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DS Mod Goodies

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A million thanks to everyone involved with creating this mod. Really its like having a new title in the series I have only taken a couple of aircraft for a quick spin but I am totally blown away with what I have seen. Huge surprise on firing it up and seeing the F-117 after all the talk about how Marcello had not finished it. Great new aircraft / objects /skins Awesome terrain, water shader effects, new audio/radio chatter are what i noticed in those quick flights. This

is an outstanding mod.

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Thanks for this awesome mod, I´ve downloaded the 3 parts.

I don´t have time to try it now, but I´ll do later.

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Been looking at the download numbers. I am not as enthused about as I thought I would be. 1000 downloads of part one to only just over 500 of parts 2 and 3. Leads me to believe people wanted the aircraft more than the campaign as a whole.


In which case, they're dumbasses. Some of the aircraft were made specifically to work with the DS mod if I remember correctly and will probably not work quite correctly outside of it.



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Well that is how the dynamic campaign assigned them. We made no claims on realism of how the sim will handle the campaign. We made it as real as the sim will allow us. We are well aware and did the reaearch on this camapign and can only take so far. I am not aware if the AI uses the jammers or not. I know when the players uses the Spark Varks ECM, it works. People do me a favor, have fun and lets not pick this apart. We did EVERYTING we could to the best of out abilities. If it is not up to some ones expectations then delete it. But please spare us the nit picking. This mod was more than time. Hrntfixr and I spent money on this for example to give it to you all for free. If you find a bug we will try to get ti fixed. But tearing it apart because it put a mission in there it didnt do really is a downer for the team.





I need to seriously restate my intentions!


Your team did a fantastic job on this mod. I give you my thanks and my kudos. I have nothing but admiration for the giving spirit you have. The work and the programing the team did is phenominal!


I was only asking if the limitations were with the research (and I am not saying it was) or with the game engine. Don't get downed for this question. You know much more about this then I do so please take it with a grain of salt! Everyone should have this.


We should play online.

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The part 1 file may have inflated numbers because the count is determined by file requests not actual completed downloads and may also be influenced by members who don't have the subscription or member rank to download all three parts in a single day. Of course subscribed members have full access.


Just an FYI so you don't trust the numbers completely.



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The part 1 file may have inflated numbers because the count is determined by file requests not actual completed downloads and may also be influenced by members who don't have the subscription or member rank to download all three parts in a single day. Of course subscribed members have full access.


Just an FYI so you don't trust the numbers completely.




Yeah, with part one being the largest part, I wonder how many with dial-up didn't get the complete download, and had to start it a second time.

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My point people is that if you have a problem with the mod take it up with me. The team members acted under my direction. I want them to know they did an awesome job on this and do not need to have any crap slung at them. They are the stars of the show and I along with everyone else should be thanking them or have thanked them.

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Anybody who doesn't fly the campaign is missing out on the best sim experience I've had since the old EF2000 days... the way this mod takes our favorite sim to another level is almost beyond description. Really, truly, excellent work by all involved...



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I have a question....wheres Stiglr? Oh wait didnt one of you JDAM his house? :lol:

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I downloaded all three parts, even if the speeds on my side were total crap. Going to try this now.


Dave: It is possible that eels got him. Oh wait.

Edited by kct

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Yeah man, I cleared the bird hot after he got removed...


Anyways, I downloaded it and so far the selection of aircraft definitely is nice. But it's hard to discount any mod due to game limitations. Every mod is a compromise between what you can do, and what you can't, so I definitely like it. :good:

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I found something new at least to me. I started a Navy campaign flying the F-18. I flew in real time to my target having to avoid quite a few sam launches. I made a gun run on the airfield and was in afterburner. As I came off, I banked pretty hard. I went to flyby view to watch myselft and right in front of me I watched as my wing shatered and fly apart sending me into a mess. Wow! It may not be new but I believe this is the first time in the TW series that I've had structural damage due to aircraft stress. I even checked debriefing to make sure some stray AAA didn't get me and sure enough it mentioned only that I had gone down.


I also saw my flight drop their own tanks and I assume go and deal with some threat as they did this on their own. At first I though he was hit by a sam but it was him dropping three tanks.


