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What are the eels?

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Ok, what are the eels? Also what are laser cats?

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SHHHHHH Don't mention the E word......they will come out of hiding.

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And here I thought laser cat was a tomcat with laser guided bomb capability.......

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What do the E-words do?

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What do the E-words do?




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Oh my...



A that rate, they could take over the government, kill all men, and steal all women!!! :grin:

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What do the E-words do?


They will take over the Earth and feast upon our remains.......

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There's definately an eel cover-up here...I'm on the staff and I still don't know what it's all about. :dntknw:


Maybe better not to know...

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Ah... Well. It appears from the picture this does not involve women.


:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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They also have an annoying tendency to infest hovercraft...



kevin stein

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Maybe better not to know...


My friends say I haven't been the same since I had it leaked to me...

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Not the eels! NOT THE EELS!!!!!!!!!!

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Mit luftpudefartøj er fyldt med ål

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Mit luftpudefartøj er fyldt med ål


Ring efter politiet!


ét sprog er aldrig nok !



Min svävare är full med ålar

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Oh no!!!!



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Didn't you know? The eels are a free third party mod for the TK series that enables you to fly the F-22 in true stealth. I must have the download link somewhere, if I find it i'll post it.

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.......kill all men, and steal all women!!! :grin:



Actually you got it mixed up :.....kill all women, and steal all men!


Perverted fiends!!!!

Edited by csb

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Drop your panties Sir William, I cannot wait till lunch time

Edited by thundercheif

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Don't know how many of u will understand this but i have learned that "THEY" don't know welsh so:


"Dyle pob llyswen cael ei phen ei thorri bant a chael ei thaflu i mewn i injan f-15e ar llawn afterburner. Dyna yw'r unig ffordd i cael gwared ohonyn nhw bant or planed hyn."


This comes from an anonymous source that is very good at getting rid of "THEM"

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Don't know how many of u will understand this but i have learned that "THEY" don't know welsh so:


"Dyle pob llyswen cael ei phen ei thorri bant a chael ei thaflu i mewn i injan f-15e ar llawn afterburner. Dyna yw'r unig ffordd i cael gwared ohonyn nhw bant or planed hyn."


This comes from an anonymous source that is very good at getting rid of "THEM"


Indeed a novel way of dealing with the Aalen problem, however I have it on good authority from the Meibion Glyndwr Counter Intelligence Service (Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth Gwrth Gachu) that.. "mae'r llyswenod wedi datblygu technoleg beiolegol o ei cefndryd trydanol er mwyn ymharu a newid meddwl dynol. Ar hyn o bryd nid ydan yn siwr os yw syniadau a fewn feddwl Cymraeg yn gally gwrth sefyll y mesyrau newydd yma ond mae'n edrych yn ddrwg.. Mae'r llyswenod yn defnyddio'r gally newydd yma i troi dynion mawr blewog i mewn i tin baffwyr bach hoyw dros ben mewn llai na mae'n cymrud i aelod Plaid Cymru cyddio pres anfoesol"


The cachu just got serious!

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