. That said, welcome to CA dude!



ps. Like Caesar said, the swing wings are all automatic in this series. They move relative to your airspeed. :yes:

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The J-11 flies like a dream in WOI-atleast thats what i think.

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Oh oh, someone has awoken our resident slumbering giant....

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