Now MIA I need to go start another campaign.

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I may even have to break down and actually FLY a campaign, which I haven't done since SF first came out.


I really gotta compliment comprnt for his missions ... the briefings alone are worth getting shot up for!! And the tiles are truely something else!!! (look good in Iran too....)


Most of you don't know, or don't remember this... the whole thing started with some nut-job that simply wanted to upgrade/update the DS_Targets.ini. Then all the other dudes showed up, and it took off an created an entire Life of It's Own ™.


My deep and humble thanks to all of you that jumped on the bandwagon, and turned a simple crappy mod into something spectacular.





kevin stein


ps: that nut-job was me :biggrin:

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I have a question....wheres Stiglr? Oh wait didnt one of you JDAM his house? :lol:


Nahh JDAM is too impersonal, we Snakeyed him :skull:


Oh and DS rocks, I had a few suprizes so far:


1. I totally utterly stink at landing the F-18 on a carrier, I guess I should had practiced carrier landings BEFORE I started NAVY campaign lol


2. Patrol boats are sneaky little bastards, that Jag I used for them is a write off


Anyway this MOD got me so much into it that I actually twitched when my A-10 got hit by shilkas in the middle of the night, I'd say this speaks A LOT ;-)

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I found something new at least to me. I started a Navy campaign flying the F-18. I flew in real time to my target having to avoid quite a few sam launches. I made a gun run on the airfield and was in afterburner. As I came off, I banked pretty hard. I went to flyby view to watch myselft and right in front of me I watched as my wing shatered and fly apart sending me into a mess. Wow! It may not be new but I believe this is the first time in the TW series that I've had structural damage due to aircraft stress. I even checked debriefing to make sure some stray AAA didn't get me and sure enough it mentioned only that I had gone down.


I also saw my flight drop their own tanks and I assume go and deal with some threat as they did this on their own. At first I though he was hit by a sam but it was him dropping three tanks.


Now MIA I need to go start another campaign.


I didn't think that structural stress was modeled in TW games. I've tried some maneuvers that in real life would certainly kill you and the air craft haven't failed before. Perhaps its an option in the ini?

Edited by zmatt

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WOW i'm have no words to describe this mod, it ROCKS DUDE , ROCKS !


The campaing is awesome, avoiding sams , migs and all the threads .



great job to all !!!!!!

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I have a question....wheres Stiglr? Oh wait didnt one of you JDAM his house? :lol:
:rofl: Stucklr KIA

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Dave, Your team ROCKS!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping: To the team, Well freakin done!!

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It´s awesome!

Thanks to everyone who worked on it.

Just downed 5 MiG´s in my first mission with the VF-102.

I had to make some ini edits to make it WoV able though

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I have a question....wheres Stiglr? Oh wait didnt one of you JDAM his house? :lol:


He followed the directions implicitly given to him by the quality of this mod :good: :

1. Open mouth

2. Insert foot

3. Swallow (African not european, monty python reference is irresistable)

4. Choke to death


There's no point in planes without a campaign to use them in!

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I'm like a little friggin' kid in a candy store!


I had been getting back into IL-2, due to this new UI from AAA. Downloaded and installed the 8 part, 250 MB each files. Yeah, Buddy, 2 GB!


Had just tweaked it in, and wandered by here as it had been a day or two, and, dared I hope?


Bingo, bango, it actually lives! Downloaded, patched up a fresh WoE install as it did so, installed, and tossed my pilots folder, and X52 config file.

Flew the Wobbly Goblin, the new Aardvarks, Falcons and Eagles over the range to get a feel.


IL-2? What was that again?


Now, over on the game rig, I had a dilemma. What beast to take into campaign? Let's hit the middle, and fire up a Falcon. Heading for Iraq on day one, over

excellent looking terrain, F6'ing my way through the different jets joining me. Immersive? Oh, yes. A flash back to days of yore?


Yeah, that too.


So far this rocks, the campaign is starting to rock, and youse guys just r00l!


Many, many thanks gentlemen... :good:




Many what? D'oh!

Edited by Spectre_USA

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I have a question....wheres Stiglr? Oh wait didnt one of you JDAM his house? :lol:


I did, but he saw me and got out of the house before it blew up.

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