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Hello Guys :grin:

just want to introduce myself...

My Name is Andy, I am living in a small German City near the German-Netherlands Border in Northrhine-Westfalia. I'm 37 Years old and I am playing OFF now for 1 Year.

It's a great Game, and I love it. As an old RB3D Player I must say it is a very big Step forward for those who love WW1 Air Combat :ok: I'm trying to write as good as I can, because after being 21 Years out of School my English is not the best at all...

I remember the old Times at the 80's when I was playing WINGS and RED BARON 1 and KNIGHTS OF THE SKY on my Amiga 2000, later then (when I got my first PC) FLYING CORPS and RED BARON 2, and now the next Step for me was OFF. I've also tried RoF, but I don't like the Campaign Mode :heat:


These are my wishes for Phase 4:


- Transfer to other Squadrons.

- Preview of my Personal Skin

- 2 or 3 Weeks every Year to leave for my Pilot

- More 2-Seaters or heavy Bombers

-Get more Medals or Promotions.

I'm always starting my Campaigns in October 1916 as Leutnant (2nd Lieutenant).

One year later with 50 Victories I am still only an Leutnant....

I think it depends on how many Missions are succesful or how many Missions are "just another logged Flight":dntknw: or am I wrong?

Best Wishes and have a nice day, Andy :drinks:




"I am a Hunter. When I've shot down an Englishman, my Hunting Passion is down for half an Hour." - Manfred von Richthofen


Edited by Andy73

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Welcome to the wonderful madhouse that is this forum... new guy buys the drinks... mine will be a coffee with a shot of schnapps...


as to the language I am in the same situation having moved to Vienna a few months ago with work and trying to remember mein deutsch...


Welcome to the War... :drinks:

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Welcome to our forums Andy, and our virtual skies! Always great to have another fan of OFF in our midst. I'd say your English is just fine Sir, far better than anything I could attempt in German. Our own Herr Olham will no doubt be welcoming you soon as well and he lives in your fair country. I am an old RB3D player myself and I love how OFF has taken the best elements of that sim and brought it into the next generation. I like that paint you are showing in your sig picture, did you do that one yourself? And yes, we are all awaiting P4 with our wish list of things we hope to see arriving in that.


As Slarti has pointed out, new guys buy the drinks! I'll have a coffee as well with cream, and a nice single malt shot on the side if you please. :drinks:







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Welcome Andy - your English is just fine :good:

Some of your wishes may come true when Phase 4 is released - the rest - well, lets wait and see :cool:

Edited by sandbagger

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Welcome, Andy - glad to have you with us. :salute:


And don't worry, your English is much better than my German. :good:

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willkomen auf CombatAce! your english is better than the limited duetsche i learned while stationed am Bayern. tho im not exactly a Great War guy this forum has alot of great off topic discussions and the site as a whole is a great place to come and hang your hat at the end of the day! until we meet again, tschuss!

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Welcome "Over Flanders Fields", Andy!

I will write to you in English, cause we may have better chances to understand English,

than most English speakers would have to understand German.

Great screenshot; you seem to have setup your graphics fine - could that be my "Shark Albatros" from MFJ-1?


I see your twon is named, so I will add you to our OFF Forum Pilots Maps.


Some of your wishes will definitely come true, others can be made possible.

So, if you want to change into another squadron, you just need to open your "Pilot Dossier" file,

and change the squadron line. It looks like this; the third (here in red) line is your Staffel :




Jasta 6








You find the files here:

(your sim's folder) > campaigns > CampaignData > Pilots

(The pilot will always be one number higher than in your ingame log.)


You simply change that line into the name of the new Staffel and save it.

On the next start of the sim, it may stills how your old Staffel in the Log, but after the next flight, it will be changed.

Best make a backup copy of the "Pilots" folder, just to be on the save side.


Oh, and one last remark: "Over Flanders fields" in NOT a game! You will see... :grin:


PS: that Richthofen quote is one of those of his words, which make me shudder - like another dark quote

of Mick Mannock does (which I won't repeat here).

Edited by Olham

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Thanks to all of you for this warm Welcome... :clapping:


@Louvert: No, it's not a Skin from myself, I've found it Months ago in the Download Section here. It's called Albatros D.V HAIFISCH (Shark) :good:





Thanks Olham (alter Berliner Jung:bye: ) for these Tipps. Will try it!


@all: I am not the Coffee-Drinker, I prefer a good Bunch of German Beer (Krombacher) :rofl:

Could anyone need one? :bye:

Edited by Andy73

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Your screenshot shows, that I should improve that skin at the front bottom end.

I will have a "virtual Krombacher" then, thank you! It's a good beer.


Andy73 and elephant: I have added you both to our OFF Pilots Maps now.




Don't worry for not yet being an OFF Pilot, elephant - we all know you're already digging

through instructions and handbooks, waiting for your plane to arrive.

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:salute:Welcome to the meat grinder. Languages can be a problem, I know ,but you can get along. :drinks: I will have Champagne Vintage 1901 , please.:rofl:

Edited by carrick58

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Welcome! drinks.gif Whenever chaps start mentioning wines and their years, I always seem to remember that hilarious scene in The Blue Max when Stachel offers Willy the Countesses' wine. "Excellent...................... what year is it?"

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Welcome Andy,


May you make lots of great friends on the forum.




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Guest British_eh

Greetings mate, welcome aboard. Your timing is good. Olham has his DiD campaign on, and there is some good stuff in the Sticky section with the General Help, and the SIA-RSS Settings and Pilot Guides.





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Welcome Andy!


You'll find that this is a very friendly forum. See you in the officer's pub!





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servus andy,


erstmal willkommen,


since you are german, you might be interested in the homebrew in the download section. it contains a "news mod" which overhauls the custom news completely. it has more than 300 news and pictures of the original heeresbericht and it will appear at the same date, as it was in real. it's completely in german.

maybe other usefull stuff too as a german flyer.


have fun and oh, i'd like to have a leinburger bier.





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Welcome to forum Andy. Your language are great and much better than mine. Good thing is here have lot of people many places around the world and not all speak english as their mother language, but we be fine understand each other. I have played too all kind of ww1 games now over 20 years like surely rest of our team. Nice skin btw ;)

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